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Membership Section
2005 SDB Membership Renewal
Membership renewal
processing takes 48 hours. Eligibility for member discounts takes effect
after completion of this renewal processing.
Membership Application
Membership applications are
reviewed at the end of each month, and welcome letters are mailed early the
following month.
Click here to
update membership information
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Directory for Current SDB Members
Lab Web Sites of SDB Members
- In Memory of:
- Richard J. Goss, 1925 -1996
- Jane Marion Oppenheimer, 1911-1996
- Clement L. Markert, 1917-1999
- James W. Lash, 1929-2000
- Thomas J. King, 1921-2000
- Viktor Hamburger, 1900-2001
- James David Ebert, 1921-2001
- Merton Bernfield, 1939-2002 (PDF 487 KB)
- Judith Croxdale, 1941-2002 (PDF 103 KB)
- Edward B. Lewis, 1918-2004
- Obituary by Howard Lipshitz published in
“The Independent” with permission of the publisher, (PDF 82 KB)
The Society
for Developmental Biology was founded in 1939 (as the Society for the
Study of Development and Growth) to bring together the fields of Genetics and
Experimental Embryology and to further the study of development in all organisms
and at all levels.
Today, the SDB
brings together educators and researchers pioneering the exploding fields of developmental
biology, developmental genetics, evolution and development, embryonic stem cell
biology, genomics and human disease including birth defects and cancer. The SDB
fosters the growth and development of its membership and seeks to educate the
public on the importance and potential of developmental biology in science and
The Board of Directors
would like to encourage you to become a member of the Society for Developmental
Biology and join your professional peers. Advantages of membership include:
- Online subscription to the Society's
acclaimed journal, Developmental Biology, included in
Full Membership dues; and lower subscription rates for the printed version.
- SDB members enjoy significantly
lower registration rates for the annual meeting, which focuses on breadth,
both in science and in participants. Participation of graduate students, postdoctoral
fellows and junior faculty is actively encouraged. Plenary Sessions present cutting
edge research from leaders of several fields. Parallel Symposia include presenters
chosen from the abstracts. Poster sessions span the entire meeting to foster discussion.
Education sessions focus on funding, career opportunities and K-graduate education
issues. Special presentations include the esteemed Conklin Medal and lecture,
the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Victor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize.
Student and postdoctoral members are eligible to apply for travel awards; and
student members may compete for poster prizes, including a round-trip airfare
to the meeting of the British Society for Developmental Biology.
- Regional meetings: small, intimate
meetings network researchers/educators in your area; low cost; Strong focus on
the participation of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty.
- SDB membership in the Federation
of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) provides members
a voice in policy-making decisions regarding graduate education, science policy
and government agency funding of research. FASEB is our representation at important
Congressional hearings. SDB has led policy-making discussions on topics of animal
cloning and stem cell research. SDB full and postdoctoral members are included
in the FASEB Directory (online and print versions).
- A highly rated SDB website (www.sdbonline.org).
Members can advertise positions available, link to their lab web sites and authored
books. Other features include a link to Developmental Biology; "Ask a Developmental
Biology Question" of experts in our membership; an online Directory of Members
via FASEB Directory, information about courses, educational and research resources,
and funding opportunities.
- Discounted journal subscription
rates from several publishers.
If you are not a member,
please join and have the satisfaction of belonging to the Society that best represents
your professional interests. If you are a member, please pass this information
on to your students, postdoctoral fellows and colleagues and encourage them to
join. Download and print out an application
or use the application in the back of every issue of Developmental Biology. Note,
members can renew their membership online.
Note: If you have questions about membership in the SDB, contact Ida Chow, Society for Developmental Biology, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998, phone (301)
634-7815, fax (301) 634-7825, or e-mail [email protected].

Developmental Biology
Published by Elsevier Science
under Auspices of Society for Developmental Biology