Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL | July 20-23, 2023

Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting poster: Society for Developmental Biology logo; 82nd Annual Meeting; July 20-23, 2023, Chicago, Illinois; Aerial drawing of downtown Chicago with various embryos flowing up the Chicago River

Guest Society

Indian Society of Developmental Biologists

Program Committee

Victoria Prince (Chair, SDB President)
Alissa Richmond Armstrong
Richard Behringer
Samantha Butler
Cagney E. Coomer
Lauren Cote
Verónica Di Stilio
Tatjana Sauka-Spengler
Elizabeth N. Schock
Mansi Srivastava

Local Committee

Jorge Cantú
Carole LaBonne
Ankur Saxena

Poster Artist

Ana Beiriger

Meeting Hashtag


Invited Speakers

Swathi Arur Heather Marlow
Dominique Bergmann Ed Munro
Phillip Cleves Luke Nikolov
Erin Davies Bennett Novitch
Dan Dickinson Alana O’Reilly
Daniela Drummond-Barbosa Catherine Peichel
Anne Ephrussi Jill Preston
Jeffrey Farrell Dara Ruiz-Whalen
Martyn Goulding Amy Shyer
Valentina Greco Neelima Sinha
Jacob Hanna Lilianna Solnica-Krezel
Aimee Jaramillo-Lambert Meera Sundaram
Loydie Jerome-Majewska Takanori Takebe
Johanna Kowalko Elly Tanaka
Raj Ladher Kevin Thiessen
Christopher Lowe Rosa Uribe
Peter Lwigale Clinton Whipple

Covid-19 is here to stay...

While the SDB 82nd Annual Meeting was a huge success with almost 900 attendees, we have been informed that a number of registrants have tested positive for COVID-19 virus.  We are sorry for those who are infected and wish them speedy recovery. We highly recommend that everybody takes a test, being symptomatic or not. Please follow CDC recommendations and visit their COVID-19 page for additional information, including isolation periods for those who test positive.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus and variants are here to stay, thus bringing infection risks to everybody, especially in closed quarters. Even though mask is no longer a requirement, we recommend that you wear it if you are at large group gatherings, especially indoors.  It is a personal preference, but there is some responsibility towards our families and colleagues to help keep everybody safe.

Wishing you all a healthy and relaxing summer. 

Ida Chow, PhD
SDB Executive Director

PS – Please isolate when tested COVID-positive.
