Code of Conduct

The Society for Developmental Biology supports an environment for the exchange of scientific ideas that is grounded in dignity and respect for all program participants.  The Society understands that a diverse, inclusive and collegial community culture promotes scientific creativity and progress, and it endeavors to adhere to this culture in all its educational, outreach, conference and awards activities.

Program participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to treat each other with respect.  This expectation applies to the Board of Directors, other volunteers, members, event attendees, employees, consultants, vendors, and others while at the Society office, while representing the Society elsewhere, and while attending events organized by the Society.  

Program participants shall not improperly interfere with another’s ability to participate fully in the Society’s activities.  In particular, unacceptable behaviors include:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or offensive nature
  • Intimidating, harassing, bullying, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning speech or actions
  • Inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images or descriptions in public spaces (including presentations, presentation slides, or posters)
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
  • Harassing photography
  • Unwelcome and uninvited attention or contact
  • Physical assault (including unwelcome touch or groping)
  • Real or implied threat of physical, professional, or financial harm

No Violence Policy
The Society has adopted a policy of “zero-tolerance” with respect to violence in the Society office, while representing the Society elsewhere, and while attending events organized by the Society.  The Society prohibits acts or threats of violence by any program participant.  In addition, the Society will not tolerate acts or threats of violence against program participants.

The Society may take any and all appropriate actions in response to violations of this Code of Conduct. Consequences may include: removal from an event; exclusion from future Society events; and termination of membership in the Society. 

If a program participant is the victim of, or a witness to, any conduct which they believe violates this policy or is otherwise detrimental to the Society, they are asked to promptly report it.

If the conduct alleged occurred at a Society event and is reported while the event is ongoing, the report should be made to the Executive Director, any Society Officer, or the primary event organizer in attendance.  The person receiving such a report shall notify the Executive Committee as soon as practical. The Society may take preliminary action, including directing a person to leave the event, pending a more complete investigation and resolution.

If a report is made outside of an event, including after an event has concluded, then the report should be made to the Society Executive Director or Society President, who will initiate an investigation.

To the extent possible consistent with a fair and thorough investigation and as allowed by law, the identity of persons involved in an incident, i.e., alleged Code violation perpetrators, targets, and witnesses, will be considered confidential and disclosed only to persons with a need to know, as determined by the Society. The Society reserves the right to report the outcome of an incident, including any disciplinary action, to third parties the Society believes have a legitimate interest.

Any person who is the subject of a report shall be recused from participating in the disposition of the matter.

No Retaliation
No person may be subjected to retaliation of any kind for reporting in good faith, either as a target or as a witness, alleged violations of this Code. 

 Effective date:  July 10, 2024