Virtual Library-Developmental Biology
This Virtual Library maintained by Society for Developmental Biology.
Search Engines and Other Resources
- Google is a terrific search engine.
- About.com has a subject guide and Web searching features.
- Alta Vista, efficient for searching of the Web
- Yahoo: Subject guide and text searching
of the Web
- Fast Search lives up to its name
- Excite's concept searching is highly effective.
- Hotbot, from Hotwired and Inktomi, another terrific search engine
- search.com has the Infoseek engine plus more obscure topic-oriented choices
Other Resources
- Academia Exchange has the Science Exchange with Colloquia & Seminars, Conferences & Symposia, Summer Schools & Workshops, Faculty & Research Openings, Professional Organizations, Nature Expos -Natural History Museums/Research Centers, plus Planetariums, Botanical Gardens & Parks, Aquariums & Zoos, and Astronomical Observatories & Science Labs. This site also includes the Science & Technology Shopping Marts and the Science Entertainment Center.
- Biolinks A search engine designed by scientists, for scientists with a broad list of Biotech Companies, Journals, Associations, software, meetings and career opportunities.
- BIOSCI This site has a set of electronic communication forums to promote communication between professionals in the biological sciences.
- BioMedLink An evaluated and annotated database of Internet resources for the bio/medical community. You'll also find links to a job exchange, MEDLINE, and the HMS Beagle online magazine. Start a BioMedLink Search.
- MEDLINE Search the complete MEDLINE database or the Molecular Biology subset of MEDLINE.
- OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man)a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders authored and edited by Dr. Victor A. McKusick and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere, and developed for the Web by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). This database contains textual information, pictures, and reference information. It also contains links to NCBI's Entrez database, MEDLINE articles, and sequence information.
- WWW Virtual Library Biosciences index
- The WWW Virtual Library Directory
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Developmental Biology
Published by Elsevier Science under Auspices of Society for Developmental Biology