
20th International Congress of Developmental Biology Program

Wednesday, June 18 - Sunday, June 22

The 20th International Congress will begin with the Presidential Symposium on Wednesday, June 18 at 4:30 PM (AT) and end with the Closing Reception on Sunday, June 22 beginning at 6:00 PM (AT).

Invited Speakers

headshot of Yasuko Akiyama-Oda

Yasuko Akiyama-Oda

Biohistory Research Hall
headshot of Alexander Aulehla

Alexander Aulehla

European Molecular Biology Laboratory
headshot of Shelby Blythe

Shelby Blythe

Northwestern University

headshot of Déborah Bourc'his

Déborah Bourc'his

Institut Curie
headshot of Heather Bruce

Heather Bruce

The University of British Columbia
headshot of Benoit Bruneau

Benoit Bruneau

Gladstone Institutes
University of California, San Francisco
headshot of Jorge Casal

Jorge Casal

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Fundación Instituto Leloir
headshot of Cheng Ming Chuong

Cheng-Ming Chuong

University of Southern California
headshot of Justin Crocker

Justin Crocker

European Molecular Biology Laboratory
headshot of Alfredo Cruz-Ramirez

Alfredo Cruz-Ramirez

headshot of Stefan de Folter

Stefan de Folter

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute
headshot of Andres Dekanty

Andrés Dekanty

National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET)
headshot of Stefano Di Talia

Stefano Di Talia

Duke University
headshot of Cassandra Extavour

Cassandra Extavour

Harvard University
headshot of D'Juan Farmer

D’Juan Farmer

University of California, Los Angeles
headshot of Jessica Feldman

Jessica Feldman

Stanford University
headshot of Jose Garcia-Arrarás

José García-Arrarás

University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus
headshot of Bob Goldstein

Bob Goldstein

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
headshot of Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitan

Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitan

University of Switzerland
headshot of Jerome Gros

Jérôme Gros

Institut Pasteur
headshot of Anja Groth

Anja Groth

University of Copenhagen
headshot of Tsuyoshi Hirashima

Tsuyoshi Hirashima

National University of Singapore
headshot of Sally Horne-Badovinac

Sally Horne-Badovinac

University of Chicago
headshot of Aissam Ikmi

Aissam Ikmi

European Molecular Biology Laboratory
headshot of Robb Krumlauf

Robb Krumlauf

Stowers Institute for Medical Research
headshot of Megan Martik

Megan Martik

University of California, Berkeley
headshot of Roberto Mayor

Roberto Mayor

University College London
headshot of Margaret McFall-Ngai

Margaret McFall-Ngai

California Institute of Technology
headshot of Eskeatnaf Mulugeta

Eskeatnaf Mulugeta

Erasmus University Medical Center
headshot of Rosa Estela Navarro González

Rosa Estela Navarro González

National Autonomous University of Mexico
headshot of Angela Nieto

Ángela Nieto

Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante
headshot of Christian Petersen

Christian Petersen

Northwestern University
headshot of Michael Piacentino

Michael Piacentino

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
headshot of Seung Yon (Sue) Rhee

Seung Yon (Sue) Rhee

Michigan State University
headshot of Daniel Rios Barrera

Daniel Ríos Barrera

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
headshot of Tatjana Sauka-Spengler

Tatjana Sauka-Spengler

Stowers Institute for Medical Research
headshot of David Sherwood

David Sherwood

Duke University
headshot of Ahna Skop

Ahna Skop

University of WisconsinMadison
headshot of Mansi Srivastava

Mansi Srivastava

Harvard University
headshot of Yi-Hsien Su

Yi-Hsien Su

Academia Sinica
headshot of Margherita Turco

Margherita Turco

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
headshot of Gert Jan Veenstra

Gert Jan C. Veenstra

Radboud University
headshot of Pablo Wappner

Pablo Wappner

National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET)
headshot of Aryeh Warmflash

Aryeh Warmflash

Rice University
headshot of Jessica Whited

Jessica Whited

Harvard University
headshot of Andrea Wills

Andrea Wills

University of Washington
headshot of Magdalena Zernika-Goetz

Magdalena Zernika-Goetz

University of Cambridge, California Institute of Technology

Award Lectures

headshot of Denis Duboule

Denis Duboule

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Ross G. Harrison Medal
headshot of Blance Capel

Blanche Capel

Duke University
Edwin G. Conklin Medal
headshot of Billie Swalla

Billie Swalla

University of Washington
Developmental Biology-Society for Developmental Biology Lifetime Achievement Award
headshot of Erica Crespi

Erica Crespi

Washington State University
Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize
headshot of Mubarak Hussain Syed

Mubarak Hussain Syed

The University of New Mexico
Elizabeth D. Hay New Investigator Award
headshot Joaquin Navajas Acedo with his avatar on his shoulder

Joaquin Navajas Acedo

Biozentrum at University of Basel
Society for Developmental Biology Trainee Science Communication Award