The Interactive Fly
Zygotically transcribed genes
Innate immunity is essential for metazoans to fight microbial infections. Genome-wide expression profiling was used to analyze the outcome of impairing specific signaling pathways after microbial challenge. These transcriptional patterns can be dissected into distinct groups. In addition to signaling through either the Toll/NFkappaB or Imd/Relish pathways, signaling through the JNK and JAK/STAT pathways controls distinct subsets of targets induced by microbial agents. Each pathway shows a specific temporal pattern of activation and targets different functional groups, suggesting that innate immune responses are modular and recruit distinct physiological programs. In particular, the results may imply a close link between the control of tissue repair and antimicrobial processes (Boutros, 2002).
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are the principal cell wall components of gram-negative bacteria. In mammals, exposure to LPS causes septic shock through a Toll-like receptor TLR4-dependent signaling pathway. LPS treatment of Drosophila SL2 cells leads to rapid expression of antimicrobial peptides, such as Cecropins (Cec). SL2 cells resemble embryonic hemocytes and have also been used as a model system to study JNK and other signaling pathways. LPS-responsive induction of the antimicrobial peptides AttacinA (AttA), Diptericin (Dipt), and Cec relies on IKK and Relish. In order to obtain a broad overview on the transcriptional response to LPS in Drosophila, genome-wide expression profiles of SL2 cells were generated at different time points following LPS treatment. Altered expression of 238 genes was detected (Boutros, 2002).
In time-course experiments, a complex pattern of gene expression was observed that can be separated into different temporal clusters. A first group, with peak expression at 60 min after LPS, primarily consists of cytoskeletal regulators, signaling, and proapoptotic factors. This group includes cytoskeletal and cell adhesion modulators such as Matrix metalloprotease-1, WASp, Myosin, and Ninjurin, proapoptotic factors such as Reaper, and signaling proteins such as Puckered and VEGF-2. A second group, with peak expression at 120 min, includes many known defense and immunity genes, such as Cec, Mtk, and AttA, but not the gram-positive-induced peptide Drs. Interestingly, this cluster also includes PGRP-SA, which is a gram-positive pattern recognition receptor in vivo, suggesting possible crossregulation between gram-positive- and gram-negative-induced factors. A third group is transiently downregulated upon LPS stimulation. This cluster includes genes that play a role in cell cycle control, such as String and Rca1. Altogether, these results show that, in response to LPS, a defined gram-negative stimulus, cells elicit a complex transcriptional response (Boutros, 2002).
In adult Drosophila, gram-negative bacteria elicit an antimicrobial response mediated by a signaling pathway that involves the intracellular factors Imd, Tak1, IkappaB kinase Kenny (Key), and Rel. On the basis the expression profiling results, it was reasoned that the temporal waves of transcriptional activity in SL2 cells might reflect different signaling pathway contributions. It was therefore asked whether selectively removing signaling components by RNA interference (RNAi) would block induction of all, or only parts, of the transcriptional response to LPS (Boutros, 2002).
The effect of removing key or rel by RNAi was investigated. The expression profiles demonstrate that removing key or rel diminishes the induction of antimicrobial peptides. However, the induction of cytoskeletal and proapoptotic factors was not affected. In contrast, removing tak1 reduces the level of induction or repression for all identified genes, indicating that LPS-induced signaling is transmitted through Tak1 and that specific pathways branch downstream of Tak1 (Boutros, 2002).
In the Rel-independent group, several transcripts were identified that are indicative of other signaling events. For example, puc is transcriptionally regulated by JNK signaling during embryonic development. Therefore, the effect of removing SAPK/JNK activity was tested on LPS-induced transcripts. mkk4/hep dsRNA-treated cells lose the ability to induce the Rel-independent cluster, indicating that LPS signaling branches downstream of Tak1 into separate Rel- and JNK-dependent branches. To validate the results obtained from the microarray experiments, quantitative PCR (qPCR) was performed using puc and cec mRNA levels as indicators for Imd/Rel- or Mkk4/Hep-dependent pathways. Additionally, the effect of removing imd, which, in vivo, acts upstream of Tak1, was tested to clarify whether, in addition to Tak1, other known upstream components of a gram-negative signaling pathway are required for both Rel- and Mkk4/Hep-dependent pathways. These qPCR experiments confirm that cec is dependent for its expression on Imd, Tak1, Rel, and Key, whereas LPS-induced puc expression is dependent on Imd, Tak1, and Mkk4/Hep. Hence, the immunity signaling pathway in response to LPS bifurcates downstream of Imd and Tak1 into Rel- and SAPK/JNK-dependent branches. Both the Rel and SAPK/JNK pathways regulate different functional groups of downstream target genes (Boutros, 2002).
While both Rel and Mkk4/Hep pathways are downstream of Imd and Tak1 in response to LPS, the two downstream branches elicit different temporal expression patterns. It was then asked whether the first transcriptional response is controlled by downstream targets that might negatively feed back into the signaling circuit. puc was a candidate for such a transcriptionally induced negative regulator. Expression profiles of cells depleted for puc were tested before and after a 60 min LPS treatment. These experiments showed that transcripts dependent on the Mkk4/Hep branch of LPS signaling are upregulated, even without further LPS stimulus. In contrast, Rel branch targets are not influenced. puc dsRNA-treated cells show loss of the typical round cell shape. These cells appear flat and have a delocalized Actin staining, consistent with a deregulation of cytoskeletal modulators in puc-deficient cells (Boutros, 2002).
The analysis of expression profiles shows that, while SAPK/JNK and Rel signaling are controlled by the same Imd/Tak1 cascade, they appear to have different feedback loops. Whereas Rel signaling induces Rel expression and thereby generates a self-sustaining loop, possibly leading to the maintenance of target gene expression, the SAPK/JNK branch induces an inhibitor and thereby establishes a self-correcting feedback loop. These results may explain how a single upstream cascade can lead to different dynamic patterns (Boutros, 2002).
Septic injury of adult Drosophila is a widely used model system to study innate immune responses in vivo. To explore the signaling pathways that control induced genes in vivo, genome-wide expression profiles were generated of adult Drosophila infected by septic injury. Equal numbers of male and female adult Oregon R flies were infected with a mixture of E. coli (gram negative) and M. luteus (gram positive). Subsequently, flies were collected at 1, 3, 6, 24, 48, and 72 hr time points post-septic injury to measure temporal changes in gene expression levels. Computational analysis identified a list of 223 genes that were differentially regulated and matched the filtering criteria for at least two time points after microbial infection. This set includes 197 genes that are transiently upregulated and 26 that are transiently downregulated upon immune challenge. Different temporal profiles of gene expression can be detected in this analysis; clusters of genes differed significantly in the timing and persistence of induction. For example, whereas many genes are expressed transiently shortly after infection, others are induced late and are still upregulated at a 72 hr time point. A significant number of genes of both early and late clusters are differentially expressed at a 6 hr time point after infection, which was chosen for further analysis (Boutros, 2002).
The signaling requirements for these differentially expressed transcripts were examined in mutant alleles of known Toll and Imd/Rel pathway components, reasoning that additional pathways might be uncovered by analyzing patterns that cannot be reconciled with expected signaling patterns. Flies homozygous for loss-of-function mutations in tube, key, or rel were infected with gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and expression profiles were generated for a 6 hr time point after infection. In addition, noninfected Tl10b, a gain-of-function allele of the receptor, and cact, a homolog of the inhibitory factor IkappaB, were used to monitor transcripts that are constitutively expressed in gain-of-function signaling mutants. The antimicrobial peptides dipt and drosomycin (drs) are representative targets for the Toll and Imd/Rel pathways, respectively. dipt induction is not detectable in the expression profiles in either a rel or key mutant background, whereas its expression is not affected in tube mutants. In contrast, drs relies on Tube to convey a Toll-dependent signal. Consistently, the expression profiles show that, in a tube mutant background, drs expression is diminished. These experiments showed that the analysis of mutant expression profiles can be used to deduce signaling requirements for distinct target groups (Boutros, 2002).
Toward a computational annotation of signaling pathways, a pattern-matching strategy was employed to rank transcripts by similarity to bona fide Toll or Imd/Rel pathway targets, such as dipt and drs. A set of 91 transcripts that matched the filtering criteria was analyzed for differential expression at a 6 hr time point after septic injury. To determine their dependence on known immunity signaling pathways, the correlation coefficients were calculated of the individual gene expression level in mutant backgrounds to binary Toll or Imd/Rel patterns. Genes were subsequently ordered according to their correlation coefficients for each pathway signature. Using this strategy, transcripts were separated that primarily belong to either the Toll or Imd/Rel pathway groups. For example, genes that show a high correlation coefficient for a Toll pathway pattern include drs, transferrin, a secreted iron binding protein, IM2, and a cluster of homologous secreted peptides at 55C9. These genes have a low correlation coefficient for an Imd/Rel pattern, indicating that they are primarily dependent on Toll pathway signaling in response to microbial infection. In contrast, a group of genes score low for a Toll pathway pattern but have high correlation coefficients for an Imd/Rel pattern. This group includes known gram-negative antimicrobial peptides, such as cec and dipt, peptidoglycan receptor-like genes (PGRP-SD, PGRP-SB1), other small transcripts (CG10332), and genes coding for putative transmembrane proteins, such as CG3615 (Boutros, 2002).
Interestingly, some genes do not fit either pattern, suggesting that they are regulated by other pathways. One group of genes, including cytoskeletal factors such as actin88F, flightin, and tpnC41C, is induced in Tl10b, but not in cact, mutants. In contrast, totM and CG11501 are expressed at high levels in cact mutant flies but are not expressed in Tl10b mutant flies. In addition, these transcripts are highly inducible in a tube genetic background, but they are not inducible in key or rel. This may suggest that Toll, Tube, and Cact do not act in a linear pathway under all circumstances. Moreover, rel shows an expression pattern suggesting that it is regulated by both the Imd/Rel and Toll pathways. Thus, these results indicate that, in addition to the canonical Toll and Imd pathways, other signaling events and possibly signaling pathway branching contribute to the complex expression patterns after septic injury. Finally, there is a strong correlation between pathway requirement and temporal expression pattern. Whereas Toll targets are exclusively found in the sustained cluster, Imd/Rel targets are expressed early and transiently after septic injury. The two additional clusters with noncanonical patterns show temporal patterns distinct from either Toll or Imd pathways (Boutros, 2002).
It was reasoned that the patterns observed in the mutant analysis might reflect the contributions of additional signaling pathways. Also, these noncanonical clusters show distinct temporal expression patterns, suggesting that they are separately controlled. One group of genes consists primarily of cytoskeletal regulators and structural proteins that are expressed early on, with peak expression at 3 hr. These include several muscle-specific proteins, thus possibly reflecting the organ that is injured during injection. For example, flightin (fln) encodes a cytoskeletal structural protein expressed in the indirect flight muscle (Boutros, 2002).
Since the expression of cytoskeletal genes after LPS stimulation is dependent on a JNK cascade, whether removing JNK activity in vivo affects the induction of fln was examined. In Drosophila, JNK signaling pathways have been previously implicated in epithelial sheet movements during embryonic and pupal development, a process that has been likened to wound-healing responses. hep1 (JNKK) mutants, which are impaired in JNK signaling, the induction of fln is diminished, whereas the expression of the antimicrobial peptide dipt is not affected. A test was performed to see whether fln induction in Tl loss-of-function alleles is affected. These experiments show that fln expression is lost in Tl mutants, suggesting that Toll acts upstream of a JNK pathway to induce septic injury-induced target genes (Boutros, 2002).
The clustering revealed a second noncanonical group with small proteins that are expressed late and transiently with peak expression at 6 hr after septic injury. One of the clustered transcripts, CG11501, encodes a small Cys-rich protein that is 115 amino acids long and is strongly induced after septic injury. By RT-PCR, it was confirmed that CG11501 is upregulated after septic injury. In order to characterize how CG11501 is controlled after microbial challenge, a candidate pathway approach was undertaken. In an independent study, it was found that totM gene induction, which is part of the same cluster, is dependent on a JAK/STAT signaling pathway. Whether CG11501 induction requires JAK/STAT signaling was examined. Mutations in JAK/STAT pathways in Drosophila have been implicated in various processes during embryonic and larval development. In Anopheles, STAT is activated in response to bacterial infection. Similarly, gain-of-function STAT has been implicated in the transcriptional control of thiolester proteins. Mutant alleles of hopscotch (hop), the Drosophila homolog of JAK were examined. Quantitative PCR shows that CG11501 induction after septic injury is diminished in hop loss-of-function mutants, whereas the expression of Toll and Imd targets drs, and cec is not affected (Boutros, 2002).
This study shows that in addition to known innate immune cascades, JNK and JAK/STAT are required for the transcriptional response during microbial challenge. One transcriptional signature of small secreted peptides can be traced to JAK/STAT signaling. Additionally, JNK signaling controls cytoskeletal genes after an LPS stimulus and after septic injury in vivo. Both in cells and in vivo, JNK pathways are connected to the same upstream signaling cassette that induces NFkappaB targets. Altogether, these results suggest that innate immune signaling pathways closely link cytoskeletal remodeling, as required for tissue repair, and direct antimicrobial actions. The data also provide insights into the connection of temporal patterns and the activation of distinct signaling pathways (Boutros, 2002).
NFkappaB pathways play a central role for innate and adaptive immune response in mammals. In innate immune responses, TLRs on dendritic cells recognize microbial agents and activate NFkappaB, leading to the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and other costimulatory factors required to initiate an adaptive immune response. Additionally, other signaling pathways have been implicated at later stages during immune responses in mammals, but their physiological role in innate immunity remains rather poorly understood. For example, several cytokines, such as IL-6 and IL-11, signal through a JAK/STAT pathway to induce the expression of acute phase proteins. Similarly, JNK pathways are activated in response to TNF and IL-1, may lead to the expression of immune modulators, and are required for T cell differentiation. In Drosophila, studies have investigated two distinct NFkappaB-pathways --Toll and Imd/Rel -- that have been shown to mediate gram-positive/fungal and gram-negative responses. Both pathways induce specific antimicrobial peptides and thereby focus the response on the invading microbial agent. Genetic analysis has shown that functions of the NFkappaB-pathways are separable; flies that are mutant for only one of these pathways are susceptible to subgroups of pathogens. Could the contribution of NFkappaB-dependent and, possibly, other signaling pathways be identified by examining global expression profiles? The obtained data set demonstrates that NFkappaB-independent signaling pathways contribute to the transcriptional patterns observed after microbial infection. Both in cells and in vivo, JNK-dependent targets precede the peak expression of antimicrobial peptides that require NFkappaB. JAK/STAT targets are induced with a distinct temporal pattern that shows late, but only transient, expression characteristics. The stereotyped pathway patterns after microbial challenge suggest that the correct temporal execution of signaling events, similar to signaling during development, may play an important role in the regulation of homeostasis (Boutros, 2002).
Strikingly, cytoskeletal gene expression during innate immune responses is controlled by JNK through the same upstream signaling cascade that activates NFkappaB pathways. JNK pathways act downstream of microbial stimuli, both in vivo and in cells, to induce cytoskeletal regulators. In SL2 cells, JNK signaling is required for the induction of a cluster of cytoskeletal, cell adhesion regulators and proapoptotic factors. Interestingly, both NFkappaB and JNK branches share the same upstream components, Tak1 and Imd, indicating that the activation of both processes are tightly linked. MMP-1, a matrix metalloproteinase that is one of the most markedly upregulated genes after LPS stimulation, has been implicated in wound-healing responses in mammals. Compared with experiments in cells, the situation in vivo after septic injury is likely more complex. Gene expression profiling in whole organisms likely has a lower sensitivity for transcriptional changes that occur in rather small numbers of cells. Also, tissue-specific differences in signaling pathway activity may not reflect the transcriptional changes observed in the cell culture model. Muscle-specific cytoskeletal factors, possibly because they were injected into the thoracic muscle, are not inducible in a JNK-deficient genetic background. However, since it was necessary to remove both Mkk4 and Hep (Mkk7) in cells to deplete JNK pathway activity, an experiment that cannot be performed in vivo because of the lack of an Mkk4 mutant, these experiments might not have uncovered all JNK-dependent transcripts. SAPK/JNK modules can also be linked to different upstream activating cascades. For example, a recent study reported the activation of p38a through a cascade involving Toll, TRAF6, and TAB. Similarly, during innate immune responses JNK pathways can be activated by both Toll and Imd pathways in vivo (Boutros, 2002).
The activation of JNK signaling is reminiscent of signaling during dorsal and thorax closure. In dorsal closure, SAPK/JNK signaling controls cytoskeletal rearrangements that lead to the epithelial sheet movements of the embryonic epidermis. SAGE analysis of embryos with activated SAPK/JNK signaling has shown an induction of cytoskeletal factors. Also, dorsal closure movements are proposed to be similar to the reepithelization that occurs during wound healing. In other developmental contexts, SAPK/JNK signaling has been implicated in cytoskeletal rearrangements and cell motility, such as the generation of planar polarity in Drosophila and convergent-extension movements in vertebrates. A common theme of SAPK/JNK pathways might be their control of cytoskeletal regulators for diverse biological processes. The finding that, in response to LPS, SAPK/JNK and NFkappaB targets are coregulated through the same intracellular pathway suggests a close linkage of directed antimicrobial activities and tissue repair processes (Boutros, 2002).
In conclusion, genome-wide expression profiling was employed to examine the contribution of different signaling pathways in complex tissues and to assign targets to candidate pathways. Both a cell culture model system and an in vivo analysis were used to show the temporal order of NFkappaB-dependent and -independent pathways after septic injury. An interesting question that remains is, how do the extracellular events leading to pathway activation reflect the nature of the pathogen? Clean injury experiments induce a largely overlapping set of induced genes, but to a lower extent than septic injury. This is consistent with experiments showing that septic injury with only gram-negative E. coli induces both anti-gram-negative and anti-gram-positive responses. These results can be interpreted to suggest that wounding, in itself, might be sufficient to induce a transient (and unspecific) innate immune response. However, further studies are needed to understand the nature of the inducing agent (Boutros, 2002).
One of the characteristics of the host defense of insects is the rapid synthesis of a variety of potent antibacterial and antifungal peptides. To date, seven types of inducible antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been characterized in Drosophila. The importance of these peptides in host defense is supported by the observation that flies deficient for the Toll or Immune deficiency (Imd) pathway, which affects AMP gene expression, are extremely susceptible to microbial infection. A genetic approach has been developed to address the functional relevance of a defined antifungal or antibacterial peptide in the host defense of Drosophila adults. AMP genes have been expressed via the control of the UAS/GAL4 system in imd;spätzle double mutants that do not express any known endogenous AMP gene. These results clearly show that constitutive expression of a single peptide in some cases is sufficient to rescue imd;spätzle susceptibility to microbial infection, highlighting the important role of AMPs in Drosophila adult host defense (Tzou, 2002).
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a key component of innate immunity. Their distribution throughout the animal and plant kingdom is ubiquitous, reflecting the importance of these molecules in host defense. In insects, systemic infection induces the synthesis of combinations of AMPs that are secreted from the immune organs, mainly the fat body, an analog of the mammalian liver, into the hemolymph, where the AMPs reach high concentrations. In Drosophila, at least seven types of AMPs (plus isoforms) have been described. Their activities have been either determined in vitro by using peptides directly purified from flies or produced in heterologous systems, or deduced by comparison with homologous peptides isolated in other insect species: (1) Drosomycin and Metchnikowin show antifungal activity; (2) Cecropins have both antibacterial and antifungal activities; (3) Drosocin and Defensin are predominantly active against Gram-negative and -positive bacteria, respectively, and (4) Attacins and Diptericins are similar to peptides from other insects that show antibacterial activity (Tzou, 2002 and references therein).
Analysis of the in vivo roles of each AMP on microbial infection is complicated by the numerous AMP genes present in the fly, as well as the redundant defense mechanisms within the innate immune system. The importance of AMPs, however, is supported by the sensitive phenotype of mutants that do not express AMP-encoding genes. A clear correlation is observed between the lack of expression of antibacterial peptide genes in mutants of the Immune deficiency (Imd) pathway and their susceptibility to Gram-negative bacteria. Conversely, mutations in the Toll pathway block Drosomycin expression and result in susceptibility to fungal infection. Finally, mutants deficient in both the Imd and Toll pathways failed to express any known AMP genes after infection and are extremely susceptible to both fungal and bacterial infections. These evidences of the importance of AMPs in fighting infection, however, are still indirect, because it cannot be exclude that these mutations affect other defense reactions. The Toll pathway, for example, has also been reported to regulate hemocyte proliferation. To study unambiguously the in vivo role of each AMP in Drosophila host defense, imd;spätzle (spz) double mutant flies have been created that are deficient for both the Imd and Toll pathways but that constitutively express different AMPs under the control of a noninducible promoter. These flies express only one AMP on infection and, consequently, a simple survival experiment can be used to monitor the contribution of this peptide in resistance to infection by various microorganisms. This powerful assay allowed the analysis, in vivo, of the spectrum of activity of each peptide and, by combining two different transgenes, any potential synergy among them. These results clearly show that expression of a single peptide, in some cases, is sufficient to rescue the imd;spz susceptibility to microbial infection, highlighting the important role of AMPs in Drosophila adult host defense (Tzou, 2002).
In this assay, the AMP genes are expressed via the UAS/GAL4 system at a level similar to that observed in wild-type induction of the endogenous AMP genes (except Defensin and Diptericin). However, there are still some differences between this assay and the wild-type physiological condition. In the UAS-Pep flies, AMP genes are expressed ubiquitously and constitutively, contrasting to the wild-type flies in which peptides are made mainly by the fat body in an acute phase profile. The accumulation of AMP, therefore, through constitutive gene expression before infection may be critical to confer an effective protection (Tzou, 2002).
This study provides an alternative method for monitoring and comparing the antimicrobial activity of the various Drosophila AMPs. Defensin is the most potent peptide against Gram-positive bacteria, whereas Attacin A and Drosomycin are active against Gram-negative bacteria and fungi, respectively. One copy of UAS-Def is sufficient to protect flies to wild-type level against M. luteus, B. subtilis, and S. aureus. The efficiency of Defensin may explain why the endogenous Defensin gene is transcribed to lower levels than the other AMP genes after infection. One copy of UAS-Drs is sufficient to protect against N. crassa, whereas two copies are required to induce a complete and partial protection against F. oxysporum and A. fumigatus, respectively. These results are consistent with the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration assay of Drosomycin required in vitro to kill these three fungi: 0.3-0.6 µM for N. crassa, 1.2-2.5 µM for F. oxysporum, and 20-40 µM for A. fumigatus. In addition, Diptericin in Drosophila contributes to resistance against some Gram-negative bacteria, although its activity is probably underestimated because of the low levels of Diptericin expression generated by the constructs used in this study. Surprisingly, no clear protective effect of Cecropin A could be detected in this assay, whereas Cecropin A peptide shows strong in vitro activity. The possibility cannot be excluded that in the lines used, Cecropin A is not effectively produced or well processed to the active form. Alternatively, a higher level of Cecropin A expression may be required to generate a protective effect, considering that the Drosophila genome contains three other inducible Cecropin genes (Tzou, 2002).
These results also underline the differential activities of Drosophila AMPs: such is the case of Attacin A and Drosocin in resistance to some Gram-negative bacterial species. Thus the existence of numerous AMPs may help widen the protection against a large number of microorganisms. In the case of Gram-negative bacterial infection, none of the peptides are able to restore a wild-type resistance in imd;spz double mutants. These results and the observation that the Drosophila genome encodes a high number of AMP genes with activity directed against Gram-negative bacteria suggest that the elimination of this class of bacteria may require the global toxicity generated by multiple, rather than one or two, AMPs (Tzou, 2002).
This study does not reveal a striking synergistic activity among any pair of AMPs tested. In some cases, a rather cooperative effect is observed between two AMPs such as Attacin A when coexpressed with either Diptericin or Drosocin in resistance to some Gram-negative bacteria. These observations suggest that the multiple Drosophila AMPs may function in an additive way, rather than synergistically (Tzou, 2002).
Host-pathogen interactions are antagonistic relationships in
which the success of each organism depends on its ability to overcome
the other. The production of AMPs is a common strategy to eliminate the
invading microbes and, consequently, pathogens have evolved strategies
to prevail over these defenses. The assay used provides a powerful tool
to compare the resistance of various bacteria to different AMPs,
because in these experiments, microbes were injected in an environment
previously enriched in peptides. The time race between pathogen and the
host defense is clearly illustrated by the observation that a
preexisting level of Defensin is sufficient to ensure a complete
resistance against B. subtilis, a Gram-positive bacterium
highly pathogenic for flies. This observation indicates that B. subtilis is sensitive to Drosophila AMP but nevertheless can overtake the Drosophila immune response by its rapid growth. The
observation that 'immunizing' flies with nonpathogenic bacteria
fully protects Drosophila from a subsequent infection by
B. subtilis is consistent with this
hypothesis. These results also show that the kinetics of infection by
P. aeruginosa or B. bassiana, two highly
entomopathogenic microbes, are not delayed in flies expressing AMP
genes, suggesting that these microbes have developed some mechanisms to
escape the AMP activity. The observation that Drosomycin
expression does not confer any protection against B. bassiana is unexpected, because Toll-mediated defense against this pathogen has been reported. This observation suggests that other antifungal peptides (e.g., Metchnikowin) or a yet uncharacterized defense reaction may be required to resist this fungus. Finally, the
human pathogen, S. aureus, is also highly pathogenic to
Drosophila and shows a better resistance to a high level of Defensin compared with other Gram-positive bacteria. These results underline the correlation between pathogenicity and increased resistance to AMPs (Tzou, 2002).
Many leukemia patients suffer from dysregulation of their immune system, making them more susceptible to infections and leading to general weakening (cachexia). Both adaptive and innate immunity are affected. The fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster has an innate immune system including cells of the myeloid lineage (hemocytes). To study Drosophila immunity and physiology during leukemia, three models were established by driving expression of a dominant-active version of the Ras oncogene (RasV12 ) alone or combined with knockdowns of tumor suppressors in Drosophila hemocytes. The results show that phagocytosis, hemocytes migration to wound sites, wound sealing and survival upon bacterial infection of leukemic lines are similar to wild type. In all leukemic models the two major immune pathways (Toll and Imd) are dysregulated. Toll-dependent signaling is activated to comparable extents as after wounding wild type larvae, leading to a proinflammatory status. In contrast, Imd signaling is suppressed. Finally, adult tissue formation was blocked, and degradation was observed of cell masses during metamorphosis of leukemic lines, which is akin to the state of cancer-dependent cachexia. To further analyze the immune competence of leukemic linesa natural infection model was used that involves insect-pathogenic nematodes. Two leukemic lines, which were sensitive to nematode infections, were identified. Further characterization demonstrates that despite the absence of behavioral abnormalities at the larval stage, leukemic larvae show reduced locomotion in the presence of nematodes. Taken together this work establishes new Drosophila models to study the physiological- immune- and behavioral consequences of various forms of leukemia (Arefin, 2017).
Oncogenic RasV12 cells injected into adult males proliferated massively after a lag period of several days, and led to the demise of the flies after 2 to 3 wk. The injection induced an early massive transcriptomic response that, unexpectedly, included more than 100 genes encoding chemoreceptors of various families. The kinetics of induction and the identities of the induced genes differed markedly from the responses generated by injections of microbes. Subsequently, hundreds of genes were up-regulated, attesting to intense catabolic activities in the flies, active tracheogenesis, and cuticulogenesis, as well as stress and inflammation-type responses. At 11 d after the injections, GFP-positive oncogenic cells isolated from the host flies exhibited a markedly different transcriptomic profile from that of the host and distinct from that at the time of their injection, including in particular up-regulated expression of genes typical for cells engaged in the classical antimicrobial response of Drosophila (Chen, 2021).
The Drosophila antimicrobial response is one of the best characterized systems of pattern recognition receptor-mediated defense in metazoans. Drosophila senses Gram-negative bacteria via two peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs), membrane-bound PGRP-LC and secreted/cytosolic PGRP-LE, which relay diaminopimelic acid (DAP)-type peptidoglycan sensing to the Imd
signaling pathway. In the case of PGRP-LC, differential splicing of PGRP domain-encoding exons to a common intracellular domain-encoding exon generates three receptor isoforms, which differ in their peptidoglycan binding specificities. This study used Phi31-mediated recombineering to generate fly lines expressing specific isoforms of PGRP-LC, and the tissue-specific roles were assessed of PGRP-LC isoforms and PGRP-LE in the antibacterial response. In vivo studies demonstrate the key role of PGRPLCx in sensing DAP-type peptidoglycan-containing Gram-negative bacteria or Gram-positive bacilli during systemic infection. The contribution of PGRP-LCa/x heterodimers to the systemic immune response to Gram-negative bacteria was highlighted through sensing of tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), whereas PGRP-LCy may have a minor role in antagonizing the immune response. The results reveal that both PGRP-LC and PGRP-LE contribute to the intestinal immune response, with a predominant role of cytosolic PGRP-LE in the midgut, the central section of endodermal origin where PGRP-LE is enriched. The in vivo model also
definitively establishes TCT as the long-distance elicitor of systemic immune responses to intestinal bacteria observed in a loss-of-tolerance model. In conclusion, this study delineates how a combination of extracellular sensing by PGRP-LC isoforms and intracellular sensing through PGRP-LE provides sophisticated mechanisms to detect and differentiate between infections by
different DAP-type bacteria in Drosophila (Neyen, 2012).
In animals, the innate immune system detects bacterial infection
through the use of germline-encoded pattern recognition
receptors (PRRs) that sense pathogen-associated
molecular patterns (PAMPs), such as LPS, peptidoglycan, or flagellin. After the identification of PRRs and their respective ligands, a challenge in the field is to understand how each of these
various PRRs contributes to an effective and adapted immune
response. The study of innate immune recognition is complicated
by the existence of multiple PRRs with various expression patterns,
variation in PAMP exposure, and modifications through the
action of host and bacterial enzymes during the course of infection. In addition, PAMP signals intersect with a less well understood but equally complex network of endogenous danger signals,
which allow the immune system to discriminate between pathogenic
and non-pathogenic microorganisms. A better understanding
of the mode of action of PRRs ideally requires an in vivo
approach in whole organisms using natural routes of infection.
The Drosophila antimicrobial response is one of the best characterized
systems of PRR-mediated defense in metazoans and provides a good model to understand both the logic of pattern recognition and how PRRs shape the ensuing immune response. This study used Phi31-mediated recombineering to generate fly lines expressing specific isoforms of peptidoglycan recognition
protein (PGRP)-LC, a Drosophila PRR involved in sensing Gram negative bacteria (Neyen, 2012).
Pattern recognition upstream of the two Drosophila innate
immune response branches, the Toll and Imd pathways, relies to
a large extent on peptidoglycan sensing by PGRPs. Peptidoglycan,
a cell wall component found in almost all bacteria, is a
polymer of alternating N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and N-acetylmuramic
acid (MurNAc), cross-linked by short peptide bridges whose amino acid composition and organization differs among bacteria. As evidenced by Gram staining, peptidoglycan
(PGN) forms an abundant external layer in Gram-positive bacteria
but is less abundant in Gram-negative bacteria where it is hidden
under an external layer of LPS. The structure of PGN from Bacillus
and Gram-negative bacteria differs from that of most Gram-positive
PGN in the third amino acid position of the peptide bridge. Gram-negative and Bacillus-type PGNs are cross-linked by a peptide containing a meso-diaminopimelic residue, whereas
in other Gram-positive bacterial PGNs a lysine is found in this
position. In addition, diaminopimelic acid (DAP)-type PGN
from Gram-negative bacteria but not DAP-type bacilli contains
anhydro-MurNAc residues at the end of each PGN strand, which
are distinctive footprints of bacterial PGN synthetic enzymes.
Monomers of GlcNAc-1,6-anhydro-MurNAc-L-Ala-γ-D-Glu-meso-
DAP-D-Ala, also called tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), represent ~5% of
GlcNAc-MurNAc residues and were previously shown to be the
minimal PGN motif to elicit Imd responses in flies. As anhydro-muropeptides are released during bacterial cell wall synthesis, TCT has been put forward as a specific indicator of
potentially dangerous Gram-negative bacterial proliferation (Neyen, 2012).
Use of highly purified products has demonstrated that in contrast
to vertebrates, sensing of Gram-negative bacteria in Drosophila
is not based on recognition of LPS. Rather, the ability
of Drosophila to discriminate between Gram-positive and Gram-negative
bacteria relies on the recognition of specific forms of PGN by PGRPs. The Drosophila genome carries a total number of 13 PGRP genes, which give rise to 19 known different receptors. The family comprises both enzymatically active, generally
secreted, amidase PGRPs that cleave PGN into non-immunogenic
fragments and catalytically inactive receptors, generally membrane-bound,
which mediate ligand-dependent downstream signaling. All family members contain at least one PGRP domain,
which is structurally related to bacterial T7 lysozymes and recognizes
different types of PGN. Whereas PGRP-SA upstream
of Toll recognizes mainly lysine-containing PGN from Gram-positive
bacteria, Imd-activating PGRP-LC and PGRP-LE exclusively
sense DAP-type PGN from Gram-negative bacteria and
Gram-positive bacilli. In the case of PGRP-LC, differential
splicing of PGRP domain-encoding exons to a common intracellular
domain-encoding exon generates three receptor isoforms,
which differ in their PGN binding specificities but share identical
signaling capacities. PGRP-LF, a highly similar but
signaling-deficient receptor encoded by the locus adjacent to
PGRP-LC, contains two functional PGRP domains but lacks the
intracellular signaling domain and acts as a negative regulator
of Imd activation. Crystal structures of ligand-binding
domains of PGRP-LC isoforms in the presence of monomeric
PGN have defined the molecular basis for ligand binding. Only
PGRP-LCx contains the characteristic L-shaped PGN binding
groove described for mammalian PGRP-Ia (Guan, 2004) and Drosophila
PGRP-LB and can accommodate polymeric and monomeric
PGN. Protruding residues in the ligand binding pocket of PGRPLCa
prevent direct binding of TCT, but PGRP-LCa
dimerizes with PGRP-LCx-TCT complexes via its PGN binding
groove. Notably, PGRP domain affinity studies have determined
equivalent binding constants for PGRP-LCa and PGRPLF
to PGRP-LCx-TCT complexes. Because activation of the
Imd pathway relies on ligand-induced receptor homo- or hetero-multimerization,
this implies that the stoichiometry of signaling-efficient
PGRP-LC isoforms to the signaling-deficient PGRP-LF
determines the strength of pathway activation (Neyen, 2012).
Studies in cell culture using RNA interference (RNAi) specific
for each PGRP-LC isoform have shown that PGRP-LCx is required
for recognition of polymeric PGN, whereas both PGRPLCa
and PGRP-LCx are mandatory for detection of monomeric
PGN. It has been proposed that signaling is achieved by
association of at least two PGRP-LCx molecules in close proximity
through binding of polymeric PGN. Such an interaction
cannot occur with monomeric PGN, and in this case PGRP-LCa
is expected to act as an adapter. This model is supported by
the crystallization of TCT in complex with both PGRP-LCa and PGRP-LCx (Neyen, 2012).
Although loss-of-function mutants established the fundamental
role of PGRP-LC in survival to Gram-negative infection (Choe, 2002; Gottar, 2002; Ramet, 2002),
the residual antimicrobial peptide response in flies lacking PGRP-LC
compared with Imd-deficient flies suggested a second receptor
upstream of Imd. PGRP-LE encodes a PGRP with affinity to DAP-type
PGN and is expressed both extracellularly and intracellularly. A secreted fragment of PGRP-LE corresponding to the PGRP domain alone functions extracellularly to enhance PGRP-LC-
mediated PGN recognition on the cell surface, a role evocative
of that of mammalian CD14 in binding of LPS to TLR4.
The full-length form of PGRP-LE is cytoplasmic and acts as an
intracellular receptor for monomeric PGN, effectively bypassing
the requirement for PGRP-LC. Thus, both PGRP-LC and
PGRP-LE account for sensing of Gram-negative bacteria upstream
of the Imd pathway. Finally, detection of DAP-type PGN in
Drosophila is modulated by amidase PGRPs, which enzymatically
degrade PGN and reduce the amount of available immunostimulatory
compounds. Among these, PGRP-LB has been best
characterized as a negative regulator of the Imd pathway.
Despite a wealth of studies, several questions remain to be
addressed, including the respective contribution of each PGRP-LC
isoform and PGRP-LE in response to bacteria as well as the differential
requirement of these PRRs in specific tissues, especially in
barrier epithelia such as the gut that are constantly exposed to
bacterial stimuli. Overexpression studies using full-length and
ectodomain-truncated receptors lead to ligand-independent activation
of the immune response, probably due to increased receptor
proximity in the membrane. It is therefore crucial to use an
in vivo model with wild-type receptor levels to interpret correctly
the mechanism of ligand-specific Imd activation downstream of
various PGRP-LC isoforms. This study therefore used a genomic complementation
approach to supplement PGRP-LC-deficient mutants
with isoform-specific PGRP-LC loci elsewhere in the genome (Neyen, 2012).
This approach allowed generation of wild-type levels of defined
PGRP-LC isoforms in vivo and to assess the tissue-specific roles of
each isoform, alone or in various combinations. The results confirm
previously described roles of PGRP-LCx and PGRP-LCa/x
dimers in polymeric and monomeric PGN sensing, respectively,
and uncover a new role for PGRP-LE in the activation of the Imd
pathway in the gut. In addition, the in vivo model definitively
establishes TCT as the long-distance elicitor of systemic immune
responses to intestinal bacteria observed in a case of rupture of
tolerance induced by knockdown of amidase PGRP-LB (Neyen, 2012).
The initial aim of this study was to define the role of each PGRP-LC isoform
in vivo. Using Phi31-mediated recombineering, loci of full and isoform-specific PGRP-LC constructs were successfully inserted into the fly genome, and they were proved capable of complementing
PGRP-LC null mutations. The in vivo approach confirms and
extends previous in vitro and RNAi experiments in proving that
PGRP-LCx is indeed necessary and sufficient to respond to
challenge with live or dead Gram-negative bacteria and to Gram-positive,
DAP-type bacilli. Moreover, PGRP-LCx alone induces
the in vivo immune response to polymeric PGN, whereas combined
presence of PGRP-LCx and PGRP-LCa is necessary to
sense the anhydro-monomer TCT. The differential requirement
of PGRP-LC isoforms in response to Gram-positive DAP-type
(PGRP-LCx alone) and Gram-negative bacteria (both PGRP-LCx
and PGRP-LCa/x) indicates that flies are able to discriminate
between the two types of DAP-type PGN-containing bacteria and
to mount appropriate responses. Notably, injection of TCT in
contrast to polymeric PGN leads to an increase in amplitude and duration of Imd pathway activation. Thus, TCT detection by PGRP-LCa/x allows flies to mount a strong response to Gram-negative bacteria despite the fact that DAP-type PGN is not exposed (masked by the LPS layer) and is less abundant compared with DAP-type PGN-containing Gram-positive bacteria (Neyen, 2012).
Consistent with previous reports that showed no effect of PGRPLCy
RNAi on PGN sensing in cells, PGRP-LCy on its own
did not show any induction of the Imd pathway. However, bacterial
infection or injection of immunostimulatory compounds
repeatedly produced a stronger response in flies carrying PGRPLCa/
x isoforms than in flies carrying the whole PGRP-LC locus.
Although subtle differences in isoform expression
from the intact, full locus compared with the engineered
isoform loci cannot be excluded, this suggests that the full locus carries an additional
regulatory element lacking in heterozygous PGRP-LCa/x flies. It
is tempting to speculate that PGRP-LCy, present in the full locus
but absent from PGRP-LCa/x flies, might help to regulate response
levels. PGRP-LCy is structurally unlikely to bind PGN but,
unlike PGRP-LF, retains a signaling-competent cytoplasmic tail.
If any regulatory activity was associated with the PGRP-LCy
isoform, it would therefore have to act extracellularly, possibly
by competing with other isoforms for cell surface localization and
thereby diluting receptor availability. Thus, the only function that can be
attributed to PGRP-LCy from this study is a regulatory role in
adjusting the amplitude of Imd pathway activation.
The importance of wild-type receptor levels in any study of
isoform function is crucial because overexpression of receptors is
sufficient on its own to stimulate the Imd pathway. The PGRP-LC complemented system mimics wild-type receptor expression dynamics, and no elevated background
levels of Imd activation was detected in complemented PGRP-LC mutant flie. However, alterations in the genomic ratio of PGRP-LC to PGRP-LF, achieved by combining [LC] or [LC,LF]
vector-carrying lines with wild-type or different PGRP-LC-deficient
backgrounds, showed a significant correlation between Dpt
levels and PGRP-LC/LF ratios in infected flies, consistent with an
inhibitory role of PGRP-LF. This indicates that the stoichiometry of activating and regulating receptors matters, as foreshadowed by affinity studies between signaling-competent
PGRP-LCx-TCT-PGRP-LCa and signaling-deficient PGRPLCx-TCT-PGRP-LF complexes (Neyen, 2012).
Several overexpression studies in S2 cells already localized
PGRP-LC to the plasma membrane. This study extend this finding
to wild-type receptor expression levels in an immunocompetent
tissue and provides evidence that PGRP-LC localizes to the apical
and lateral plasma membrane in fat body cells, revealing a previously
undescribed polarity in this immune-responsive tissue.
Similar to a previous study that found no significant
difference between Diptericin expression in PGRP-LC versus PGRP-LE;;
PGRP-LC mutants after stimulation with B. subtilis and Escherichia
coli, no additional decrease was seen in survival rates to Erwinia
carotovora carotovora 15 when comparing single PGRP-LC and
double PGRP-LE;;LC mutants, and no significant underlying
reduction in Diptericin levels. This underlines the major role of PGRP-LC
to survey a defined compartment -- the insect hemolymph -- and to
preferentially activate immune responses in the fat body.
This study confirmed
a role of PGRP-LE in the systemic immune response to TCT,
albeit depending on the route of administration. On one hand, we
note a predominant role of PGRP-LCa/x over PGRP-LE in sensing
injected TCT in the hemolymph. In this context, the contribution
of PGRP-LE was discernible in the presence of any PGRP-LC
isoform but was less marked in the absence of the full locus,
consistent with the concept that hemolymph PGRP-LE cannot
signal directly but depends on membrane-bound PGRP-LC to
relay information. However, even though secreted PGRP-LE
might contribute to Imd activation by delivering hemolymph TCT/
PGN to membrane-bound PGRP-LC, the effect of complete
PGRP-LE loss on systemic immune activation after injection of
TCT into the hemocele was not significant. This suggests that the
cytosolic, autonomous PGRP-LE form does not contribute significantly
to the activation of the Imd pathway by injected TCT
and establishes PGRP-LC as the predominant receptor eliciting
systemic responses in the hemocele (Neyen, 2012).
In contrast, when Imd activation in the fat body was
triggered by oral ingestion of TCT in the PGRP-LB mutant
background, a non-negligible contribution of PGRP-LE was observed
to this systemic response in the absence of PGRP-LC. This
indicates that when TCT reached the hemocele by active or passive
transport from the intestine, the role of cytosolic PGRP-LE became
more prominent. Although these is no explanation for this discrepancy,
one might speculate that even though cytosolic PGRP-LE
does not significantly contribute to TCT sensing when injected
into the hemolymph, possibly because the fat body lacks transporters
present in absorptive organs, this intracellular mode of
recognition gains in importance when TCT transits through cells.
Taken together, the subordinate role of secreted PGRP-LE
compared with PGRP-LC might suggest that the main contribution
of PGRP-LE is as an intracellular sensor, which will only
spring into action when systemic levels of TCT have reached a
critical threshold and permeated the cytosol (Neyen, 2012).
Determining the mechanisms by which barrier epithelia sense
bacteria and differentiate between acceptable and non-acceptable
intruders is a major issue in the field of innate immunity. Previous
studies proposed PRR compartmentalization as an essential mechanism
to discriminate between pathogenic versus beneficial bacterial
colonization. Although this study observed a clear role of
PGRP-LC sensing in the gut, consistent with previous studies, it is not possible to conclude whether this reflects direct sampling of the gut lumen by PGRP-LC. Unfortunately, the expression of the PGRPLC-
GFP fusion construct was not strong enough to determine
whether PGRP-LC is expressed at the apical or the basal side of
enterocytes. Of note, recognition PGRPs involved in the sensing
of Gram-negative bacteria show differential expression patterns
along the gut, with enrichment of PGRP-LE in the endodermally
derived midgut and a modest enrichment of PGRP-LC in ectodermally
derived foregut and hindgut. Moreover, PGRPs in these
sections are more or less accessible to gut contents. A relatively
impermeable cuticle protects ectodermal epithelia in the foregut
and hindgut, whereas the peritrophic matrix covering the PGRP-LE-
rich section of the midgut is permeable to allow passage of
digested nutrients. It is therefore more likely for bacterial
compounds to reach midgut epithelia, and a reduction in surface
receptors capable of mounting potentially detrimental immune
responses to commensals in this compartment would make sense. Cytosolic receptors expressed in this compartment would be able specifically to detect absorbed or diffusible bacterial compounds
such as TCT, which may be a hallmark of proliferation and/or
harmful bacteria. Consistent with this, a major contribution
of PGRP-LE (most probably of the cytosolic form as PGRP-LE
signaling did not depend on PGRP-LC) and less of PGRP-LC
when the midgut-specific response to Gram-negative
bacteria was assessed. More strikingly, the midgut response to ingested TCT
relied mostly on PGRP-LE, supporting a role of this receptor in
danger detection in the gut. Thus, this study uncovers a key role of
PGRP-LE in the Drosophila midgut and suggests that intracellular
sensing of TCT is used in Drosophila as a mechanism to recognize
infectious bacteria (Neyen, 2012).
Previously a model was put forward whereby long-range activation
of the systemic immune response in Drosophila is mediated
by the translocation of small PGN fragments from the gut lumen
or other barrier epithelia to the hemolymph. This view was supported
by the observation that ingestion of monomeric PGN can
stimulate a strong systemic immune response in PGRP-LB
knockdown flies with reduced amidase activity and that deposition
of PGN or TCT on the genitalia is sufficient to induce a systemic
immune response. Moreover, because TCT consistently
elicited stronger responses than PGN, these models proposed an
involvement of active or passive transport of the elicitor to the
hemocele. On the basis of the current results, the
mechanism of TCT delivery to the hemocele is still uncertain. However, the unique
and well-characterized interaction of TCT-PGRP-LCa-PGRPLCx
(Chang, 2006) and the primordial role of PGRP-LCa/x heterodimers
in mediating TCT-specific systemic activation of the Imd pathway demonstrates that TCT is indeed a crucial element in the long-range activation of the immune response (Neyen, 2012).
In conclusion, this study shows that a combination of extracellular
sensing by PGRP-LC isoforms and intracellular sensing
through PGRP-LE provides sophisticated mechanisms to detect
and differentiate between infections by different DAP-type bacteria
in Drosophila. It is probable that the absence of LPS sensing in
Drosophila has imposed some constraints on the system and that
sensing of TCT through PGRP-LCa/x and PGRP-LE evolved as
a surrogate way to distinguish Gram-negative bacteria from Gram-positive
DAP-type PGN-containing bacteria. Because TCT is released
during bacterial division, intracellular sensing through
PGRP-LE provides an adequate mechanism of detection in the
gut, reminiscent of the intracellular sensing of Gram-negative
muropeptides by intracellular NOD1 in epithelia. To date,
the existence of a mode of recognition of lysine-type bacteria in the
midgut remains unexplored. A simple explanation could be that
lysine-type bacteria do not represent a threat for flies as they rarely
infect via the oral route and are therefore not detected. Indeed,
DAP-type PGN-containing bacteria of either Gram-negative
type (Serratia, Pseudomonas) or bacillus-type (Bacillus thuringiensis)
are the only characterized naturally occurring insect pathogens to date (Neyen, 2012).
How multicellular organisms maintain immune homeostasis across various organs and cell types is an outstanding question in immune biology and cell signaling. In Drosophila, blood cells (hemocytes) respond to local and systemic cues to mount an immune response. While endosomal regulation of Drosophila hematopoiesis is reported, the role of endosomal proteins in cellular and humoral immunity is not well-studied. This study demonstrated a functional role for endosomal proteins in immune homeostasis. The ubiquitous trafficking protein ADP Ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1) and the hemocyte-specific endosomal regulator Asrij differentially regulate humoral immunity. Asrij and ARF1 play an important role in regulating the cellular immune response by controlling the crystal cell melanization and phenoloxidase activity. ARF1 and Asrij mutants show reduced survival and lifespan upon infection, indicating perturbed immune homeostasis. The ARF1-Asrij axis suppresses the Toll pathway anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) by regulating ubiquitination of the inhibitor Cactus. The Imd pathway is inversely regulated- while ARF1 suppresses AMPs, Asrij is essential for AMP production. Several immune mutants have reduced Asrij expression, suggesting that Asrij co-ordinates with these pathways to regulate the immune response. This study highlights the role of endosomal proteins in modulating the immune response by maintaining the balance of AMP production. Similar mechanisms can now be tested in mammalian hematopoiesis and immunity (Khadilkar, 2017).
A balanced cellular and humoral immune response is essential to achieve and maintain immune homeostasis. In Drosophila, aberrant hematopoiesis and impaired hemocyte function can both affect the ability to fight infection and maintain immune homeostasis. Endosomal proteins are known to regulate Drosophila hematopoiesis. This study shows an essential function for endosomal proteins in regulating immunity (Khadilkar, 2017).
Altered hemocyte number and distribution as a result of defective hematopoiesis, can also lead to immune phenotypes like increased melanization or phagocytosis. This study shows that perturbation of normal levels of endocytic molecules ARF1 or Asrij leads to aberrant hematopoiesis, affecting the circulating hemocyte number. This in turn leads to an impaired cellular immune response. The aberrant hematopoietic phenotypes with pan-hemocyte tissue-specific depletion of ARF1 using e33cGal4 or HmlGal4 are comparable to the phenotypes observed in the case of asrij null mutant. Hence this study has compared Gal4-mediated ARF1 knockdown to asrij null mutant (Khadilkar, 2017).
In addition, it was also shown that ARF1 and Asrij have a direct role in humoral immunity by regulating AMP gene expression. This is likely to be a contribution from the hemocyte compartment which is primarily affected upon perturbation of Asrij or ARF1. It is well established that hemocytes, apart from acting as the cellular arm of the immune response, also act as sentinels and relay signals to the immune organs that mount the humoral immune response. Hemocytes have been shown to produce ligands like Spaetzle and upd3 that activate immune pathways and induce anti-microbial peptide secretion from the fat body or gut. Asrij or ARF1 could also be affecting the production of such ligand molecules thereby affecting the target immune-activation pathways (Khadilkar, 2017).
Considering the involvement of Asrij and ARF1 in both the arms of immune response, a model is proposed for the role of the ARF1-Asrij axis in maintaining immune homeostasis that can be used for testing additional players in the process (Khadilkar, 2017).
It is known that ARF1 is involved in clathrin coat assembly and endocytosis and has a critical role in membrane bending and scission. In this context it is also intriguing to note that ARF1, like Asrij, does not seem to have an essential role in phagocytosis. This suggests that hemocytes could be involved in additional mechanisms beyond phagocytosis in order to combat an infection (Khadilkar, 2017).
Both ARF1 and Asrij control hemocyte proliferation as their individual depletion leads to an increase in the total and differential hemocyte counts. Also, both mutants have higher crystal cell numbers due to over-activation of Notch as a result of endocytic entrapment. This suggests that increased melanization accompanied by increase in phenoloxidase activity upon ARF1 or Asrij depletion is a consequence of aberrant hematopoiesis and not likely due to a cellular requirement in regulating the melanization response. Constitutive activation of the Toll pathway or impaired Jak/Stat or Imd pathway signaling in various mutants also leads to the formation of melanotic masses. Thus the phenotypes seen on Asrij or ARF1 depletion could either be due to the defective hematopoiesis which directly affects the cellular immune response or leads to a mis-regulation of the immune regulatory pathways (Khadilkar, 2017).
Regulation of many signaling pathways, including the immune regulatory pathways takes place at the endosomes. For example, endocytic proteins Mop and Hrs co-localize with the Toll receptor at endosomes and function upstream of MyD88 and Pelle, thus indicating that Toll signalling is regulated by endocytosis. This study shows that loss of function of the ARF1-Asrij axis leads to an upregulation of some AMP targets of the Toll pathway. Upon depletion of ARF1-Asrij endosomal axis, increased ubiquitination of Cactus, a negative regulator of the Toll pathway, was found in both hemocytes and fat bodies. This suggests non-autonomous regulation of signals by the ARF1-Asrij axis, which is in agreement with an earlier model of signalling through this route. Thus the endosomal axis may systemically control the sorting and thereby degradation of Cactus, which in turn promotes the nuclear translocation of Toll effector, Dorsal. This could explain the significant increase in Toll pathway reporter expression such as Drosomycin-GFP. Interestingly the effect of ARF1 depletion on the Toll pathway is more pronounced than that of Asrij depletion. This is not surprising as ARF1 is a ubiquitous and essential trafficking molecule that regulates a variety of signals. This suggests that ARF1 is likely to be involved with additional steps of the Toll pathway and may also interact with multiple regulators of AMP expression (Khadilkar, 2017).
ARF1 and Asrij show complementary effects on IMD pathway target AMPs. While ARF1 suppresses the production of IMD pathway AMPs, Asrij has a discriminatory role. Asrij seems to promote transcription of AttacinA and Drosocin, whereas it represses Cecropin. However in terms of AMP production only Drosocin and Diptericin are affected, but not to the extent of ARF1. In addition, Relish shows marked nuclear localization in fat body cells of hemocyte-specific arf1 knockdown larvae whereas there is no significant difference in the localization in Asrij depleted larval fat bodies. This indicates that ARF1-Asrij axis exerts differential control over the Imd pathway. Thus ARF1 causes strong generic suppression of the Imd pathway while the role of Asrij could be to fine tune this effect. Mass spectrometric analysis of purified protein complexes indicates that ARF1 and Imd interact. Hence it is very likely that ARF1 regulates Imd pathway activation at the endosomes. Whether this interaction involves Asrij or not remains to be tested and will give insight into modes of differential activation of immune pathways (Khadilkar, 2017).
This analysis shows that Asrij is the tuner for endosomal regulation of the humoral immune response by ARF1 and provides specialized tissue- specific and finer control over AMP regulation. This is in agreement with earlier data showing that Asrij acts downstream of ARF127. Since ARF1 is expressed in the fat body it could communicate with the hemocyte- specific molecule, Asrij, to mediate immune cross talk (Khadilkar, 2017).
As reduced Asrij expression is seen in Toll and Jak/Stat pathway mutants such as Rel E20 and Hop Tum1, it is likely that these effectors also regulate Asrij, setting up a feedback mechanism to modulate the immune response. Earlier work has shown that ARF1-Asrij axis modulates different signalling outputs like Notch by endosomal regulation of NICD (Notch Intracellular Domain) transport and activity and JAK/STAT by endosomal activation of Stat92e. Further, ARF1 along with Asrij regulates Pvr signaling in order to maintain HSC's. ARF1 acts downstream of Pvr. Surprisingly, Asrij levels are downregulated in the Pvr mutant. Hence it is likely that the ARF1-Asrij axis regulates trafficking of the Pvr receptor, which then also regulates Asrij levels thus providing feedback regulation. While active modulation of signal activity and outcome at endosomes could be orchestrated by ARF1 and Asrij, their activities in turn need to be modulated. The data suggest that targets of Asrij endosomal regulation may in turn regulate Asrij expression at the transcript level. Further, upon Gram positive infection in wild type flies, asrij transcript levels decrease with a concomitant increase in suppressed AMPs such as Cecropin. This indicates additional regulatory loops such as that mediated by the IMD pathway effector NFκB may regulate asrij transcription. Using bioinformatics tools, presence of binding sites for NFκβ and Rel family of transcription factors are seen in the upstream regulatory sequence (1kb upstream) of asrij and arf1. Hence, feedback regulation is proposed of Asrij and ARF1 by the effectors of the Toll and Imd pathway respectively. This is reflected in the regulation of Asrij expression by these pathways. This also implies multiple modes of regulation of asrij and arf1, which are likely important in its role as a tuner of the generic immune response, thereby allowing it to discriminate between AMPs that were thought to be uniformly regulated, such as those downstream of IMD. Thus this analysis gives insight into additional complex regulation of the Drosophila immune response that can now be investigated further (Khadilkar, 2017).
Asrij and ARF1 being endocytic proteins are likely to interact with a number of molecules that regulate different cell signalling cascades. Due to endosomal localization, molecular interactions may be favored that further translate into signalling output. Hence, it is not surprising that Asrij and ARF1 genetically interact with multiple signalling pathways and can aid crosstalk to regulate important developmental and physiological processes like hematopoiesis or immune response. It is quite likely that Asrij and ARF1 are themselves also part of different feedback loops or feed-forward mechanisms as their levels need to be tightly regulated. Evidence for this is found with respect to the Toll, JAK/STAT and Pvr pathway as described earlier. Hence it is proposed that the Asrij-ARF1 endosomal signalling axis genetically interacts with various signalling components thereby regulating blood cell and immune homeostasis (Khadilkar, 2017).
AMP transcript level changes upon ARF1 or Asrij depletion also correspond to reporter-AMP levels seen after infection. This suggests that although ARF1 is known to have a role in secretion, mutants do not have an AMP secretion defect. Hence aberrant regulation of immune pathways on perturbation of the ARF1-Asrij axis is most likely due to perturbed endosomal regulation (Khadilkar, 2017).
ARF1 has a ubiquitous function in the endosomal machinery and is well-positioned to regulate the interface between metabolism, hematopoiesis and immunity in order to achieve homeostasis. Along with Asrij and other tissue-specific modulators, it can actively modulate the metabolic and immune status in Drosophila. In this context, it is interesting to note that Asrij is a target of MEF253, which is required for the immune-metabolic switch in vivo. Thus Asrij could bring tissue specificity to ARF1 action, for example, by modulating insulin signalling in the hematopoietic system (Khadilkar, 2017).
It is likely that in Asrij or ARF1 mutants, the differentiated hemocytes mount a cellular immune response and perish as in the case of wild type flies where immunosenescence sets in with age and the ability of hemocytes to combat infection declines. Since their hematopoietic stem cell pool is exhausted, they may fail to replenish the blood cell population, thus compromising the ability to combat infections. Alternatively, mechanisms that downregulate the inflammatory responses and prevent sustained activation may be inefficient when the trafficking machinery is perturbed. This could result in constitutive upregulation thus compromising immune homeostasis (Khadilkar, 2017).
In summary, this study shows that in addition to its requirement in hematopoiesis, the ARF1-Asrij axis can differentially regulate humoral immunity in Drosophila, most likely by virtue of its endosomal function. ARF1 and Asrij bring about differential endocytic modulation of immune pathways and their depletion leads to aberrant pathway activity and an immune imbalance. In humans, loss of function mutations in molecules involved in vesicular machinery like Amphyphysin I in which clathrin coated vesicle formation is affected leads to autoimmune disorders like Paraneoplastic stiff-person syndrome. Synaptotagmin, involved in vesicle docking and fusion to the plasma membrane acts as an antigenic protein and its mutation leads to an autoimmune disorder called Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome. Mutations in endosomal molecules like Rab27A, β subunit of AP3, SNARE also lead to immune diseases like Griscelli and Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Mutants of both ARF1 and Asrij are likely to have drastic effects on the immune system. Asrij has been associated with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, thyroiditis, endothelitis and tonsillitis, whereas the ARF family is associated with a wide variety of diseases. ARF1 has been shown to be involved in mast cell degranulation and IgE mediated anaphylaxis response. Generation and analysis of vertebrate models for these genes such as knockout and transgenic mice will provide tools to understand their function in human immunity (Khadilkar, 2017).
Biogenic amines are crucial signaling molecules that modulate various physiological life functions both in vertebrates and invertebrates. In humans, these neurotransmitters influence the innate and adaptive immunity systems. This work analyzed whether the aminergic neurotransmission of dopamine, serotonin, and octopamine could have an impact on the humoral innate immune response of Drosophila melanogaster. This is a powerful model system widely used to uncover the insect innate immunity mechanisms which are also conserved in mammals. The neurotransmission of all these amines positively modulates the Toll-responsive antimicrobial peptide (AMP) drosomycin (drs) gene in adult flies infected with the Micrococcus luteus bacterium. Indeed, either blocking the neurotransmission in their specific aminergic neurons by expressing shibire (Shi(ts)) or silencing the vesicular monoamine transporter gene (dVMAT) by RNAi caused a significantly reduced expression of the Toll-responsive drs gene. However, upon M. luteus infection, the block of aminergic transmission did not alter the expression of AMP attacin genes responding to the immune deficiency (Imd) and Toll pathways. Overall, the results not only reveal a neuroimmune function for biogenic amines in humoral immunity but also further highlight the complexity of the network controlling AMP gene regulation (Cattabriga, 2023).
During aging, innate immunity progresses to a chronically active state. However, what distinguishes those that "age well" from those developing age-related neurological conditions is unclear. This study used Drosophila to explore the cost of immunity in the aging brain. Mutations in intracellular negative regulators of the IMD/NF-κB pathway were shown to predispose flies to toxic levels of antimicrobial peptides, resulting in early locomotor defects, extensive neurodegeneration, and reduced lifespan. These phenotypes are rescued when immunity is suppressed in glia. In healthy flies, suppressing immunity in glial cells results in increased adipokinetic hormonal signaling with high nutrient levels in later life and an extension of active lifespan. Thus, when levels of IMD/NF-κB deviate from normal, two mechanisms are at play: lower levels derepress an immune-endocrine axis, which mobilizes nutrients, leading to lifespan extension, whereas higher levels increase antimicrobial peptides, causing neurodegeneration. Immunity in the fly brain is therefore a key lifespan determinant (Kounatidis, 2017).
Animal immune systems change dramatically during the ageing process, often accompanied by major increases in pathogen susceptibility. However, the extent to which senescent elevations in infection mortality are causally driven by deteriorations in canonical systemic immune processes is unclear. This study examined Drosophila melanogaster and compared the relative contributions of impaired systemic immune defences and deteriorating barrier defences to increased pathogen susceptibility in aged flies. To assess senescent changes in systemic immune response efficacy, one and four-week old flies with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana and subsequent mortality was studied; whereas to include the role of barrier defences flies were injected by dusting the cuticle with fungal spores. The processes underlying pathogen defence senescence differ between males and females. Both sexes became more susceptible to infection as they aged. However, it is concluded that for males, this was principally due to deterioration in barrier defences, whereas for females systemic immune defence senescence was mainly responsible. The potential roles of sex-specific selection on the immune system and behavioural variation between males and females in driving these different senescent trends is discussed (Kubiak, 2017).
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are important defense molecules of the innate immune system. High levels of AMPs are induced in response to infections to fight pathogens, whereas moderate levels induced by metabolic stress are thought to shape commensal microbial communities at barrier tissues. Single AMPs were expressed in adult flies either ubiquitously or in the gut by using the inducible GeneSwitch system to tightly regulate AMP expression. Activation of single AMPs, including Drosocin, were found to result in a significant extension of Drosophila lifespan. These animals showed reduced activity of immune pathways over lifetime, less intestinal regenerative processes, reduced stress response and a delayed loss of gut barrier integrity. Furthermore, intestinal Drosocin induction protected the animals against infections with the natural Drosophila pathogen Pseudomonas entomophila, whereas a germ-reduced environment prevented the lifespan extending effect of Drosocin. This study provides new insights into the crosstalk of innate immunity, intestinal homeostasis and ageing (Loch, 2017).
This study used Drosophila to identify a receptor for the growth-blocking peptide (GBP) cytokine. Having previously established that the phospholipase C/Ca(2+) signaling pathway mediates innate immune responses to GBP, this study conducted a dsRNA library screen for genes that modulate Ca(2+) mobilization in Drosophila S3 cells. A hitherto orphan G protein coupled receptor, Methuselah-like receptor-10 (Mthl10), was a significant hit. Secondary screening confirmed specific binding of fluorophore-tagged GBP to both S3 cells and recombinant Mthl10-ectodomain. The metabolic, immunological, and stress-protecting roles of GBP all interconnect through Mthl10. This was established by Mthl10 knockdown in three fly model systems: in hemocyte-like Drosophila S2 cells, Mthl10 knockdown decreases GBP-mediated innate immune responses; in larvae, Mthl10 knockdown decreases expression of antimicrobial peptides in response to low temperature; in adult flies, Mthl10 knockdown increases mortality rate following infection with Micrococcus luteus and reduces GBP-mediated secretion of insulin-like peptides. It was further reported that organismal fitness pays a price for the utilization of Mthl10 to integrate all of these homeostatic attributes of GBP: Elevated GBP expression reduces lifespan. Conversely, Mthl10 knockdown extended lifespan (Sung, 2017).
The most important development to emerge from this study is the deorphanization of Mthl10, through the placement of this GPCR at the epicenter of a molecular pathway that pits stress responses against lifespan. Various immunological and metabolic properties of a single cytokine, GBP, are integrated through its interactions with Mthl10. In particular, it was shown how the operation of the GBP/Mthl10 axis usefully matches nutrient supply to the degree of a metabolically expensive inflammatory response; this is an important topic in immunology. The model for GBP/Mthl10 functionality also shows how it has the potential to exacerbate metabolic inflammation; this may be one of the reasons that nutrient excess in Drosophila can model human metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, these homeostatic functions for Mthl10 were linked to its strong influence upon longevity. This provides a molecular foundation for a theory of aging, namely, that a shortened lifespan can be the ultimate price that a young organism pays to successfully combat short-term environmental stresses (Sung, 2017).
These findings were considered in relation to previous work that provides a detailed analysis of the expression pattern of Mthl10 in Drosophila embryos and larvae. For example, due to extensive expression of Mthl10 in imaginal discs, it has been proposed this gene may influence organogenesis. It is therefore relevant that cytokines-including the Mthl10 ligand, GBP-are well-known to regulate tissue remodeling and development. Additionally, the determination that Mthl10 regulates GBP-mediated innate immune responses seems pertinent to earlier observations that Mthl10 is expressed in hematopoietic tissue (which has immunological functions) and also crystal cells, which encapsulate foreign material. Nevertheless, the possibility cannot be excluded that other ligands for Mthl10 remain to be identified, perhaps as a consequence of the expression of alternate Mthl10 transcripts (Sung, 2017).
The significance of Mthl10 to longevity and metabolism is shared by Mth. In fact, it was the first gene duplication within the Mth superclade that is believed to have given rise to Mthl10, which did not then undergo any further expansion in Drosophila. In contrast, five further rounds of gene duplication apparently occurred before Mth emerged. Thus, it is concluded that the connection between lifespan and metabolic homeostasis that was observed for Mthl10 is an ancestral trait rather than adaptive specifically to Mth (Sung, 2017).
It is not unusual for gene regulatory networks to be widely conserved, even when certain components might undergo evolutionary turnover. Indeed, recent work has shown that although selection pressure has caused GPCR ectodomains and their ligands to codiversify, there has nevertheless been considerable conservation of the receptor's intracellular interactions with G proteins; as a result, flies and mammals share many of the same downstream signaling cascades. Indeed, GBP exhibits some sequence similarity with the human defensin BD2; both are small, cationic cytokines produced by protease action upon larger, precursor proteins. Furthermore, human BD2 acts through an uncharacterized GPCR to stimulate PLC/Ca2+ signaling to initiate inflammatory responses; the current study demonstrates that GBP is also a GPCR ligand that initiates PLC/Ca2+ signaling. Thus, it is proposed that there is general applicability to the concepts that emerge from our integration of immunological, metabolic, and lifespan functions for the GBP/Mthl10 axis (Sung, 2017).
Disturbed blood flow (d-flow) induces atherosclerosis by altering the expression of mechanosensitive genes in the arterial endothelium. Previous studies have identified >580 mechanosensitive genes in the mouse arterial endothelium, but their role in endothelial inflammation is incompletely understood. From this set, 84 Drosophila RNAi lines were obtained that silence the target gene under the control of upstream activation sequence (UAS) promoter. These lines were crossed with C564-GAL4 flies expressing GFP under the control of drosomycin promoter, an NF-κB target gene and a marker of pathogen-induced inflammation. Silencing of psmd12 or ERN1 decreased infection-induced drosomycin expression, while Bap60 silencing significantly increased the drosomycin expression. Interestingly, knockdown of Bap60 in adult flies using temperature-inducible Bap60 RNAi enhanced drosomycin expression upon Gram-positive bacterial challenge but the basal drosomycin expression remained unchanged compared to the control. In the mammalian system, smarcd3 (mammalian ortholog of Bap60) expression was reduced in the human- and mouse aortic endothelial cells exposed to oscillatory shear in vitro as well as in the d-flow regions of mouse arterial endothelium in vivo. Moreover, siRNA-mediated knockdown of smarcd3 induced endothelial inflammation. In summary, an in vivo Drosophila RNAi screening method identified flow-sensitive genes that regulate endothelial inflammation (Kumar, 2016).
All metazoan guts are in constant contact with diverse food-borne microorganisms. The signaling mechanisms by which the host regulates gut-microbe interactions, however, are not yet clear. This study shows that phospholipase C-β (PLCβ) signaling modulates dual oxidase (DUOX) activity to produce microbicidal reactive oxygen species (ROS) essential for normal host survival. Gut-microbe contact rapidly activates PLCβ through Gαq, which in turn mobilizes intracellular Ca2+ through inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate generation for DUOX-dependent ROS production. PLCβ mutant flies have a short life span due to the uncontrolled propagation of an essential nutritional microbe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in the gut. Gut-specific reintroduction of the PLCβ restores efficient DUOX-dependent microbe-eliminating capacity and normal host survival. These results demonstrate that the Gαq-PLCβ-Ca2+-DUOX-ROS signaling pathway acts as a bona fide first line of defense that enables gut epithelia to dynamically control yeast during the Drosophila life cycle (Ha, 2009).
All organisms are in constant contact with a large number of different types of microbes. This is especially true in the case of the gut epithelia, which control life-threatening pathogens as well as food-borne microbes. In addition to this microbe-eliminating capacity, gut epithelia also need to protect normal commensal microbes which are in a mutually beneficial relationship. Therefore, gut epithelia must be equipped to differentially operate innate immunity in order to efficiently eliminate life-threatening microbes while protecting beneficial microbes. Studies using Drosophila as a genetic model have greatly enhanced understanding of the microbe-controlling mucosal immune strategy in gut epithelia. Previous studies in a gut infection model using oral ingestion of pathogens revealed that the redox system has an essential role in host survival by generating microbicidal effectors such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Ha, 2005a; Ha, 2005b). In this redox system, dual oxidase (DUOX), a member of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP)H oxidase family, is responsible for the production of ROS in response to gut infection (Ha, 2005a). Following microbe-induced ROS generation, ROS elimination is assured by immune-regulated catalase (IRC), thereby protecting the host from excessive oxidative stress (Ha, 2005b). In addition to the redox system, the mucosal immune deficiency (IMD)/NF-κB signaling pathway, which leads to the de novo synthesis of microbicidal effector molecules such as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), has an essential complementary role to the redox system when the host encounters ROS-resistant pathogenic microbes. These findings indicate that the different spectra of microbicidal activity encompassed by ROS and AMPs may provide the versatility necessary for Drosophila gut immunity to control microbial infections. Furthermore, in the absence of gut infection, a selective repression of IMD/NF-κB-dependent AMPs is mediated by the homeobox gene Caudal, which is required for protection of the resident commensal community and host health. Therefore, fine-tuning of different gut immune systems appears to be essential for both the elimination of pathogens and the preservation of commensal flora (Ha, 2009).
Most studies evaluating gut immunity have been performed in an oral infection model in which the pathogens are ingested. However, the gut epithelia constitute the interface between the host and the microbial environment; therefore, it is likely that animals in nature have already been subjected to continuous microbial contact, even in the absence of oral infection. Thus, it is essential to determine the mechanism by which this natural and continuous microbial interaction produces ROS at a tightly controlled, yet adequate level that allows for healthy gut-microbe interactions and gut homeostasis, because deregulated generation of ROS is believed to lead to a pathophysiologic condition in the gut epithelia. Although the DUOX system is of central importance in gut immunity, the signaling pathway(s) by which gut epithelia regulate DUOX-dependent microbicidal ROS generation are poorly understood (Ha, 2009).
Drosophila feed on microbes, and one of their most essential microbial food sources is baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. As early as 1930, yeast was discovered to be an essential nutrient source for Drosophila and is now used as a major ingredient in standard laboratory Drosophila food recipes. Further, Drosophila-Saccharomyces interaction occurs in wild-captured Drosophila, which suggests that this interaction is an evolutionarily ancient natural phenomenon. Although many studies have investigated the effect of yeast on Drosophila metabolism and aging, very few works have been reported on the effect of yeast in terms of the host immunity. Specifically, it has previously been shown that dietary yeast contributes to the cellular immune responsiveness of Drosophila against a larval parasitoid, Leptopilina boulardi. However, the relationship between yeast and Drosophila gut immunity during the normal life cycle has never been closely examined. Therefore, in this study, a Drosophila-yeast model was used to investigate the intracellular signaling pathway by which the host mounts mucosal antimicrobial immunity, as well as the in vivo value of this pathway in the host's natural life. Through biochemical and genetic analyses, this study revealed that the Gαq-mediated phospholipase C-β (PLCβ) pathway is involved in the routine control of dietary yeast in the Drosophila gut. PLCβ is dynamically activated in the presence of ingested yeast and subsequently mobilizes the intracellular Ca2+ to produce ROS in a DUOX-dependent manner. The presence of all of these signaling components of the Gαq-PLCβ-Ca2+-DUOX-ROS pathway in the gut is essential to ensure routine control of dietary yeast and host fitness, highlighting the importance of this immune signaling as a bona fide first line of defense in Drosophila (Ha, 2009).
This study demonstrates that the Gαq-PLCβ-Ca2+ signaling pathway controls the mucosal gut epithelial defense system through DUOX-dependent ROS generation, which is responsible for routine microbial interactions in the gut epithelia in the absence of infection. The PLCβ pathway impacts a wide variety of biological processes through the generation of a lipid-derived second messenger. In this process, the hydrolysis of a minor membrane phospholipid, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, by PLCβ generates two intracellular messengers, IP3 and diacylglycerol. This process is one of the earliest events through which more than 100 extracellular signaling molecules regulate functions in their target cells. It has been shown that Gαq-PLCβ signaling is essential for the activation of the phototransduction cascade in Drosophila. This study revealed a physiological role of PLCβ wherein it is involved in the regulation of DUOX enzymatic activity, which leads to the generation of microbicidal ROS in the mucosal epithelia (Ha, 2009).
PLCβ signaling is very rapid, with only a few seconds necessary to activate Ca2+ release and ROS production. This rapid response may be advantageous for the host and may be the mechanism by which dynamic and routine control of microbes in the gut epithelia is achieved. Because the gut is in continuous contact with microbes such as dietary microorganisms, it is conceivable that under normal conditions routine microbial contact dynamically induces a certain level of basal Gαq-PLCβ activity that varies depending on the local microbe concentration. This basal Gαq-PLCβ-DUOX activity seems to be sufficient for host survival. In such conditions of low bacterial burden, NF-κB-dependent AMP expression is known to be largely repressed by Caudal repressor for the preservation of commensal microbiota (Ryu, 2008). However, in the case of high bacterial burden (e.g., gut infection condition), the DUOX-ROS system would be strongly activated for full microbicidal activity. Furthermore, all of the flies that contained impaired signaling potentials for the Gαq-PLCβ-Ca2+-DUOX pathway were totally intact following septic injury but short-lived under natural rearing conditions or under gut infection conditions, indicating that the mucosal immune pathway is distinct from the systemic immune pathway (Ha, 2009).
It is not clear how Gαq- and PLCβ-induced Ca2+ modulates DUOX enzymatic activity. Because the DUOX lacking Ca2+-binding EF hand domains is unable to rescue the DUOX-RNAi flies (Ha, 2005a), it is plausible that Ca2+ directly modulates the enzymatic activity of DUOX through binding to the EF hand domains (Ha, 2009).
It is also important to determine what pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are responsible for the activation of PLCβ signaling. In Drosophila, peptidoglycan and β-1,3-glucan are the only two PAMPs known to induce the NF-κB signaling pathway in the systemic immunity. The results showed that neither peptidoglycan nor β-1,3-glucan was able to induce ROS in S2 cells, which suggests that a previously uncharacterized type(s) of PAMP is involved in the mucosal immunity. Because the Gαq protein acts as an upstream signaling component of the PLCβ-Ca2+ pathway, a microbe-derived ligand capable of activating G protein coupled receptor(s) and/or Gαq protein may be the best candidate for the Gαq-PLCβ-Ca2+-DUOX signaling pathway. Given the broad spectrum of microbes that activate the response, it remains possible that the unknown upstream sensors resemble a stress response more than a PAMP response. Elucidation of the molecular nature of such agonists will greatly enhance understanding of bacteria-modulated redox signaling in the gut epithelia. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that mucosal epithelia have evolved an innate immune strategy, which is functionally distinct from the NF-κB-dependent systemic innate immune system. The rapid Gαq-PLCβ-Ca2+-DUOX signaling is adapted to the routine and dynamic control of gut-associated microbes and may impact the long-term physiology of the intestine and host fitness (Ha, 2009).
Resident gut bacteria are constantly influencing the immune system. Yet the role of the immune system in shaping microbiota composition during an organism's lifespan has remained unclear. This study used Drosophila as a genetically tractable system with a simple gut bacterial population structure and streamlined genetic backgrounds to address this issue. Depending on their genetic background, young flies had microbiota of different diversities that converged with age to the same Acetobacteraceae-dominated pattern in healthy flies. This pattern was accelerated in immune-compromised flies with higher bacterial load and gut cell death. Nevertheless, immune compromised flies resembled their genetic background, indicating that familial transmission was the main force regulating gut microbiota. In contrast, flies with a constitutively active immune system had microbiota readily distinguishable from their genetic background with the introduction and establishment of previously undetectable bacterial families. This indicated the influence of immunity over familial transmission. Moreover, hyper active immunity and increased enterocyte death resulted in the highest bacterial load observed starting from early adulthood. Cohousing experiments showed that the microenvironment also played an important role in the structure of the microbiota where flies with constitutive immunity defined the gut microbiota of their co-habitants. These data show that in Drosophila, constitutively active immunity shapes the structure and density of gut microbiota (Mistry, 2017).
Oxidative stress induced by high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is associated with the development of different pathological conditions, including cancers and autoimmune diseases. This study analysed whether oxidatively challenged tissue can have systemic effects on the development of cellular immune responses using Drosophila as a model system. Indeed, the haematopoietic niche that normally maintains blood progenitors can sense oxidative stress and regulate the cellular immune response. Pathogen infection induces ROS in the niche cells, resulting in the secretion of an epidermal growth factor-like cytokine signal that leads to the differentiation of specialized cells involved in innate immune responses (Sinenko, 2011).
Abnormal metabolism is often associated with oxidative stress that results in increased production of ROS by mitochondria. Different concentrations of ROS and their derivatives are required for proper maintenance, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of stem cells and their committed progenitors. In Drosophila, developmentally regulated levels of ROS are critical for maintenance of haematopoietic progenitors within the medullary zone (MZ) of the lymph gland. In contrast, under normal growth conditions, posterior signaling center (PSC) cells in wild-type larvae had very low levels of ROS expression compared with that in the progenitor population of cells within the MZ. To induce oxidative stress in the PSC ND75, a component of complex I of the electron transport chain (ETC), was inactivated with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) using the Gal4/UAS misexpression system and the PSC-specific Antp-Gal4 driver. ND75 inactivation causes a readily detectable increase in ROS in the PSC cells, rising to levels similar to those seen in the progenitor cells of the MZ. The phenotypic consequence of inducing oxidative stress in the cells of the PSC was a remarkably robust increase in numbers of circulating lamellocytes. Such an elevated number of lamellocytes was usually observed in wild-type larvae only if they were infested by parasitic wasps. Although Antp-Gal4 is not expressed anywhere in the blood system, except the PSC, this driver is also expressed in other larval tissues. To exclude the possibility that the effect was due to a non-PSC expression of Antp-Gal4, the function of ND75 was also eliminated using the Dot-Gal4 driver normally expressed at high levels in the PSC, and this resulted in an identical lamellocyte response. In contrast, oxidative challenge to various other larval tissues, including the fat body (LSP2-GaI4), the epidermis (A58-GaI4), the neurons (C127-GaI4), the dorsal vessel (Hand-GaI4), the ring gland (5015-GaI4), the wing imaginal disc (ap-Gal4) or the trachea (btl-GaI4), did not have a significant effect on lamellocyte differentiation. Furthermore, high ROS levels generated within the progenitor cells (dome-GaI4) of the lymph gland, which causes autonomous differentiation of this population, also did not have any significant effect on the non-autonomous differentiation of lamellocytes in the circulation. In contrast, oxidative challenge of the PSC caused non-autonomous lamellocyte response in circulation as well as within the lymph gland. The PSC-mediated effect was due to mitochondrial dysfunction and not specifically linked to the product of the ND75 gene, because attenuation of PDSW (another complex I component), cytochrome-c oxidase, subunit Va (CoVa, a component of ETC complex IV) or Marf (mitochondrial assembly regulatory factor) function in the PSC, all induced increases in lamellocyte differentiation. The strength of the lamellocyte response to complex I inactivation depended on the strength of the dsRNA construct used in the experiment. Temporally, induction of the mutation in the second-larval instar caused the lamellocyte response to be seen in the third instar. This correlates well with the timescale of response to parasitic wasp infection. Finally, this oxidative stress elicited a cell-specific response; for example, no significant effect was seen on the differentiation of crystal cells and plasmatocytes in circulation. These results establish that the oxidative status of the PSC has a specific and non-autonomous role in lamellocyte differentiation as an immune response to parasitic invasion (Sinenko, 2011).
The status of the PSC cells on oxidative stress conditions was further analysed in some detail. ND75 dysfunction does not affect proliferation or maintenance of the PSC, because the number of PSC cells, which maintain expression of Antp, remains intact in this mutant background. In addition, no apoptosis is detected in ND75-deficient PSC cells, and also, apoptosis in the PSC alone, specifically induced by overexpression of Hid/Rpr, has no effect on lamellocyte differentiation (Sinenko, 2011).
Overexpression of superoxide dismutase-2 (SOD2) as a scavenger for ROS in ND75-deficient PSC is able to suppress the lamellocyte response significantly. Furthermore, activation of the Forkhead box O (FoxO) transcription factor that positively regulates expression of antioxidant enzymes, including SOD2, completely suppresses the dsND75-induced lamellocyte response. Inactivation of the Akt1 protein kinase in PSC also results in a near-complete suppression of the dsND75-induced lamellocyte response, suggesting a role for the PI3K/Akt pathway in the regulation of FoxO. This is an important issue because FoxO activity can also be controlled by the Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway, but in the PSC the AKT pathway mediates this effect. The JNK reporter (puc69-lacZ) is not expressed in the PSC, and inactivation of JNK (encoded by the basket gene) using the dominant-negative form (bskDN) does not suppress dsND75-induced lamellocyte response. The FoxO reporter (4E-BP-lacZ) is robustly activated in the ND75-deficient PSC; however, loss of translational inhibition mediated by 4E-BP does not mimic this effect. It is important to point out that under wild-type non-stressed conditions, the PSC has relatively low levels of ROS, and therefore inactivation of either Foxo or SOD2 has no phenotypic consequence. These data are interpreted to indicate that metabolic dysfunction induces an oxidatively stressed PSC that causes the activation of this pathway and the lamellocyte response (Sinenko, 2011).
Differentiation of lamellocytes has been associated with the JAK/STAT, JNK and Ras/Erk signalling pathways. These pathways were genetically altered in an ND75-deficient PSC background to identify which, if any, is involved in the lamellocyte response. Inactivation of the unpaired ligands (upd3, upd2 or upd) that activate the JAK/STAT pathway or of eiger (egr), which activates JNK signalling, did not suppress the lamellocyte phenotype. This strongly suggests that these pathways are not involved in the process downstream of ROS in the PSC and is consistent with previous studies showing that components of the JAK/STAT pathway (upd3, dome and Tep4) and JNK (puc69-lacZ reporter) are not involved in the functioning of the PSC. However, these pathways are likely to be involved in direct regulation of lamellocyte differentiation independently of the PSC function. In contrast, inactivation of spitz (spi), encoding the ligand for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), in the context of ND75-deficient PSC significantly suppresses the lamellocyte response. Furthermore, overexpression of the secreted form of Spi (s.Spi), but not the alternative EGFR ligand, Vein (Vn) in the PSC, causes increased differentiation of circulating lamellocytes in an otherwise wild-type larva. EGFR mutant EgfrTS/Egfr18 lymph glands develop normally, suggesting that EGFR signalling is not required for normal lymph gland development but rather is involved in the regulation of a cellular immune response as a signalling event from the PSC only when the latter is oxidatively stressed (Sinenko, 2011).
The PSC-dependent parasitic challenge induced by wasp egg infestation and the mechanism described above both give rise to the same cellular response. Therefore, whether parasitization causes oxidative stress to the PSC was examined. Immune challenge caused by wasp infestation was found to induce high levels of ROS in the PSC cells as seen 12 h after invasion. The most prominent effect is on superoxide radicals detected with dihydroethidium staining; a smaller but detectable elevation of peroxide radicals revealed by RedoxSensor staining is also apparent in PSC cells on this immune challenge. Scavenging these ROS types in the PSC by overexpressing SOD2 or catalase (Cat) but not glutathione peroxidase (GPx), which reduces thioredoxin-mediated effects, significantly suppresses the lamellocyte response caused by wasp infestation. These genetic results are consistent with a model in which parasitic infection by wasp eggs raises ROS levels in the PSC, which then causes lamellocyte induction by expressing Spitz. To test this model, spi within the PSC was inactivated in larvae infected by parasitic wasps. This caused a strong suppression of the lamellocyte response; the few remaining L1 marker-positive cells are immature, as indicated by their relatively small cell size and their morphology. In addition, melanotic capsules that are indicative of extensive cellular immune response to parasitic infection do not develop in a spi mutant background during wasp infestation. Inactivation of spitz in the PSC did not affect the increase in ROS triggered by wasp infeststion. Thus spi does not regulate the ROS levels in the PSC; rather, wasp infection raises ROS levels, which leads to release of the s.Spi. Previous studies have shown that s.Spi production requires the function of the trafficking protein Star (S), and the protease Rhomboid (Rho1). This study found that the wasp-induced lamellocyte response and melanotic capsule formation are robustly suppressed on the loss of a single copy of Star. More importantly, parasite-induced immune challenge specifically upregulates Rho1 in the PSC by an as yet unidentified mechanism. These data establish that S and Rho1 are canonically required for processing and releasing the Spitz from the PSC (Sinenko, 2011).
Secreted Spitz is known to bind to EGFR and activate the Ras/Erk pathway. A dominant-negative form of EGFR (EgfrDN) strongly suppresses the lamellocyte response induced by wasp infestation when it is expressed in the lymph gland and the circulating haemocytes using the pan-haemocyte HHLT Gal4 driver. This phenotype is virtually identical to that seen when spiRNAi is expressed in the PSC using Antp-Gal4. In addition, compartment-specific drivers were used, and inactivation of the receptor in the cortical zone of the lymph gland and in circulating haemocytes (using lineage-traced HmlΔ-Gal4 line) was found to prevent Hml-positive cells from becoming lamellocytes on wasp infestation. Importantly, it was also found that a small subset of lamellocytes does not express Hml in the wild-type background and consequently EgfrDN is not expressed in these cells when HmlΔ-Gal4 is used as a driver. These Hml−,L1+ lamellocytes are easily detectable in this genetic background and act as an internal control. Expression of an activated form of EGFR (EgfrAct) in Hml+ haemocytes causes a robust increase in lamellocyte differentiaion. This is also consistent with previous work, which showed that activated Ras induces an increase in the total number of haemocytes, including lamellocytes. Finally, both loss of ND75 in the PSC and wasp infestation cause robust activation of Erk as evident by an increase in dpErk staining in circulating haemocytes including lamellocytes. This indicates that lamellocytes in circulation differentiate from precursor cells on activation of Spi/EGFR/Erk signalling (Sinenko, 2011).
PSC cells have two independent functions: they serve as a haematopoietic niche in the lymph gland, where they orchestrate the maintenance and proper differentiation of haematopoietic progenitors, and they regulate the cellular immune response by controlling lamellocyte differentiation in response to infection. The results presented in this study establish the mechanism for this latter function. Changes in oxidative status, caused by events of parasite invasion or ETC dysfunction, initiates a signal within this immunocompetent compartment causing the secretion of a cytokine ligand, Spitz, that induces differentiation of lamellocyte precursors in the circulatory system of the larva. The identified mechanism is consistent with previously reported studies in mammals, which have shown that mitochondrial ROS can trigger systemic signals that reinforce the innate immune response. These studies raise the possibility that specific populations of cells also exist in mammalian systems that sense oxidative stress due to infection and non-autonomously signal myeloid progenitors to initiate differentiation and enhance the immune response. Whether such populations are to be found within the haematopoietic niche as in Drosophila remains a speculation that can be tested in future studies (Sinenko, 2011).
A conserved interaction between RB proteins and the Condensin II protein CAP-D3 is important for ensuring uniform chromatin condensation during mitotic prophase (Longworth, 2008). The Drosophila melanogaster homologs RBF1 and dCAP-D3 co-localize on non-dividing polytene chromatin, suggesting the existence of a shared, non-mitotic role for these two proteins. This study shows that the absence of RBF1 and dCAP-D3 alters the expression of many of the same genes in larvae and adult flies. Strikingly, most of the genes affected by the loss of RBF1 and dCAP-D3 are not classic cell cycle genes but are developmentally regulated genes with tissue-specific functions and these genes tend to be located in gene clusters. The data reveal that RBF1 and dCAP-D3 are needed in fat body cells to activate transcription of clusters of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes. AMPs are important for innate immunity, and loss of either dCAP-D3 or RBF1 regulation results in a decrease in the ability to clear bacteria. Interestingly, in the adult fat body, RBF1 and dCAP-D3 bind to regions flanking an AMP gene cluster both prior to and following bacterial infection. These results describe a novel, non-mitotic role for the RBF1 and dCAP-D3 proteins in activation of the Drosophila immune system and suggest dCAP-D3 has an important role at specific subsets of RBF1-dependent genes (Longworth, 2012).
Recent studies have suggested that pRB family members may impact the organization of higher-order chromatin structures, in addition to their local effects on the promoters of individual genes (Longworth, 2010). Mutation of pRB causes defects in pericentric heterochromatin and RBF1 is necessary for uniform chromatin condensation in proliferating tissues of Drosophila larvae (Longworth, 2008). Part of the explanation for these defects is that RBF1 and pRB promote the localization of the Condensin II complex protein, CAP-D3 to DNA both in Drosophila and human cells (Longworth, 2008). Depletion of pRB from human cells strongly reduces the level of CAP-D3 associated with centromeres during mitosis and causes centromere dysfunction (Longworth, 2012).
Condensin complexes are necessary for the stable and uniform condensation of chromatin in early mitosis. They are conserved from bacteria to humans with at least two types of Condensin complexes (Condensin I and II) present in higher eukaryotes. Both Condensin I and II complexes contain heterodimers of SMC4 and SMC2 proteins that form an ATPase which acts to constrain positive supercoils. Each type of Condensin also contains three specific non-SMC proteins that, upon phosphorylation, stabilize the complex and promote ATPase activity. The kleisin CAPH and two HEAT repeat containing subunits, CAP-G and CAP-D2 are components of Condensin I, while the kleisin CAP-H2 and two HEAT repeat containing subunits, CAP-G2 and CAP-D3, are constituents of Condensin II (Longworth, 2012).
Given the well-established functions of Condensins during mitosis, and of RBF1 in G1 regulation, the convergence of these two proteins was unexpected. Nevertheless, mutant alleles in the non-SMC components of Condensin II suppress RBF1-induced phenotypes, and immunostaining experiments revealed that RBF1 displays an extensive co-localization with dCAP-D3 (but not with dCAP-D2) on the polytene chromatin of Drosophila salivary glands (Longworth, 2008). This co-localization occurs in cells that will never divide, suggesting that Condensin II subunits and RBF1 co-operate in an unidentified process in non-mitotic cells. In various model organisms, the mutation of non-SMC Condensin subunits has been associated with changes in gene expression raising the possibility that dCAP-D3 may affect some aspect of transcriptional regulation by RBF1. However, the types of RBF1-regulated genes that might be affected by dCAP-D3, the contexts in which this regulation becomes important, and the consequences of losing this regulation are all unknown (Longworth, 2012).
This study identified sets of genes that are dependent on both rbf1 and dCap-D3. The majority of genes that show altered expression in both rbf1 and dCap-D3 mutants (larvae or adults) are not genes involved in the cell cycle, DNA repair, proliferation, but are genes with cell type-specific functions and many are spaced within 10 kb of one another in 'gene clusters'. To better understand this mode of regulation, the effects were investigated of RBF1 and dCAP-D3 on one of the most highly misregulated clusters which includes genes coding for antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). AMPs are produced in many organs, and one of the major sites of production is in the fat body. Following production in the fat body, AMPs are subsequently dumped into the hemolymph where they act to destroy pathogens. RBF1 and dCAP-D3 are required for the transcriptional activation of many AMPs in the adult fly. Analysis of one such gene cluster shows that RBF1 and dCAP-D3 bind directly to this region and that they bind, in the fat body, to sites flanking the locus. RBF1 and dCAP-D3 are both necessary in the fat body for maximal and sustained induction of AMPs following bacterial infection, and RBF1 and dCAP-D3 deficient flies have an impaired ability to respond efficiently to bacterial infection. These results identify dCAP-D3 as an important transcriptional regulator in the fly. Together, the findings suggest that RBF1 and dCAP-D3 regulate the expression of clusters of genes in post-mitotic cells, and this regulation has important consequences for the health of the organism (Longworth, 2012).
The idea that dCAP-D3 and RBF1 could cooperate to promote tissue development and differentiation is supported by the fact that both proteins are most highly expressed in the late stages of the fly life cycle, and accumulate at high levels in the nuclei of specific cell types in adult tissues. As an illustration of the cell-type specific nature of RBF1/dCAP-D3-regulation this study shows that dCAP-D3 and RBF1 are both required for the constituive expression of a large set of AMP genes in fat body cells. The loss of this regulation compromises pathogen-induction of gene expression and has functional consequences for innate immunity. Interestingly, different sets of RBF1/dCAP-D3-dependent genes were evident in the gene expression profiles of mutant larvae and adults. Given this, and the fact that the gene ontology classification revealed multiple groups of genes, it is suggested that the targets of RBF1/dCAP-D3-regulation do not represent a single transcriptional program, but diverse sets of cell-type specific programs that need to be activated (or repressed) in specific developmental contexts (Longworth, 2012).
The changes in gene expression seen in the mutant flies suggest that RBF1 has a significant impact on the expression of nearly half of the dCAP-D3-dependent genes. This fraction is consistent with previous data showing partial overlap between RBF1 and dCAP-D3 banding patterns on polytene chromatin, and the finding that chromatin-association by dCAP-D3 is reduced, but not eliminated, in rbf1 mutant animals and RBF1-depeleted cells. Although it has been previously shown that RBF1 and dCAP-D3 physically associate with one another (Longworth, 2008), and the current studies illustrate the fact that they each bind to similar sites at a direct target, the molecular events that mediate the co-operation between RBF1 and dCAP-D3 remain unknown (Longworth, 2012).
These results represent the first published ChIP data for the CAP-D3 protein in any organism. Although only a small number of targets were examined, it is interesting to note that the dCAP-D3 binding patterns are different for activated and repressed genes. More specifically, dCAP-D3 binds to an area within the open reading frame of a gene which it represses. However, dCAP-D3 binds to regions which flank a cluster of genes that it activates. Whether or not this difference in binding is true for all dCAP-D3 regulated genes will require a more global analysis (Longworth, 2012).
Human Condensin non-SMC subunits are capable of forming subcomplexes in vitro that are separate from the SMC protein- containing holocomplex, but currently, the extent to which dCAP-D3 relies on the other members of the Condensin II complex remains unclear. It is noted that fat body cells contain polytene chromatin. Condensin II subunits have been shown to play a role in the organization of polytene chromatin in Drosophila nurse cells. Given that RB proteins physically interact with other members of the Condensin II complex (Longworth, 2008), it is possible that RBF1 and the entire Condensin II complex, including dCAP-D3, may be especially important for the regulation of transcription on this type of chromatin template (Longworth, 2012).
A potentially significant insight is that the genes that are deregulated in both rbf1 and dCap-D3 mutants tend to be present in clusters located within 10 kb of one another. This clustering effect seems to be a more general feature of regulation by dCAP-D3, which is enhanced by RBF1, since clustering was far more prevalent in the list of dCAP-D3 target genes than in the list of RBF1 target genes (Longworth, 2012).
These studies focussed on one of the most functionally related families of clustered target genes that were co-dependent on RBF1/dCAP-D3 for activation in the adult fly: the AMP family of genes. AMP loci represent 20% of the gene clusters regulated by RBF1 and dCAP-D3 in adults. ChIP analysis of one such region, a cluster of AMP genes at the diptericin locus, showed this locus to be directly regulated by RBF1 and dCAP-D3 in the fat body and revealed a pattern of RBF1 and dCAP-D3-binding that was very different from the binding sites typically mapped at E2F targets. Unlike the promoter-proximal binding sites typically mapped at E2F-regulated promoters, RBF1 and dCAP-D3 bound to two distant regions, one upstream of the promoter and one downstream of the diptericin B translation termination codon, a pattern that is suggestive of an insulator function. It is hypothesized that RBF1 and dCAP-D3 act to keep the region surrounding AMP loci insulated from chromatin modifiers and accessible to transcription factors needed for basal levels of transcription. The modEncode database shows binding sites for multiple insulator proteins, as well as GATA factor binding sites, at these regions. GATA has been previously implicated in transcriptional regulation of AMPs in the fly, and future studies of dCAP-D3 binding partners in Drosophila fat body tissue may uncover other essential activators. Additionally, the chromatin regulating complex, Cohesin, which exhibits an almost identical structure to Condensin, has been shown to promote looping of chromatin and to bind proteins with insulator functions. Therefore, it remains a possibility that Condensin II, dCAP-D3 may actually possess insulator function, itself. It is proposed that dCAP-D3 may be functioning as an insulator protein, both insulating regions of DNA containing clusters of genes from the spread of histone marks and possibly looping these regions away from the rest of the body of chromatin. This would serve to keep the region in a 'poised state' available for transcription factor binding following exposure to stimuli that would induce activation. In the case of AMP genes, which are made constituitively in specific organs at low levels, dCAP-D3 would bind to regions flanking a cluster, and loop the cluster away from the body of chromatin. Upon systemic infection, these clusters would be more easily accessible to transcription factors like NF-κB. If dCAP-D3 is involved in looping of AMP clusters, then it may also regulate interchromosomal looping which could bring AMP clusters on different chromosomes closer together in 3D space, allowing for a faster and more coordinated activation of all AMPs (Longworth, 2012).
AMP expression is essential for the ability of the fly to recover from bacterial infection. Experiments with bacterial pathogens show that RBF1 and dCAP-D3 are both necessary for induction and maintenance of the AMP gene, drosomycin following infection, but only dCAP-D3 is necessary for the induction of the diptericin AMP gene. Similarly, survival curves indicate, that while dCAP-D3 deficient flies die more quickly in response to both Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial infection, RBF1 deficient flies die faster only in response to Gram positive bacterial infection. The differences seen between RBF1 and dCAP-D3 deficient flies in diptericin induction cannot be attributed to functional compensation by the other Drosophila RB protein family member, RBF2, since results show that loss of RBF2 or both RBF2 and RBF1 do not decrease AMP levels following infection. Since results demonstrate that RBF1 binds most strongly to an AMP cluster prior to infection and regulates basal levels of almost all AMPs tested, it is hypothesized that RBF1 (and possibly RBF2) may be more important for cooperating with dCAP-D3 to regulate basal levels of AMPs. Reports have shown that basal expression levels of various AMPs are regulated in a gene-, sex-, and tissue-specific manner, and it is thought that constitutive AMP expression may help to maintain a proper balance of microbial flora and/or help to prevent the onset of infections. In support of this idea, one study in Drosophila which characterized loss of function mutants for a gene called caspar, showed that caspar mutants increased constitutive transcript levels of diptericin but not transcript levels following infection. This correlated with increased resistance to septic infection with Gram negative bacteria, proving that changes in basal levels of AMPs do have significant effects on the survival of infected flies. Additionally, disruption of Caudal expression, a protein which suppresses NF-κB mediated AMP expression following exposure to commensal bacteria, causes severe defects in the mutualistic interaction between gut and commensal bacteria. It is therefore possible that RBF1 and dCAP-D3 may help to maintain the balance of microbial flora in specific organs of the adult fly and/or be involved in a surveillance-type mechanism to prevent the start of infection. RBF1 deficient flies also exhibit defects in Drosomycin induction following Gram positive bacterial infection. Mutation to Drosophila GNBP-1, an immune recognition protein required to activate the Toll pathway in response to infection with Gram positive bacteria has been show to result in decreased Drosomycin induction and decreased survival rates, without affecting expression of Diptericin. Therefore, it is possible that inefficient levels of Drosomycin, a major downstream effector of the Toll receptor pathway, combined with decreased basal transcription levels of a majority of the other AMPs, would cause RBF1 deficient flies to die faster following infection with Gram positive S. aureus but not Gram negative P. aeruginosa (Longworth, 2012).
Some dCAP-D3 remains localized to DNA in RBF1 deficient flies and it is also possible that other proteins may help to promote the localization of dCAP-D3 to AMP gene clusters following infection. Given that dCAP-D3 regulates many AMPs including some that do not also depend on RBF1 for activation, and given that dCAP-D3 binding to an AMP locus increases with time after infection whereas RBF1 binding is at its highest levels at the start of infection, it may not be too surprising that dCAP-D3 showed a more pronounced biological role in pathogen assays involving two different species of bacteria (Longworth, 2012).
Remarkably, and perhaps unexpectedly, the levels of both RBF1 and dCAP-D3 impact the basal levels of human AMP transcripts, as well. This indicates that the mechanism of RBF1/dCAP-D3 regulation may not be unique to Drosophila. It is striking that many of the human AMP genes (namely, the defensins) are clustered together in a region that spans approximately 1 Mb of DNA. It seems telling that both the clustering of these genes, and a dependence on pRB and CAP-D3, is apparently conserved from flies to humans. The fact that dCAP-D3 and RBF1 dependent activation of Drosomycin was necessary for resistance to Gram positive bacterial infection in flies suggests the same could also be true for the human orthologs in human cells. Human AMPs expressed by epithelial cells, phagocytes and neutrophils are an important component of the human innate immune system. Human AMPs are often downregulated by various microbial pathogenicity mechanisms upon infection. They have also been reported to play roles in the suppression of various diseases and maladies including cancer and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It is noted that the chronic or acute loss of Rb expression from MEFs resulted in an unexplained decrease in the expression of a large number of genes that are involved in the innate immune system. In humans, the bacterium, Shigella flexneri was recently shown to down regulate the host innate immune response by specifically binding to the LXCXE cleft of pRB, the same site that was previously shown to be necessary for CAP-D3 binding). An improved understanding of how RB and CAP-D3 regulate AMPs in human cells may provide insight into how these proteins are able to regulate clusters of genes, and may also open up new avenues for therapeutic targeting of infection and disease. Further studies of in differentiated human cells may identify additional sets of genes that are regulated by pRB and CAP-D3 (Longworth, 2012).
Tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), a monomer of DAP-type peptidoglycan from Bordetella pertussis, causes cytopathology in the respiratory epithelia of mammals and robustly triggers the Drosophila Imd pathway. PGRP-LE, a cytosolic innate immune sensor in Drosophila, directly recognizes TCT and triggers the Imd pathway, yet the mechanisms by which TCT accesses the cytosol are poorly understood. This study reports that CG8046, a Drosophila SLC46 family transporter, is a novel transporter facilitating cytosolic recognition of TCT, and plays a crucial role in protecting flies against systemic Escherichia coli infection. In addition, mammalian SLC46A2s promote TCT-triggered NOD1 activation in human epithelial cell lines, indicating that SLC46As is a conserved group of peptidoglycan transporter contributing to cytosolic immune recognition (Kiak, 2017).
Beyond their role in cell metabolism, development, and reproduction, hormones are also important modulators of the immune system. In the context of inflammatory disorders, systemic administration of pharmacological doses of synthetic glucocorticoids (GCs) is widely used as an anti-inflammatory treatment. However, not all actions of GCs are immunosuppressive, and many studies have suggested that physiological concentrations of GCs can have immunoenhancing effects. For a more comprehensive understanding of how steroid hormones regulate immunity and inflammation, a simple in vivo system is required. The Drosophila embryo has recently emerged as a powerful model system to study the recruitment of immune cells to sterile wounds and host-pathogen dynamics. This study investigated the immune response of the fly embryo to bacterial infections and found that the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) can regulate the quality of the immune response and influence the resolution of infection in Drosophila embryos (Tan, 2014).
In insects, humoral response to injury is accomplished by the production of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) which are secreted in the hemolymph to eliminate the pathogen. Drosophila Malpighian tubules (MTs), however, are unique immune organs that show constitutive expression of AMPs even in unchallenged conditions and the onset of immune response is developmental stage dependent. Earlier reports have shown ecdysone positively regulates immune response after pathogenic challenge however, a robust response requires prior potentiation by the hormone. This study provides evidence to show that MTs do not require prior potentiation with ecdysone hormone for expression of AMPs and they respond to ecdysone very fast even without immune challenge, although the different AMPs Diptericin, Cecropin, Attacin, Drosocin show differential expression in response to ecdysone. Early gene Broad complex (BR-C) could be regulating the IMD pathway by activating Relish and physically interacting with it to activate AMPs expression. BR-C depletion from Malpighian tubules renders the flies susceptible to infection. It was also shown that in MTs ecdysone signaling is transduced by EcR-B1 and B2. In the absence of ecdysone signaling the IMD pathway associated genes are down-regulated and activation and translocation of transcription factor Relish is also affected (Verma, 2015).
Apart from their role in cellular immunity via phagocytosis and encapsulation, Drosophila hemocytes release soluble factors such as antimicrobial peptides, and cytokines to induce humoral responses. In addition, they participate in coagulation and wounding, and in development. To assess their role during infection with entomopathogenic nematodes, plasmatocytes and1 crystal cells, the two classes of hemocytes present in naive larvae were deleted by expressing proapoptotic proteins in order to produce hemocyte-free (Hml-apo, originally called Hemoless) larvae. Surprisingly, Hml-apo larvae are still resistant to nematode infections. When further elucidating the immune status of Hml-apo larvae, a shift was observed in immune effector pathways including massive lamellocyte differentiation and induction of Toll- as well as repression of imd signaling. This leads to a pro-inflammatory state, characterized by the appearance of melanotic nodules in the hemolymph and to strong developmental defects including pupal lethality and leg defects in escapers. Further analysis suggests that most of the phenotypes that were observed in Hml-apo larvae are alleviated by administration of antibiotics and by changing the food source indicating that they are mediated through the microbiota. Biochemical evidence identifies nitric oxide as a key phylogenetically conserved regulator in this process. Finally it was shown that the nitric oxide donor L-arginine similarly modifies the response against an early stage of tumor development in fly larvae.
During the rapid inflammatory response to tissue damage, cells of the innate immune system are quickly recruited to the injury site. Once at the wound, innate immune cells perform a number of essential functions, such as fighting infection, clearing necrotic debris, and stimulating matrix deposition. In order to fully understand the diverse signaling events that regulate this immune response, it is crucial to observe the complex behaviors of (and interactions that occur between) multiple cell lineages in vivo, and in real-time, with the high spatio-temporal resolution. The optical translucency and the genetic tractability of Drosophila embryos have established Drosophila as an invaluable model to live-image and dissect fundamental aspects of inflammatory cell behavior, including mechanisms of developmental dispersal, clearance of apoptotic corpses and/or microbial pathogens, and recruitment to wounds. However, more recent work has now demonstrated that employing a much later stage in the Drosophila lifecycle - the Drosophila pupa - offers a number of distinct advantages, including improved RNAi efficiency, longer imaging periods, and significantly greater immune cell numbers. This study describes a protocol for imaging wound repair and the associated inflammatory response at the high spatio-temporal resolution in live Drosophila pupae. To follow the dynamics of both re-epithelialization and inflammation, a number of specific in vivo fluorescent markers is used for both the epithelium and innate immune cells. The effectiveness is demonstrated of photo-convertible fluorophores, such as Kaede, for following the specific immune cell subsets, to track their behavior as they migrate to, and resolve from, the injury site (Weavers, 2018).
Genes of the immune system often evolve rapidly and adaptively, presumably driven by antagonistic interactions with pathogens. Those genes encoding secreted antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), however, have failed to exhibit conventional signatures of strong adaptive evolution, especially in arthropods and often segregate for null alleles and gene deletions. Furthermore, quantitative genetic studies have failed to associate naturally occurring polymorphism in AMP genes with variation in resistance to infection. Both the lack of signatures of positive selection in AMPs and lack of association between genotype and immune phenotypes have yielded an interpretation that AMP genes evolve under relaxed evolutionary constraint, with enough functional redundancy that variation in, or even loss of, any particular peptide would have little effect on overall resistance. In stark contrast to the current paradigm, this study identified a naturally occurring amino acid polymorphism in the AMP Diptericin that is highly predictive of resistance to bacterial infection in Drosophila melanogaster. The identical amino acid polymorphism arose in parallel in the sister species D. simulans, by independent mutation with equivalent phenotypic effect. Convergent substitutions at the same amino acid residue have evolved at least five times across the Drosophila genus. The study hypothesizes that the alternative alleles are maintained by balancing selection through context-dependent or fluctuating selection. This pattern of evolution appears to be common in AMPs but is invisible to conventional screens for adaptive evolution that are predicated on elevated rates of amino acid divergence (Unckless, 2016).
Genes involved in immune defense against pathogens provide some of the most well-known examples of both directional and balancing selection. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are innate immune effector genes, playing a key role in pathogen clearance in many species, including Drosophila. Conflicting lines of evidence have suggested AMPs may be under directional, balancing or purifying selection. This study used both a linear model and control gene-based approach to show that balancing selection is an important force shaping AMP diversity in Drosophila. In D. melanogaster, this is most clearly observed in ancestral African populations. Furthermore, the signature of balancing selection is even more striking once background selection has been accounted for. Balancing selection also acts on AMPs in D. mauritiana, an isolated island endemic separated from D. melanogaster by about 4 million years of evolution. This suggests that balancing selection may be broadly acting to maintain adaptive diversity in Drosophila AMPs, as has been found in other taxa (Chapman, 2019).
It is common to find that major-effect genes are an important cause of variation in susceptibility to infection. This study characterised natural variation in a gene called pastrel that explains over half of the genetic variance in susceptibility to the virus DCV in populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Extensive allelic heterogeneity was found, with a sample of seven alleles of pastrel from around the world conferring four phenotypically distinct levels of resistance. By modifying candidate SNPs in transgenic flies, this study showed that the largest effect is caused by an amino acid polymorphism that arose when an ancestral threonine was mutated to alanine, greatly increasing resistance to DCV. Overexpression of the ancestral susceptible allele provides strong protection against DCV, indicating that this mutation acted to improve an existing restriction factor. The pastrel locus also contains complex structural variation and cis-regulatory polymorphisms altering gene expression. Higher expression of pastrel was associated with increased survival after DCV infection. To understand why this variation is maintained in populations, genetic variation was investigated surrounding the amino acid variant that is causing flies to be resistant. No evidence was found of natural selection causing either recent changes in allele frequency or geographical variation in frequency, suggesting that this is an old polymorphism that has been maintained at a stable frequency. Overall, these data demonstrate how complex genetic variation at a single locus can control susceptibility to a virulent natural pathogen (Cao, 2017).
The innate immune response of Anopheles gambiae involves the transcriptional upregulation of effector genes. Therefore, the cis-regulatory sequences and their cognate binding factors play essential roles in the mosquito's immune response. However, the genetic control of the mosquito's innate immune response is not yet fully understood. To gain further insight on the elements, the factors and the potential mechanisms involved, an open chromatin profiling was carried out on A. gambiae-derived immune-responsive cells. This study reports the identification of cis-regulatory sites, immunity-related transcription factor binding sites, and cis-regulatory modules. A de novo motif discovery carried out on this set of cis-regulatory sequences identified immunity-related motifs and cis-regulatory modules. These modules contain motifs that are similar to binding sites for REL-, STAT-, lola- and Deaf1-type transcription factors. Sequence motifs similar to the binding sites for GAGA were found within a cis-regulatory module, together with immunity-related transcription factor binding sites. The presence of Deaf1- and lola-type binding sites, along with REL- and STAT-type binding sites, suggests that the immunity function of these two factors could have been conserved both in Drosophila and Anopheles gambiae (Perez-Zamorano, 2017).
Drosophila is an extremely useful model organism for understanding how innate immune mechanisms defend against microbes and parasitoids. Large foreign objects trigger a potent cellular immune response in Drosophila larva. In the case of
endoparasitoid wasp eggs, this response includes hemocyte
proliferation, lamellocyte differentiation and eventual encapsulation of the egg. The encapsulation reaction involves the attachment and spreading of hemocytes around the egg, which requires cytoskeletal rearrangements, changes in adhesion properties and cell shape, as well as melanization of the capsule. Guanine nucleotide metabolism has an
essential role in the regulation of pathways necessary for this
encapsulation response. This study shows that the Drosophila
inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), encoded by raspberry (ras), is centrally important for a proper cellular immune
response against eggs from the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi.
Notably, hemocyte attachment to the egg and subsequent melanization of the
capsule are deficient in hypomorphic ras mutant larvae, which
results in a compromised cellular immune response and increased survival of the parasitoid (Kari, 2016).
Organisms rely on inducible and constitutive immune defences to combat infection. Constitutive immunity enables a rapid response to infection but may carry a cost for uninfected individuals, leading to the prediction that it will be favoured when infection rates are high. When populations of Drosophila melanogaster were exposed to intense parasitism by the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi, they evolved resistance by developing a more reactive cellular immune response. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, this study found that immune-inducible genes had become constitutively upregulated. This was the result of resistant larvae differentiating precursors of specialized immune cells called lamellocytes that were previously only produced after infection. Therefore, populations evolved resistance by genetically hard-wiring the first steps of an induced immune response to become constitutive (Leitao, 2020).
The pressure to survive ever-changing pathogen exposure explains the frequent observation that immune genes are among the fastest evolving in the genomes of many taxa, but an intriguing proportion of immune genes also appear to be under purifying selection. Though variance in evolutionary signatures of immune genes is often attributed to differences in gene-specific interactions with microbes, this explanation neglects the possibility that immune genes participate in other biological processes that could pleiotropically constrain adaptive selection. This study, analyzed available transcriptomic and genomic data from Drosophila melanogaster and related species to test the hypothesis that there is substantial pleiotropic overlap in the developmental and immunological functions of genes involved in immune signaling and that pleiotropy would be associated with stronger signatures of evolutionary constraint. The results suggest that pleiotropic immune genes do evolve more slowly than those having no known developmental functions and that signatures of constraint are particularly strong for pleiotropic immune genes that are broadly expressed across life stages. These results support the general yet untested hypothesis that pleiotropy can constrain immune system evolution, raising new fundamental questions about the benefits of maintaining pleiotropy in systems that need to rapidly adapt to changing pathogen pressures (Williams, 2023).
Leishmania amastigotes manipulate the activity of macrophages to favor their own success. However, very little is known about the role of innate recognition and signaling triggered by amastigotes in this host-parasite interaction. This work developed a new infection model in adult Drosophila to take advantage of its superior genetic resources to identify novel host factors limiting Leishmania amazonensis infection. The model is based on the capacity of macrophage-like cells, plasmatocytes, to phagocytose and control the proliferation of parasites injected into adult flies. Using this model, a collection of RNAi-expressing flies were screened for anti-Leishmania defense factors. Notably, three CD36-like scavenger receptors (<croquemort, CG31741, and CG10345) were found that were important for defending against Leishmania infection. Mechanistic studies in mouse macrophages showed that CD36 accumulates specifically at sites where the parasite contacts the parasitophorous vacuole membrane. Furthermore, CD36-deficient macrophages were defective in the formation of the large parasitophorous vacuole typical of L. amazonensis infection, a phenotype caused by inefficient fusion with late endosomes and/or lysosomes. These data identify an unprecedented role for CD36 in the biogenesis of the parasitophorous vacuole and further highlight the utility of Drosophila as a model system for dissecting innate immune responses to infection (Okuda, 2016).
An RNA chaperone of Escherichia coli, called host factor required for phage Qbeta RNA replication (Hfq), forms a complex with small noncoding RNAs to facilitate their binding to target mRNA for the alteration of translation efficiency and stability. Although the role of Hfq in the virulence and drug resistance of bacteria has been suggested, how this RNA chaperone controls the infectious state remains unknown. The present study addressed this issue using Drosophila melanogaster as a host for bacterial infection. In an assay for abdominal infection using adult flies, an E. coli strain with mutation in hfq was eliminated earlier, whereas flies survived longer compared with infection with a parental strain. The same was true with flies deficient in humoral responses, but the mutant phenotypes were not observed when a fly line with impaired hemocyte phagocytosis was infected. The results from an assay for phagocytosis in vitro revealed that Hfq inhibits the killing of E. coli by Drosophila phagocytes after engulfment. Furthermore, Hfq seemed to exert this action partly through enhancing the expression of E. coli σ38, a stress-responsive sigma factor that was previously shown to be involved in the inhibition of phagocytic killing of E. coli, by a posttranscriptional mechanism. This study indicates that the RNA chaperone Hfq contributes to the persistent infection of E. coli by maintaining the expression of bacterial genes, including one coding for sigma38, that help bacteria evade host immunity (Shiratsuchi, 2016).
Disease tolerance describes an infected host's ability to maintain health independently of the ability to clear microbe loads. The Jak/Stat pathway plays a pivotal role in humoral innate immunity by detecting tissue damage and triggering cellular renewal, making it a candidate tolerance mechanism. This study found that in Drosophila melanogaster infected with Pseudomonas entomophila disrupting ROS-producing dual oxidase (duox) or the negative regulator of Jak/Stat Socs36E, render male flies less tolerant. Another negative regulator of Jak/Stat, G9a - which has previously been associated with variable tolerance of viral infections - did not affect the rate of mortality with increasing microbe loads compared to flies with functional G9a, suggesting it does not affect tolerance of bacterial infection as in viral infection. These findings highlight that ROS production and Jak/Stat signalling influence the ability of flies to tolerate bacterial infection sex-specifically and may therefore contribute to sexually dimorphic infection outcomes in Drosophila (Prakash, 2023).
Cellular immune responses require the generation and recruitment of diverse blood cell types that recognize and kill pathogens. In Drosophila melanogaster larvae, immune-inducible lamellocytes participate in recognizing and killing parasitoid wasp eggs. However, the sequence of events required for lamellocyte generation remains controversial. To study the cellular immune system, this study developed a flow cytometry approach using in vivo reporters for lamellocytes as well as for plasmatocytes, the main hemocyte type in healthy larvae. It was found that two different blood cell lineages, the plasmatocyte and lamellocyte lineages, contribute to the generation of lamellocytes in a demand-adapted hematopoietic process. Plasmatocytes transdifferentiate into lamellocyte-like cells in situ directly on the wasp egg. In parallel, a novel population of infection-induced cells, which were named lamelloblasts, appears in the circulation. Lamelloblasts proliferate vigorously and develop into the major class of circulating lamellocytes. These data indicate that lamellocyte differentiation upon wasp parasitism is a plastic and dynamic process. Flow cytometry with in vivo hemocyte reporters can be used to study this phenomenon in detail (Anderl, 2016).
Blood cells are the central players in the cellular immune response, and evolutionarily conserved signaling pathways control their hematopoiesis. Three main types of blood cells or hemocytes have been described for Drosophila melanogaster; plasmatocytes, crystal cells, and lamellocytes. Plasmatocytes, the main hemocyte type in healthy larvae, are professional phagocytes, and they are functionally similar to mammalian monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils. Lamellocytes are formed in response to wasp infection, when they are needed for the encapsulation and killing of parasitoids. Finally, crystal cells, are required for the melanization of wounds. Together with lamellocytes, crystal cells probably also contribute to the melanization of capsules, a presumed effector mechanism of the immune defense (Anderl, 2016).
A variety of parasitoid hymenopteran wasp species, including the genus Leptopilina, deposit their eggs in the hemocoel of fly larvae. This triggers a melanotic encapsulation reaction that comprises a fixed sequence of events. After the egg is injected, a thin electron-dense layer of unknown material is deposited on the chorion. Then plasmatocytes attach to and spread on the egg. Several layers of lamellocytes encapsulate the egg, the capsule is sealed by septate junctions between the cells, and finally melanin is deposited by the action of the enzyme phenol oxidase. Both crystal cells and lamellocytes participate in the melanization reaction. Parasitoid wasp species, in turn, deploy several virulence strategies, which incapacitate the host's cellular immune system in different ways and visibly affect hemocytes (Anderl, 2016).
Drosophila larval hemocytes originate from two embryonic sources; the procephalic and the cardiogenic mesoderm anlagen. The cardiogenic anlage gives rise to two rows of hematopoietic organs, called lymph glands, which are situated on each side of the dorsal vessel. The paired primary lobes of the lymph glands consist of a medullary zone with progenitor cells, a cortical zone with differentiated hemocytes, and a posterior signaling center that supervises the maintenance and differentiation of progenitor cells. Prior to pupariation, the lymph glands disintegrate and release mature hemocytes. In response to wasp infection the primary lobes can disintegrate earlier and release differentiated plasmatocytes and lamellocytes. The hemocytes of procephalic origin give rise to the peripheral hemocyte population, which is distinct from the lymph glands. Peripheral hemocytes colonize a second hematopoietic compartment of sessile hemocyte islets, which are arranged in segments under the skin. These hemocytes proliferate in contact with peripheral neurons (Makhijani, 2011) and alternate between sessile positions in the islets and circulation in the open body cavity of larvae. In healthy larvae, all hemocytes are of procephalic origin until the onset of metamorphosis, when hemocytes are released from the lymph glands. Procephalic hemocytes also persist into adulthood. Although research during the past 15 years has highlighted the lymph glands as the source of lamellocytes, it was suggested already in 1957 that peripheral plasmatocytes give rise to lamellocytes. This idea was more recently corroborated by lineage tracing in three studies. After a wasp attack, a main fraction of the hemocytes participating in the encapsulation reaction originates from the peripheral population. Nevertheless, the origin of lamellocytes remains ambiguous, and the dynamics of the cellular immune system in the encapsulation reaction is unclear (Anderl, 2016).
Initially, hemocytes were classified by their morphology. The development of the enhancer trap system in Drosophila enabled the production of the first generation of genetic hemocyte markers. Later, hemocyte-specific antibodies provided pan-hemocyte antibodies as well as specific antibodies for the different hemocyte classes. These antibodies were also instrumental in the discovery of new hemocyte-specific proteins. Hemocyte-specific GAL4 constructs and fluorescent enhancer-reporter fusions further diversified the genetic toolbox, allowing the observation of hemocytes or specific hemocyte subclasses in vivo. Despite these advances, peripheral hemocytes are mainly counted with hemocytometers, which is labor-intensive and error-prone. So far, the use of flow cytometry in the differential cell counting and sorting of Drosophila hemocytes has been minimal (Anderl, 2016).
This study presents a combined approach of flow cytometry and microscopy to investigate the dynamics of hematopoiesis after a wasp infection. Advantage was taken of the previously developed enhancer-reporter constructs eater-GFP (here called eaterGFP), which is specific for plasmatocytes, and MSNF9MO-mCherry (msnCherry), which is specific for lamellocytes. Three species of the parasitoid wasp genus Leptopilina, each with different well-established effects on the immune response of Drosophila larvae, were chosen to better understand the origin of lamellocytes and the dynamics of the hemocyte compartments during the encapsulation reaction. This study shows that flow cytometry, combined with fluorescent enhancer-reporter constructs, is an effective way to distinguish different hemocyte classes. A wasp infection induces several novel hemocyte classes that belong to two major lineages, the plasmatocyte and the lamellocyte lineage. These lineages give rise to two types of lamellocytes and activated plasmatocytes in a demand-adapted response (Anderl, 2016).
The switch from steady-state to infection-induced hematopoiesis in Drosophila melanogaster is marked by the generation of a new blood cell type, the lamellocyte. Three different models for lamellocyte hematopoiesis have been proposed. Firstly, prohemocytes in the lymph glands self-renew and directly transform into lamellocytes that are released into the circulation. Secondly, prohemocytes from the lymph glands, or putative prohemocytes in the circulation, develop into plasmatocytes, which transdifferentiate via so-called podocytes into lamellocytes. Thirdly, peripheral plasmatocytes of procephalic origin transdifferentiate directly into lamellocytes. Nonetheless, the dynamics of lamellocyte hematopoiesis remain largely elusive. This study presents a two-lineage model for lamellocyte hematopoiesis, where one type of lamellocytes is generated from the plasmatocyte lineage, by direct transdifferentiation of plasmatocytes on the surface of the parasite, and the other from a designated lamellocyte lineage, with infection-induced lamelloblasts that differentiate into circulating lamellocytes (Anderl, 2016).
Lamelloblasts are characterized by the expression of the plasmatocyte markers eaterGFP and a phagocytosis receptor NimC1, albeit the eaterGFP expression level is ten times lower in lamelloblasts than in plasmatocytes. Therefore, it was first assumed that lamelloblasts might be generated from plasmatocytes by downregulating eaterGFP or via the cell division of plasmatocytes, which would dilute the GFP fluorescence. But several arguments speak against these ideas. Firstly, as GFP is a highly stable molecule with a half-life of 24 hours or more, it seems unlikely that downregulation would result in such a large difference in GFP expression after just one round of cell division. Secondly, lamelloblasts appear suddenly 8 h after infection, without the presence of obvious precursors among the circulating cells. The lamelloblast count increased from zero to more than 1000 cells in only six hours, whereas plasmatocyte numbers remained at a constant level. Producing this many lamelloblasts in one cell division would entirely deplete the plasmatocyte pool. Asymmetric cell division could in principle have generated cells with reduced levels of GFP expression, but mitotic plasmatocytes with unequal distribution of nuclear GFP expression were never observed. Furthermore, lamelloblasts are a uniform population of small cells with lower granularity than observed in plasmatocytes. Several other studies attribute similar features to prohemocytes. Taken together, these features establish lamelloblasts as a population that is clearly distinct from plasmatocytes and suggest a non-plasmatocyte origin for these cells (Anderl, 2016).
Several of the findings imply that lamelloblasts derive directly from sessile prohemocytes. Knocking down the cytokine Edin in the fat body reduced the number of lamelloblasts in the circulation. Furthermore, previous work found that sessile cells are not released into the circulation in response to a wasp infection in edin knockdown larvae. This indicates that the precursor cells of lamelloblasts likely reside in the sessile tissue. In addition, the Eater protein was originally described as a phagocytosis receptor on plasmatocytes, but recently it was shown that it is also required for the attachment of hemocytes to the sessile compartment (Bretscher, 2015). This might suggest that the low expression level of eaterGFP in lamelloblasts induces their release from the sessile islets. Markus (2009) found that cells expressing neither plasmatocyte nor lamellocyte antigens were lost from the sessile population after a wasp infection and that transplanting sessile hemocytes into recipient larvae triggered lamellocyte hematopoiesis in the transplanted cells. This shows that sessile hemocytes can be a source of lamellocytes (Anderl, 2016).
The relative contribution of lymph glands to circulating hemocytes during the immune response is still uncertain. Lymph glands release prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, and lamellocytes into the circulation, but only after the immune response against the wasp egg has already started. Furthermore, this study shows that even though the primary lymph gland lobes stay intact after a L. heterotoma infection, all hemocyte types of the lamellocyte lineage develop normally. Still, the lymph glands likely contribute to the population of lamellocytes or their precursors at later time points after an infection (Anderl, 2016).
This study confirmed that lamellocytes are terminally differentiated and non-mitotic, but nevertheless EdU-positive lamellocytes were detected after a wasp infection. Biosynthetically active cell types are known to undergo endocycles characterized by the uncoupling of DNA-replication from mitosis. Endoreplicating cells typically go through the S- and G1-phases of the cell cycle. Therefore 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU)-incorporation in lamellocytes could be due to endoreplication, but the absence of >S/G2/M-Green expression in lamellocytes indicates that DNA-synthesis is quiescent. Although it cannot be entirely excluded that lamellocytes endoreplicate, it is suggested that they originate from mitotically active precursor cells, namely lamelloblasts and prelamellocytes (Anderl, 2016).
The plasmatocyte lineage originates from procephalic plasmatocytes. At the time point when the wasp eggs hatch, activated plasmatocytes appear in large numbers. This suggests that plasmatocytes play an important role in the defense response, although they were not seen on the wasp egg. When plasmatocytes are activated they become more granular, grow in size, and accumulate cytoplasmic mCherry-positive foci. The granular mCherry fluorescence in activated plasmatocytes may indicate the phagocytosis of lamellocyte-derived material, but the expression of lamellocyte antigens might also signify the general activation of the immune system (Anderl, 2016).
An important question is how the hemocyte classes in Drosophila are related to the blood cells of other species. Unfortunately, the naming of Drosophila hemocytes is not congruent with the generally accepted terminology for other insect orders, including other dipterans. Drosophila plasmatocytes are structurally and functionally very similar to the professional phagocytes of other insects, usually called granulocytes or granular cells, and these cell types are considered homologous. On the other hand, general insect terminology reserves the term plasmatocyte for a granulocyte-like, but agranular, class of cells that actively participate in the encapsulation of parasites, much like the Drosophila lamellocytes. The observation that Drosophila lamellocytes actually originate from a group of round cells of low granularity, the lamelloblasts, suggests that the lamellocyte lineage may indeed be homologous to the plasmatocytes of other insects. Notably, hemocytes of lamellocyte morphology are only found among the Drosophila species of the melanogaster subgroup, although lamellocyte-like cells have been described in several other drosophilids. Instead of lamellocytes, some drosophilids have evolved other bizarre hemocyte types that participate in the encapsulation of parasitoid wasps, such as the hairy pseudopodocytes of the obscura group and the highly motile multinucleated giant hemocytes of the ananassae subgroup. In the drosophilid Zaprionus indianus and several Drosophila species, spindle- or thread-shaped nematocytes appear together with lamellocyte-like cells. A parsimonious interpretation of these observations is that an ancestral hemocyte class, specialized in the encapsulation of parasites, has undergone rapid and diversifying evolution in the Drosophila lineage (Anderl, 2016).
Homologies between Drosophila and human blood cells remain entirely speculative. Indeed, it is not unlikely that different types of blood cells evolved independently in vertebrates and arthropods. Still, the activation of plasmatocytes in the plasmatocyte lineage can be seen as an interesting analogy to the transformation of monocytes into macrophages (Anderl, 2016).
Peripheral plasmatocytes proliferate by self-renewal (Makhijan, 2011) and their numbers increase during larval development. Hemocyte numbers have also been shown to increase after a wasp infection. This increase has been linked to the release of cells from the sessile compartment and from the lymph glands. The current results show that the demand-adapted hematopoiesis of the lamellocyte and plasmatocyte lineages is reason for the increase in cell counts after a wasp infection. Moreover, hemocytes divide on the wasp egg and in the sessile compartment. Infection-induced mitosis has been observed in Anopheles gambiae, but this has not previously been demonstrated for immune-induced cell types in Drosophila. In mammals, on the other hand, demand-adapted hematopoiesis is a well described trait of the immune response and is characterized by the increase of cell numbers several-fold over the steady-state levels of blood cell production. Recently, subpopulations of tissue macrophages derived from embryonic cells were also found to divide in situ rather than being replenished by myelopoiesis. Taken together, the immune response after wasp infection is reminiscent of the demand-adapted hematopoiesis in mammals (Anderl, 2016).
Antibodies have been instrumental in defining blood cell populations in Drosophila larvae, where the expression of the P1/NimC1 antigen marks plasmatocyte identity and the expression of the L-antigens lamellocyte identity. eaterGFP and msnCherry have been introduced as specific markers for plasmatocytes and lamellocytes respectively. However, after immune activation, cells with plasmatocyte morphology express varying levels of L-antigens, indicating that they represent intermediate cell types. Similarly, this study shows that the expression of eaterGFP and msnCherry is not restricted to plasmatocytes or lamellocytes, but that cell populations expressing both reporter constructs exist. Available plasmatocyte and lamellocyte markers unambiguously define unchallenged plasmatocytes and fully differentiated lamellocytes, respectively, but because of the dynamic nature of the immune response a combination of reporter constructs, or the corresponding plasmatocyte and lamellocyte antibodies, have to be used in order to define the blood cell lineages (Anderl, 2016).
In conclusion, flow cytometry in combination with fluorescent hemocyte markers is an accurate and fast method for the differential counting of Drosophila blood cell populations from single larvae, and is potentially useful for the high throughput analysis of hemocyte phenotypes in genetic screening, or drug testing in vivo. Overall, these findings show that lamellocytes are generated in parallel by the transdifferentiation of plasmatocytes and de novo from lamelloblasts. However, the origin of lamelloblasts remains uncertain. The challenge is now to create appropriate genetic tools to track and experimentally manipulate individual hemocyte populations and to understand how the as yet elusive signals from different tissues, like the fat body and somatic muscles, integrate to shape a functional immune response (Anderl, 2016).
Studies in different animal model systems have revealed the impact of odors on immune cells; however, any understanding on why and how odors control cellular immunity remained unclear. This study found that Drosophila employ an olfactory-immune cross-talk to tune a specific cell type, the lamellocytes, from hematopoietic-progenitor cells. Neuronally released GABA derived upon olfactory stimulation is utilized by blood-progenitor cells as a metabolite and through its catabolism, these cells stabilize Sima/HIFα protein. Sima capacitates blood-progenitor cells with the ability to initiate lamellocyte differentiation. This systemic axis becomes relevant for larvae dwelling in wasp-infested environments where chances of infection are high. By co-opting the olfactory route, the preconditioned animals elevate their systemic GABA levels leading to the upregulation of blood-progenitor cell Sima expression. This elevates their immune-potential and primes them to respond rapidly when infected with parasitic wasps. The present work highlights the importance of the olfaction in immunity and shows how odor detection during animal development is utilized to establish a long-range axis in the control of blood-progenitor competency and immune-priming (Madhwal, 2020).
Outcomes of traumatic brain injury (TBI) vary because of differences in primary and secondary injuries. Primary injuries occur at the time of a traumatic event, whereas secondary injuries occur later as a result of cellular and molecular events activated in the brain and other tissues by primary injuries. This study used a Drosophila melanogaster TBI model to investigate secondary injuries that cause acute mortality. By analyzing percent mortality within 24 hours of primary injuries, it was previously found that age at the time of primary injuries and diet afterward affect the severity of secondary injuries. This study shows that secondary injuries peaked in activity 1-8 hours after primary injuries. Additionally, it was demonstrated that age and diet activated distinct secondary injuries in a genotype-specific manner and that concurrent activation of age- and diet-regulated secondary injuries synergistically increased mortality. To identify genes involved in secondary injuries that cause mortality, genome-wide mRNA expression profiles were compared of uninjured and injured flies under age and diet conditions that had different mortalities. During the peak period of secondary injuries, innate immune response genes were the predominant class of genes that changed expression. Furthermore, age and diet affected the magnitude of the change in expression of some innate immune response genes, suggesting roles for these genes in inhibiting secondary injuries that cause mortality. These results indicate that the complexity of TBI outcomes is due in part to distinct, genetically controlled, age- and diet-regulated mechanisms that promote secondary injuries and that involve a subset of innate immune response gene (Katzenberger, 2016).
PeptidoGlycan Recognition Proteins (PGRPs) are key regulators of the insect innate antibacterial response. Even if they have been intensively studied, some of them have yet unknown functions. This paper presents a functional analysis of PGRP-LA, an as yet uncharacterized Drosophila PGRP. The PGRP-LA gene is located in cluster with PGRP-LC and PGRP-LF, which encode a receptor and a negative regulator of the Imd pathway, respectively. Structure predictions indicate that PGRP-LA would not bind to peptidoglycan, pointing to a regulatory role of this PGRP. PGRP-LA expression was enriched in barrier epithelia, but low in the fat body. Use of a newly generated PGRP-LA deficient mutant indicates that PGRP-LA is not required for the production of antimicrobial peptides by the fat body in response to a systemic infection. Focusing on the respiratory tract, where PGRP-LA is strongly expressed, a genome-wide microarray analysis was conducted of the tracheal immune response of wild-type, Relish, and PGRP-LA mutant larvae. Comparing these data to previous microarray studies, it is reported that a majority of genes regulated in the trachea upon infection differ from those induced in the gut or the fat body. Importantly, antimicrobial peptide gene expression was reduced in the tracheae of larvae and in the adult gut of PGRP-LA-deficient Drosophila upon oral bacterial infection. Together, these results suggest that PGRP-LA positively regulates the Imd pathway in barrier epithelia (Gendrin, 2013).
This structural study predicts that the PGRP domain of PGRP-LA is unlikely to bind peptidoglycan by itself. Over-expression of PGRP-LAD isoform, but not of PGRP-LAC and PGRP-LAF, leads to the activation of Diptericin expression in absence of infection. The experiments placed PGRP-LAD upstream of the Dredd caspase and of the Tak1 MAP3K. The intracellular domain of PGRP-LAD contains a RHIM motif similar to that observed in PGRP-LC and PGRP-LE for which it is essential for Imd pathway activation. This suggests that the RHIM motif confers to PGRP-LAD the capacity to induce the Imd pathway. Studies involving short mutations in PGRP-LC and PGRP-LE reported that their RHIM motifs are not involved in any physical interaction with Imd, the downstream adaptor of the Imd pathway, but bind with Pirk, a negative regulator of the Imd pathway. Further analysis will be required to test whether the different PGRP-LA isoforms physically interacts with Pirk and/or with PGRP-LC. Collectively, this initial molecular characterization of PGRP-LA suggests a modulatory role of this PGRP in the Imd pathway (Gendrin, 2013).
Using a PGRP-LA-deficient line, PGRP-LA was shown to not be required for the systemic production of antimicrobial peptides in the adult. Consistent with this observation, mutations in PGRP-LA did not increase the susceptibility to systemic bacterial infection. This matches with the very low expression of PGRP-LA in the fat body. Of note, phagocytosis was also not affected in the PGRP-LA2A mutant. Consistently, previous studies on S2-cells did not reveal any role of PGRP-LA in the induction of antimicrobial peptides by peptidoglycan or Gram-negative bacteria (Choe, 2002; Ramet, 2002) or in the phagocytosis of Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria. All these data clearly indicate that PGRP-LA is not compulsory for the systemic activation of the Imd or Toll pathways, although a more specific role under a very specific condition or in response to a specific form of peptidoglycan could formally not be excluded (Gendrin, 2013).
Several studies have shown that the antimicrobial response of Drosophila exhibits major differences depending on the tissue. Notably, regulatory mechanisms controlling the antimicrobial response in barrier epithelia significantly differ from that involved in fat body-mediated systemic immune response. For instance, the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes (including Drosomycin) in the midgut or the tracheae relies only on the Imd pathway. In addition, it has recently been shown that PGRP-LE has a significant role in Imd pathway activation in the midgut while PGRP-LC is the main sensor of Gram-negative bacteria during systemic infection. These differences are probably a consequence of the necessity to maintain tight control on immune activation according to the level of exposure to bacteria or microbial products; while the hemocoel surrounding the fat body remains sterile, organs such as the digestive tract and tracheae are constantly in direct contact with the external environment. This raises the possibility that PGRP-LA has a subtler role in barrier epithelia where its expression is enriched. In support of this notion, microarray analysis revealed a lower expression of antimicrobial peptides in PGRP-LA2A tracheae of both Ecc15-infected and unchallenged larvae. The idea that PGRP-LA could establish the basal level of Imd pathway in unchallenged conditions is intriguing. These results were confirmed in RT-qPCR, but limitations due to the low and variable levels of antimicrobial gene expression in the tracheae and the gut in unchallenged conditions, when maintaining fly lines in autoclaved fly medium, did not allow confirmation of this hypothesis. Nevertheless, it was observed that the expression of several antimicrobial peptide genes was reduced in larval tracheae and adult guts of PGRP-LA2A mutants upon Ecc15 infection. A rescue experiment confirms that the phenotype is specifically linked to the PGRP-LA deletion and not to the genetic background. However, in normal laboratory conditions the PGRP-LA phenotype is not very strong and no infectious conditions were detected for which a contribution of PGRP-LA to adult survival was discernable (Gendrin, 2013).
The results support the notion that PGRP-LA positively regulates the antibacterial response in infected epithelia. However, subtle additional roles for PGRP-LA cannot be excluded, such as its participation in inter-organ communication by spreading immune signaling from epithelia to another tissue (e.g. between the gut and the tracheae). Such immune communication between tissues occurs between several epithelia and the fat body in Drosophila. However, no role of PGRP-LA could be discerned in the activation of the systemic response upon gut or genital infections (Gendrin, 2013).
The implication of several pattern-recognition receptors in the gut highlights the complexity of mechanisms underlying bacterial sensing in barrier epithelia. The conservation of PGRP-LA in mosquito (contrary to PGRP-LE or PGRP-LF) where it is also located in cluster with PGRP-LC suggests the conservation of its function in other insect species. The genomic organization of the PGRP-LA, LC, LF cluster is intriguing since the Imd-receptor gene PGRP-LC is flanked by both a positive (PGRP-LA) and a negative (PGRP-LF) regulator of the pathway. Future studies should elucidate the mechanisms by which PGRP-LA modulates the Imd pathway, notably to determine which PGRP-LA isoforms are involved. Another question to address will be the respective contributions of PGRP-LA, LC, and LE in the sensing of bacteria in the intestine. Thus, the current data add a layer of complexity to the mechanism regulating the Imd pathway and further investigation is needed to fully characterize the role of PGRP-LA (Gendrin, 2013).
The Drosophila tracheal immune response remains poorly characterized. In this study, a general analysis is presented of tracheal transcriptome variations after bacterial infection in larvae. The data reveal a major role of the Imd pathway, which controls the expression of half of the genes regulated upon infection and of most of the immunity-related genes, such as antimicrobial genes. This is in accordance with previous reports showing that this pathway controls the local production of antimicrobial peptide genes, in tracheae and the gut. It is noted that it also regulates genes involved in other cellular functions such as metabolism. Interestingly, this study observed that many genes encoding putative or characterized cuticle proteins are down-regulated upon infection. The shape of the tracheae is maintained by helicoidal thickenings of the intima called taenidiae. Therefore, the down-regulation of structural genes highlighted in the microarray suggests a remodeling of this structure upon infection. Consistent with this down-regulation, an apical-basal enlargement of the cells of the airway epithelium has been previously reported in regions of the tracheae exhibiting a strong immune response. This enlargement might be explained by a thinning of the cuticle and consequent loss of rigidity. Thus, infection with Ecc15 not only induces an immune and stress response, but also alters the metabolism and physiology of tracheae. Interestingly, microarray comparison of the immune response during systemic (fat body), gut, and tracheal immune response reveals that only a small group of common genes are induced, all regulated by the Imd pathway and encoding mainly antimicrobial peptides and other pathway components. These genes may therefore represent the 'core' of Imd pathway that are complemented by tissue-specific genes to achieve an optimal immune response (Gendrin, 2013).
The innate immune system needs to distinguish between harmful and innocuous stimuli to adapt its activation to the level of threat. How Drosophila mounts differential immune responses to dead and live Gram-negative bacteria using the single peptidoglycan receptor PGRP-LC is unknown. This study describes rPGRP-LC, an alternative splice variant of PGRP-LC that selectively dampens immune response activation in response to dead bacteria. rPGRP-LC-deficient flies cannot resolve immune activation after Gram-negative infection and die prematurely. The alternative exon in the encoding gene, here called rPGRP-LC, encodes an adaptor module that targets rPGRP-LC to membrane microdomains and interacts with the negative regulator Pirk and the ubiquitin ligase DIAP2. rPGRP-LC-mediated resolution of an efficient immune response requires degradation of activating and regulatory receptors via endosomal ESCRT sorting. It is proposed that rPGRP-LC selectively responds to peptidoglycans from dead bacteria to tailor the immune response to the level of threat (Neyen, 2016).
PGRP-LC has a clear role as the major signaling receptor sensing Gram-negative bacteria in flies, but its contribution to the resolution phase once bacteria are killed and release polymeric PGN has remained elusive. This study has uncovered a regulatory isoform of LC (rLC) that adjusts the immune response to the level of threat. rLC specifically downregulates IMD pathway activation in response to polymeric PGN, a hallmark of efficient bacterial killing. The data are consistent with a model whereby the presence of rLC leads to efficient endocytosis of LC and termination of signaling via the ESCRT pathway. Trafficking-mediated shutdown of LC-dependent signaling ensures that LC receptors are switched off once the balance is tipped in favor of ligands signifying dead bacteria, allowing Drosophila to terminate a successful immune response. Failure to do so results in over-signaling, leading to the death of the host despite bacterial clearance. Consistent with this model, defects were found in endosome maturation and in the formation of MVBs enhance immune activation and prevent immune resolution. In addition to regulating LC signaling via the ESCRT machinery, rLC can also inhibit LC signaling by forming signaling-incompetent rLC-LC heterodimers or rLC-rLC homodimers (Neyen, 2016).
Recent evidence from vertebrates also implicates the ESCRT machinery in suppressing spurious NF-κB activation: the TNFR superfamily member lymphotoxin-β receptor, which activates a signaling cascade that is functionally similar to IMD signaling, is degraded in an ESCRT-dependent manner in zebrafish and human cells. Thus ESCRT-mediated clearance of receptors upstream of NF-ÎșB seems well conserved throughout evolution (Neyen, 2016).
Internalization of receptor-ligand complexes raises the question of whether peptidoglycan is fully degraded in the endolysosomal compartment or fragmented and released into the cytosol for sensing by PGRP-LE, as is the case for peptidoglycan sensing by cytoplasmic NOD2 receptors in mammalian cells. Mechanistic coupling of LC-dependent peptidoglycan endocytosis and PGRP-LE-dependent cytosolic sensing of exported peptidoglycan fragments would help explain the partial cooperation between the two receptors (Neyen, 2016).
Molecularly, rLC is characterized by a cytosolic PHD domain predicted to bind to phosphoinositides. The PHD domain targets rLC were found to be distinct membrane domains but it cannot be excluded that this localization relies on additional protein-protein interactions. Furthermore, the PHD domain also mediates binding of rLC to the cytosolic regulator Pirk and the ubiquitin ligase DIAP2. The combined capability to control membrane localization and to recruit downstream signaling modulators is reminiscent of the 'sorting-signaling adaptor paradigm' that is emerging for mammalian PRRs. Sorting adaptors are cytosolic signaling components with phosphoinositide-binding domains that are selectively recruited to defined subcellular locations and thereby shape the signaling output of the receptors they interact with. In vertebrate immune signaling, bacterial sensing modules (for example, TLRs), lipid-binding sorting modules (for example, TIRAP or TRIF) and signaling modules (for example, MyD88 and TRAM) are carried on separate molecules and assemble via transient interactions. Drosophila MyD88 combines sorting and signaling functions in a single molecule, bypassing the need for TIRAP. Notably, rLC merges features of sensing and signaling receptors and sorting adaptors into a single molecule. The fact that Drosophila rLC has no immediate homologs in vertebrates with PGN-sensing and PGN-signaling pathways suggests evolutionary uncoupling of sensing and sorting domains, possibly to increase the spectrum of signaling by combinatorial recruitment of adaptors to sensing receptors (Neyen, 2016).
A galactose-specific C-type lectin has been purified from a pupal extract of Drosophila melanogaster. This lectin gene, named DL1 (Drosophila lectin 1; Lectin-galC1), is part of a gene cluster with the other two galactose-specific C-type lectin genes, named DL2 (Drosophila lectin 2) and DL3 (Drosophila lectin 3). These three genes are expressed differentially in fruit fly, but show similar haemagglutinating activities. The present study characterized the biochemical and biological properties of the DL1 protein. The recombinant DL1 protein bound to Escherichia coli and Erwinia chrysanthemi, but not to other Gram-negative or any other kinds of microbial strains that have been investigated. In addition, DL1 agglutinated E. coli and markedly intensified the association of a Drosophila haemocytes-derived cell line with E. coli. For in vivo genetic analysis of the lectin genes, this study also established a null-mutant Drosophila. The induction of inducible antibacterial peptide genes was not impaired in the DL1 mutant, suggesting that the galactose-specific C-type lectin does not participate in the induction of antibacterial peptides, but possibly participates in the immune response via the haemocyte-mediated mechanism (Tanji, 2006).
Defense against pathogenic infection can take two forms: resistance and tolerance. Resistance is the ability of the host to limit a pathogen burden, whereas tolerance is the ability to limit the negative consequences of infection at a given level of infection intensity. Evolutionarily, a tolerance strategy that is independent of resistance could allow the host to avoid mounting a costly immune response and, theoretically, to avoid a coevolutionary arms race between pathogen virulence and host resistance. In order to understand the impact of tolerance on host defense and identify genetic variants that determine host tolerance, genetic variation in tolerance was defined as the residual deviation from a binomial regression of fitness under infection against infection intensity. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed to map the genetic basis of variation in resistance to and tolerance of infection by the bacterium Providencia rettgeri. Positive genetic correlation was found between resistance and tolerance, and the level of resistance was highly predictive of tolerance. Thirty loci were identified that predict tolerance, many of which are in genes involved in the regulation of immunity and metabolism. RNAi was performed to confirm that a subset of mapped genes have a role in defense, including putative wound repair genes grainy head and debris buster. The results indicate that tolerance is not an independent strategy from resistance, but that defense arises from a collection of physiological processes intertwined with canonical immunity and resistance (Howick, 2017).
Y and W chromosomes offer a theoretically powerful way for sexual dimorphism to evolve. Consistent with this possibility, Drosophila melanogaster Y-chromosomes can influence gene regulation throughout the genome; particularly immune-related genes. In order for Y-linked regulatory variation (YRV) to contribute to adaptive evolution it must be comprised of additive genetic variance, such that variable Ys induce consistent phenotypic effects within the local gene pool. The potential for Y-chromosomes to adaptively shape gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial defense was tested by introgressing Ys across multiple genetic haplotypes from the same population. No Y-linked additive effects on immune phenotypes were found, suggesting a restricted role for the Y to facilitate dimorphic evolution. A large magnitude Y was found by background interaction that induced rank order reversals of Y-effects across the backgrounds (i.e. sign epistasis). Thus, Y-chromosome effects appeared consistent within backgrounds, but highly variable among backgrounds. This large sign epistatic effect could constrain monomorphic selection in both sexes, considering that autosomal alleles under selection must spend half of their time in a male background where relative fitness values are altered. If the pattern described in this study is consistent for other traits or within other XY (or ZW) systems, then YRV may represent a universal constraint to autosomal trait evolution (Kutch, 2017).
Previous and recent investigations on the innate immune response of Drosophila have identified certain mechanisms that promote pathogen elimination. However, the function of Thioester-containing proteins (TEPs) in the fly still remains elusive. Recent work has shown the contribution of TEP4 in the antibacterial immune defense of Drosophila against non-pathogenic E. coli, and the pathogens Photorhabdus luminescens and P. asymbiotica. This study examined the function of Tep genes in both humoral and cellular immunity upon E. coli and Photorhabdus infection. While Tep2 is induced after Photorhabdus and E. coli infection; Tep6 is induced by P. asymbiotica only. Moreover, functional ablation of hemocytes results in significantly low transcript levels of Tep2 and Tep6 in response to Photorhabdus. This study shows that tep2 and tep6 loss-of-function mutants have prolonged survival against P. asymbiotica, tep6 mutants survive better the infection of P. luminescens, and both tep mutants are resistant to E. coli and Photorhabdus. A distinct pattern of immune signaling pathway induction was found in E. coli or Photorhabdus infected tep2 and tep6 mutants. Tep2 and Tep6 were shown to participate in the activation of hemocytes in Drosophila responding to Photorhabdus. Finally, inactivation of Tep2 or Tep6 affects phagocytosis and melanization in flies infected with Photorhabdus. These results indicate that distinct Tep genes might be involved in different yet crucial functions in the Drosophila antibacterial immune response (Shokal, 2017).
Regenerative therapies are limited by unfavorable environments in aging and diseased tissues. A promising strategy to improve success is to balance inflammatory and anti-inflammatory signals and enhance endogenous tissue repair mechanisms. This study identified a conserved immune modulatory mechanism that governs the interaction between damaged retinal cells and immune cells to promote tissue repair. In damaged retina of flies and mice, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-like signaling induced mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) in innate immune cells. MANF promoted alternative activation of innate immune cells, enhanced neuroprotection and tissue repair, and improved the success of photoreceptor replacement therapies. Thus, immune modulation is required during tissue repair and regeneration. This approach may improve the efficacy of stem-cell-based regenerative therapies (Neves, 2016).
This study has confirmed that MANF is expressed in fly innate immune cells (hemocytes) using immunohistochemistry of hemolymph smears from late 2nd instar larvae. In these smears, hemocytes were identified by Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) expression driven by the hemocyte specific driver Hemolectin:Gal4 (HmlΔ:Gal4). MANF was also detected by immuno blot in the plasma fraction of the hemolymph, confirming its secretion. Consistent with the RNAseq data, Reverse Transcription and Real Time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) analysis revealed that MANF mRNA levels were significantly higher in hemocytes from UV treated larvae compared to untreated controls, and that this induction was PvR dependent. Over-expression of Pvf-1 in the retina (using GMR:Gal4; Glass Multimer Reporter as a driver) was sufficient to induce MANF mRNA specifically in hemocytes, in the absence of damage, and was accompanied by a significant increase in MANF protein in the hemolymph (Neves, 2016).
Flies overexpressing MANF in hemocytes showed significant tissue preservation after UV exposure, even after PvR knock-down in hemocytes. This protective activity of hemocyte-derived MANF was further confirmed in two genetic models of retinal damage, in which degeneration is induced by retinal (GMR driven) over-expression of the pro-apoptotic gene grim or of mutant Rhodopsin (Rh1G69D) (Neves, 2016).
Null mutations in the manf gene are homozygous lethal at early 1st instar larval stages, yet MANF heterozygotes (which express significantly lower levels of MANF in hemocytes compared to wild-types) had a significantly increased tissue degeneration response to UV. This increase in tissue loss could be rescued by MANF over-expression in hemocytes and was recapitulated by hemocyte-specific knock-down of MANF (Neves, 2016).
The protective effect of hemocyte-derived MANF could be caused by direct neuroprotective activity of MANF on retinal cells, or could reflect an indirect effect of MANF on the microenvironment of the damaged retina. To distinguish between these possibilities, whether MANF could influence hemocyte phenotypes was tested. Hemocytes can acquire lamellocyte phenotypes, characterized by down-regulation of plasmatocyte markers (hemolectin, hemese) and expression of Atilla protein, during sterile wound healing. These phenotypes correlate with hemocyte activation and may influence tissue repair capabilities, and they were recapitulated in the UV damage paradigm. Over-expression of MANF in hemocytes in vivo or treatment of hemocytes in culture with human recombinant MANF (hrMANF) significantly increased the proportion of lamellocytes in hemocyte smears, as detected by Atilla expression. This correlated with a decrease in the proportion of cells expressing GFP driven by HmlΔ:Gal4 and a decrease in hml transcripts. Furthermore, MANF was necessary and sufficient to induce the Drosophila homolog of the mammalian M2 marker arginase1 (arg) in hemocytes, suggesting that these cells may be able to acquire phenotypes similar to alternative activation. Most MANF expressing hemocytes also expressed Arg, suggesting that there is an association between MANF expression and M2-like activation of hemocytes (Neves, 2016).
To test whether MANF's immune modulatory function is required for retinal repair, retinal tissue preservation was assessed in conditions in which hemocytes express and secrete high levels of MANF, but are unable to be activated in response to this signal. Such a condition was generated by overexpressing MANF in the absence of Kdel Receptors (KdelRs). In human cells, KdelRs modulate MANF secretion and cell surface binding. Intracellular KdelR prevents MANF secretion, while cell surface bound KdelR promotes binding of extracellular MANF. Knock-down of the one Drosophila KdelR homologue in hemocytes resulted in a significant induction of MANF transcripts and the detection of MANF protein in the hemolymph, suggesting that KdelR-depleted hemocytes secrete high levels of MANF. In these hemocytes, MANF-induced lamellocyte formation and Arg expression were significantly decreased. Hemocyte activation by extracellular MANF is thus impaired after KdelR knock-down. This genetic perturbation also resulted in a significant enhancement of UV-induced tissue loss, which could not be rescued by MANF over-expression. Thus, immune modulation by MANF is critical for tissue repair (Neves, 2016).
The results identify MANF as an evolutionarily conserved immune modulator that plays a critical role in the regulatory network mediating tissue repair in the retina. The ability of MANF to increase regenerative success in the mouse retina highlights the promise of modulating the immune environment as a strategy to improve regenerative therapies (Neves, 2016).
MANF has previously been described as a neurotrophic factor, and it may also exert a direct neuroprotective effect in the retina, yet the data suggest a more expansive role: because MANF cannot promote tissue repair in flies in which the hemocyte response to MANF is selectively ablated, or in mammalian retinas depleted of innate immune cells or containing macrophages that are unresponsive to MANF, it is proposed that MANF's role in promoting alternative activation of innate immune cells is central to its function in tissue repair. Further studies will be required to determine the specific contribution of alternative-activated macrophages in mediating these effects. While the data point to an important role of macrophages in mediating the effects it does not exclude the possibility that other cell types are involved in the process, nor that macrophages' functions other than polarization may influence the outcome of MANF's protective effects (Neves, 2016).
Clinically, MANF may thus have a distinct advantage over previously described neurotrophic factors in both improving survival of transplanted cells directly, as well as in promoting a microenvironment supportive of local repair and integration. Because integration efficiency correlates with the extent of vision restoration it can be anticipated that MANF supplementation will have an important impact in clinical settings (Neves, 2016).
Further studies involving tissue specific knockdown of MANF in mammals will be required to evaluate the relative contribution of different cellular and tissue sources for MANF in homeostatic and damage conditions. While this study found that MANF is strongly expressed in immune cells, MANF expression was also observed in other cell types, in agreement with previous reports (Neves, 2016).
Similarly, the molecular mechanism involved in MANF signaling remains elusive. To date, a signal transducing receptor for MANF has not been identified, although Protein kinase C (PKC) signaling has been described to be activated downstream of MANF. MANF can further negatively regulate NF-κB signaling in mammalian cells and loss of MANF in Drosophila results in the infiltration of pupal brains with cells resembling hemocytes with high Rel/NFκB activity, potentially representing pro-inflammatory, M1-like phenotypes. The identification of immune cells as a target for MANF in this study may accelerate the discovery of putative MANF receptors and downstream signaling pathways (Neves, 2016).
Because neurotoxic inflammation has been implicated in Parkinson's disease, it is possible that the protective effects of MANF in this context are also mediated by immune modulation, as this study has shown for retinal disease. Indeed, recent reports suggest that the MANF paralog, cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF), has an anti-inflammatory function in murine models of Parkinson's disease and in nerve regeneration after spinal cord injury. A recent study has further shown that loss of MANF leads to beta cell loss in the pancreas. Beta cell loss is a commonly associated with chronic inflammation, and it is thus tempting to speculate that MANF is broadly required in various contexts to aid conversion of pro-inflammatory macrophages into pro-repair anti-inflammatory macrophages. Future studies will clarify the role of MANF in resolving inflammation and promoting tissue repair not only in the retina and brain, but also in other tissues. A deeper understanding of MANF-mediated immune modulation and its impact on stem cell function, wound repair and tissue maintenance is thus expected to help in the development of effective regenerative therapies (Neves, 2016).
Effective antiviral protection in multicellular organisms relies on both cell-autonomous and systemic immunity. Systemic immunity mediates the spread of antiviral signals from infection sites to distant uninfected tissues. In arthropods, RNA interference (RNAi) is responsible for antiviral defense. This study shows that flies have a sophisticated systemic RNAi-based immunity mediated by macrophage-like haemocytes. Haemocytes take up dsRNA from infected cells and, through endogenous transposon reverse transcriptases, produce virus-derived complementary DNAs (vDNA). These vDNAs template de novo synthesis of secondary viral siRNAs (vsRNA), which are secreted in exosome-like vesicles. Strikingly, exosomes containing vsRNAs, purified from haemolymph of infected flies, confer passive protection against virus challenge in naive animals. Thus, similar to vertebrates, insects use immune cells to generate immunological memory in the form of stable vDNAs that generate systemic immunity, which is mediated by the vsRNA-containing exosomes (Tassetto, 2017).
Invading pathogens provoke robust innate immune responses in Dipteran insects, such as Drosophila melanogaster. In a systemic bacterial infection, a humoral response is induced in the fat body. Gram-positive bacteria trigger the Toll signaling pathway, whereas gram-negative bacterial infections are signaled via the immune deficiency (IMD) pathway. This study shows that the RNA interference-mediated silencing of Furin1-a member of the proprotein convertase enzyme family-specifically in the fat body, results in a reduction in the expression of antimicrobial peptides. This, in turn, compromises the survival of adult fruit flies in systemic infections that are caused by both gram-positive and -negative bacteria. Furin1 plays a nonredundant role in the regulation of immune responses, as silencing of Furin2, the other member of the enzyme family, had no effect on survival or the expression of antimicrobial peptides upon a systemic infection. Furin1 does not directly affect the Toll or IMD signaling pathways, but the reduced expression of Furin1 up-regulates stress response factors in the fat body. This study also demonstrated that Furin1 is a negative regulator of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway, which is implicated in stress responses in the fly. In summary, these data identify Furin1 as a novel regulator of humoral immunity and cellular stress responses in Drosophila (Aittomaki, 2017).
The function of thioester-containing proteins (TEPs) in the immune defense of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is yet mostly unexplored. Recent work has shown the involvement of TEP4 in the activation of humoral and phenoloxidase immune responses of Drosophila against the pathogenic bacteria Photorhabdus luminescens and Photorhabdus asymbiotica. This study investigated the participation of Tep4 in the cellular defense of Drosophila against the two pathogens. Significantly lower numbers of live and dead plasmatocytes are reported in the tep4 mutants compared to control flies in response to Photorhabdus infection. Fewer crystal cells were found in the control flies than in tep4 mutants upon infection with Photorhabdus. These results further suggest that Drosophila hemocytes constitute a major source for the transcript levels of Tep4 in flies infected by Photorhabdus. Finally, Tep4 was shown to participate in the phagocytic function in Drosophila adult flies. Collectively these data support the protective role for TEP4 in the cellular immune response of Drosophila against the entomopathogen Photorhabdus (Shokal, 2017).
Insect-derived antifungal peptides have a significant economic potential, particularly for the engineering of pathogen-resistant crops. However, the nonspecific antifungal activity of such peptides could result in detrimental effects against beneficial fungi, whose interactions with plants promote growth or increase resistance against biotic and abiotic stress. The antifungal peptide Metchnikowin (Mtk) from Drosophila melanogaster acts selectively against pathogenic Ascomycota, including Fusarium graminearum, without affecting Basidiomycota such as the beneficial symbiont Piriformospora indica. This study investigated the mechanism responsible for the selective antifungal activity of Mtk by using the peptide to probe a yeast two-hybrid library of F. graminearum cDNAs. Mtk was found to specifically target the iron-sulfur subunit (SdhB) of succinate-coenzyme Q reductase (SQR). A functional assay based on the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity of mitochondrial complex II clearly demonstrated that Mtk inhibited the SDH activity of F. graminearum mitochondrial SQR by up to 52%, but that the equivalent enzyme in P. indica was unaffected. A phylogenetic analysis of the SdhB family revealed a significant divergence between the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. SQR is one of the key targets of antifungal agents and Mtk is therefore proposed as an environmentally sustainable and more selective alternative to chemical fungicides (Moghaddam, 2017).
Insects are well protected against pathogens by an immunity-related arsenal of effector molecules including antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Some AMPs are active against a broad spectrum of microbes, whereas the activity of others is restricted to certain types of bacteria or fungi. Insects produce a large number of antifungal peptides to protect them against fungal pathogens and parasites, and these peptides often interact with intracellular targets to inhibit key physiological processes such as DNA and protein synthesis, cell cycle progression and metabolic activity. AMPs therefore offer significant potential as leads for the development of drugs and biocides, but the mechanisms of action must first be understood. A small number of natural antifungal peptides have been characterized in this regard, including termicin from termites, heliomicin from the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens , gallerimycin from larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella 8, and drosomycin and metchnikowin (Mtk) from Drosophila melanogaster. The 26-residue proline-rich linear peptide Mtk is induced following microbial infection in D. melanogaster and its activity is remarkably specific. Whereas the activity of other antifungal peptides can affect both pathogens and beneficial endophytes, Mtk acts specifically against pathogenic Ascomycota such as Fusarium graminearum and Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei, but is inactive against beneficial endophytic Basidiomycota such as Piriformospora indica, when expressed in barley. This is particularly important because plants benefit from their mutual interactions with fungal endophytes. Although the precise basis of this specificity is not understood, previous observations suggest that Mtk inhibits the ability of susceptible fungi to suppress plant defense responses. A recent study revealed that Mtk interferes with F. graminearum cell wall biosynthesis by targeting the β(1,3)-glucanosyltransferase Gel1, which is responsible for β(1,3)-glucan chain elongation in the cell wall (Moghaddam, 2017).
AMPs often have multiple targets to reduce the likelihood of emerging microbial resistance. This study therefore sought additional Mtk intracellular targets by probing a yeast two-hybrid library of F. graminearum cDNAs with an artificial Mtk peptide, revealing a specific interaction with the iron-sulfur subunit (SdhB) of succinate-coenzyme Q reductase (SQR). The holoenzyme is a heterotetramer comprising two hydrophilic subunits (flavoprotein SdhA and iron-sulfur protein SdhB) and two hydrophobic subunits (SdhC and SdhD). SdhA contains the cofactor flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and a succinate binding site, whereas SdhB contains three iron-sulfur clusters, and SdhC and SdhD are the membrane anchor subunits. SQR is a key enzyme in both the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle) and the electron transport chain, both of which are required for energy generation. In the Krebs cycle, SQR catalyzes the oxidation of succinate to fumarate via the reduction of ubiquinone to ubiquinol. The resulting electrons enter the respiratory chain complex III, reducing oxygen to water and thus providing the electrochemical gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane which is needed for ATP synthesis (Moghaddam, 2017).
Therefore this study investigated whether Mtk can selectively inhibit mitochondrial SQR (complex II) activity in F. graminearum but not in P. indica, based on the hypothesis that the specific activity of Mtk against Ascomycota reflects the selective inhibition of this enzyme. A phylogenetic analysis of SdhB homologs in different Ascomycota and Basidiomycota was conducted to determine whether the enzyme has diverged in these two fungal phyla (Moghaddam, 2017).
Insect AMPs have often been shown to act against phytopathogenic fungi, and could therefore be suitable for expression as recombinant peptides in transgenic plants to reduce yield and quality losses. However, the nonspecific antifungal effects of many such peptides limit their plant protection applications because most crops establish beneficial mutualistic interactions with fungal endophytes, which promote growth by facilitating access to water and nutrients, or by inhibiting other pathogens. The deployment of AMPs with selective activity against pathogenic fungi offers an environmentally sustainable alternative to hazardous chemical fungicides, particularly given the emergence and spread of fungicide resistance. The proline-rich antifungal peptide Mtk from D. melanogaster acts selectively against phytopathogenic Ascomycota such as F. graminearum without affecting beneficial endophytic Basidiomycota such as P. indica. Recent findings indicate that this specific activity partly reflects the interaction between Mtk and the Ascomycota β(1,3)glucanosyltransferase Gel1, which is only distantly related to Gel homologs in the Basidiomycota (Moghaddam, 2017).
The specificity of Mtk against Ascomycota was considered in more detail by screening a yeast two-hybrid library of F. graminearum cDNAs using Mtk as the probe, which identified the iron-sulfur subunit of SQR (UniProtKB-I1RNM7) as an additional Mtk target. The F2H and BiFC systems were used to verify the interaction. The advantage of protein-protein interaction assays based on two-hybrid systems rather than in vitro biophysical or biochemical methods is their ability to detect weak or transient interactions. Some of these interactions need species-dependent post-translational modifications and/or particular cofactors, therefore verification in mammalian and/or plant cells is highly recommended. The F2H assay reported a positive interaction but only in a few cells, suggesting the ability of BHK-21 cells to support the interaction was limited. Potential explanations include the nuclear targeting of the bait and prey, forcing them to interact in a non-native compartment, or changes in conformation caused by the fluorescent protein tags, obscuring the interaction site. The BiFC assay was also unsatisfactory, which may reflect the non-optimal stoichiometry of the interacting components caused by differences in transformation efficiency by the separate Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains, or non-specific reassembly due to the prevention of translational read-through in the native Gateway cloning cassettes. Furthermore, background signals in BiFC assays can obscure weak interactions. The possibility cannot be excluded that the rare Mtk-SdhB interaction events in mammalian and tobacco cells indicate the lack of physical interaction. However, a functional assay demonstrated that Mtk reduces the SDH activity of F. graminearum SQR but not that of its P. indica homolog. Therefore, the absence of an expected physical interaction in the F2H and BiFC assays may reflect the requirement for additional components that are present in the S. cerevisiae strain used for the original Y2H assay but not in the BHK-21 or tobacco cells, bearing in mind that S. cerevisiae is also a member of the Ascomycota (Moghaddam, 2017).
The mitochondrial enzyme SQR, which contains three further subunits in addition to the iron-sulfur subunit SdhB, plays an important role in both the Krebs cycle and the mitochondrial electron transport chain, both of which are essential for oxidative phosphorylation. SQR catalyzes the oxidation of succinate to fumarate in the mitochondrial matrix, which results in the reduction of ubiquinone to ubiquinol in the mitochondrial inner membrane. SdhB, which is located between SdhA and the two transmembrane subunits SdhC and SdhD, contains three iron-sulfur clusters that are required for tunneling the electrons through the complex. Coenzyme Q accepts the electrons from complexes I and II, and carries them to complex III, from where they are diverted to reduce the ubiquinone pool. The reducing equivalents reduce superoxide anions that accumulate from either exogenous sources or the respiratory chain. In contrast to other dehydrogenases in the Krebs cycle, SQR does not transport the succinate-derived electrons to soluble NAD+ intermediates but to the ubiquinone pool of the respiratory chain as an electron sink to provide antioxidants in the mitochondrial inner membrane. This study found that Mtk diminishes the overall mitochondrial SDH activity by up to 52%, which may lead to (1) higher levels of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide due to the depleted ubiquinone pool, and (2) loss of the electron gradient, thus compromising the survival of the fungus. The inhibition of SdhB by Mtk may arrest the delivery of electrons required for the full reduction of ubiquinone to ubiquinol, and may therefore increase oxygen toxicity in the mitochondria. On the other hand, a deficient electrochemical gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane would inhibit the generation of ATP, which is coupled to the oxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)/FADH2 and the reduction of oxygen to water within the respiratory chain25. Therefore, the inhibition of SDH activity by Mtk would impose a high fitness cost on F. graminearum, explaining the resistance of transgenic barley plants expressing Mtk against this pathogen. The ability of Mtk to inhibit SdhB and thus perturb the Krebs cycle could also disturb the equilibrium between the malate-aspartate shuttle and reducing equivalents, further restricting electron delivery from the mitochondrial inner membrane to the electron transport chain. Mutations in the subunits of mitochondrial complex II therefore increase oxidative stress and decrease longevity (Moghaddam, 2017).
Interestingly, Mtk did not inhibit the SDH activity of mitochondrial SQR in P. indica, providing a further explanation for the selective activity of Mtk against Ascomycota11. Although it was not possible to comment on the relative activities of SQR enzymes in F. graminearum and P. indica, the mitochondrial respiratory activity in the latter is so high that it can be detected in colonized plant roots using the SDH assay. Previous studies have already revealed that the selective activity of Mtk is partly due to the specific interaction between Mtk and the Ascomycota β(1,3)-glucanosyltransferase Gel1, which is only distantly related to the equivalent enzyme in the Basidiomycota. The phylogenetic analysis described in this study also revealed a significant divergence between the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota SdhB homologs, which provides a mechanistic basis for the selective inhibition that was observed. Mtk is therefore a highly promising antifungal candidate that is active against pathogenic Ascomycota but not against beneficial endophytic Basidiomycota such as P. indica due to its phylum-specific activity against at least two distinct enzymes (Moghaddam, 2017).
SQRs are useful targets for fungicide development. SDH inhibitors (SDHIs) that occupy either the succinate-binding pocket (e.g. malonate) or the ubiquinone-binding pocket (e.g. carboxamides) are highly effective against diverse fungal species. Amide fungicides target SQR in the mitochondrial respiratory chain resulting in growth arrest and even cell death by disrupting the mitochondrial Krebs cycle and interfering with respiration. All SDHIs currently used for crop protection target the ubiquinone-binding pocket, which is structurally defined by the interface among the subunits SdhB, SdhC and SdhD. However, mutations in SQR subunits have conferred SDHI resistance in 14 fungal species thus far, highlighting the need for new antifungal agents with diverse mechanisms of action. Although F. graminearum remains susceptible to chemical SDHIs for the time being, mutations that reduce susceptibility have been identified in a number of pathogens including B. cinerea, Podosphaera xanthii, Alternaria spp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Mtk could help to prevent or at least delay the emergence of resistant fungal pathogens because resistance would require the simultaneous mutation of multiple targets (Moghaddam, 2017).
In conclusion, this study has shown that Mtk attacks F. graminearum using at least two distinct mechanisms. First the integrity of the cell wall is compromised when Mtk interacts with the β(1,3)glucanosyltransferase Gel1 to inhibit the synthesis of cell wall polymers, and then the general metabolic fitness of the fungus is targeted by inhibiting the SDH activity of mitochondrial SQR, resulting in suboptimal energy generation. The fungus suffers a loss of fitness due to the combined impact of a weak cell wall, compromised energy generation, oxidative stress and slow metabolism. Mtk represents an ideal lead for the development of environmentally sustainable fungicides due to its selectivity and multiple intracellular targets, which reduces the impact on beneficial fungi and discourages the emergence of resistant pathogens (Moghaddam, 2017).
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are essential components of the insect innate immune system. Their diversity provides protection against a broad spectrum of microbes and they have several distinct modes of action. Insect-derived AMPs are currently being developed for both medical and agricultural applications, and their expression in transgenic crops confers resistance against numerous plant pathogens. The antifungal peptide Metchnikowin (Mtk), which was originally discovered in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, is of particular interest because it has potent activity against economically important phytopathogenic fungi of the phylum Ascomycota, such as Fusarium graminearum, but it does not harm beneficial fungi such as the mycorrhizal basidiomycete Piriformospora indica. To investigate the specificity of Mtk, the peptide was used to screen a F. graminearum yeast two-hybrid library. This revealed that Mtk interacts with the fungal enzyme beta(1,3)-glucanosyltransferase Gel1 (FgBGT), which is one of the enzymes responsible for fungal cell wall synthesis. The interaction was independently confirmed in a second interaction screen using mammalian cells. FgBGT is required for the viability of filamentous fungi by maintaining cell wall integrity. This study therefore paves the way for further applications of Mtk in formulation of bio fungicides or as a supplement in food preservation (Moghaddam, 2017a).
Several plant lectins, or carbohydrate-binding proteins, interact with glycan moieties on the surface of immune cells, thereby influencing the immune response of these cells. Orysata, a mannose-binding lectin from rice, has been reported to exert immunomodulatory activities on insect cells. While the natural lectin is non-glycosylated, recombinant Orysata produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris (YOry) is modified with a hyper-mannosylated N-glycan. Since it is unclear whether this glycosylation can affect the YOry activity, non-glycosylated rOrysata was produced in Escherichia coli (BOry). In a comparative analysis, both recombinant Orysata proteins were tested for their carbohydrate specificity on a glycan array, followed by the investigation of the carbohydrate-dependent agglutination of red blood cells (RBCs) and the carbohydrate-independent immune responses in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells. Although YOry and BOry showed a similar carbohydrate-binding profiles, lower concentration of BOry were sufficient for the agglutination of RBCs and BOry induced stronger immune responses in S2 cells. The data are discussed in relation to different hypotheses explaining the weaker responses of glycosylated YOry. In conclusion, these observations contribute to the understanding how post-translational modification can affect protein function, and provide guidance in the selection of the proper expression system for the recombinant production of lectins (Chen, 2021).
Cecropins are small helical secreted peptides with antimicrobial activity that are widely distributed among insects. Genes encoding cecropins are strongly induced upon infection, pointing to their role in host-defense. In Drosophila, four cecropin genes clustered in the genome (CecA1, CecA2, CecB and CecC) are expressed upon infection downstream of the Toll and Imd pathways. This study generated a short deletion ΔCecA-C removing the whole cecropin locus. Using the ΔCecA-C deficiency alone or in combination with other antimicrobial peptide (AMP) mutations, this study addressed the function of cecropins in the systemic immune response. ΔCecA-C flies were viable and resisted challenge with various microbes as wild-type. However, removing ΔCecA-C in flies already lacking ten other AMP genes revealed a role for cecropins in defense against Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. Measurements of pathogen loads confirm that cecropins contribute to the control of certain Gram-negative bacteria, notably Enterobacter cloacae and Providencia heimbachae. Collectively, this work provides the first genetic demonstration of a role for cecropins in insect host defense, and confirms their in vivo activity primarily against Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. Generation of a fly line (ΔAMP14) that lacks fourteen immune inducible AMPs provides a powerful tool to address the function of these immune effectors in host-pathogen interactions and beyond (Carboni, 2021).
In traumatic brain injury (TBI), the initial injury phase is followed by a secondary phase that contributes to neurodegeneration, yet the mechanisms leading to neuropathology in vivo remain to be elucidated. To address this question, this study developed a Drosophila head-specific model for TBI termed Drosophila Closed Head Injury (dCHI), where well-controlled, nonpenetrating strikes are delivered to the head of unanesthetized flies. This assay recapitulates many TBI phenotypes, including increased mortality, impaired motor control, fragmented sleep, and increased neuronal cell death. TBI results in significant changes in the transcriptome, including up-regulation of genes encoding antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). To test the in vivo functional role of these changes, TBI-dependent behavior and lethality were examined in mutants of the master immune regulator NF-ÎșB, important for AMP induction: while sleep and motor function effects were reduced, lethality effects were enhanced. Similarly, loss of most AMP classes also renders flies susceptible to lethal TBI effects. These studies validate a new Drosophila TBI model and identify immune pathways as in vivo mediators of TBI effects (van Alphen, 2022).
This study has developed a straightforward and reproducible Drosophila model for closed head TBI where precisely controlled strikes are delivered to the head of individually restrained, unanesthetized flies. This TBI paradigm is validated by recapitulating many of the phenotypes observed in mammalian TBI models, including increased mortality, increased neuronal cell death, impaired motor control, decreased/fragmented sleep, and hundreds of TBI-induced changes to the transcriptome, including the activation of many AMPs, indicating a strong activation of the immune response. These results set the stage to leverage Drosophila genetic tools to investigate the role of the immune response as well as novel pathways in TBI pathology (van Alphen, 2022).
The single fly paradigm is a more valid Drosophila model for TBI that circumvents the lack of specificity of currently available models or the use of anesthesia. Both previous assays induce TBI by subjecting the whole fly to trauma, which makes it hard to distinguish whether observed phenotypes are a due to TBI or a consequence of internal injuries. A recently published method uses a pneumatic device to strike an anesthetized fly's head. This method is an improvement of earlier assays and results in increased mortality in a stimulus strength-dependent manner. However, it only shows a modest reduction in locomotor activity, without demonstrating any other TBI-related phenotypes such as neuronal cell death or immune activation. The dependence on CO2 anesthesia further impairs the usefulness of this assay, as prolonged behavioral impairments in Drosophila occur even after brief exposure to CO2 anesthesia. Additionally, anesthetics that are administered either during or shortly after TBI induction can offer neuroprotective effects and alter cognitive, motor, and histological outcomes in mammalian models of TBI as well as affecting mortality in a whole body injury model in flies. The Drosophila model allows study of how TBI affects behavior and gene expression without the confounding effects of anesthesia, making it a more valid model for TBI that occurs under natural conditions (van Alphen, 2022).
The force used in this study (8.34 N) is higher than the force used in the HIT assay (2.5 N). When designing the TBI paradigm, several commercially available solenoids were tested for their ability to induce TBI, and the one that gave the best results was used. A higher force may be needed because brain damage is caused by the direct impact of the solenoid to the fly head, where the fly head moves with the solenoid rather than full body injury or compression injuries used in the other Drosophila TBI assays. Although it cannot be excluded that the neck is not damaged in this assay, cell death was observed in the central brain and significant changes in glia after TBI were observed, suggesting that TBI does occur (van Alphen, 2022).
This study also elucidate, in an unbiased manner, the genomic response to TBI. Glial cells play an important role in immune responses in both mammals and Drosophila, and changes to glial morphology and function were reported in earlier Drosophila TBI models. Until now, profiling TBI-induced changes in gene expression have either been limited to a small number of preselected genes in both mammals and Drosophila or focused on whole brain tissue rather than individual cell types. Using TRAP in combination with RNA-seq, previously reported up-regulation of Attacin-C, Diptericin-B, and Metchnikowin was validated. Additionally, an acute, broad-spectrum immune response was detected, where AMPs and stress response genes are up-regulated 24 hours after TBI. These include antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral peptides as well as peptides from the Tot family, which are secreted as part of a stress response induced by bacteria, UV, heat, and mechanical stress. Although an increase in the heatshock protein 70 family of stress response genes was reported earlier, this study detected a significant glial up-regulation only in Hsp70BC (van Alphen, 2022).
Three days after TBI, only Attacin-C, Diptericin A, and Metchnikowin are up-regulated. Seven days after TBI, AMPs or stress response genes are not detectably up-regulated. These findings match reports in mammalian TBI models, where inflammatory gene expression spikes shortly after TBI but mostly dies down during subsequent days. Using CRISPR deletions of AMP classes, this study demonstrates that most AMPs not only protect against microbes but are also crucial in promoting survival after TBI. The exception is Defensin, as loss of this peptide increases survival, indicating that the Drosophila innate immune response to TBI can have both beneficial and detrimental effects. While loss of AMPs may render flies more susceptible to TBI, the hypothesis that AMP induction after TBI actively plays a role in mediating TBI effects is favored (van Alphen, 2022).
Besides validating the Drosophila model with the detection of a strongly up-regulated immune response, several novel genes were detected among the total of 512 different glial genes that were either up- or down-regulated after TBI. Immune and stress response only make up 157 out of 512 differentially expressed glial genes. Genes involved in proteolysis and protein folding are a prominent portion (85/512) of these differentially expressed genes, yet their role in TBI is poorly understood. These results demonstrate that there are other candidate pathways that may modulate recovery, and Drosophila can be used as a first line screen to test their in vivo function and to disentangle beneficial from detrimental responses (van Alphen, 2022).
This study has successfully applied in vivo genetics to identify in vivo pathways important for TBI. Loss of master immune regulator NF-κB results in increased mortality after TBI, yet it protects against TBI-induced impairments in sleep and motor control. These findings align with previous reports showing links between sleep and the immune response in flies where NF-κB is required to alter sleep architecture after exposure to septic or aseptic injuries. It will be of interest to determine if NF-κB is required for TBI-induced cell death. One possibility is that sleep impairments can be a side effect of melanization, an invertebrate defense mechanism that requires dopamine as melanin precursor. If dopamine is up-regulated to create more melanin, decreased sleep would be a side effect. Consistent with this hypothesis, changes were observed in fumin and pale, which likely result in increased dopamine levels (van Alphen, 2022).
However, the role of sleep after injury is complex. Two recent studies demonstrated that sleep is increased after antennal transection and facilitates Wallerian degeneration and glia-mediated clearance of axonal debris, suggesting that different types of injury have different effects on sleep. Interestingly, sleep disturbances can increase the up-regulation of immune genes. Thus, it is possible that decreased sleep after TBI contributes to survival by stimulating the immune response. Some support is found for this hypothesis in the difference in TBI-induced changes to sleep in flies that survive 7 days of TBI versus flies that die within 7 days after TBI, where the survivors sleep significantly less for 4 days post-TBI and dying flies sleep is nearly unaffected. Additionally, immune response genes are up-regulated for up to 3 days after TBI, which correlates with the observed sleep impairments. Also, the engulfment receptor Draper, which mediates Wallerian degeneration, is not up-regulated in the glial TRAP-seq data, suggesting that Wallerian degeneration, and its accompanying increase in sleep, is not part of the response to dCHI (van Alphen, 2022).
TBI results in impaired climbing behavior that persists for up to 7 days, yet impairments to sleep disappear after a few days. Recently, it was shown that TBI through head compression results in impaired memory, as quantified through courtship conditioning, indicating that TBI also results in persistent memory defects (van Alphen, 2022).
Recently, it was shown that repressing neuronal NF-κB in a mouse model of TBI increases post-TBI mortality, as in the current studies, without reducing behavioral impairments, suggesting that nonneuronal NF-κB could underlie behavioral impairments after TBI. We demonstrate that behavioral responses to TBI (for example, sleep and geotaxis) are abolished in mutants of the transcription factor NF-κB Relish, which plays a central role in regulating stress-associated and inflammatory gene expression in both mammals and flies. Nonetheless, Relish null mutants show increased mortality after TBI, but none of the behavioral impairments observed in wild-type flies, indicating that these impairments might be a side effect of immune activation rather than direct injury. The demonstration of an in vivo role for TBI-regulated genes will be important for defining their function (van Alphen, 2022).
In summary, the dCHI assay recapitulates many of the physiological symptoms observed in mammals, demonstrating that fruit flies are a valid model to study physiological responses to TBI. Both a potent induction of immune pathways and a requirement for an immune master regulator was demonstrated in mediating TBI effects on behavior. This model now provides a platform to perform unbiased genetic screens to study how gene expression changes after TBI in unanesthetized, awake animals result in the long-term sequelae of TBI. These studies raise the possibility of rapidly identifying key genes and pathways that are neuroprotective for TBI, thereby providing a high-throughput approach that could facilitate the discovery of novel genes and therapeutics that offer better outcomes after TBI (van Alphen, 2022).
Glia and neurons face different challenges in aging and may engage different mechanisms to maintain their morphology and functionality. This study reports that adult-onset downregulation of a Drosophila gene CG32529/GLAD led to shortened lifespan and age-dependent brain degeneration. This regulation exhibited cell type and subtype-specificity, involving mainly surface glia (comprising the BBB) and cortex glia (wrapping neuronal soma) in flies. In accordance, pan-glial knockdown of GLAD disrupted BBB integrity and the glial meshwork. GLAD expression in fly heads decreased with age, and the RNA-seq analysis revealed that the most affected transcriptional changes by RNAi-GLAD were associated with upregulation of immune-related genes. Furthermore, a series of lifespan rescue experiments was conducted and the results indicated that the profound upregulation of immune and related pathways was not the consequence but cause of the degenerative phenotypes of the RNAi-GLAD flies. Finally, this study showed that GLAD encoded a heterochromatin-associating protein that bound to the promoters of an array of immune-related genes and kept them silenced during the cell cycle. Together, these findings demonstrate a previously unappreciated role of heterochromatic gene silencing in repressing immunity in fly glia, which is required for maintaining BBB and brain integrity as well as normal lifespan (Shu, 2023).
Aging is thought to be associated with decreased immune functions (immune-paralysis) and increased pro-inflammatory activity (inflamm-aging). Several cellular processes are considered contributing factors to the age-related changes in immunity and inflammation. For example, (1) the adaptive immune responses decrease with age, leading to accumulation of pathogens and cellular stress, which activate inflammatory responses such as the JAK/STAT pathway; (2) senescent cells accumulate in aging, which secrete a range of inflammatory cytokines, and chemokines; (3) the microbial load and pathogen diversity that one is exposed to grow with age; and, (4) AMPs of the IMD pathway are upregulated in the brain of aged animals even when reared in germ-free conditions, suggesting a pathogen-independent mechanism underlying the age-associated immune overactivation in the nervous system during aging (Shu, 2023).
The findings of this study add a new paradigm for age-related dysregulation of the innate immunity-the decline of heterochromatic silencing of immune-related genes in fly glia. This study shows that the Drosophila gene GLAD encodes a BAH domain-containing protein, which is localized to the heterochromatin and binds to the promotors of an array of immune-related genes to keep them silenced. With age, GLAD expression and GLAD-mediated heterochromatic silencing decrease. Meanwhile, the innate immunity including the expression of AMP genes is increased in the brain of aged flies. A progressive heterochromatin loss also led to deregulation of the genes involved in immune responses in the gut of aged flies. Thus, it is possible that the heterochromatin-mediated immune silencing may be an underappreciated mechanism that is employed by other tissues and systems to keep immunity on a leash as well. In addition, it will be interesting to investigate how GLAD affects the cell number of glia in the fly brain in the future. This could not be done because the strong deleterious effect of RNAi-GLAD made it difficult to accurately assess the cell number of glia or the effect of GLAD on the cell cycle in vivo in this study (Shu, 2023).
It should be pointed out that, although this work focuses on glia and immunity, GLAD does not function 'only' in glia. Nor does it 'only' repress immune-related genes. With that said, the RNA-seq analysis of the TubGS > RNAi-GLAD fly heads indeed indicates that the most affected molecular pathways are enriched in immune and related functions. It is interesting to note that the immune genes in the Drosophila genome display a significant excess of clustering in the chromatin. And, some heterochromatin domains are enriched for genes involved in immunity in both fly and mammalian cells. Similarly, the genes of the GstD family are also clustered in the fly genome. Heterochromatin is spatially more complex and dynamic than previously thought, and a network of subdomains can regulate diverse heterochromatin functions. Thus, the chromosomal arrangement of the fly genome may facilitate the recruitment and repression of selected heterochromatin subdomains enriched for immune-related genes. In addition, several upstream PGRP genes (e.g., PGRP-SD and PGRP-SA) are upregulated in the TubGSâ>âRNAi-GLAD flies, which may enhance the overactivation of the IMD and Toll immune pathways, thereby further boosting the upregulation of the downstream effector AMPs (Shu, 2023).
Widespread, age-dependent BBB disintegration is associated with physiological aging and may be an early pathological hallmark of several human diseases. In particular, the BBB is vulnerable to systemic overactivation of immune and inflammation in neurological disorders. This study shows that local overactivation of the innate immunity in fly glia, by either KD of GLAD or OE of Imd, is sufficient to cause BBB breakdown. With the leaky BBB, immune and inflammatory factors released from glia and immune cells may leak out of the nervous system and get into the circulation system (and vice versa), which may further augment local and systemic immune and inflammatory responses to accelerate aging. Indeed, glial KD of GLAD or OE of Imd leads to age-dependent brain degeneration and dramatically reduces longevity in flies. Of note, although the anatomy of the fly BBB is different from that of mammals, they are organized and function in a similar manner. For example, the mammalian BBB is formed by a tightly sealed monolayer of brain endothelial cells that are connected by tight junctions (TJs); whereas in the fly BBB, the SPGs are connected to each other by septate junctions (SJs). The SJs function as the paracellular barrier like the mammalian TJs and disruption of SJs impairs the fly BBB. Moreover, Claudin is a key component of the mammalian TJs and the fly SJs contains Claudin-like molecules, suggesting the evolutionary conserved molecular organization of the TJs and the SJs. Therefore, it would be interesting to investigate how the GLAD-regulated, age-associated effector AMPs and cytokines and their mammalian counterparts affect BBB permeability in the future, which may provide new mechanistic insights about immune overactivation and BBB disintegration in aging and neurodegenerative diseases (Shu, 2023).
Finally, Bahd1 is the putative mammalian homologue of GLAD, which encodes a core protein of the heterochromatin-repressive complex. BAHD1 silences IFN-stimulated genes and modulates innate immune defense in response to bacterial infection. The Bahd1 null mutation causes significant perinatal death in mice, whilst the Bahd1+/â heterozygotes exhibit anxiety-like behaviors suggesting a potential role of BAHD1 in the rodent nervous system. Future research on GLAD and BAHD1 is warranted to reveal the evolutionarily conserved and the species-specific mechanisms in heterochromatin-mediated immune gene silencing and how they impact on brain aging and longevity (Shu, 2023).
Innate immunity is an ancestral process that can induce pro- and anti-inflammatory states. A major challenge is to characterize transcriptional cascades that modulate the response to inflammation. Since the Drosophila glial cells missing (Gcm) transcription factor has an anti-inflammatory role, this study explored its regulation and evolutionary conservation. The murine Gcm2 (mGcm2) gene was shown to be expressed in a subpopulation of aged microglia (chronic inflammation) and upon lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC)-induced central nervous system (CNS) demyelination (acute inflammation). Moreover, mGcm2 conditional knockout mice show an increased inflammatory phenotype upon aging or LPC injection, and hGCM2 is expressed in active demyelinating lesions of patients with multiple sclerosis. Finally, Drosophila Gcm expression is induced upon aging and acute challenge, and its overexpression decreases the inflammatory phenotype. Altogether, these data indicate that the inducible Gcm cascade is conserved from flies to humans and represents a potential therapeutic target in the control of the inflammatory response (Pavlidaki, 2022).
Selenophosphate synthetase 1 (SPS1) is an essential gene for the cell growth and embryogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. A previous study reported that SPS1 deficiency stimulates the expression of genes responsible for the innate immune system, including antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), in Drosophila S2 cells. However, the underlying mechanism has not been elucidated. This study investigated the immune pathways that control the SPS1-deficiency-induced expression of AMPs in S2 cells. It was found that the activation of AMP expression is regulated by both immune deficiency (IMD) and the Toll pathway. Double knockdown of the upstream genes of each pathway with SPS1 showed that the peptidoglycan recognition protein-LC (PGRP-LC) and Toll genes are targeted by SPS1 for regulating these pathways, respectively. It was also found that the IMD and Toll pathway regulate AMP expression by cross-talking. The levels of PGRP-LC and Toll mRNAs were upregulated upon Sps1 knockdown (6.46±0.36 and 3.2±0.45-fold, respectively n=3). Overexpression of each protein also upregulated AMPs. Interestingly, PGRP-LC overexpression upregulated AMP more than Toll overexpression. These data strongly suggest that SPS1 controls the innate immune system of D. melanogaster through regulating PGRP-LC and Toll expression (Woo, 2022).
In Drosophila, it is thought that peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) SA and LC structurally discriminate between bacterial peptidoglycans with lysine (Lys) or diaminopimelic (DAP) acid, respectively, thus inducing differential antimicrobial transcription response. This study finds that accessibility to PG at the cell wall plays a central role in immunity to infection. When wall teichoic acids (WTAs) are genetically removed from S. aureus (Lys type) and Bacillus subtilis (DAP type), thus increasing accessibility, the binding of both PGRPs to either bacterium is increased. PGRP-SA and PFRP-LC double mutant flies are more susceptible to infection with both WTA-less bacteria. In addition, WTA-less bacteria grow better in PGRP-SA/-LC double mutant flies. Finally, infection with WTA-less bacteria abolishes any differential activation of downstream antimicrobial transcription. These results indicate that accessibility to cell wall PG is a major factor in PGRP-mediated immunity and may be the cause for discrimination between classes of pathogens (Vaz, 2019).
In Drosophila, the generally accepted explanation for selective activation of immune pathways at the recognition level has been that PGRPs structurally discriminate between different types of PGs. This discrimination occurs on the basis of the amino acid present at position 3 of the stem peptide. Thus, PGRP-SA recognizes Lys (found in Gram-positive bacteria), while PGRP-LC interacts with DAP (found in Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacilli). The idea of structural discrimination at the level of the stem peptide resulted from a combination of observations, including PG binding assays, structural work, and in vivo infection experiments. However, there are several concerns with the experiments that support this Lys/DAP dichotomy or with the interpretation of the data. A summary of these follows (Vaz, 2019).
First, the PG binding experiments were conducted with a buffer that is often used to solubilize proteins, but that was very different from hemolymph (where interactions between PG and PGRPs take place). Second, the PG used for binding as well as infection experiments was quantified only by weight and not by the number of disaccharide GlcNAc-MurNAC added to the binding reaction.
Third, the structural data available and previously described referred to the binding of monomeric PG, whereas PGRP-SA and PGRP-LCx are both able to bind polymeric PG and may do so in vivo. In the context of polymeric PG binding, the small difference of a carboxyl group on the Cε with d-chirality in DAP may not be as important for downstream signaling. Moreover, superposition of the two structures showed that the electrostatic potential at the surface of both PGRPs suggests that binding to both types of PG in solution is probable (Vaz, 2019).
Based on the published structure, the defining characteristic of the binding groove is the conformation of Arg413, which securely anchors DAP-type PG and is likely to impose a preference for the latter via increased conformational stability. This preference was verified with quantitative binding to Lys and DAP-type PG, in which the latter was bound in increased quantities by PGRP-LC. Nevertheless, PGRP-LC did bind Lys-type PG in vitro. Moreover, binding of PGRP-LC to Lys-type bacteria was recorded ex vivo, and this binding resulted in a robust AMP induction that was statistically higher than the one elicited through PGRP-SA, considered the bona fide receptor for Gram-positive bacteria. This indicated that the upstream binding preferences of PGRP-LC did not result in differences in transcriptional AMP induction (Vaz, 2019).
For PGRP-SA, replacement of the anchoring Arg413 from PGRP-LC with a threonine should leave an accommodating void that can flexibly bind via a water molecule network either types of PG. In this case, there should be no noticeable difference in binding affinity. Little difference was found between PGRP-SA binding to Lys PG compared with DAP-type PG (Vaz, 2019).
These results showed that when WTAs were removed, the binding of PGRPs to whole bacteria was significantly improved. This, however, was not reflected in binding assays to purified PG, showing that the increase in binding was about accessibility to PG on the bacterial cell wall, not about changing the WTA-less PG itself. This is consistent with the fact that purified PG from WTA-less bacteria and their parental strains had no significant differences in their HPLC profile analysis that could lead to an improved binding of PGRP-SA or PGRP-LCs (Vaz, 2019).
The above results show that when WTAs were removed from bacteria, the majority of the observed phenotype attributed to selective recognition and downstream signaling based on the bacterial type were either abolished or diminished. This was accompanied by PGRP binding to whole bacteria, irrespective of PG type, in which both PGRPs played a role in host survival and restricting pathogen growth. These results are in conflict with the general consensus of Lys/DAP discrimination and put forward an alternative explanation for differential immune triggering. It is proposed that at least for bacteria that have their PGs exposed to the host environment (Gram-positive bacteria and bacilli), accessibility to PG is a major factor restricting binding, recognition, and downstream signaling. Structural discrimination may still be important when monomeric PG fragments are the only means of 'accessing' PG (in Gram-negative bacteria) (Vaz, 2019).
A fundamental issue when considering pathogen recognition in innate immunity is how a small number of germline coded receptors sense the vast variability of bacterial pathogens. Adapting receptors to an evolutionary conserved bacterial molecule essential for bacterial survival but not present in the host (e.g., PG), has been considered a productive host strategy. However, it is believed that it would have been detrimental for the host to further specialize its non-enzymatic PGRP receptors to PG-stem peptide variants, as this would essentially decrease even more the effective number of possible productive host-pathogen recognition interactions, especially in an animal such as Drosophila, challenged by a wide variety of pathogens, each of which interacts rarely with it. Put it another way, Drosophila is not subject to the arms race-type tight co-evolution with its pathogens that Anopheles is, for example, but it is subject to diffuse co-evolution with an array of non-specialist pathogens (Vaz, 2019).
Evolutionary studies on Drosophila PGRPs (including SA and LC) have shown that there is no strong co-evolution interaction, and as such, no need for specialization. It is proposed that it was the accessibility to PGs on different bacterial cell wall structures that defined how PGRPs were able to bind to PG on whole bacteria and the specified differences in downstream signaling responses, instead of direct structural specialization, as previous studies suggested. Thse results indicate that even when structural preference exists (as in the case of PGRP-LC), differences in downstream signaling are equalized when accessibility to PG on the cell wall is increased. More work is needed to test whether accessibility is also critical for PGRP-mediated recognition of whole bacteria in mammals (Vaz, 2019).
Based on the published structure, the defining characteristic of the binding groove is the conformation of Arg413, which securely anchors DAP-type PG and is likely to impose a preference for the latter via increased conformational stability. This preference was verified with quantitative binding to Lys and DAP-type PG, in which the latter was bound in increased quantities by PGRP-LC. Nevertheless, PGRP-LC did bind Lys-type PG in vitro. Moreover, binding of PGRP-LC to Lys-type bacteria was recorded ex vivo, and this binding resulted in a robust AMP induction that was statistically higher than the one elicited through PGRP-SA, considered the bona fide receptor for Gram-positive bacteria. This indicated that the upstream binding preferences of PGRP-LC did not result in differences in transcriptional AMP induction (Vaz, 2019).
For PGRP-SA, replacement of the anchoring Arg413 from PGRP-LC with a threonine should leave an accommodating void that can flexibly bind via a water molecule network either types of PG. In this case, there should be no noticeable difference in binding affinity. Little difference was found between PGRP-SA binding to Lys PG compared with DAP-type PG (Vaz, 2019).
The results showed that when WTAs were removed, the binding of PGRPs to whole bacteria was significantly improved. This, however, was not reflected in binding assays to purified PG, showing that the increase in binding was about accessibility to PG on the bacterial cell wall, not about changing the WTA-less PG itself. This is consistent with the fact that purified PG from WTA-less bacteria and their parental strains had no significant differences in their HPLC profile analysis that could lead to an improved binding of PGRP-SA or PGRP-LC (Vaz, 2019).
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are key to defence against infection in plants and animals. Use of AMP mutations in Drosophila has now revealed that AMPs can additively or synergistically contribute to defence in vivo. However, these studies also revealed high specificity, wherein just one AMP contributes an outsized role in combatting a specific pathogen. This study shows the Drosocin locus (CG10816) is more complex than previously described. In addition to its namesake peptide 'Drosocin', it encodes a second mature peptide from a precursor via furin cleavage. This peptide corresponds to the previously uncharacterized 'Immune-induced Molecule 7'. A polymorphism (Thr52Ala) in the Drosocin precursor protein previously masked the identification of this peptide, which this paper names 'Buletin'. Using mutations differently affecting Drosocin and Buletin, this studybshow that only Drosocin contributes to Drosocin gene-mediated defence against Enterobacter cloacae. Strikingly, it was observed that Buletin, but not Drosocin, contributes to the Drosocin gene-mediated defence against Providencia burhodogranariea, including an importance of the Thr52Ala polymorphism for survival. This study reveals that the Drosocin gene encodes two prominent host defence peptides with different specificity against distinct pathogens. This finding emphasizes the complexity of the Drosophila humoral response and demonstrates how natural polymorphisms can affect host susceptibility (Hanson, 2022).
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are host-encoded antibiotics that combat invading pathogens. These genes commonly encode multiple products as post-translationally cleaved polypeptides. Recent studies have highlighted roles for AMPs in neurological contexts suggesting functions for these defence molecules beyond infection. During an immune study characterizing the antimicrobial peptide gene Baramicin, multiple Baramicin paralogs were uncovered in Drosophila melanogaster and other species, united by their N-terminal IM24 domain. Not all paralogs were immune-induced. In this study, through careful dissection of the Baramicin family's evolutionary history, it was found that paralogs lacking immune induction result from repeated events of duplication and subsequent truncation of the coding sequence from an immune-inducible ancestor. These truncations leave only the IM24 domain as the prominent gene product. Surprisingly, using mutation and targeted gene silencing it was demonstrated that two such genes are adapted for function in neural contexts in D. melanogaster. Enrichment in the head was found for independent Baramicin genes in other species. The Baramicin evolutionary history reveals that the IM24 Baramicin domain is not strictly useful in an immune context. This study thus provides a case study for how an AMP-encoding gene might play dual roles in both immune and non-immune processes via its multiple peptide products. As many AMP genes encode polypeptides, a full understanding of how immune effectors interact with the nervous system will require consideration of all their peptide products (Hanson, 2022).
Antimicrobial peptides are host-encoded immune effectors that combat pathogens and shape the microbiome in plants and animals. However, little is known about how the host antimicrobial peptide repertoire is adapted to its microbiome. This study characterized the function and evolution of the Diptericin antimicrobial peptide family of Diptera. Using mutations affecting the two Diptericins (Dpt) of Drosophila melanogaster, the specific role of DptA for the pathogen Providencia rettgeri and DptB for the gut mutualist Acetobacter. The presence of DptA- or DptB-like genes across Diptera correlates with the presence of Providencia and Acetobacter in their environment. Moreover, DptA- and DptB-like sequences predict host resistance against infection by these bacteria across the genus Drosophila. This study explains the evolutionary logic behind the bursts of rapid evolution of an antimicrobial peptide family and reveals how the host immune repertoire adapts to changing microbial environments (Hanson, 2023).
In nervous system development, disease, and injury, neurons undergo programmed cell death, leaving behind cell corpses that are removed by phagocytic glia. Altered glial phagocytosis has been implicated in several neurological diseases including Alzheimer's disease. To untangle the links between glial phagocytosis and neurodegeneration, Drosophila mutants lacking the phagocytic receptor Draper were investigated. Loss of Draper leads to persistent neuronal cell corpses and age-dependent neurodegeneration. Whether the phagocytic defects observed in draper mutants lead to chronic increased immune activation that promotes neurodegeneration was investigate. It was found that the antimicrobial peptide Attacin-A is highly upregulated in the fat body of aged draper mutants and that the inhibition of the Immune deficiency (Imd) pathway in the glia and fat body of draper mutants led to reduced neurodegeneration. Taken together, these findings indicate that phagocytic defects lead to neurodegeneration via increased immune signaling, both systemically and locally in the brain (Elguero, 2023).
The innate immune system provides hosts with a crucial first line of defense against pathogens. While immune genes are often among the fastest evolving genes in the genome, in Drosophila, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are notable exceptions. Instead, AMPs may be under balancing selection, such that over evolutionary timescales multiple alleles are maintained in populations. This study focused on the Drosophila antimicrobial peptide Diptericin A, which has a segregating amino acid polymorphism associated with differential survival after infection with the Gram-negative bacteria Providencia rettgeri. Diptericin A also helps control opportunistic gut infections by common Drosophila gut microbes, especially those of Lactobacillus plantarum. In addition to genotypic effects on gut immunity, strong sex-specific effects are also seen that are most prominent in flies without functional Diptericin A. To further characterize differences in microbiomes between different diptericin genotypes, 16S metagenomics was use to look at the microbiome composition. Both lab reared and wild caught flies were used for sequencing and overall composition was looked at as well as the differential abundance of individual bacterial families. Overall, flies were found that are homozygous serine for diptericin A are better equipped to survive a systemic infection from P. rettgeri, but in general homozygous arginine flies have a longer lifespan after being fed common gut commensals. These results suggest a possible mechanism for the maintenance of genetic variation of diptericin A through the complex interactions of sex, systemic immunity, and the maintenance of the gut microbiome (Mullinax, 2023)
Nature-derived bioactive compounds have emerged as promising candidates for the prevention and treatment of diverse chronic illnesses, including neurodegenerative diseases. However, the exact molecular mechanisms underlying their neuroprotective effects remain unclear. Most studies focus solely on the antioxidant activities of natural products which translate to poor outcome in clinical trials. Current therapies against neurodegeneration only provide symptomatic relief, thereby underscoring the need for novel strategies to combat disease onset and progression. This study has employed an environmental toxin-induced Drosophila Parkinson's disease (PD) model as an inexpensive in vivo screening platform to explore the neuroprotective potential of selected dietary flavonoids. A specific group of flavonoids known as flavones displaying protection against paraquat (PQ)-induced neurodegenerative phenotypes was indentified involving reduced survival, mobility defects, and enhanced oxidative stress. Interestingly, the other groups of investigated flavonoids, namely, the flavonones and flavonols failed to provide protection indicating a requirement of specific structural features that confer protection against PQ-mediated neurotoxicity in Drosophila. Based on this screen, the neuroprotective flavones lack a functional group substitution at the C3 and contain α,β-unsaturated carbonyl group. Furthermore, flavones-mediated neuroprotection is not solely dependent on antioxidant properties through nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) but also requires regulation of the immune deficiency (IMD) pathway involving NFκB and the negative regulator poor Imd response upon knock-in (Pirk). These data have identified specific structural features of selected flavonoids that provide neuroprotection against environmental toxin-induced PD pathogenesis that can be explored for novel therapeutic interventions (Maitra, 2023).
The strength and duration of the NF-κB signaling response must be tightly modulated to avoid an inadequate or excessive immune response. Relish, a core NF-7kappa;B transcription factor of the Drosophila Imd pathway, can control the expression of antimicrobial peptides, including Dpt and AttA, to defend against Gram-negative bacterial infections, but whether Relish may regulate miRNA expression to participate in the immune response remains unclear. In this study, taking advantage of Drosophila S2 cells and different overexpression/knockout/knockdown flies, it was first found that Relish could directly activate the expression of miR-308 to negatively regulate the immune response and promote the survival of Drosophila during Enterobacter cloacae infection. Second, the results demonstrated that Relish-mediated expression of miR-308 could suppress target gene Tab2 to attenuate the Drosophila Imd pathway signal during the middle and late stages of the immune response. Third, the dynamic expression patterns of Dpt, AttA, Relish, miR-308, and Tab2 was detected in wild-type flies after E. coli infection, which further revealed that the feedback regulatory loop of Relish-miR-308-Tab2 plays a crucial role in the immune response and homeostasis maintenance of the Drosophila Imd pathway. Overall, this study not only illustrates an important mechanism by which this Relish-miR-308-Tab2 regulatory axis can negatively control the Drosophila immune response and participate in homeostasis maintenance but also provides new insights into the dynamic regulation of the NF-κB/miRNA expression network of animal innate immunity (Yao, 2023).
The NF-κB/Relish, as a core transcription factor of Drosophila immune deficiency (Imd) pathway, activates the transcriptions of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) to combat gram-negative bacterial infections, but its role in regulating miRNA expression during immune response has less been reported. This study describes a negative feedback loop of Imd signaling mediated by Relish/miR-275/Dredd that controls Drosophila immune homeostasis after Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection. The results demonstrate that Relish may directly activate the transcription of miR-275 via binding to its promoter in vitro and vivo, particularly miR-275 further inhibits the expression of Dredd through binding to its 3'UTR to negatively control Drosophila Imd immune response. Remarkably, the ectopic expression of miR-275 significantly reduces Drosophila lifespan. More importantly, this work uncovers a new mechanism by which Relish can flexibly switch its role to maintain Drosophila immune response and homeostasis during infection. Collectively, this study not only reveals the functional duality of Relish in regulating immune response of Drosophila Imd pathway, but also provides a new insight into the maintenance of animal innate immune homeostasis (Pan, 2023).
Evidence indicates accumulating Aβ peptides (see Drosophila Appl) in brain activates immune responses in neuronal and peripheral system, which may collaboratively influence pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study aimed to investigate whether regulating intestinal innate immune signaling ameliorates Aβ-induced impairments in Drosophila melanogaster. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was used to observe expression changes of innate immune responses related genes in brain and in gut under the circumstance of Aβ overexpressing in nerve system. Aversive olfactory conditioning and survival assay were used to investigate effects of modulating Attacin-A (AttA) and Dpitercin-A (DptA). Fluorometric assays of respiratory burst activity was introduced to explore whether reducing oxidative stress enables overexpressing intestinal AttA and DptA to reverse Aβ-induced deficits. In vivo genetic analysis revealed that accumulating Aβ42 in neurons modulates innate immune signaling of the IMD pathway both in the brain and in the gut. Increased expression levels of the intestinal AttA and DptA improved learning performance and extended the lifespan of Aβ42 flies. The administration of apramycin led to alleviations of Aβ-induced behavioral changes, indicating that gram-negative bacteria are associated with the development of Aβ-induced pathologies. Further analysis showed that the neural expression of Aβ42 increased oxidative stress in the gut, which disrupted intestinal integrity and decreased learning performance. In addition, increased levels of AMPs targeting gram-negative bacteria and antioxidants reduced oxidative stress in the gut and reversed Aβ-induced behavioral damage. These findings suggest that innate immune responses in the gut play a pivotal role in modulating Aβ-induced pathologies (Hsieh, 2023).
A central problem in infection biology is understanding why two individuals exposed to identical infections have different outcomes. This study has developed an experimental model where genetically identical, co-housed Drosophila given identical systemic infections experience different outcomes, with some individuals succumbing to acute infection while others control the pathogen as an asymptomatic persistent infection. Differences in bacterial burden at the time of death did not explain the two outcomes of infection. Inter-individual variation in survival stems from variation in within-host bacterial growth, which is determined by the immune response. A model was developed that captures bacterial growth dynamics and identifies key factors that predict the infection outcome: the rate of bacterial proliferation and the time required for the host to establish an effective immunological control. The results provide a framework for studying the individual host-pathogen parameters governing the progression of infection and lead ultimately to life or death (Duneau, 2017).
Acute inflammation can cause serious tissue damage and disease in physiologically-challenged organisms. The precise mechanisms leading to these detrimental effects remain to be determined. This study utilized a reproducible means to induce cellular immune activity in Drosophila larvae in response to mechanical stress. That is, forceps squeeze-administered stress induces lamellocytes, a defensive hemocyte type that normally appears in response to wasp infestation of larvae. The posterior signaling center (PSC) is a cellular microenvironment in the larval hematopoietic lymph gland that is vital for lamellocyte induction upon parasitoid attack. However, the PSC was not required for mechanical stress-induced lamellocyte production. In addition, it was observed that mechanical injury caused a systemic expression of Unpaired3. This cytokine is both necessary and sufficient to activate the cellular immune response to the imposed stress. These findings provide new insights into the communication between injured tissues and immune system induction, using stress-challenged Drosophila larvae as a tractable model system (Tokusumi, 2018).
Associations between endosymbiotic bacteria and their hosts represent a complex ecosystem within organisms ranging from humans to protozoa. Drosophila species are known to naturally harbor Wolbachia and Spiroplasma endosymbionts, which play a protective role against certain microbial infections. Thhis study investigated whether the presence or absence of endosymbionts affects the immune response of Drosophila melanogaster larvae to infection by Steinernema carpocapsae nematodes carrying or lacking their mutualistic Gram-negative bacteria Xenorhabdus nematophila (symbiotic or axenic nematodes, respectively). The presence of Wolbachia alone or together with Spiroplasma was found to promote the survival of larvae in response to infection with S. carpocapsae symbiotic nematodes, but not against axenic nematodes. Wolbachia numbers are reduced in Spiroplasma-free larvae infected with axenic compared to symbiotic nematodes, and they are also reduced in Spiroplasma-containing compared to Spiroplasma-free larvae infected with axenic nematodes. It was further shown that S. carpocapsae axenic nematode infection induces the Toll pathway in the absence of Wolbachia, and that symbiotic nematode infection leads to increased phenoloxidase activity in D. melanogaster larvae devoid of endosymbionts. Finally, infection with either type of nematode alters the metabolic status and the fat body lipid droplet size in D. melanogaster larvae containing only Wolbachia or both endosymbionts. These results suggest an interaction between Wolbachia endosymbionts with the immune response of D. melanogaster against infection with the entomopathogenic nematodes S. carpocapsae. Results from this study indicate a complex interplay between insect hosts, endosymbiotic microbes and pathogenic organisms (Yadav, 2018).
The common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful model for studying signaling pathway regulation. Conserved signaling pathways underlying physiological processes signify evolutionary relationship between organisms and the nature of the mechanisms they control. This study explores the cross-talk between the well-characterized nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) innate immune signaling pathways and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) signaling pathway in response to parasitic nematode infection in Drosophila. To understand the link between signaling pathways, a transcript-level analysis of different TGF-beta signaling components was performed following infection of immune-compromised Drosophila adult flies with the nematode parasites Heterorhabditis gerrardi and H. bacteriophora. The findings demonstrate the requirement of NF-kappaB transcription factors for activation of TGF-beta signaling pathway in Drosophila in the context of parasitic nematode infection. Significant decrease were observed in transcript level of glass bottom boat (gbb) and screw (scw), components of the bone morphogenic protein (BMP) branch, as well as Activinbeta (actbeta) which is a component of the Activin branch of the TGF-beta signaling pathway. These results are observed only in H. gerrardi nematode-infected flies compared to uninfected control. Also, this significant decrease in transcript level is found only for extracellular ligands. Future research examining the mechanisms regulating the interaction of these signaling pathways could provide further insight into Drosophila anti-nematode immune function against infection with potent parasitic nematodes (Patrnogic, 2019).
Serine proteases and serine protease homologs form the second largest gene family in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. Certain genes in the Jonah multi-gene family encoding serine proteases have been implicated in the fly antiviral immune response. This study reports the involvement of Jonah66Ci in the Drosophila immune defense against Steinernema carpocapsae nematode infection. Jonah66Ci is upregulated in response to symbiotic (carrying the mutualistic bacteria Xenorhabdus nematophila) or axenic (lacking Xenorhabdus) Steinernema nematodes and is expressed exclusively in the gut of Drosophila larvae. Inactivation of Jonah66Ci provides a survival advantage to larvae against axenic nematodes and results in differential expression of Toll and Imd pathway effector genes, specifically in the gut. Also, inactivation of Jonah66Ci increases the numbers of enteroendocrine and mitotic cells in the gut of uninfected larvae and infection with Steinernema nematodes reduces their numbers, whereas the numbers of intestinal stem cells are unaffected by nematode infection. Jonah66Ci knockdown further reduces nitric oxide levels in response to infection with Steinernema symbiotic nematodes. Finally, Jonah66Ci knockdown does not alter the feeding rates of uninfected Drosophila larvae, however infection with Steinernema axenic nematodes lowers larval feeding. In conclusion, this study reports that Jonah66Ci participates in maintaining homeostasis of certain physiological processes in Drosophila larvae in the context of Steinernema nematode infection. Similar findings will ultimately lead to an understanding the molecular and physiological mechanisms that take place during parasitic nematode infection in insects (Yadav, 2019).
Functional characterization of the interaction between TGF-β signaling activity and the mechanisms activated by the D. melanogaster immune response against parasitic nematode infection remains unexplored. This study investigated the participation of the TGF-β signaling branches, activin and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), to host immune function against axenic or symbiotic Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes (parasites lacking or containing their mutualistic bacteria, respectively). Using D. melanogaster larvae carrying mutations in the genes coding for the TGF-β extracellular ligands Daw and Dpp, this study analyzed the changes in survival ability, cellular immune response, and phenoloxidase (PO) activity during nematode infection. Infection with axenic H. bacteriophora decreases the mortality rate of dpp mutants, but not daw mutants. Following axenic or symbiotic H. bacteriophora infection, both daw and dpp mutants contain only plasmatocytes. Higher levels of Dual oxidase gene expression was detected in dpp mutants upon infection with axenic nematodes and Diptericin and Cecropin gene expression in daw mutants upon infection with symbiotic nematodes compared to controls. Finally, following symbiotic H. bacteriophora infection, daw mutants have higher PO activity relative to controls. Together, these findings reveal that while D. melanogaster Dpp/BMP signaling activity modulates the DUOX/ROS response to axenic H. bacteriophora infection, Daw/activin signaling activity modulates the antimicrobial peptide and melanization responses to axenic H. bacteriophora infection. Results from this study expand the current understanding of the molecular and mechanistic interplay between nematode parasites and the host immune system, and the involvement of TGF-β signaling branches in this process. Such findings will provide valuable insight on the evolution of the immune role of TGF-β signaling, which could lead to the development of novel strategies for the effective management of human parasitic nematodes (Ozakman, 2021).
A key aspect of parasitic nematode infection is the nematodes' ability to evade and/or suppress host immunity. This immunomodulatory ability is likely driven by the release of hundreds of excretory/secretory proteins (ESPs) during infection. While ESPs have been shown to display immunosuppressive effects on various hosts, understanding of the molecular interactions between individual proteins released and host immunity requires further study. A recently discovered secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA(2)) released from the entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) Steinernema carpocapsae was named Sc-sPLA(2). This study reports that Sc-sPLA(2) increased mortality of Drosophila melanogaster infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae and promoted increased bacterial growth. Furthermore, the data showed that Sc-sPLA(2) was able to downregulate both Toll and Imd pathway-associated antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) including drosomycin and defensin, in addition to suppressing phagocytosis in the hemolymph. Sc-sPLA(2) was also found to be toxic to D. melanogaster with the severity being both dose- and time-dependent. Collectively, these data highlighted that Sc-sPLA(2) possessed both toxic and immunosuppressive capabilities (Parks, 2023).
A high-sugar diet (HSD) induces Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity, which severely threaten human health. The Drosophila T2D model has been constructed to study the mechanisms of insulin resistance, diet-induced cardiovascular diseases and other conditions. Innate immunity is the first line of defense against invading pathogens and parasites. However, few studies have focused on the relationship between a HSD and the innate immune response in Drosophila. In this study, flies were fed a high-sucrose diet, and defects were observed in the phagocytosis of latex beads and B. bassiana spores. The actin cytoskeleton was also disrupted in hemocytes from HSD-fed larvae. Furthermore, HSD induced the differentiation of lamellocytes in the lymph gland and circulating hemolymph, which rarely occurs in healthy bodies, via JNK signaling. In addition, the Toll and JNK pathways were excessively activated in the fat bodies of HSD-fed larvae, and a large number of dead cells were observed. Finally, HSD induced the aberrant activation of the innate immune system, including inflammation. Our results have established a connection between T2D and the innate immune response (Yu, 2018).
Adipocytes have many functions in various tissues beyond energy storage, including regulating metabolism, growth, and immunity. However, little is known about their role in wound healing. This study used live imaging of fat body cells, the equivalent of vertebrate adipocytes in Drosophila, to investigate their potential behaviors and functions following skin wounding. Pupal fat body cells are not immotile, as previously presumed, but actively migrate to wounds using an unusual adhesion-independent, actomyosin-driven, peristaltic mode of motility. Once at the wound, fat body cells collaborate with hemocytes, Drosophila macrophages, to clear the wound of cell debris; they also tightly seal the epithelial wound gap and locally release antimicrobial peptides to fight wound infection. Thus, fat body cells are motile cells, enabling them to migrate to wounds to undertake several local functions needed to drive wound repair and prevent infections (Franz, 2018).
The data show that FBCs, Drosophila adipocytes, are recruited to wounds in pupae where they have multiple local roles in wound healing. The observation that FBCs are motile cells that actively migrate to wounds is unexpected and has not previously been made for adipocytes in any other organism. However, these findings raise the interesting question as to whether vertebrate adipocytes might also have the capacity to migrate. In that regard, a recent mammalian wound study found that adipocytes repopulate murine wounds, and suggested that some may have migrated from distant sites. It will be fascinating to discover whether some sub-populations of vertebrate adipocytes are indeed motile and whether they utilize similar migratory strategies to those highlighted in Drosophila FBCs (Franz, 2018).
The mode of motility that was observed for FBCs moving through the hemolymph to wounds is unusual, since it does not appear to involve the use of standard lamellipodia or blebs, utilized by most known migrating cells as they crawl in an adhesion-dependent fashion over substrates and through a milieu of extracellular matrix. Adhesion-independent migration has recently emerged as an alternative migration mode that has now been described for several other types of cells, including ameba, lymphocytes, and some cancer cells. Four models have been proposed for adhesion-independent migration: force transmission driven by 'chimneying' between two opposing substrate faces, the intercalation of lateral cell protrusions with gaps in the substrate, non-specific friction between cell and substrate, and swimming by noncyclic cell shape deformations. Only the last of these is entirely independent of any interactions with (or close proximity to) a solid substrate and hence best describes the observation of the migration of FBCs through hemolymph to wounds, since no significant interactions of these cells are seen with any substrate or other cells as they migrate. Similar to FBCs, several other cell types have been reported to migrate by swimming, when they are required to move through viscous fluid: amebae and neutrophils have been shown to swim when in viscous solution and lymphocytes are known to migrate using contraction waves when in suspension. However, the exact mechanism by which these swimming cells generate internal forces and how these forces are transduced to the extracellular environment to generate forward movement is still unknown. A recent study has shed some light on how internal forces are generated during another type of adhesion-independent migration; it showed that the migration of Walker carcinoma cells in confinement is driven by cyclical rearward flow of cortical actin that is coupled to the substrate through friction. This migration depends on the contractility of cortical actin at the rear of the cells. Moreover, rearward flow of cortical actin has also been described for the oscillatory behavior of detached cells and cell fragments, as well as for the stable-bleb cell migration of zebrafish germ layer progenitor cells. This is strikingly similar to the rearward peristaltic actin waves observed in FBCs migrating to wounds, suggesting that this could be the mechanism of force generation in FBCs also (Franz, 2018).
However, it still remains unclear how such an intracellular force might be transduced to the extracellular environment to drive forward movement of FBCs. It has previously been presumed that, while swimming works for large multicellular organisms, it cannot operate at the microscopic cell level, where viscous forces are many orders of magnitude higher than inertial forces and hence geometrically reciprocal cell shape changes may not generate propulsive forces. However, this view has been challenged and may only be true for simple Newtonian fluids, like water, which the hemolymph that FBCs swim through is clearly not. Moreover, swimming in a non-Newtonian fluid is thought to be possible if the cell shape changes of migrating cells are nonreciprocal, which might be true for FBCs migrating to wounds. It is also possible that FBCs, in addition to swimming, make use of other mechanisms to migrate. The hemolymph is relatively densely packed with cells including hemocytes and other FBCs, and FBCs are adjacent to the epithelium and muscle, depending on the location in the body. Although no contacts were observed, it is possible that the close proximity of FBCs with other cells and tissues en route to a wound might enable them to occasionally generate additional frictional forces like the ones reported for non-adherent Walker cells migrating in a confined microfluidics channel, which may also contribute to their swimming motility (Franz, 2018).
This study shows that FBCs play multiple local roles in driving wound repair and preventing wound infection. Some of these local functions might also partially extrapolate to the vertebrate wound scenario. Drosophila FBCs have long been known to systemically produce a variety of AMPs following infection and this study reveals that, during wound infection, FBCs migrate to wounds to release AMPs locally. A recent study has shown that mouse adipocytes are able to produce AMPs following bacterial skin infections. Hence, it would be interesting to examine whether mammalian adipocytes, like Drosophila FBCs, play a local role during wound healing in delivering AMPs to fight wound infection (Franz, 2018).
Given the finding that hemocytes and FBCs collaborate during the wound repair process to clear cell debris and fight infection, it is tempting to speculate that these two cell types communicate with each other during vertebrate wound healing also. Interestingly, in recent years several mammalian studies have uncovered complex interactions between adipocytes and macrophages in white adipose tissue (WAT), with important implications for tissue regeneration and disease. One example is obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance, where, upon overnutrition, the adipocytes in visceral WAT are thought to release chemokines to stimulate macrophage recruitment into fat tissue, leading to smoldering inflammation and subsequently insulin resistance. This is believed to be due to proinflammatory macrophages releasing cytokines that attenuate insulin signaling in various cell types, including adipocytes. In support of these mammalian reports, a recent study in the fly showed that animals fed a lipid-rich diet display reduced insulin sensitivity and lifespan, and both of these effects are mediated by hemocytes (Franz, 2018).
Thus interactions between adipocytes and immune cells appear to be key in many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, and it is believed that important insights into these links may be provided by future studies of the functional relationship and communication between FBCs and hemocytes during pupal wound repair in flies (Franz, 2018).
These studies in Drosophila pupae point to novel behaviors and functions for FBCs in Drosophila and open up genetic opportunities to further understanding of the important roles played by adipocytes in repair and regeneration (Franz, 2018).
Transcription is controlled by interactions of cis-acting DNA elements with diffusible trans-acting factors. Changes in cis or trans factors can drive expression divergence within and between species, and their relative prevalence can reveal the evolutionary history and pressures that drive expression variation. Previous work delineating the mode of expression divergence in animals has largely used whole body expression measurements in one condition. Since cis-acting elements often drive expression in a subset of cell types or conditions, these measurements may not capture the complete contribution of cis-acting changes. This study quantified the mode of expression divergence in the Drosophila fat body, the primary immune organ, in several conditions, using two geographically distinct lines of D. melanogaster and their F1 hybrids. Expression was measured in the absence of infection and in infections with Gram-negative S. marcescens or Gram-positive E. faecalis bacteria, which trigger the two primary signaling pathways in the Drosophila innate immune response. The mode of expression divergence strongly depends on the condition, with trans-acting effects dominating in response to Gram-positive infection and cis-acting effects dominating in Gram-negative and pre-infection conditions. Expression divergence in several receptor proteins may underlie the infection-specific trans effects. Before infection, when the fat body has a metabolic role, there are many compensatory effects, changes in cis and trans that counteract each other to maintain expression levels. This work demonstrates that within a single tissue, the mode of expression divergence varies between conditions and suggests that these differences reflect the diverse evolutionary histories of host-pathogen interactions (Ramirez-Corona, 2021).
Single tissues can have multiple functions, which can result in constraints, impaired function, and tradeoffs. The insect fat body performs remarkably diverse functions including metabolic control, reproductive provisioning, and systemic immune responses. How polyfunctional tissues simultaneously execute multiple distinct physiological functions is generally unknown. Immunity and reproduction are observed to trade off in many organisms but the mechanistic basis for this tradeoff is also typically not known. This study investigated constraints and trade-offs in the polyfunctional insect fat body. Using single-nucleus sequencing, it was determined that the Drosophila melanogaster fat body executes diverse basal functions with heterogenous cellular subpopulations. The size and identity of these subpopulations are remarkably stable between virgin and mated flies, as well as before and after infection. However, as an emergency function, the immune response engages the entire tissue and all cellular subpopulations produce induce expression of defense genes. Reproductively active females who were given bacterial infection exhibited signatures of ER stress and impaired capacity to synthesize new protein in response to infection, including decreased capacity to produce antimicrobial peptides. Transient provision of a reversible translation inhibitor to mated females prior to infection rescued general protein synthesis, specific production of antimicrobial peptides, and survival of infection. The commonly observed tradeoff between reproduction and immunity appears to be driven, in D. melanogaster, by a failure of the fat body to be able to handle simultaneous protein translation demands of reproductive provisioning and immune defense. It is suggested that inherent cellular limitations in tissues that perform multiple functions may provide a general explanation for the wide prevalence of physiological and evolutionary tradeoffs (Gupta, 2022).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes severe infectious disease in diverse host organisms, including humans. Effective therapeutic options for P. aeruginosa infection are limited due to increasing multidrug resistance and it is therefore critical to understand the regulation of host innate immune responses to guide development of effective therapeutic options. The epigenetic mechanisms by which hosts regulate their antimicrobial responses against P. aeruginosa infection remain unclear. This study used Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the role of heterochromatin protein 1a (HP1a), a key epigenetic regulator, and its mediation of heterochromatin formation in antimicrobial responses against PA14, a highly virulent P. aeruginosa strain. Animals with decreased heterochromatin levels showed less resistance to P. aeruginosa infection. In contrast, flies with increased heterochromatin formation, either in the whole organism or specifically in the fat body-an organ important in humoral immune response-showed greater resistance to P. aeruginosa infection, as demonstrated by increased host survival and reduced bacterial load. Increased heterochromatin formation in the fat body promoted the antimicrobial responses via upregulation of fat body immune deficiency (imd) pathway-mediated antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) before and in the middle stage of P. aeruginosa infection. The fat body AMPs were required to elicit HP1a-mediated antimicrobial responses against P. aeruginosa infection. Moreover, the levels of heterochromatin in the fat body were downregulated in the early stage, but upregulated in the middle stage, of P. aeruginosa infection. These data indicate that HP1a-mediated heterochromatin formation in the fat body promotes antimicrobial responses by epigenetically upregulating AMPs of the imd pathway. This study provides novel molecular, cellular, and organismal insights into new epigenetic strategies targeting heterochromatin that have the potential to combat P. aeruginosa infection (Wu, 2022).
The genetic causes of phenotypic variation often differ depending on the population examined, particularly if the populations were founded by relatively small numbers of genotypes. Similarly, the genetic causes of phenotypic variation among similar traits (resistance to different xenobiotic compounds or pathogens) may also be completely different or only partially overlapping. Differences in genetic causes for variation in the same trait among populations suggests context dependence for how selection acts on those traits. Similarities in the genetic causes of variation for different traits, on the other hand, suggests pleiotropy which would also influence how natural selection shapes variation in a trait. This study characterized immune defense against a natural Drosophila pathogen, the Gram-positive bacterium Lysinibacillus fusiformis, in three different populations and found almost no overlap in the genetic architecture of variation in survival post infection. However, when comparing these results to a similar experiment with the fungal pathogen, B. bassiana, a convincing shared QTL peak was found for both pathogens. This peak contains the Bomanin cluster of Drosophila immune effectors. Loss of function mutants and RNAi knockdown experiments confirms a role of some of these genes in immune defense against both pathogens. This suggests that natural selection may act on the entire cluster of Bomanin genes (and the linked region under the QTL) or specific peptides for specific pathogens (Smith, 2023).
During infection, cellular resources are allocated toward the metabolically-demanding processes of synthesizing and secreting effector proteins that neutralize and kill invading pathogens. In Drosophila, these effectors are antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that are produced in the fat body, an organ that also serves as a major lipid storage depot. This study asked how activation of Toll signaling in the larval fat body perturbs lipid homeostasis to understand how cells meet the metabolic demands of the immune response. Genetic or physiological activation of fat body Toll signaling was found to lead to a tissue-autonomous reduction in triglyceride storage that is paralleled by decreased transcript levels of the DGAT homolog midway, which carries out the final step of triglyceride synthesis. In contrast, Kennedy pathway enzymes that synthesize membrane phospholipids are induced. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed elevated levels of major phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine species in fat bodies with active Toll signaling. The ER stress mediator Xbp1 contributed to the Toll-dependent induction of Kennedy pathway enzymes, which was blunted by deleting AMP genes, thereby reducing secretory demand elicited by Toll activation. Consistent with ER stress induction, ER volume is expanded in fat body cells with active Toll signaling, as determined by transmission electron microscopy. A major functional consequence of reduced Kennedy phospholipid synthesis pathway induction is an impaired immune response to bacterial infection. These results establish that Toll signaling induces a shift in anabolic lipid metabolism to favor phospholipid synthesis and ER expansion that may serve the immediate demand for AMP synthesis and secretion but with the long-term consequence of insufficient nutrient storage (Martonez, 2020).
In order to establish productive infection and dissemination, viruses usually evolve a number of strategies to hijack and/or subvert the host defense systems. However, host factors utilized by the virus to facilitate infection remain poorly characterized. Drosophila melanogaster deficient in budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 1 (bub1), a highly conserved subunit of kinetochores complex regulating chromosome congression, became resistant to Drosophila C virus (DCV) infection evidenced in increased survival rates and reduced viral loads, compared to the wild type control. Mechanistic analysis further showed that Bub1 also functioned in the cytoplasm and was essentially involved in clathrin-dependent endocytosis of DCV and other pathogens, thus limiting pathogen entry. DCV infection potentially had strengthened the interaction between Bub1 and the clathrin adaptor on the cell membrane. Furthermore, the conserved function of Bub1 was as well verified in a mammalian cell line. Thus, these data demonstrated a previously unknown function of Bub1 that could be hijacked by pathogens to facilitate their infection and spread (Wang, 2018).
Non-coding RNAs have important roles in regulating physiology, including immunity. Transcriptome profiling of immune-responsive genes in Drosophila melanogaster was performed during a Gram-positive bacterial infection, concentrating on long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) genes. The gene most highly induced by a Micrococcus luteus infection was CR44404, named Induced by Infection (lincRNA-IBIN). lincRNA-IBIN is induced by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in Drosophila adults and parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi in Drosophila larvae, as well as by the activation of the Toll or the Imd pathway in unchallenged flies. Upon infection, lincRNA-IBIN is expressed in the fat body, in hemocytes and in the gut, and its expression is regulated by NF-kappaB signaling and the chromatin modeling brahma complex. In the fat body, overexpression of lincRNA-IBIN affected the expression of Toll pathway -mediated genes. Notably, overexpression of lincRNA-IBIN in unchallenged flies elevated sugar levels in the hemolymph by enhancing the expression of genes important for glucose retrieval. These data show that lncRNA genes play a role in Drosophila immunity and indicate that lincRNA-IBIN acts as a link between innate immune responses and metabolism (Valanne, 2019).
he proliferation, differentiation and function of immune cells in vertebrates, as well as in the invertebrates, is regulated by distinct signalling pathways and crosstalk with systemic and cellular metabolism. This study has identified the Lime gene (Linking Immunity and Metabolism, CG18446) as one such connecting factor, linking hemocyte development with systemic metabolism in Drosophila. Lime is expressed in larval plasmatocytes and the fat body and regulates immune cell type and number by influencing the size of hemocyte progenitor populations in the lymph gland and in circulation. Lime mutant larvae exhibit low levels of glycogen and trehalose energy reserves and they develop low number of hemocytes. The low number of hemocytes in Lime mutants can be rescued by Lime overexpression in the fat body. It is well known that immune cell metabolism is tightly regulated with the progress of infection and it must be supported by systemic metabolic changes. This study demonstrated that Lime mutants fails to induce such systemic metabolic changes essential for the larval immune response. Indeed, Lime mutants are not able to sustain high numbers of circulating hemocytes and are compromised in the number of lamellocytes produced during immune system challenge, using a parasitic wasp infection model. It is therefore proposed the Lime gene as a novel functional link between systemic metabolism and Drosophila immunity (Mihajlovic, 2019).
In all animals, innate immunity provides an immediate and robust defense against a broad spectrum of pathogens. Humoral and cellular immune responses are the main branches of innate immunity, and many of the factors regulating these responses are evolutionarily conserved between invertebrates and mammals. Phagocytosis, the central component of cellular innate immunity, is carried out by specialized blood cells of the immune system. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has emerged as a powerful genetic model to investigate the molecular mechanisms and physiological impacts of phagocytosis in whole animals. This study demonstrates an injection-based in vivo phagocytosis assay to quantify the particle uptake and destruction by Drosophila blood cells, hemocytes. The procedure allows researchers to precisely control the particle concentration and dose, making it possible to obtain highly reproducible results in a short amount of time. The experiment is quantitative, easy to perform, and can be applied to screen for host factors that influence pathogen recognition, uptake, and clearance (Nazario-Toole, 2019).
The innate immune system is the primary defense response to limit invading pathogens for all invertebrate species. In insects, immune cells are central to both cellular and humoral immune responses, however few genetic resources exist beyond Drosophila to study immune cell function. Therefore, the development of innovative tools that can be widely applied to a variety of insect systems is of importance to advance the study of insect immunity. This study has adapted the use of clodronate liposomes (CLD; a hydrophilic molecule that can be encapsulated within phospholipid bilayers) to deplete phagocytic immune cells in the vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, and the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Through microscopy and molecular techniques, the depletion of phagocytic cell populations was validated in both insect species, and the integral role of phagocytes in combating bacterial pathogens demonstrated. Together, these data demonstrate the wide utility of CLD in insect systems to advance the study of phagocyte function in insect innate immunity (Kumar, 2021).
Phagocytic clearance of degenerating neurons is triggered by "eat-me" signals exposed on the neuronal surface. The conserved neuronal eat-me signal phosphatidylserine (PS) and the engulfment receptor Draper (Drpr) mediate phagocytosis of degenerating neurons in Drosophila. However, how PS is recognized by Drpr-expressing phagocytes in vivo remains poorly understood. Using multiple models of dendrite degeneration, this study shows that the Drosophila chemokine-like protein Orion can bind to PS and is responsible for detecting PS exposure on neurons; it is supplied cell-non-autonomously to coat PS-exposing dendrites and to mediate interactions between PS and Drpr, thus enabling phagocytosis. As a result, the accumulation of Orion on neurons and on phagocytes produces opposite outcomes by potentiating and suppressing phagocytosis, respectively. Moreover, the Orion dosage is a key determinant of the sensitivity of phagocytes to PS exposed on neurons. Lastly, mutagenesis analyses show that the sequence motifs shared between Orion and human immunomodulatory proteins are important for Orion function. Thus, these results uncover a missing link in PS-mediated phagocytosis in Drosophila and imply conserved mechanisms of phagocytosis of neurons (Ji, 2023).
It is common to find abundant genetic variation in host resistance and parasite infectivity within populations, with the outcome of infection frequently depending on genotype-specific interactions. Underlying these effects are complex immune defenses that are under the control of both host and parasite genes. Extensive variation in Drosophila melanogaster's immune response was found against the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi. Some aspects of the immune response, such as phenoloxidase activity, are predominantly affected by the host genotype. Some, such as upregulation of the complement-like protein Tep1, are controlled by the parasite genotype. Others, like the differentiation of immune cells called lamellocytes, depend on the specific combination of host and parasite genotypes. These observations illustrate how the outcome of infection depends on independent genetic effects on different aspects of host immunity. These observations provide a physiological mechanism to generate phenomena like epistasis and genotype-interactions that underlie models of coevolution (Leitao, 2019).
Even when successfully surviving an infection, a host often fails to eliminate a pathogen completely and may sustain substantial pathogen burden for the remainder of its life. Using systemic bacterial infection in Drosophila melanogaster, this study characterize chronic infection by three bacterial species from different genera - Providencia rettgeri, Serratia marcescens, and Enterococcus faecalis-following inoculation with a range of doses. To assess the consequences of these chronic infections, the expression was determined of antimicrobial peptide genes, survival of secondary infection, and starvation resistance after one week of infection. While higher infectious doses unsurprisingly lead to higher risk of death, they also result in higher chronic bacterial loads among the survivors for all three infections. All three chronic infections caused significantly elevated expression of antimicrobial peptide genes at one week post-infection and provided generalized protection again secondary bacterial infection. Only P. rettgeri infection significantly influenced resistance to starvation, with persistently infected flies dying more quickly under starvation conditions relative to controls. These results suggest that there is potentially a generalized mechanism of protection against secondary infection, but that other impacts on host physiology may depend on the specific pathogen. It is proposed that chronic infections in D. melanogaster could be a valuable tool for studying tolerance of infection, including impacts on host physiology and behavior (Chambers, 2019).
Immune priming occurs when a past infection experience leads to a more effective immune response upon a secondary exposure to the infection or pathogen. In some instances, parents are able to transmit immune priming to their offspring, creating a subsequent generation with a superior immune capability, through processes that are not yet fully understood. Using a parasitoid wasp, which infects larval stages of Drosophila melanogaster, this study describes an example of an intergenerational inheritance of immune priming. This phenomenon is anticipatory in nature and does not rely on parental infection, but rather, when adult fruit flies are cohabitated with a parasitic wasp, they produce offspring that are more capable of mounting a successful immune response against a parasitic macro-infection. This increase in offspring survival correlates with a more rapid induction of lamellocytes, a specialized immune cell. RNA-sequencing of the female germline identifies several differentially expressed genes following wasp exposure, including the peptiodoglycan recognition protein-LB (PGRP-LB). Genetic manipulation of maternal PGRP-LB identifies this gene as a key element in this intergenerational phenotype (Bozler, 2019).
This study used Drosophila as an in vivo model to investigate the role of transferrins in host defense. Systemic infections with a variety of pathogens trigger a hypoferremic response in flies, namely, iron withdrawal from the hemolymph and accumulation in the fat body. Notably, this hypoferremia to infection requires NF-kappaB immune pathways, Toll and Imd, revealing that these pathways also mediate nutritional immunity in flies. The iron transporter Transferrin 1 (Tsf1) was shown to be induced by infections downstream of the Toll and Imd pathways and is necessary for iron relocation from the hemolymph to the fat body. Consistent with elevated iron levels in the hemolymph, Tsf1 mutants exhibited increased susceptibility to Pseudomonas bacteria and Mucorales fungi, which could be rescued by chemical chelation of iron. Furthermore, using siderophore-deficient Pseudomonas aeruginosa, it was discover that the siderophore pyoverdine is necessary for pathogenesis in wild-type flies, but it becomes dispensable in Tsf1 mutants due to excessive iron present in the hemolymph of these flies. As such, this study reveals that, similar to mammals, Drosophila uses iron limitation as an immune defense mechanism mediated by conserved iron-transporting proteins transferrins. This in vivo work, together with accumulating in vitro studies, supports the immune role of insect transferrins against infections via an iron withholding strategy (Iatsenko, 2020).
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are essential effectors of the host innate immune system and they represent promising molecules for the treatment of multidrug resistant microbes. A better understanding of microbial resistance to these defense peptides is thus prerequisite for the control of infectious diseases. In this study, using a random mutagenesis approach, the fliK gene, encoding an internal molecular ruler that controls flagella hook length, was identified as an essential element for Bacillus thuringiensis resistance to AMPs in Drosophila. Unlike its parental strain, that is highly virulent to both wild-type and AMPs deficient mutant flies, the fliK deletion mutant is only lethal to the latter's. In agreement with its conserved function, the fliK mutant is non-flagellated and exhibits highly compromised motility. However, comparative analysis of the fliK mutant phenotype to that of a fla mutant, in which the genes encoding flagella proteins are interrupted, indicate that B. thuringiensis FliK-dependent resistance to AMPs is independent of flagella assembly. As a whole, these results identify FliK as an essential determinant for B. thuringiensis virulence in Drosophila and provide new insights on the mechanisms underlying bacteria resistance to AMPs (Attieh, 2020).
In many animal species, females undergo physiological and behavioral changes after mating. Some of these changes are driven by male-derived seminal fluid proteins, and are critical for fertilization success. Unfortunately, understanding of the molecular interplay between female and male reproductive proteins remains inadequate. This study analyzed the post-mating response in a Drosophila species that has evolved strong gametic incompatibility with its sister species; D. novamexicana females produce only ~1% fertilized eggs in crosses with D. americana males, compared to ~98% produced in within-species crosses. This incompatibility is likely caused by mismatched male and female reproductive molecules. In this study short-read RNA sequencing was used to examine the evolutionary dynamics of female reproductive genes and the post-mating transcriptome response in crosses within and between species. First, it was found that most female reproductive tract genes are slow-evolving compared to the genome average. Second, post-mating responses in con- and heterospecific matings are largely congruent, but heterospecific matings induce expression of additional stress-response genes. Some of those are immunity genes that are activated by the Imd pathway. Several genes in the JAK/STAT signaling pathway were identified that are induced in heterospecific, but not conspecific mating. While this immune response was most pronounced in the female reproductive tract, it was also detected in the female head and ovaries. These results show that the female's post-mating transcriptome-level response is determined in part by the genotype of the male, and that divergence in male reproductive genes and/or traits can have immunogenic effects on females (Ahmed-Braimah, 2020).
Single-cell mass cytometry (SCMC) combines features of traditional flow cytometry (FACS) with mass spectrometry, making it possible to measure several parameters at the single-cell level for a complex analysis of biological regulatory mechanisms. SCMC was optimized to analyze hemocytes of the Drosophila innate immune system. Metal-conjugated antibodies (H2, H3, H18, L1, L4, and P1 at the cell surface, intracellular 3A5 and L2) and anti-IgM (L6 at the cell surface) were used to detect the levels of antigens, while anti-GFP was used to detect crystal cells in the immune induced samples. This study investigated the antigen expression profile of single cells and hemocyte populations in naive states, in immune induced states, in tumorous mutants bearing a driver mutation in the Drosophila homologue of Janus kinase (hopTum) and carrying deficiency of a tumor suppressor l(3)mbn1 gene, as well as in stem cell maintenance-defective hdcΔ84) mutant larvae. Multidimensional analysis enabled the discrimination of the functionally different major hemocyte subsets for lamellocytes, plasmatocytes, and crystal cells, and delineated the unique immunophenotype of Drosophila mutants. Subpopulations of L2(+)/P1(+) (l(3)mbn1), L2(+)/L4(+)/P1(+) hop The genders of Drosophila melanogaster vary in their sensitivities to microbial pathogens. While many of the immunity-related genes are located on the X chromosome, the polymorphisms within the Y chromosome were also shown to affect the immunity of flies. This study investigated the necessity of individual genes on the Y chromosome (Y-genes) for male sensitivity to microbes. Several Y-genes were identified whose genetic inactivation either increases or decreases the sensitivity of males to gastrointestinal infections with fungal Saccharomyces cerevisiae and bacterial Serratia liquefaciens. Specifically, the loss of function mutations in fly kl-5 and Ppr-Y Y-genes lead to increased and decreased sensitivity of males to fungal challenge, respectively, compared to female sensitivity. In contrast, mutations in Drosophila Pp1-Y1, kl-5, kl-3, Ppr-Y, CCY, and FDY Y-genes lead to increased sensitivity of males to bacterial infection, compared to females. Moreover, while these Y-genes are necessary, the Y chromosome is not sufficient for the sensitivity of males to microbes, since the sensitivity of XXY females to fungal and bacterial challenges was not different from the sensitivity of wild-type female flies, compared to males. This study assigns a new immunity-related function to numerous Y-genes in D. melanogaster (Bartolo, 2021).
The interactions between Drosophila melanogaster and the parasitoid wasps that infect Drosophila species provide an important model for understanding host-parasite relationships. Following parasitoid infection, D. melanogaster larvae mount a response in which immune cells (hemocytes) form a capsule around the wasp egg, which then melanizes, leading to death of the parasitoid. Previous studies have found that host hemocyte load; the number of hemocytes available for the encapsulation response; and the production of lamellocytes, an infection induced hemocyte type, are major determinants of host resistance. Parasitoids have evolved various virulence mechanisms to overcome the immune response of the D. melanogaster host, including both active immune suppression by venom proteins and passive immune evasive mechanisms. This study identified a previously undescribed parasitoid species, Asobara sp. AsDen, which utilizes an active virulence mechanism to infect D. melanogaster hosts. Asobara sp. AsDen infection inhibits host hemocyte expression of msn, a member of the JNK signaling pathway, which plays a role in lamellocyte production. Asobara sp. AsDen infection restricts the production of lamellocytes as assayed by hemocyte cell morphology and altered msn expression. These findings suggest that Asobara sp. AsDen infection alters host signaling to suppress immunity (Trainor, 2021).
Polymorphisms in immunity genes can have large effects on susceptibility to infection. To understand the origins of this variation, this study has investigated the genetic basis of resistance to the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi in Drosophila melanogaster. Increased expression of the gene lectin-24A after infection by parasitic wasps was associated with a faster cellular immune response and greatly increased rates of killing the parasite. lectin-24A encodes a protein that is strongly up-regulated in the fat body after infection and localizes to the surface of the parasite egg. In certain susceptible lines, a deletion upstream of the lectin-24A has largely abolished expression. Other mutations predicted to abolish the function of this gene have arisen recurrently in this gene, with multiple loss-of-expression alleles and premature stop codons segregating in natural populations. The frequency of these alleles varies greatly geographically, and in some southern African populations, natural selection has driven them near to fixation. It is concluded that natural selection has favored the repeated loss of an important component of the immune system, suggesting that in some populations, a pleiotropic cost to lectin-24A expression outweighs the benefits of resistance (Arunkumar, 2023).
Variation in gene expression underlies interindividual variability in relevant traits including immune response. However, the genetic variation responsible for these gene expression changes remains largely unknown. Among the non-coding variants that could be relevant, transposable element insertions are promising candidates as they have been shown to be a rich and diverse source of cis-regulatory elements. This work used a population genetics approach to identify transposable element insertions likely to increase the tolerance of Drosophila melanogaster to bacterial infection by affecting the expression of immune-related genes. This study identified 12 insertions associated with allele-specific expression changes in immune-related genes. three of these insertions were experimentally validate including one likely to be acting as a silencer, one as an enhancer, and one with a dual role as enhancer and promoter. The direction in the change of gene expression associated with the presence of several of these insertions is consistent with an increased survival to infection. Indeed, for one of the insertions, it was shown that this is the case by analyzing both natural populations and CRISPR/Cas9 mutants in which the insertion is deleted from its native genomic context. It was shown that transposable elements contribute to gene expression variation in response to infection in D. melanogaster and that this variation is likely to affect their survival capacity. Because the role of transposable elements as regulatory elements is not restricted to Drosophila, transposable elements are likely to play a role in immune response in other organisms as well (Ullastres, 2021).
SUMO conjugation of a substrate protein can modify its activity, localization, interaction or function. A large number of SUMO targets in cells have been identified by Proteomics, but biological roles for SUMO conjugation for most targets remains elusive. The multi-aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex (MARS) is a sensor and regulator of immune signaling. The proteins of this 1.2 MDa complex are targets of SUMO conjugation, in response to infection. Arginyl tRNA Synthetase (RRS), a member of the sub-complex II of MARS, is one such SUMO conjugation target. The sites for SUMO conjugation are Lys 147 and 383. Replacement of these residues by Arg (RRS (K147R,K383R)), creates a SUMO conjugation resistant variant (RRS (SCR)). Transgenic Drosophila lines for RRS (WT) and RRS (SCR) were generated by expressing these variants in a RRS loss of function (lof) animal, using the UAS-Gal4 system. The RRS-lof line was itself generated using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. Expression of both RRS (WT) and RRS (SCR) rescue the RRS-lof lethality. Adult animals expressing RRS (WT) and RRS (SCR) are compared and contrasted for their response to bacterial infection by gram positive M. luteus and gram negative Ecc15. This study finds that RRS (SCR), when compared to RRS (WT), shows modulation of the transcriptional response, as measured by quantitative 3' mRNA sequencing. This study uncovers a possible non-canonical role for SUMOylation of RRS, a member of the MARS complex, in host-defense (Nayak, 2021).
Individual hosts within populations often show inter-individual variation in their susceptibility to bacterial pathogen-related diseases. Utilizing Drosophila, this study highlighted that phenotypic variation in host-pathogen susceptibility within populations is driven by energetic trade-offs, facilitated by infection-mediated changes in glutamate metabolism. Furthermore, host-pathogen susceptibility is conditioned by life history, which adjusts immunometabolic sensing in muscles to direct vitamin-dependent reallocation of host energy substrates from the adipose tissue (i.e., a muscle-adipose tissue axis). Life history conditions inter-individual variation in the activation strength of intra-muscular NF-κB signaling. Limited intra-muscular NF-κB signaling activity allows for enhanced infection-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis and function, which stimulates glutamate dehydrogenase-dependent synthesis of glutamate. Muscle-derived glutamate acts as a systemic metabolite to promote lipid mobilization through modulating vitamin B enzymatic cofactor transport and function in the adipose tissue. This energy substrate reallocation improves pathogen clearance and boosts host survival. Finally, life history events that adjust energetic trade-offs can shape inter-individual variation in host-pathogen susceptibility after infection (Zhao, 2021).
Life-history theory posits that investment into reproduction might occur at the expense of investment into somatic maintenance, including immune function. If so, reduced or curtailed reproductive effort might be expected to increase immunity. In support of this notion, work in Caenorhabditis elegans has shown that worms lacking a germline exhibit improved immunity, but whether the antagonistic relation between germline proliferation and immunity also holds for other organisms is less well understood. This study reports that transgenic ablation of germ cells in late development or early adulthood in Drosophila melanogaster causes elevated baseline expression and increased induction of Toll and Imd immune genes upon bacterial infection, as compared to fertile flies with an intact germline. This study also identified immune genes whose expression after infection differs between fertile and germline-less flies in a manner that is conditional on their mating status. It is concluded that germline activity strongly impedes the expression and inducibility of immune genes and that this physiological trade-off might be evolutionarily conserved (Rodrigues, 2021).
Multinucleated giant hemocytes (MGHs) represent a novel type of blood cell in insects that participate in a highly efficient immune response against parasitoid wasps involving isolation and killing of the parasite. Previously, this study showed that circulating MGHs have high motility and the interaction with the parasitoid rapidly triggers encapsulation. However, structural and molecular mechanisms behind these processes remained elusive. This study used detailed ultrastructural analysis and live cell imaging of MGHs to study encapsulation in Drosophila ananassae after parasitoid wasp infection. Dynamic structural changes were found, mainly driven by the formation of diverse vesicular systems and newly developed complex intracytoplasmic membrane structures, and abundant generation of giant cell exosomes in MGHs. In addition, RNA sequencing was used to study the transcriptomic profile of MGHs and activated plasmatocytes 72 h after infection, as well as the uninduced blood cells. This revealed that differentiation of MGHs was accompanied by broad changes in gene expression. Consistent with the observed structural changes, transcripts related to vesicular function, cytoskeletal organization, and adhesion were enriched in MGHs. In addition, several orphan genes encoding for hemolysin-like proteins, pore-forming toxins of prokaryotic origin, were expressed at high level, which may be important for parasitoid elimination. These results reveal coordinated molecular and structural changes in the course of MGH differentiation and parasitoid encapsulation, providing a mechanistic model for a powerful innate immune response (Cinege, 2021).
Neural functions are known to decline during normal aging and neurodegenerative diseases. However, the mechanisms of functional impairment owing to the normal aging of the brain are poorly understood. It was previously reported that caspase-3-like protease, the protease responsible for inducing apoptosis, is activated in a subset of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), especially in Drosophila Or42b neurons, during normal aging. This study investigated the molecular mechanism underlying age-related caspase-3-like protease activation and cell death in Or42b neurons. Gene expression profiling of young and aged fly antenna showed that the expression of antimicrobial peptides was significantly upregulated, suggesting an activated innate immune response. Consistent with this observation, inhibition or activation of the innate immune pathway caused delayed or precocious cell death, respectively, in Or42b neurons. Accordingly, autonomous cell activation of the innate immune pathway in Or42b neurons is not likely required for their age-related death, whereas the systemic innate immune response induces caspase-3-like protease activation in Or42b neurons; this indicated that the death of these neurons is regulated non-cell autonomously. A possible link between the innate immune response and the death of olfactory neurons during normal aging is proposed (Takeuchi, 2021).
Huntington's disease (HD) is a late-onset; progressive, dominantly inherited neurological disorder marked by an abnormal expansion of polyglutamine (poly Q) repeats in Huntingtin (HTT) protein. The pathological effects of mutant Huntingtin (mHTT) are not restricted to the nervous system but systemic abnormalities including immune dysregulation have been evidenced in clinical and experimental settings of HD. Indeed, mHTT is ubiquitously expressed and could induce cellular toxicity by directly acting on immune cells. However, it is still unclear if selective expression of mHTT exon1 in neurons could induce immune responses and hemocytes' function. This study intended to monitor perturbations in the hemocytes' population and their physiological functions in Drosophila, caused by pan-neuronal expression of mHTT protein. A measure of hemocyte count and their physiological activities caused by pan-neuronal expression of mHTT protein highlighted the extent of immune dysregulation occurring with disease progression. It was found that pan-neuronal expression of mHTT significantly alters crystal cells and plasmatocyte count in larvae and adults with disease progression. Interestingly, plasmatocytes isolated from diseased conditions exhibit a gradual decline in phagocytic activity ex vivo at progressive stages of the disease as compared to age-matched control groups. In addition, diseased flies displayed elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in circulating plasmatocytes at the larval stage and in sessile plasmatocytes of hematopoietic pockets at terminal stages of disease. These findings strongly implicate that neuronal expression of mHTT alone is sufficient to induce non-cell-autonomous immune dysregulation in vivo (Dhankhar, 2022).
Candida infections constitute a blind spot in global public health as very few new anti-fungal drugs are being developed. Genetic surveys of host susceptibilities to such infections using mammalian models have certain disadvantages in that obtaining results is time-consuming owing to relatively long lifespans and these results have low statistical resolution because sample sizes are usually small. This paper reports a targeted genetic screening of 5698 RNAi lines encompassing 4135 Drosophila genes with human homologues, several of which were identified as important for host survival after Candida albicans infection. These include genes in a variety of functional classes encompassing gene expression, intracellular signalling, metabolism, and enzymatic regulation. Analysis of one of the screen hits, the infection-induced α-(1,3)-fucosylase FucTA, showed that N-glycan fucosylation has several targets among proteins involved in host defence supplying multiple avenues of investigation for the mechanistic analysis of host survival to systemic C. albicans infection (Glittenberg, 2022).
Mosquitoes are prolific vectors of human pathogens; a clear and accurate understanding of the organization of their antimicrobial defenses is crucial for informing the development of transmission control strategies. To determine whether Drosophila pathway-specific discrimination between pathogens is shared by mosquitoes, RNAseq was used to capture the genome-wide transcriptional response of Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae to systemic infection with Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi, as well as challenge with heat-killed Gram-negative, Gram-positive, and fungal pathogens. From the resulting data, Ae. aegypti and An. gambiae were both found to mount a core response to all categories of infection. When the transcriptomes of mosquitoes infected with different types of bacteria were compared, it was observed that the intensity of the transcriptional response was correlated with both the virulence and growth rate of the infecting pathogen. Exhaustive comparisons of the transcriptomes of Gram-negative-challenged versus Gram-positive-challenged mosquitoes yielded no difference in either species. In Ae. aegypti, however, transcriptional signatures specific to bacterial infection and to fungal infection were identified. The bacterial infection response was dominated by the expression of defensins and cecropins, while the fungal infection response included the disproportionate upregulation of an uncharacterized family of glycine-rich proteins. These signatures were also observed in Ae. aegypti challenged with heat-killed bacteria and fungi, indicating that this species can discriminate between molecular patterns that are specific to bacteria and to fungi (Hixson, 2023).
Phagocytosis, signal transduction, and inflammatory responses require changes in lipid metabolism. Peroxisome have key roles in fatty acid homeostasis and in regulating immune function. Drosophila macrophages lacking peroxisomes have perturbed lipid profiles, which reduce host survival after infection. Using lipidomic, transcriptomic, and genetic screens, we determine that peroxisomes contribute to the cell membrane glycerophospholipid composition necessary to induce Rho1-dependent signals, which drive cytoskeletal remodeling during macrophage activation. Loss of peroxisome function increases membrane phosphatidic acid (PA) and recruits RhoGAPp190 during infection, inhibiting Rho1-mediated responses. Peroxisome-glycerophospholipid-Rho1 signaling also controls cytoskeleton remodeling in mouse immune cells. While high levels of PA in cells without peroxisomes inhibit inflammatory phenotypes, large numbers of peroxisomes and low amounts of cell membrane PA are features of immune cells from patients with inflammatory Kawasaki disease and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. These findings reveal potential metabolic markers and therapeutic targets for immune diseases and metabolic disorders (Nath, 2022).
Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are widely expressed in eukaryotes. However, only a subset has been functionally characterized. This study identified and validated a collection of circRNAs in Drosophila, and showed that depletion of the brain-enriched circRNA Edis (circ_Ect4) causes hyperactivation of antibacterial innate immunity both in cultured cells and in vivo. Notably, Edis depleted flies display heightened resistance to bacterial infection and enhanced pathogen clearance. Conversely, ectopic Edis expression blocks innate immunity signaling. In addition, inactivation of Edis in vivo leads to impaired locomotor activity and shortened lifespan. Remarkably, these phenotypes can be recapitulated with neuron-specific depletion of Edis, accompanied by defective neurodevelopment. Furthermore, inactivation of Relish suppresses the innate immunity hyperactivation phenotype in the fly brain. Moreover, evidence is provided that Edis encodes a functional protein that associates with and compromises the processing and activation of the immune transcription factor Relish. Importantly, restoring Edis expression or ectopic expression of Edis-encoded protein suppresses both innate immunity and neurodevelopment phenotypes elicited by Edis depletion. Thus, this study establishes Edis as a key regulator of neurodevelopment and innate immunity (Xiong, 2022).
Immune memory is the ability of organisms to elicit potentiated immune responses at secondary infection. Current studies have revealed that similar to adaptive immunity, innate immunity exhibits memory characteristics (called "innate immune memory"). Although epigenetic reprogramming plays an important role in innate immune memory, the underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated, especially at the individual level. This study established experimental systems for detecting innate immune memory in Drosophila melanogaster. Training infection with low-pathogenic bacteria enhanced the survival rate of the flies at subsequent challenge infection with high-pathogenic bacteria. Among low-pathogenic bacteria, Micrococcus luteus (Ml) and Salmonella typhimurium (St) exerted apparent training effects in the fly but exhibited different mechanisms of action. Ml exerted training effects even after its clearance from flies, while live St persisted in the flies for a prolonged duration. RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis revealed that Ml training enhanced the expression of the immune-related genes under the challenge condition but not under the non-challenge condition. In contrast, St training upregulated the expression of the immune-related genes independent of challenge. These results suggest that training effects with Ml and St are due to memory and persistence of immune responses, respectively. Furthermore, the gene involved in immune memory was souvhg, and a candidate gene, Ada2b, was identified which encodes a component of the histone modification complex. The Ada2b mutant suppressed Ml training effects on survival and disrupted the expression of some genes under the training + challenge condition. These results suggest that the gene expression regulated by Ada2b may contribute to innate immune memory in Drosophila (Fuse, 2022).
When an animal is infected, the expression of a large suite of genes is changed, resulting in an immune response that can defend the host. Despite much evidence that the sequence of proteins in the immune system can evolve rapidly, the evolution of gene expression is comparatively poorly understood. This study therefore investigated the transcriptional response to parasitoid wasp infection in Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia. Although these species are closely related, there has been a large scale divergence in the expression of immune-responsive genes in their two main immune tissues, the fat body and hemocytes. Many genes, including those encoding molecules that directly kill pathogens, have cis regulatory changes, frequently resulting in large differences in their expression in the two species. However, these changes in cis regulation overwhelmingly affected gene expression in immune-challenged and uninfected animals alike. Divergence in the response to infection was controlled in trans. It is argued that altering trans-regulatory factors, such as signalling pathways or immune modulators, may allow natural selection to alter the expression of large numbers of immune-responsive genes in a coordinated fashion (Ding, 2022).
Organisms are commonly infected by a diverse array of pathogens and mount functionally distinct responses to each of these varied immune challenges. Host immune responses are characterized by the induction of gene expression, however, the extent to which expression changes are shared among responses to distinct pathogens is largely unknown. To examine this, meta-analysis was performed of gene expression data collected from Drosophila melanogaster following infection with a wide array of pathogens. Sixty-two genes were identified that are significantly induced by infection. While many of these infection-induced genes encode known immune response factors, 21 genes were identified that have not been previously associated with host immunity. Examination of the upstream flanking sequences of the infection-induced genes lead to the identification of two conserved enhancer sites. These sites correspond to conserved binding sites for GATA and nuclear factor κB (NFκB) family transcription factors and are associated with higher levels of transcript induction. Thirty-one genes were further identified with predicted functions in metabolism and organismal development that are significantly downregulated following infection by diverse pathogens. This study identifies conserved gene expression changes in Drosophila melanogaster following infection with varied pathogens, and transcription factor families that may regulate this immune induction (Waring, 2022).
In many species, female reproductive investment comes at a cost to immunity and resistance to infection. Mated Drosophila melanogaster females are more susceptible to bacterial infection than unmated females. Transfer of the male seminal fluid protein Sex Peptide reduces female post-mating immune defense. Sex Peptide is known to cause both short- and long-term changes to female physiology and behavior. While previous studies showed that females were less resistant to bacterial infection as soon as 2.5 h and as long as 26.5 h after mating, it is unknown whether this is a binary switch from mated to unmated state or whether females can recover to unmated levels of immunity. It is additionally unknown whether repeated mating causes progressive reduction in defense capacity. The immune defense of mated females when infected at 2, 4, 7, or 10 days after mating was compared to that of unmated females and no recovery of immune capacity was seen regardless of the length of time between mating and infection. Because D. melanogaster females can mate multiply, whether a second mating, and therefore a second transfer of seminal fluids, caused deeper reduction in immune performance was additionally tested. Females mated either once or twice before infection were found to survive at equal proportions, both with significantly lower probability than unmated females. It is concluded that a single mating event is sufficient to persistently suppress the female immune system. Interestingly, it was observed that induced levels of expression of genes encoding antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) decreased with age in both experiments, partially obscuring the effects of mating. Collectively, the data indicate that being reproductively active versus reproductively inactive are alternative binary states with respect to female D. melanogaster immunity. The establishment of a suppressed immune status in reproductively active females can inform understanding of the regulation of immune defense and the mechanisms of physiological trade-offs (Gordon, 2022).
In contrast to the well-characterized gut microbiomes, the composition and function of the insect body-surface microbiotas are still elusive and highly underexplored. This study reports the dynamic features of the Drosophila melanogaster surface microbiomes. It was found that the microbiomes assembled on fly surfaces could defend insects against fungal parasitic infections. The substantial increase of bacterial loads occurred within 10 days of fly eclosion, especially the expansion of Gilliamella species. The culturable bacteria such as Lactiplantibacillus plantarum could effectively inhibit fungal spore germinations, and the gnotobiotic addition of the isolated bacteria could substantially delay fungal infection of axenic flies. The fly tarsal segments were found to be largely accumulated with bacterial cells, which could accelerate cell dispersal onto different body parts to deter fungal spore germinations. These findings will facilitate future investigations of the surface microbiotas affecting insect physiologies (Hong, 2022).
Inflammaging refers to low-grade, chronically activated innate immunity that has deleterious effects on healthy lifespan. However, little is known about the intrinsic signaling pathway that elicits innate immune genes during aging. Using Drosophila melanogaster, the microRNA targetomes were profiled in young and aged animals and revealed Dawdle, an activin-like ligand of the TGF-7β pathway, as a physiological target of microRNA-252. microRNA-252 cooperates with Forkhead box O, a conserved transcriptional factor implicated in aging, to repress Dawdle. Unopposed Dawdle triggers hyperactivation of innate immune genes coupled with a decline in organismal survival. Using adult muscle tissues, single-cell sequencing analysis describes that Dawdle and its downstream innate immune genes are expressed in distinct cell types, suggesting a cell nonautonomous mode of regulation. The genetic cascade was determined by which Dawdle signaling leads to increased Kenny/IKKγ protein, which in turn activates Relish/NF-ÎșB protein and consequentially innate immune genes. Finally, transgenic increase of microRNA-252 and Forkhead box O pathway factors in wild-type Drosophila extends lifespan and mitigates the induction of innate immune genes in aging. Together, it is proposed that microRNA-252 and Forkhead box O promote healthy longevity by cooperative inhibition on Dawdle-mediated inflammaging (Wu, 2022).
Drosophila melanogaster (the fruit fly) is a valuable experimental platform for modeling host-pathogen interactions. It is also commonly used to define innate immunity pathways and to understand the mechanisms of both host tolerance to commensal microbiota and response to pathogenic agents. This study investigated how the host response to bacterial infection is mirrored in the expression of genes of Imd and Toll pathways when D. melanogaster strains with different γCOP genetic backgrounds are infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853. Using microarray technology, this study interrogated the whole-body transcriptome of infected versus uninfected fruit fly males with three specific genotypes, namely wild-type Oregon, γCOP(S057302)/TM6B and γCOP(14a)/γCOP(14a). While the expression of genes pertaining to Imd and Toll is not significantly modulated by P. aeruginosa infection in Oregon males, many of the components of these cascades are up- or downregulated in both infected and uninfected γCOP(S057302)/TM6B and γCOP(14a)/γCOP(14a) males. Thus, these results suggest that a γCOP genetic background modulates the gene expression profiles of Imd and Toll cascades involved in the innate immune response of D. melanogaster, inducing the occurrence of immunological dysfunctions in γCOP mutants (Chifiriuc, 2022).
In order to respond to infection, hosts must distinguish pathogens from their own tissues. This allows for the precise targeting of immune responses against pathogens and also ensures self-tolerance, the ability of the host to protect self tissues from immune damage. One way to maintain self-tolerance is to evolve a self signal and suppress any immune response directed at tissues that carry this signal. This study characterizes the Drosophila tuSz mutant strain, which mounts an aberrant immune response against its own fat body. This study demonstrates that this autoimmunity is the result of two mutations: 1) a mutation in the Glucosidase 1/GCS1 gene that disrupts N-glycosylation of extracellular matrix proteins covering the fat body, and 2) a mutation in the Drosophila Janus Kinase ortholog that causes precocious activation of hemocytes. Data indicate that N-glycans attached to extracellular matrix proteins serve as a self signal and that activated hemocytes attack tissues lacking this signal. The simplicity of this invertebrate self-recognition system and the ubiquity of its constituent parts suggests it may have functional homologs across animals (Mortimer, 2021).
This work has investigated the Drosophila tuSz1 mutant strain. tuSz1 is a temperature-sensitive mutant, and at the restrictive temperature, posterior fat body tissue is melanotically encapsulated by hemocytes in a reaction similar to the antiparasitoid immune response. The tuSz1 phenotype is caused by two tightly linked mutations: a nonconditional, dominant gain-of-function mutation in hop that leads to ectopic immune activation and a temperature-sensitive, recessive mutation in GCS1 that leads to loss of protein N-glycosylation of the ECM overlaying the posterior fat body. These data lead to a a proposal of a two-step model in which immune activation and the loss of SAMP presentation/recognition are both necessary for the breakdown of self-tolerance. In a naĂŻve wild-type larva, neither condition is met and self-tolerance is maintained. In the case of the tuSz1 mutant, the posterior fat body lacks appropriate ECM protein N-glycosylation and is targeted by constitutively activated hemocytes for encapsulation. This two-step model is also reflected in the hopTum mutant background, in which the simultaneous disruption of N-glycosylation in this immune-activated background results in tissue self-encapsulation similar to the tuSz1 mutant (Mortimer, 2021).
Models describing the necessity for two independent signals in fly encapsulation responses. (A) Homeostasis is maintained in naĂŻve wild-type larvae. (B) In tuSz1 mutant larvae, immune cells are inappropriately activated by JAK-STAT pathway activation due to the hopSz gain-of-function mutation. The loss of protein N-glycosylation in posterior fat body tissue due to the GCS1Sz mutation leads to loss of self-tolerance and tissue encapsulation. (C) In the model of self-tolerance described in a previous study, the coupled phenotypes of loss of cell integrity and loss of ECM integrity are sufficient to disrupt self-tolerance. (D) Immune cells are activated following parasitoid wasp infection, presumably due to the wound-mediated activation of JAK-STAT signaling. SAMP-presenting host tissues are protected from encapsulation, and wasp eggs may be targeted for encapsulation because they are missing the ECM N-glycosylation SAMP (Mortimer, 2021).
Interestingly, previous work also documented the necessity of at least two signals for self-encapsulation in Drosophila. In that case, both the loss of the ECM (with its glycosylated proteins) and the disrupted positional integrity of the underlying fat body cells (potentially mimicking a wound) were required for immune cells to become activated and encapsulate the self tissue. A similar loss of ECM and underlying cell integrity was also found in the classical melanotic tumor mutant tu(2)W. This model, in which at least two factors are required for self-encapsulation, may explain why the several classically described self-encapsulation mutants, unlike virtually all other types of visible Drosophila mutants, were never successfully mapped (Mortimer, 2021).
The disruption of either factor in the two-step model in isolation is not sufficient to cause self-encapsulation. This can be seen in parasitoid wasp infected larvae; the wounding associated with parasitoid infection leads to immune activation, but in the absence of SAMP disruption, the fly is able to specifically encapsulate the parasitoid egg while protecting against self-encapsulation. Conversely, while internal tissue damage in a naive larva does attract hemocyte interactions, in the absence of an immune stimulus, this does not lead to self-encapsulation, but rather the hemocytes attempt to repair the damaged tissue. That blood cells err on the side of fixing disrupted self tissue rather than treating it as pathogenic and encapsulating it unless another stress signal is also present suggests that flies may have evolved a multi-input system to safeguard against spurious encapsulation (Mortimer, 2021).
D. melanogaster immune responses have proven to be an excellent model for understanding the mechanisms underlying conserved innate immune responses, including those of humans. Findings on Drosophila self-tolerance may also be relevant to human innate self-tolerance. Indeed, data from a range of studies are consistent with the idea that protein glycosylation is a mediator of vertebrate immune responses, and cell-surface glycans have been proposed as candidate SAMPs for the innate immune response to distinguish healthy self tissues from aberrant or foreign tissues even if the mechanisms are not entirely understood. Protein-linked sugar groups should presumably fit this role well, as they can take on diverse combinations of sugar residues and branching patterns (Mortimer, 2021).
Protein N-glycosylation is a complex multistep process that begins with the addition of a presynthesized glycosyl precursor to the protein at an asparagine residue. This nascent glycan is then trimmed back to a core glycan structure, a process that is initiated by the activity of GCS1. The core glycan is then elaborated with the addition of multiple carbohydrate groups to give rise to a variety of final structures, with hybrid and complex type N-glycans among the most prevalent. Glycan elaboration begins with the activity of Mgat1, which leads to the production of hybrid type N-glycans. These hybrid N-glycans can be further processed by the α-mannosidase-I and -II family of enzymes to produce paucimannose N-glycans, which can serve as complex N-glycan precursors and are further elaborated by downstream enzymes to give rise to the final complex N-glycan structure. The current data suggest that disruption of any of the genes encoding key N-glycan-processing enzymes will be associated with the loss of self-tolerance in Drosophila. Similarly, the loss of the α-mannosidase-II (αM-II) gene in mice is linked with the development of an autoimmune phenotype that is likened to systemic lupus erythematosus. Like the tuSz1 mutant, the αM-II mouse phenotype arises due to alterations in protein N-glycosylation in nonimmune tissues and is mediated by innate immune cells. Altered patterns of protein N-glycosylation are also observed in additional mouse models of autoimmune disease and have been linked to autoimmune disease in human patients (Mortimer, 2021).
The ECM is a conserved structure made up of numerous proteins, many of which are N-glycosylated, including laminin and collagen. A role for the ECM in mediating self-tolerance has been previously proposed: The encapsulation of self tissues in D. melanogaster is also observed following RNA interference (RNAi) knockdown of genes encoding the ECM proteins laminin and collagen, supporting the idea that SAMPs reside in the ECM. The role of the ECM in self-tolerance is further emphasized by tissue transplantation studies in Drosophila. Drosophila larvae are largely tolerant of conspecific tissue transplants, but this tolerance is abolished when tissues are first treated with collagenase to disrupt the ECM, leading to the specific encapsulation of treated tissues. Reactivity to ECM proteins is also associated with various forms of human autoimmune disease. Based on these data, it is proposed that the N-glycosylation of ECM proteins may serve as a conserved self-tolerance signal for innate immune mechanisms and that loss of ECM protein N-glycosylation may lead to loss of self-tolerance and, consequently, autoimmune disease in a diverse range of species (Mortimer, 2021).
An alternative means by which hosts can recognize pathogens is missing-self recognition. Instead of tracking pathogen diversity with numerous recognition receptors, as in nonself recognition, missing-self recognition does not rely on tracking pathogens at all, but only on specifically recognizing self and attacking tissues that lack the self signal. Further, unlike germ line-encoded forms of nonself recognition, missing-self recognition systems allow host species to respond to novel pathogen types that they have never encountered in their evolutionary history. Protein glycosylation plays an important role in the handful of identified missing-self recognition systems of vertebrates. The most well-known case of missing-self recognition involves the interaction between vertebrate NK cells and host MHC class I (MHCI) proteins. All vertebrate cells produce MHCI to display any possible antigens present in their cytoplasm to T cells, but intracellular pathogens often suppress host cell MHCI expression to prevent their molecules from being displayed. NK cells are lymphoid-type cells that induce cytolysis in infected host cells. In an uninfected state, recognition of properly glycosylated MHCI inhibits NK cell cytolysis of host cells, but in an infected state in which host cells are missing the MHCI self signal, the NK cell inhibitory receptors fail to recognize 'self,' and the infected host cells are lysed, an effective means of killing intracellular pathogens that have suppressed host MHC signaling (Mortimer, 2021).
As of yet, there are no examples of missing-self immune recognition systems in invertebrates, and it has been hypothesized that invertebrate immune systems rely largely on PRRs for nonself recognition of pathogens. Still, invertebrates do mount immune responses against a variety of inanimate objects like oil droplets, sterile nylon, and charged chromatography beads as well as tissue transplants from other insect species. All of these foreign bodies presumably lack distinct PAMPs, suggesting that invertebrates have some sort of missing-self recognition system. Additionally, while multiple antimicrobial PRRs have been identified in the Drosophila genome, PRRs targeting macroparasites like parasitoid wasps have not yet been discovered. The current model of self-recognition suggests that following parasitoid infection, activated immune cells assess all exposed tissue surfaces for the self-tolerance glycan signal and that the absence of this Drosophila SAMP on parasitoid wasp eggs might be the cue that targets them for melanotic encapsulation (Mortimer, 2021).
Acetylcholine (ACh) is one the major neurotransmitters in insects, whose role in mediating synaptic interactions between neurons in the central nervous system is well characterized. It also plays largely unexplored regulatory functions in non-neuronal tissues. This study demonstrates that ACh signaling is involved in the modulation of the innate immune response of Drosophila melanogaster. Knockdown of ACh synthesis or ACh vesicular transport in neurons reduced the activation of drosomycin (drs), a gene encoding an antimicrobial peptide, in adult flies infected with a Gram-positive bacterium. drs transcription was similarly affected in Drosophila α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, nAChRalpha7 (D&al;pha;7) mutants, as well as in flies expressing in the nervous system a dominant negative form (Dα7(DN)) of this specific receptor subunit. Interestingly, Dα7(DN) elicited a comparable response when it was expressed in non-neuronal tissues and even when it was specifically produced in the hemocytes. Consistently, full activation of the drs gene required Dα7 expression in these cells. Moreover, knockdown of ACh synthesis in non-neuronal cells affected drs expression. Overall, these findings uncover neural and non-neural cholinergic signals that modulate insect immune defenses and shed light on the role of hemocytes in the regulation of the humoral immune response (Giordani, 2022).
Maximization of life-history traits is under constraints due to both, limitations of resource acquisition and the restricted pathways of resource allocation. Drosophila melanogaster has served as an excellent model organism to not only unravel various trade-offs among life history traits but also numerous aspects of host immune response. Drosophila larvae are semi-aquatic that live, feed and excrete inside the food source-often over-ripe fruits and vegetables that are rich in both commensal and pathogenic microbiota that can impact the larval survival. This study used six populations of D. melanogaster, three of which are selected for faster pre-adult development and extended adult longevity, and their three ancestral controls, to explore the impact of selection on the basal immune activity in the larval stage. The larvae from selected populations had nearly significantly upregulated plasmatocyte density, significantly higher percent phagocytosis, phagocytic index and higher transcript levels of Tep3, eater and NimC1. Selected populations also had significantly upregulated crystal cell number along with higher transcript of PPO2. Out of seven tested AMPs level, Drosomycin was significantly upregulated in selected populations while Drosocin was significantly higher in control populations. ROS levels were comparable in the selected and control populations. The results strongly suggest that enhanced basal immune activity during larval stage manages the faster development and could be responsible for comparable larval survival of selected and control populations (Shrivastava, 2023).
Entomopathogenic nematodes are widely used as biopesticides. Their insecticidal activity depends on symbiotic bacteria such as Photorhabdus luminescens, which produces toxin complex (Tc) toxins as major virulence factors. No protein receptors are known for any Tc toxins, which limits understanding of their specificity and pathogenesis. This study used genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knockout screening in Drosophila melanogaster S2R+ cells and identify Visgun (Vsg) as a receptor for an archetypal P.âluminescens Tc toxin (pTc). The toxin recognizes the extracellular O-glycosylated mucin-like domain of Vsg that contains high-density repeats of proline, threonine and serine (HD-PTS). Vsg orthologues in mosquitoes and beetles contain HD-PTS and can function as pTc receptors, whereas orthologues without HD-PTS, such as moth and human versions, are not pTc receptors. Vsg is expressed in immune cells, including haemocytes and fat body cells. Haemocytes from Vsg knockout Drosophila are resistant to pTc and maintain phagocytosis in the presence of pTc, and their sensitivity to pTc is restored through the transgenic expression of mosquito Vsg. Last, Vsg knockout Drosophila show reduced bacterial loads and lethality from P.âluminescens infection. These findings identify a proteinaceous Tc toxin receptor, reveal how Tc toxins contribute to P.âluminescens pathogenesis, and establish a genome-wide CRISPR screening approach for investigating insecticidal toxins and pathogens (Xu, 2023).
The nervous and immune systems are closely entwined to maintain the immune balance in health and disease. This study shows that LPS can activate suprarenal and celiac ganglia (SrG-CG) neurons and upregulate NPY expression in rats. Single-cell sequencing analysis revealed that knockdown of the NPY gene in SrG-CG altered the proliferation and activation of splenic lymphocytes. In a neuron and splenocyte coculture system and in vivo experiments, neuronal NPY in SrG-CG attenuated the splenic immune response. Notably, it was demonstrated that neuronal NPF in Drosophila exerted a conservative immunomodulatory effect. Moreover, numerous SNPs in NPY and its receptors were significantly associated with human autoimmune diseases, which was further supported by the autoimmune disease patients and mouse model experiments. Together, this study demonstrated that NPY is an ancient language for nervous-immune system crosstalk and might be utilized to alleviate inflammatory storms during infection and to modulate immune balance in autoimmune diseases (Yu, 2022).
It is well documented that sympathetic neurotransmitter norepinephrine (NE) is involved in the modulation of the LPS-elicited splenic immune response. This study revealed that SrG-CG neurons could be activated by LPS and then dramatically upregulated the expression of NPY. This elevated neuronal NPY crosstalks with the immunocytes in spleen and regulates the subsequent immune response. In this line, it has been reported that NPY is involved in modulating systemic inflammation during electroacupuncture. NE and NPY are stored in both small and large storage vesicles of sympathetic nerve terminals. The large vesicles contain both NE and NPY and can co-release both neurotransmitters upon stimulation, whereas the small vesicles only contain one of them. Notably, intravenous application of NPY followed by NE, dose-dependently modulate the NE-induced leukocytosis, suggesting an elegant cooperative regulation mechanism between these two neurotransmitters. Thus, it would be of great importance to utilize more accurate and real-time neurotransmitter detection tools to further explore the precise immune regulation mechanism by these two neurotransmitters (Yu, 2022).
Significant differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were observed in T cells and macrophages that express NPY1R, but not in B cells without NPY1R expression, suggesting that the neuronal NPY modulate splenic inflammation via NPY1R. Consistently, it has been demonstrated that NPY1R is expressed in T cells and macrophages and plays a critical role in inflammatory signaling. According to our single-cell sequencing analysis, NPY may directly act on the T cells and macrophages via NPY1R and subsequently inhibit the TNF signaling pathway, while NE stimulates T cells via β2-adrenergic receptor to secrete acetyl choline and thereby regulates the production of TNF-α and other inflammatory factors in macrophages. Thus, future research should be done to investigate the downstream immunomodulatory pathways of neuronal NPY on other immune cells after the activation macrophages and T cells (Yu, 2022).
Substantial evidence demonstrates that manipulation of the autonomic system can be a therapeutic option for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Implantable vagus nerve-stimulating devices have been used for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and significantly alleviate the autoimmune response. However, the molecular mechanisms during this process-such as neurotransmitters mediating the regulation of the immune system by the nervous system and the role of the sympathetic neuron-NPY-inflammation pathway in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases-remain elusive. This study showed that knockdown of NPY in SrG-CG neurons in mouse CIA model caused higher clinical scores. Moreover, the NPY level in the autoimmune disease patientsâ serum is significantly lower than that of the control individuals. Thus, it is hypothesized that neuronal dysfunction could disturb the well-balanced secretion of neuronal NPY, disrupt immune regulation, and may subsequently lead to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. It would be of great importance to further investigate the causal effect of neuronal NPY in autoimmune diseases and the treatment of these diseases by manipulating NPY via the sympathetic pathway (Yu, 2022).
Thia study demonstrated that knockdown of NPY in SrG-CG neurons significantly increased the inflammatory cytokines in spleen during LPS treatment, whereas inhibition of NPY1R can promote cytokine production. These results suggested that NPY and NPY1R agonist may be exploited for pathogen infection-induced inflammation storm treatment. It has been shown that administration of NE and NPY or electroacupuncture to stimulate the sympathetic nerve have been employed as a potential therapeutic strategy for inflammatory storms and autoimmune diseases. To optimize the precise NPY pathway-based therapy, two desirable options have been proposed: (1) target delivery of the agonists using nanoparticles and (2) maintain a desired expression level of NPY or NPY1R via tissue-specific promoter by gene therapy (Chandrasekharan et al., 2013
). These data suggest that NPY pathway-targeted therapy holds promise for future autoimmune diseases and inflammatory storm treatment (Yu, 2022).
Our data suggest that SrG-CG is activated during the immune response in rat and can precisely release NPY to target immunocytes to control inflammation. The serum NPY analysis from individuals with autoimmune diseases imply that the dysfunction of this pathway may lead to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases in humans. In other animals, such as fish and C. elegans, their NPY or NPY homologs have also been suggested to be inextricably linked to immune function (Gershkovich et al., 2019
). The amino acid sequences of NPY and its homologs in different species are conserved in the amidated C terminus. These neuronal NPY/F homologs might be evolutionarily involved in the modulation of immune cells to produce different balanced types of cytokines and chemokines in different animals. These neuropeptides function as an ancient language, mediating the crosstalk between the nervous and immune systems. Compared with NPY/F derived from the paracrine system, neuronal NPY/F can be more precisely and rapidly released from prestored presynaptic vesicles to splenic target cells and can thereby specifically fine-tune the immunoreaction (Yu, 2022).
Taken together, these findings shed light on the crosstalk between the nervous and immune systems and might open another avenue for modulating inflammation during pathogen infection and autoimmune diseases (Yu, 2022).
Intestinal barrier dysfunction leads to inflammation and associated metabolic changes. However, the relative impact of infectious versus non-infectious mechanisms on animal health in the context of barrier dysfunction is not well understood. This study established that loss of Drosophila N -glycanase 1 (Pngl) leads to gut barrier defects, which cause starvation and increased JNK activity. These defects result in Foxo overactivation, which induces a hyperactive innate immune response and lipid catabolism, thereby contributing to lethality associated with loss of Pngl. Notably, germ-free rearing of Pngl mutants did not rescue lethality. In contrast, raising Pngl mutants on isocaloric, fat-rich diets improved animal survival in a dosage-dependent manner. These data indicate that Pngl functions in Drosophila larvae to establish the gut barrier, and that the immune and metabolic consequences of loss of Pngl are primarily mediated through non-infectious mechanisms (Pandey, 2023).
Most organisms are under constant and repeated exposure to pathogens, leading to perpetual natural selection for more effective ways to fight-off infections. This could include the evolution of memory-based immunity to increase protection from repeatedly-encountered pathogens both within and across generations. There is mixed evidence for intra- and trans-generational priming in non-vertebrates, which lack the antibody-mediated acquired immunity characteristic of vertebrates. This work tested for trans-generational immune priming in adult offspring of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, after maternal challenge with 10 different bacterial pathogens. Focus was placed on natural opportunistic pathogens of Drosophila spanning a range of virulence from 10% to 100% host mortality. Mothers were infected via septic injury and tested for enhanced resistance to infection in their adult offspring, measured as the ability to suppress bacterial proliferation and survive infection. The mothers were categorized into four classes for each bacterium tested: those that survived infection, those that succumbed to infection, sterile-injury controls, and uninjured controls. No evidence was found for trans-generational priming by any class of mother in response to any of the bacteria (Radhika, 2023).
cGAS (cyclic GMP-AMP synthase; CG7194 in Drosophila) is an enzyme in human cells that controls an immune response to cytosolic DNA. Upon binding DNA, cGAS synthesizes a nucleotide signal 2'3'-cGAMP that activates the protein STING and downstream immunity. This study discovered cGAS-like receptors (cGLRs) constitute a major family of pattern recognition receptors in animal innate immunity. Building on recent analysis in Drosophila, a bioinformatic approach was used to identify >3,000 cGLRs present in nearly all metazoan phyla. A forward biochemical screen of 140 animal cGLRs reveals a conserved mechanism of signaling including response to dsDNA and dsRNA ligands and synthesis of alternative nucleotide signals including isomers of cGAMP and cUMP-AMP. Using structural biology, this study explains how synthesis of distinct nucleotide signals enables cells to control discrete cGLR-STING signaling pathways. Together these results reveal cGLRs as a widespread family of pattern recognition receptors and establish molecular rules that govern nucleotide signaling in animal immunity (Li, 2023).
Knowing the molecular makeup of an organ system is required for its in-depth understanding. This analyzed the molecular repertoire of the adult tracheal system of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster using transcriptome studies to advance knowledge of the adult insect tracheal system. Comparing this to the larval tracheal system revealed several major differences that likely influence organ function. During the transition from larval to adult tracheal system, a shift in the expression of genes responsible for the formation of cuticular structure occurs. This change in transcript composition manifests in the physical properties of cuticular structures of the adult trachea. Enhanced tonic activation of the immune system is observed in the adult trachea, which encompasses the increased expression of antimicrobial peptides. In addition, modulatory processes are conspicuous, in this case mainly by the increased expression of G protein-coupled receptors in the adult trachea. Finally, all components of a peripheral circadian clock are present in the adult tracheal system, which is not the case in the larval tracheal system. Comparative analysis of driver lines targeting the adult tracheal system revealed that even the canonical tracheal driver line breathless (btl)-Gal4 is not able to target all parts of the adult tracheal system. This study have uncovered a specific transcriptome pattern of the adult tracheal system and provide this dataset as a basis for further analyses of the adult insect tracheal system (Bossen, 2023).
Often, immunity is invoked in the context of infection, disease and injury. However, an ever alert and robust immune system is essential for maintaining good health, but resource investment into immunity needs to be traded off against allocation to other functions. This examines the consequences of such a trade-off with growth by ascertaining various components of baseline innate immunity in two types of Drosophila melanogaster populations selected for fast development, in combination with either a long effective lifespan (FLJs) or a short effective lifespan (FEJs). Distinct immunological parameters were found to be constitutively elevated in both, FLJs and FEJs. Their ancestral control (JB) populations, and these constitutive elevated immunological parameters were associated with reduced insulin signalling and comparable total gut microbiota. The results bring into focus the inter-relationship between egg to adult development time, ecdysone levels, larval gut microbiota, insulin signalling, adult reproductive longevity and immune function. How changes in selection pressures operating on life-history traits can modulate different components of immune system is discussed (Shrivastava, 2023).
Immune defense is a complex trait that affects and is affected by many other host factors, including sex, mating, and dietary environment. This study used the agriculturally relevant fungal emtomopathogen, Beauveria bassiana, and the model host organism Drosophila melanogaster to examine how the impacts of sex, mating, and dietary environment on immunity are interrelated. The direction of sexual dimorphism in immune defense was shown to depend on mating status and mating frequency. It was also shown that post-infection dimorphism in immune defense changes over time and is affected by dietary condition both before and after infection. Supplementing the diet with protein-rich yeast improved post-infection survival but more so when supplementation was done after infection instead of before. The multi-directional impacts among immune defense, sex, mating, and diet are clearly complex, and while this study shines light on some of these relationships, further study is warranted. Such studies have potential downstream applications in agriculture and medicine (Rai, 2023).
Phagosomal reactive oxygen species (ROS) are strategically employed by leukocytes to kill internalized pathogens and degrade cellular debris. Nevertheless, uncontrolled oxidant bursts could cause serious collateral damage to phagocytes or other host tissues, potentially accelerating aging and compromising host viability. Immune cells must, therefore, activate robust self-protective programs to mitigate these undesired effects, and yet allow crucial cellular redox signaling. This study dissected in vivo the molecular nature of these self-protective pathways, their precise mode of activation, and physiological effects. Drosophila embryonic macrophages activate the redox-sensitive transcription factor Nrf2 upon corpse engulfment during immune surveillance, downstream of calcium- and PI3K-dependent ROS release by phagosomal Nox. By transcriptionally activating the antioxidant response, Nrf2 not only curbs oxidative damage but preserves vital immune functions (including inflammatory migration) and delays the acquisition of senescence-like features. Strikingly, macrophage Nrf2 also acts non-autonomously to limit ROS-induced collateral damage to surrounding tissues. Cytoprotective strategies may thus offer powerful therapeutic opportunities for alleviating inflammatory or age-related diseases (Clemente, 2023).
Aberrant immune responses and chronic inflammation can impose significant health risks and promote premature aging. Pro-inflammatory responses are largely mediated via reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduction-oxidation reactions. A pivotal role in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis and the proper control of redox-sensitive signaling belongs to a family of antioxidant and redox-regulating thiol-related peroxidases designated as peroxiredoxins (Prx). Recent studies in Drosophila have shown that Prxs play a critical role in aging and immunity. This study identified two important 'hubs', the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria, where extracellular and intracellular stress signals are transformed into pro-inflammatory responses that are modulated by the activity of the Prxs residing in these cellular organelles. This study found that mitochondrial Prx activity in the intestinal epithelium is required to prevent the development of intestinal barrier dysfunction, which can drive systemic inflammation and premature aging. Using a redox-negative mutant, this study demonstrated that Prx acts in a redox-dependent manner in regulating the age-related immune response. The hyperactive immune response observed in flies under-expressing mitochondrial Prxs is due to a response to abiotic signals but not to changes in the bacterial content. This hyperactive response, but not reduced lifespan phenotype, can be rescued by the ER-localized Prx (Odnokoz, 2023).
The immune response is an energy-demanding process that must be coordinated with systemic metabolic changes redirecting nutrients from stores to the immune system. Although this interplay is fundamental for the function of the immune system, the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. The data of this study show that the pro-inflammatory polarization of Drosophila macrophages is coupled to the production of the insulin antagonist ImpL2 through the activity of the transcription factor HIF1α. ImpL2 production, reflecting nutritional demands of activated macrophages, subsequently impairs insulin signaling in the fat body, thereby triggering FOXO-driven mobilization of lipoproteins. This metabolic adaptation is fundamental for the function of the immune system and an individual's resistance to infection. This study demonstrated that analogically to Drosophila, mammalian immune-activated macrophages produce ImpL2 homolog IGFBP7 in a HIF1α-dependent manner and that enhanced IGFBP7 production by these cells induces mobilization of lipoproteins from hepatocytes. Hence, the production of ImpL2/IGFBP7 by macrophages represents an evolutionarily conserved mechanism by which macrophages alleviate insulin signaling in the central metabolic organ to secure nutrients necessary for their function upon bacterial infection (Krejxova, 2023).
Though primarily classified as a brain disorder, surplus studies direct Huntington's disease (HD) to be a multi-system disorder affecting various tissues and organs, thus affecting overall physiology of host. Recently, it has been reported that neuronal expression of mutant huntingtin induces immune dysregulation in Drosophila and may pose chronic threat to challenged individuals. Therefore, the polyphenolic compound curcumin was tested to circumvent the impact of immune dysregulation in Drosophila model of HD. The present study examined the molecular basis underlying immune derangements and immunomodulatory potential of curcumin in HD. UAS-GAL4 system was used to imitate the HD symptoms in Drosophila, and the desired female progenies (elavâ>âHttex1pQ25; control and elavâ>âHttex1pQ93; diseased) were cultured on food mixed without and with 10 μM concentration of curcumin since early development. Effect of curcumin supplementation was investigated by monitoring the hemocytes' count and their functional abilities in diseased condition. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) level in cells was assessed by DHE staining and mitochondrial dysfunction was assessed by CMXros red dye. In addition, transcript levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-microbial peptides were monitored by qRT-PCR. Curcumin supplementation was found to effectively reduced higher crystal cell count and phenoloxidase activity in diseased flies. Interestingly, curcumin significantly managed altered plasmatocytes count, improved their phagocytic activity by upregulating the expression of key phagocytic receptors in HD condition. Moreover, substantial alleviation of ROS levels and mitochondria dysfunction was observed in plasmatocytes of diseased flies upon curcumin supplementation. Furthermore, curcumin administration effectively attenuated transcriptional expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and AMPs in diseased flies. These results indicate that curcumin efficiently attenuates immune derangements in HD flies and may prove beneficial in alleviating complexities associated with HD (Dhankhar, 2023).
Lipid droplets (LDs) are highly dynamic intracellular organelles, which are involved in numerous of biological processes. However, the dynamic morphogenesis and functions of intracellular LDs during persistent innate immune responses remain obscure. This study induce long-term systemic immune activation in Drosophila through genetic manipulation. Then, the dynamic pattern of LDs is traced in the Drosophila fat body. Deficiency of Plin1, a key regulator of LDs' reconfiguration, blocks LDs minimization at the initial stage of immune hyperactivation but enhances LDs breakdown at the later stage of sustained immune activation via recruiting the lipase Brummer (Bmm, homologous to human ATGL). The high wasting in LDs shortens the lifespan of flies with high-energy-cost immune hyperactivation. Therefore, these results suggest a critical function of LDs during long-term immune activation and provide a potential treatment for the resolution of persistent inflammation (Wang, 2023).
Insect phenoloxidases (POs) catalyze phenol oxygenation and o-diphenol oxidation to form reactive intermediates that kill invading pathogens and form melanin polymers. To reduce their toxicity to host cells, POs are produced as prophenoloxidases (PPOs) and activated by a serine protease cascade as required. In most insects studied so far, PPO activating proteases (PAPs) generate active POs in the presence of a high M(r) cofactor, comprising two serine protease homologs (SPHs) each with a Gly residue replacing the catalytic Ser of an S1A serine protease (SP). These SPHs have a regulatory clip domain at the N-terminus, like most of the SP cascade members including PAPs. In Drosophila, PPO activation and PO-catalyzed melanization have been examined in genetic analyses but it is unclear if a cofactor is required for PPO activation. This study produced the recombinant cSPH35 and cSPH242 precursors (see Drosophila Sph35 and Sph242), activated them with Manduca sexta PAP3, and confirmed their predicted role as a cofactor for Drosophila Prophenoloxidase 1 activation by MP2 (i.e., Sp7). The cleavage sites and mechanisms for complex formation and cofactor function are highly similar to those reported in M. sexta. In the presence of high M(r) complexes of the cSPHs, PO at a high specific activity of 260 U/μg was generated in vitro. To complement the in vitro analysis, hemolymph PO activity levels were measured in wild-type flies, cSPH35, and cSPH242 RNAi lines. Compared with the wild-type flies, only 4.4% and 18% of the control PO level (26 U/μl) was detected in the cSPH35 and cSPH242 knockdowns, respectively. Consistently, percentages of adults with a melanin spot at the site of septic pricking were 82% in wild-type, 30% in cSPH35 RNAi, and 53% in cSPH242 RNAi lines; the survival rate of the control (45%) was significantly higher than those (30% and 15%) of the two RNAi lines. These data suggest that Drosophila cSPH35 and cSPH242 are components of a cofactor for MP2-mediated PPO1 activation, which are indispensable for early melanization in adults (Jin, 2023).
Bacteria from the genus Providencia are ubiquitous Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens, causing "travelers' diarrhea", urinary tract, and other nosocomial infections in humans. Some Providencia strains have also been isolated as natural pathogens of Drosophila melanogaster. This study investigated the virulence factors of a representative Providencia species-P. alcalifaciens. A P. alcalifaciens transposon mutant library was generated, and an unbiased forward genetics screen was performed in vivo for attenuated mutants. The screen uncovered 23 mutants with reduced virulence. The vast majority of them had disrupted genes linked to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis or modifications. These LPS mutants were sensitive to cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in vitro and their virulence was restored in Drosophila mutants lacking most AMPs. Thus, LPS-mediated resistance to host AMPs is one of the virulence strategies of P. alcalifaciens. Another subset of P. alcalifaciens attenuated mutants exhibited increased susceptibility to reactive oxygen species (ROS) in vitro and their virulence was rescued by chemical scavenging of ROS in flies prior to infection. Using genetic analysis, it was found that the enzyme Duox specifically in hemocytes is the source of bactericidal ROS targeting P. alcalifaciens. Consistently, the virulence of ROS-sensitive P. alcalifaciens mutants was rescued in flies with Duox knockdown in hemocytes. Therefore, these genes function as virulence factors by helping bacteria to counteract the ROS immune response. This reciprocal analysis of host-pathogen interactions between D. melanogaster and P. alcalifaciens identified that AMPs and hemocyte-derived ROS are the major defense mechanisms against P. alcalifaciens, while the ability of the pathogen to resist these host immune responses is its major virulence mechanism (Shaka, 2022)
The aim of this study was to dissect the host-pathogen interactions between Providencia and D. melanogaster. To achieve this aim, various genetic approaches were used that enabled determination of the contributions of both pathogen and host to the outcome of the infection. First, the responses of the fruit fly to Pa infection was characterized and, using mutant analysis, the Imd pathway and iron sequestration were identified as prominent defense mechanisms against Pa. Second, an unbiased forward genetics screen was performed using a transposon mutant library that were generated for this purpose, and Pa virulence factors necessary to infect the fly were identified. This mutant library has the potential to serve as a valuable resource for exploring the genetic basis for all Pa traits. Third, mutants of the major immune pathways in Drosophila were used, and they were infected with attenuated Pa mutants to identify pathogen virulence factors that allow the bacteria to respond to specific immune defenses and evade immune clearance. Thereby, this study dissected both sides of host-pathogen relationship in a Drosophila-Providencia model and provided the first insights into the molecular mechanisms of Pa virulence (Shaka, 2022)
To identify Pa virulence factors, an in vivo screen was performed which yielded 23 attenuated mutants. The majority of these mutants (15/23) had transposon insertions in genes involved in LPS biosynthesis and LPS modifications, pointing towards a vital role of intact LPS in Pa pathogenesis. This finding is consistent with a well-known role of LPS in host-pathogen interactions. At the mechanistic level, LPS protects Pa from Drosophila Imd pathway-dependent AMPs, particularly Drosocin. Consistent with this, Pa LPS mutants showed increased susceptibility in vitro to the cationic AMP polymyxin B and their virulence was restored in Relish and ΔAMP mutant flies deficient for Imd-dependent AMPs. The finding that Pa LPS mediates resistance to host AMPs complements numerous previous studies in diverse pathogens that reported a similar protective function of LPS against host innate defenses. Several studies that used Drosophila as an infection model also discovered LPS as an essential protective barrier against insect AMPs. For example, another study found that LPS O-antigen-deficient Serratia marcescens mutants were attenuated in wild-type flies but not in an Imd pathway mutant. A similar phenotype was reported for F. novicida mutants with affected LPS. These data demonstrate that a major determinant of virulence in several pathogens is the LPS-mediated ability to resist the systemic immune response. Additionally, LPS was shown to facilitate microbiota-host interactions. For instance, LPS biosynthesis mutants of Acetobacter fabarum, a Drosophila commensal, had a reduced ability to colonize the fruit fly intestine. While the mechanism behind this phenotype has not been investigated yet, increased sensitivity to intestinal AMPs is a likely reason, as shown for the human commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Among the LPS mutants, ArnA (pmrA) (PL11H9) was found that encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of modified arabinose UDP-L-4-formamido-arabinose (UDP-L-Ara4FN). The modified arabinose reduces the negative charge of lipid A and the binding of cationic AMPs. This is the most commonly observed LPS modification implicated in cationic AMP resistance. This modification is also crucial for Yersinia pestis resistance to the insect cecropin-like AMP cheopin (Shaka, 2022)
In addition to mutations affecting LPS, several were uncovered that disrupt lipoproteins, like OmpA (PL13H10), NlpI (PL7D10), and YbaY (PL5A4). While YbaY is poorly characterized, OmpA and NlpI were previously implicated in the virulence of different pathogens. Whereas OmpA contributes to virulence in various ways ranging from facilitating adhesion and invasion to conferring resistance to serum, NlpI function in virulence is less clear. The results suggest that all three lipoproteins mutants behave like LPS mutantsâthey are susceptible to polymyxin B and their virulence is rescued in an AMP mutant, indicating that their reduced virulence is due to an increased susceptibility to host AMPs. The mechanism behind this phenotype requires further investigation, however NlpI was shown to be essential for cell envelop integrity, which might contribute to increased sensitivity to AMPs. The screen uncovered two additional peptidoglycan-associated lipoproteins, TolB (PL2D4) and Pal (PL4B5), that are part of a multiprotein complex, the Tol-Pal system. It bridges between the peptidoglycan and the outer membrane and is important for proper structure and function of the outer membrane. Importantly, TolA and Pal are necessary for correct surface polymerization of O-antigen chains, likely explaining the sensitivity of tol and pal mutants to detergents and several antibiotics. Similar to the Pa tol and pal mutants, F. novicida mutants in these genes were attenuated in Drosophila infection and more sensitive to host AMPs (Shaka, 2022)
The second largest group of mutants with reduced virulence that were identified constitutes ROS-sensitive mutants. Since it was possible rescue the virulence of these mutants by chemical or genetic ROS scavenging, their attenuated virulence is likely due to an inability to resist host ROS produced in response to infection. Among such ROS-sensitive mutants, only the one lacking cytochrome oxidase (PL1A3) was previously shown to be required for virulence in other bacteria by enhancing the tolerance to oxidative stress. Some other genes, like dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (PL4F11) and typA (PL6B7), were also linked to virulence but not necessarily via ROS sensitivity. No previous evidence was found of the role of ATPase RavA stimulator ViaA (PL14C2) in virulence, however there seems to be a link to ROS response in E. coli. Therefore, further investigation of the identified genes is required to clarify their role in bacterial virulence and ROS sensitivity. While previous studies identified several sources of ROS in flies, including melanisation, hemocytes, Nox and, Duox, the results showed that Duox specifically in hemocytes is the major producer of ROS in case of Pa infection. Notably, in case of F. novicida melanisation played a prominent role as a source of ROS. An interesting avenue for future studies would be to understand the differences between Duox- and melanisation-derived ROS and their preferential activity against specific pathogens (Shaka, 2022)
The screen also identified several hypothetical proteins. Using ROS and polymyxin B sensitivity assays and rescue in AMP- and ROS-deficient flies, it was shown that PL4E6 and PL11H8 contribute to bacterial resistance to host AMPs, while PL6D10 is necessary to survive ROS exposure. Thus, with this approach a mechanism of virulence could be assigned to hypothetical proteins with unknown function. However, how those protein contribute to ROS or AMP sensitivity remains unknown (Shaka, 2022)
One Pa mutant (Sigma-E factor regulatory protein rseB, PL13C10), was identified that was not sensitive to ROS and polymyxin in vitro. However, the virulence of this mutant was rescued in Relish and AMP-deficient flies. Very likely the rescue phenotype could be due to sensitivity to additional antimicrobial peptides produced by flies. Such increased sensitivity to AMPs is possible given the role of Sigma-E factor in cell envelope integrity (Shaka, 2022)
Among all AMPs tested, Drosocin proved to be particularly important in controlling Pa infection. Consistent with the Pa LPS mutants, F. novicida mutants in LPS were particularly sensitive to Drosocin. Considering that Drosocin is known to bind bacterial LPS, alterations in LPS might promote Drosocin interactions with LPS and bacterial killing or make intracellular targets more accessible. A previous in vivo analysis of AMP specificity has shown that Drosocin plays a critical role in controlling Enterobacter cloacae infection. A recent study confirmed this finding, however additionally reported that the Drosocin gene encodes not one, but two AMPs: Drosocin and IM7 (newly named as Buletin). Buletin but not Drosocin contributes to host defense against Providencia burhodogranariea infection. Since the Drosocin mutant that was used lacked both Drosocin and Buletin and the Drosocin overexpression line similarly produced both peptides, it remains to be tested whether Drosocin or Buletin or both peptides together are involved in the defense against Pa (Shaka, 2022)
While in vivo experiments demonstrate that AMPs are the major Relish-regulated molecules controlling Pa LPS mutants, in vitro assays with synthesized Drosophila AMPs were not conclusive. None of the three Drosophila AMPs that were tested, Cecropin A, Cecropin B, and Diptericin B, showed activity against Pa. Considering the high specificity of some AMP-microbe interactions, it could be that the peptides that were tested have no effect on Pa. Indeed, based on in vivo results, Drosocin, which was not available for an in vitro test, is the primary AMP controlling Pa infection. Additionally, in vitro effects of AMPs can be different than in vivo effects of mutants or knockdowns for the same AMPs, suggesting that physiological context or interaction among peptides is important. Also, there are a number of technical reasons why in vitro assays may not reflect in vivo activities, including AMPs adhering to plastic assay plates, differences in salt concentrations or pH, stress on microbes, interactions among AMPs and between AMPs and other components of the immune system. These potential issues have to be considered when interpreting the results of in vitro antimicrobial tests performed with AMPs (Shaka, 2022)
Contrary to expectations, the screen did not hit any bacterial effectors, like toxins, that might be responsible for damaging the host. Since toxins are likely to be redundant, disruption of an individual toxin gene may not give a phenotype. Similarly, no mutants were identified in secretion systems, suggesting that Pa does not require effector translocation to infect Drosophila. The only toxin that was so far implicated in Pa pathogenesis is cytolethal distending toxin which blocks eukaryotic cell proliferation. Interestingly, Pa LPS was shown to cause epithelial barrier dysfunction by reducing occludin levels in Caco-2 cell monolayers and induced apoptosis in calf pulmonary artery endothelial cells. Thus, LPS might not only mediate resistance to host AMPs but also act as an effector-like molecule (Shaka, 2022)
By discovering the mechanisms of Pa resistance to host AMPs and ROS, this study opens the doors to potential strategies to exploit such Pa mechanisms and sensitize the pathogen to host defenses to improve infection treatment. To illustrate the feasibility of such an approach, polymyxin B treatment was used to disrupt Pa LPS in vivo, and it was found to be sufficient to improve Drosophila survival after infection. Such beneficial effect of polymyxin B required functional Imd pathway signalling and was independent of direct bactericidal activity, suggesting that disruption of the major barrier against AMPs sensitizes the pathogen to host defenses. These results suggest that affecting LPS function might be a useful strategy to treat Providencia infections, particularly those resistant to antibiotics (Shaka, 2022)
Sensitizing Pa to host ROS also appears to be an attractive anti-virulence strategy, considering that resistance to host ROS is one of the key Pa virulence mechanisms that was identified. Some compounds were shown to sensitize the pathogens to oxidative stress and immune clearance but in a species-specific manner. For example, 2-[2-nitro-4-(trifluoromethyl) benzoyl]-1,3-cyclohexanedione (NTBC) treatment inhibits production of pyomelanin pigment and increases sensitivity of pyomelanogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains to oxidative stress. Similarly, BPH-642 âcholesterol biosynthesis inhibitor, blocked biosynthesis of staphyloxanthin antioxidant pigment in S. aureus, resulting in increased immune clearance in a mouse infection model. However, to date there are no known compounds that would predispose Pa or generally any pathogen to ROS without being toxic to the host, thus limiting the development of ROS-potentiating anti-infectives (Shaka, 2022)
In summary, reciprocal analysis of interactions between D. melanogaster and P. alcalifaciens revealed that the host relies on Imd-dependent AMPs and hemocyte-derived ROS as major branches of immunity that are important for fighting infection with P. alcalifaciens. On the pathogen side, it was found that the ability to resist these host immune responses is the major virulence mechanism of P. alcalifaciens. Leveraging this knowledge has great potential to improve P. alcalifaciens infection treatment either by potentiating the host defenses or disrupting pathogen virulence (Shaka, 2022)