Virtual Library-Developmental Biology
This Virtual Library maintained by Society for Developmental Biology.
Educational Resources Index
- Society for Developmental Biology's Educational Resources A section of the SDB Web site with information related to teaching and learning about developmental biology for K-college teachers and students. It serves as an educational resource for everyone interested in developmental biology.
- Cell Biology Education is an online, quarterly journal owned and published by The American Society for Cell Biology.
- Microbiology Education Journal is a peer-reviewed online publication of the American Society for Microbiology.
- Access Excellence is a national educational program at the National Health Museum, that puts high school biology teachers in touch with their colleagues, scientists and critical sources of new scientific information through an online network.
- Biology Online offers biological information in the form of tutorials, diagrams links and an online dictionary. The site covers developmental biology, cell biology, genetics, genetic engineering, homeostasis, selective breeding, freshwater ecology and much more.
- The Biology Project, developed at The University of Arizona, has a Developmental Mechanisms problem set designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of development in a variety of organisms.
- Embryo Images-Normal and Abnormal Mammalian Development is a tutorial that uses scanning electron micrographs (SEMs) as the primary resource to teach mammalian embryology. Kathleen Sulik and Peter Bream at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill built this tutorial.
- Amphibian Embryology Tutorial Jeff Hardin at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, built and maintains this tutorial to supplement his in-class instruction and textbook resources. It's a great site for undergraduates studying amphibian development--lots of graphics and movies.
- THE ZEBRAFISH BOOK A guide for the laboratory use of zebrafish, Danio rerio
- Cell Biology Laboratory Manual - An extensive list of molecular and cellular biology protocols and techniques from Gustavus Adolphus College. Appendixes include: units and measures; statistics; graphs; computers; image analysis; centrifugation; spectrophotometry; radioactive tracers; photography; and chemical preparations. An excellent place to search for any standard molecular/cellular biology protocol.
- C. elegans Movies A visual introduction to C. elegans and its development. This page has links to timelapse movies made by C. elegans researchers worldwide. For more information about worms, see the C. elegans web page. Contents include: Embryos; RNAi Screens; Larvae and Adults; Techniques
- The Dictyostelium (Cellular Slime Mold) Virtual Library Home Page
- Mary Tyler's Developmental Biology web site that's devoted to education in developmental biology. It augments her and Ron Kozlowski's Vade Mecum CD and Tyler laboratory manual and includes among other things videos, a searchable glossary, recipes, staging series, interactive puzzles, a history section, and updated news pages.
- The Coaltion for Education in the Life Sciences (CELS) web site links to dozens of undergraduate education resources, organized by biological discipline and posted by professional societies. CELS is a national coalition of professional societies that have joined together to improve undergraduate education in the life sciences.
- Sea Urchin Embryology. This site presents a set of laboratory modules that use sea urchins to demonstrate fertilization and early development. Developed for use in courses for high school, junior college, or lower division college biology labs, the site presents comprehensive resources including lab exercises, overheads and handouts, and extra information for the instructor.
- Education at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- EXCITESfor scientists who would like some ideas for hands-on activities to bring to the K-6 classroom; examples from Life, Earth and Physical Sciences.
- The Interactive Flya cyberspace guide to Drosophila genes and their roles in development.
- Marine Models Electronic Record A peer-reviewed electronic journal and database on aquatic organisms of special value in biomedical research, published by the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA. Not all articles are developmentally relevant, but some are and many future articles will be.
- Mark Hill's Embryology Resource of concepts in embryological development that covers early development, systematic development, developmental abnormalites and molecular mechanisms. Resources include Carnegie stage 13/14 and stage 22 embryos cut in serial section, the human Carnegie stages, brief introductory descriptions, OMIM database refs and links to related www resources.
- Human Embryological Modelling, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Home of the British Universities Human Embryo Database, as well as, useful information about 3D reconstruction of sections of human embryos; there are examples of many anatomical and embryological projects using digital media, including downloadable examples of animations and software.
- Normal Development of the Human Heart using 3D reconstructions.
- Embryological Development of Human
- Human Developmental Anatomy Center (National Museum of Health and Medicine)
- Leon Browder's Virtual Embryothe site that keeps on developing; Dynamic Developmenta modular resource to facilitate learning in developmental biology
- The Visible Embryo This site has an on-line tutorial teaching the first four weeks of human development; it illustrates the early development of human embryos; it's useful to infertile and expectant parents, to students of embryology and many other people.There're lots of links to other useful embryology sites here, too.
- Visible Embryo Project The Visible Embryo Project is a collaborative effort by the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Communications Engineering Branch (CEB), the Human Developmental Anatomy Center (HDAC) at the National Museum of Health and Medicine at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) in Washington, D.C., and the National Institute of Child and Human Development, to show how a collection of existing histological material could enhance medical research. One such collection, the Carnegie Collection of Human Development, consists of 10,000 human embryos spanning the 23 stages of embryo development. Many of the embryos have been sectioned and a small subset has been reconstructed using 3D visualization software. Accompanying this collection is a small textual database describing characteristics of 552 of the embryos.
- University of Pennsylvania Basic Embryology Review Program A program covering human embryo development.
- Cell & Molecular Biology Online is a general resource for the biology community with an emphasis on information for cell and molecular biologists.
- Wadsworth's Wonderful Worms This is a research laboratory studying developmental neurobiology and the extracellular matrix. The nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, is used as a model animal for genetic and molecular biology studies. The site includes self-scoring quizes, worm cartoons, and animations for java enabled browsers.
- Brad Stith's lab Web site, University of Colorado Denver, has animations of hormone signaling in Xenopus oocytes, and fertilization. Time Lapse video is shown for gravitational rotation, surface contraction waves (due to intracellular [calcium] wave) and cleavage are shown. Course packets for Cell Biology, Cell Signaling, Developmental Biology and Advanced Cell Biology are noted. A THE Journal on the use of the web in teaching, and a discussion on obtaining grant funding at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions is present.
- Bill Wasserman's Developmental Biology Page The Developmental Biology Page contains links to Web sites for Drosophila, amphibian, zebrafish, C. elegans, sea urchin and Arabidopsis development. There are also several movies and animations of developmental processes.
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Developmental Biology
Published by Elsevier Science under Auspices of Society for Developmental Biology