Rachel Fink, Editor
Time-Lapse Microscopy of Normal Development
Produced and Distributed by Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA
for the Society for Developmental Biology
ISBN 0-87893-181-3
- SEA URCHIN DEVELOPMENT Seth Ruffins and Charles Ettensohn, Carnegie Mellon University (4:56)
- SLIME MOLD MORPHOGENESIS John T. Bonner, Princeton University (5:46)
- SNAIL POLAR LOBE FORMATION Rachel Fink, Mount Holyoke College, and JoAnn Render, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2:47)
- MEIOTIC BLEBBING IN FLATWORMS Rachel Fink, Mount Holyoke College, and Barbara Boyer, Union College (1:20)
- NEMATODE DEVELOPMENT Rachel Fink, Mount Holyoke College, and Ken Kemphues, Cornell University (3:40)
- FRUIT FLY EMBRYOGENESIS Rachel Fink, Mount Holyoke College, and Eric Wieschaus, Princeton University (5:56)
- ASCIDIAN EMBRYOGENESIS Ann Poznanski, University of California, San Francisco, and Judith Venuti University of Texas, M D Anderson Cancer Center (2:35)
- FROG GASTRULATION Ray Keller and John Shih, University of California, Berkeley (1:58)
- ZEBRAFISH DEVELOPMENT Don Kane and Rachel Warga, University of Oregon (2:41)
- KILLIFISH CELL MIGRATION Rachel Fink, Mount Holyoke College (2:48)
- CHICKEN ORGANOGENESIS Hilde Bortier, University of Ghent, Belgium (1:57)
- MOUSE DEVELOPMENT TO BLASTOCYST Ann Sutherland, University of California, San Francisco (2:05) and Roger Pedersen, University of California, San Francisco (1:48)

Developmental Biology
Published by Elsevier Science under Auspices of Society for Developmental Biology |