About the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB)
The purpose of the Society for Developmental Biology is to further the study of development in all organisms and at all levels, to represent and promote communication among students of development, and to promote the field of developmental biology.
- Awards
- The Society for Developmental Biology
presents three major awards, the E.G. Conklin Medal, the
Developmental Biology-Society for Developmental Biology Lifetime
Achievement Award and the Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize. Six Latin American-Caribbean Scholarships and a limited number of travel awards are also given to students and post-doctoral fellow members to attend the SDB
Annual Meeting.
New Guidelines for Funding of
Non-SDB Meetings Coming Soon
- SDB Board of Directors 2005-2006
- Officers:
- President - Elliot Meyerowitz ('06)
- Secretary - Phil Benfey ('06)
- Treasurer - David McClay ('08)
- Members:
- President-elect - Gail Martin ('06)
- Past-president - Judith Kimble ('06)
- Junior Faculty Representative - Kristin Artinger ('07)
- Canada Representative - Howard Lipshitz ('06)
- Northeast Representative - Deborah Yelon (‘08)
- Mid-Atlantic Representative - Dan Kessler ('07)
- Southeast Representative - Terry Magnuson ('06)
- Midwest Representative - Cathy Krull (’08)
- Southwest Representative - H. Joseph Yost ('08)
- Northwest Representative - Jan Christian ('07)
- West Coast Representative - Marianne Bronner-Fraser ('07)
- Professional Development and Education Committee
- Chair - Bill Wood ('06)
- Meeting Sites Committee Chair - Howard Lipshitz ('06)
- Developmental Biology Editor-in-Chief - Eric Olson
- Webmaster - Ren
Barnes ([email protected]) - Executive Officer - Ida Chow
([email protected])
- Term ending in parentheses
From the Past-President, Judith Kimble
(pdf file)
- Position Statements of the SDB
- Moratorium On Cloning Of Human Beings
- Statement from the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) Board of Trustees on President Bush's Decision on Federal Funding for Limited Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, August 16, 2001
- Bylaws of the SDB (pdf file)
- SDB Articles of Incorporation (pdf file)
- History
- A History Compiled for SDB's 60th Anniversary
- Organizers of Symposia & Officers of the SDB
- Past Meetings with Programs, Awards & Photos

Developmental Biology
Published by Elsevier Science
under Auspices of Society for Developmental Biology