Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize
Society for Developmental Biology
Established in 2002 by the SDB Board of Directors in honor of Dr. Viktor Hamburger and sponsored by the Professional Development and Education Committee, this award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to developmental biology education. These contributions will be construed in the broadest context and may include teaching at any level; training of professionals; organizing and administrating programs; integrating developmental biology into our educational system; or disseminating reliable information to professional members, to prospective developmental biologists, to students in other fields, or to the general public. The recipient will deliver a lecture at the Education Symposium of the SDB Annual Meetings.
Past recipients:
- Scott Gilbert (2002)
- http://www.swarthmore.edu/NatSci/sgilber1/
Lewis Wolpert (2003)
- http://www.nobel.se/medicine/articles/wolpert/cv.html
- http://www.anat.ucl.ac.uk/brochure/page54.htm