SET domain containing 7: Biological Overview | Evolutionary Homologs | Regulation | Developmental Biology | Effects of Mutation | References
Gene name - SET domain containing 8

Synonyms - CG3307, pr-set7

Cytological map position - 88B3-88B3

Function - methyltransferase, chromatin modification

Keywords - chromatin modification, controls lysine20 monomethylation of Histone H4, essential for normal progression through the cell cycle

Symbol - Set8

FlyBase ID: FBgn0011474

Genetic map position -

Classification - SET_SETD8

Cellular location - nuclear

NCBI link: Entrez Gene
Set8 orthologs: Biolitmine
Recent literature
Crain, A. T., Klusza, S., Armstrong, R. L., Santa Rosa, P., Temple, B. R. S., Strahl, B. D., McKay, D. J., Matera, A. G. and Duronio, R. J. (2022). Distinct developmental phenotypes result from mutation of Set8/KMT5A and histone H4 lysine 20 in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics. PubMed ID: 35404465
Mono-methylation of histone H4 lysine 20 (H4K20me1) is catalyzed by Set8/KMT5A and regulates numerous aspects of genome organization and function. Loss-of-function mutations in Drosophila melanogaster Set8 or mammalian KMT5A prevent H4K20me1 and disrupt development. Set8/KMT5A also has non-histone substrates, making it difficult to determine which developmental functions of Set8/KMT5A are attributable to H4K20me1 and which to other substrates or to non-catalytic roles. This study shows that human KMT5A can functionally substitute for Set8 during Drosophila development and that the catalytic SET domains of the two enzymes are fully interchangeable. A role in eye development was uncovered for the N-terminal domain of Set8 that cannot be complemented by human KMT5A. Whereas Set820/20 null mutants are inviable, this study found that an R634G mutation in Set8 predicted from in vitro experiments to ablate catalytic activity resulted in viable adults. Additionally, Set8(R634G) mutants retain significant, albeit reduced, H4K20me1, indicating that the R634G mutation does not eliminate catalytic activity in vivo and is functionally hypomorphic rather than null. Flies engineered to express only unmodifiable H4 histones (H4K20A) can also complete development, but are phenotypically distinct from H4K20R, Set820/20 null, and Set8R634G mutants. Taken together, these results demonstrate functional conservation of KMT5A and Set8 enzymes, as well as distinct roles for Set8 and H4K20me1 in Drosophila development.
Crain, A. T., Butler, M. B., Hill, C. A., Huynh, M., McGinty, R. K., Duronio, R. J. (2024). Drosophila melanogaster Set8 and L(3)mbt function in gene expression independently of histone H4 lysine 20 methylation<. bioRxiv, PubMed ID: 38559189
Mono-methylation of Lysine 20 of histone H4 (H4K20me1) is catalyzed by Set8 and thought to play important roles in many aspects of genome function that are mediated by H4K20me-binding proteins. This study interrogated this model in a developing animal by comparing in parallel the transcriptomes of Set8null, H4 (K20R/A) , and l(3)mbt mutant Drosophila melanogaster We found that the gene expression profiles of H4K20A and H4K20R larvae are markedly different than Set8 (null) larvae despite similar reductions in H4K20me1. Set8null mutant cells have a severely disrupted transcriptome and fail to proliferate in vivo , but these phenotypes are not recapitulated by mutation of H4K20 indicating that the developmental defects of Set8null animals are largely due to H4K20me1-independent effects on gene expression. Further, the H4K20me1 binding protein L(3)mbt is recruited to the transcription start sites of most genes independently of H4K20me even though genes bound by L(3)mbt have high levels of H4K20me1. Moreover, both Set8 and L(3)mbt bind to purified H4K20R nucleosomes in vitro. It is concluded that gene expression changes in Set8null and H4K20 mutants cannot be explained by loss of H4K20me1 or L(3)mbt binding to chromatin, and therefore that H4K20me1 does not play a large role in gene expression.
Bamgbose, G., Bordet, G., Lodhi, N., Tulin, A. (2024). Mono-methylated histones control PARP-1 in chromatin and transcription. Elife, 13 PubMed ID: 38690995
PARP-1 is central to transcriptional regulation under both normal and stress conditions, with the governing mechanisms yet to be fully understood. Biochemical and ChIP-seq-based analyses showed that PARP-1 binds specifically to active histone marks, particularly H4K20me1. This study found that H4K20me1 plays a critical role in facilitating PARP-1 binding and the regulation of PARP-1-dependent loci during both development and heat shock stress. The sole H4K20 mono-methylase, pr-set7, and parp-1 Drosophila mutants undergo developmental arrest. RNA-seq analysis showed an absolute correlation between PR-SET7- and PARP-1-dependent loci expression, confirming co-regulation during developmental phases. PARP-1 and PR-SET7 are both essential for activating hsp70 and other heat shock genes during heat stress, with a notable increase of H4K20me1 at their gene body. Mutating pr-set7 disrupts monomethylation of H4K20 along heat shock loci and abolish PARP-1 binding there. These data strongly suggest that H4 monomethylation is a key triggering point in PARP-1 dependent processes in chromatin.

A human histone H4 lysine 20 methyltransferase was purified based on its ability to methylate histone H4, and the encoding gene, PR/SET07, was cloned. The Drosophila homolog, Pr-Set7, is involved in chromatin function; therefore, to put this protein in a context, a brief discussion of chromatin follows.

In the nuclei of eukaryotic cells, DNA is stored in the form of chromatin; this structure is repressive to most, if not all, processes that require access of proteins to DNA. The basic building block of chromatin is the nucleosome, which is composed of two copies of each of four core histone proteins (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) wrapped by 146 base pairs of DNA. The N-terminal tails of the core histone proteins protrude from the nucleosome. These histone tails appear to be unstructured and are believed to participate in the formation of higher order chromatin structure by mediating internucleosomal interactions, as well as contact with DNA that is positioned between the nucleosomes (linker DNA) (Nishioka, 2002b and references therein).

Longstanding cytological studies have generally defined two types of chromatin: euchromatin, which appears as an extended structure and is transcriptionally active, and heterochromatin, a compacted, transcriptionally silent structure. The mechanisms by which euchromatin is converted to heterochromatin and vice versa are poorly defined. However, extensive literature documents that histone tails undergo a variety of posttranslational modifications, including acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, and ubiquitination. Recent work has provided compelling evidence that these alterations affect chromatin structure and its functional properties. For example, acetylation of core histone tails correlates with the opening of the chromatin structure to allow transcription (Nishioka, 2002b and references therein).

Drosophila Pr-Set7 function was characterized based on the the availability of a P-element disruption of the 5' UTR region of the corresponding gene. A mutation in Drosophila pr-set7 is lethal: second instar larval death coincides with the loss of Histone H4 lysine 20 methylation, indicating a fundamental role for PR-Set7 in development. Transcriptionally competent regions lack H4 lysine 20 methylation, but the modification coincides with condensed chromosomal regions on polytene chromosomes, including chromocenter and euchromatic arms. The Drosophila male X chromosome, which is hyperacetylated at H4 lysine 16, shows significantly decreased levels of lysine 20 methylation compared to that of females. In vitro, methylation of lysine 20 and acetylation of lysine 16 on the H4 tail are competitive. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that methylation of H4 lysine 20 maintains silent chromatin, in part, by precluding neighboring acetylation on the H4 tail (Nishioka, 2002b).

Other types of covalent modifications of chromatin components, including methylation of histones H3 and H4, also appear to play critical roles. First described in 1964, histones have long been known to be substrates for methylation. Early studies that used metabolic labeling followed by amino acid sequencing of bulk histones showed that several lysine residues, including lysines 4, 9, 27, and 36 of H3 and lysine 20 of H4, are preferred sites of methylation (Nishioka, 2002b and references therein).

An important breakthrough in the identification of enzymes that carry out histone-lysine methylation came from studies of suppressors of position effect variegation (PEV) in Drosophila. Suppressors of PEV, such as the Su(var)3-9, the polycomb-group protein Enhancer of zeste, and the trithorax-group protein Trithorax, all contain an evolutionarily conserved sequence motif termed the SET domain. The SET domain of the human homolog of Drosophila Su(var)3-9 (Suv39h1) was later found to share sequence similarity with several previously identified SET domain-containing methyltransferases from plants. This observation led to the discovery that Suv39h1 and its S. pombe homolog Clr4 each contain an intrinsic histone methyltransferase activity that specifically methylates histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3-K9). Mutagenesis studies with Suv39h1 have revealed that the SET domain and two adjacent cysteine-rich regions (the pre-SET and post-SET domains) are required for enzymatic activity. Subsequent studies resulted in the isolation of another enzyme, G9a, which displays substrate specificity similar to that of Suv39h1 but also methylates H3-K27. Recently, enzymes that methylate H3-K4 have also been identified in yeast and higher eukaryotes. However, it has been difficult to identify enzymes that methylate the tail of histone H4. Recent studies have demonstrated that the arginine-specific methyltransferase, PRMT1, methylates H4-R3, but the enzyme that methylates H4-K20 has not been identified (Nishioka, 2002b and references).

A mammalian histone methyltransferase (HMT) has been identified that is specific for lysine 20 of histone H4. This enzyme, PR-Set7, resides as a single polypeptide and is highly specific for nucleosomal histones. It was also shown that methylation of H4-K20 is associated with silent, transcriptionally inactive regions within euchromatin. Methylation of histone H4-K20 may maintain this higher order chromatin structure by inhibiting the acetylation of histone H4-K16. Taken together, these studies help to shed light on mechanisms that regulate chromatin structure through a series of concerted enzymatic reactions that ultimately 'mark' functionally distinct chromatin domains (Nishioka, 2002b).

To identify and analyze HMTs present in human cells that specifically methylate histone H4, nuclear extracts from HeLa cells were fractionated on several chromatographic resins. Fractions from the columns were assayed for HMT activity using as substrates either core histone polypeptide or mono- and oligo-nucleosomes, in the presence and absence of histone H1. The separation of proteins in the DEAE-cellulose flowthrough (unbound) fraction on a negatively charged column (phosphocellulose) resulted in the resolution of two HMT activities, each with a different substrate and histone specificity. The histone H3-specific activity was eluted from the column at a lower salt concentration and was able to methylate core histone polypeptides as well as oligonucleosomes. This activity was specific for the K9 residue of H3 and was identified as Suv39h1. The other major HMT activity was eluted from the phosphocellulose column at a higher salt concentration and exclusively methylated nucleosomal histone H4. Further separation of the H4-specific HMT on a gel filtration column demonstrated that the activity had an apparent native mass of approximately 70 kDa. The final step of the purification scheme, fractionation on a Heparin agarose column, showed that the H4 HMT activity correlated with the appearance of a single polypeptide of approximately 40 kDa. It was later found by gel-filtration analysis that the enzymatically active 40 kDa protein resides as a homodimeric complex (Nishioka, 2002b).

The purified native enzyme was subjected to further analysis, in order to more clearly define its substrate specificity. Assays were conducted with known substrates for several previously characterized protein methyltransferases, and it was found that the newly purified enzyme was highly specific for nucleosomal histone H4. A reaction mixture that contained nucleosomal histone H4, 3H-labeled S-adenosyl methionine (SAM), and the purified enzyme was then subjected to Edman degradation, and this analysis demonstrated that the target site for methylation is lysine 20. Moreover, when an HMT assay was carried out using nucleosomes reconstituted with an H4 species that contained an alanine in place of a lysine at position 20 (K20A), the newly purified HMT was unable to methylate the substrate, demonstrating further that this enzyme is specific for H4-K20 (Nishioka, 2002b).

Mass spectrometric analysis of peptides derived from the protein that coeluted with the nucleosomal H4-specific HMT activity allowed probes to be generated with which to isolate a full-length cDNA clone. cDNA sequence analysis revealed that the activity was encoded by a gene that is absent in lower eukaryotes but is present in worms, flies, and vertebrates. The cDNA sequence matched perfectly with a sequence deposited in GenBank referred to as PR/SET domain containing protein 07 (accession number AAL40879). For simplicity, the enzyme was termed PR-Set7 (Nishioka, 2002b).

Because a PR-Set7 homolog is present in Drosophila as a gene product of CG3307 (see Figure S1A), and because methylation of H4-K20 can be detected in the fruit fly, Drosophila was chosen as a model system to analyze the biological significance of this modification. The catalytic SET domain of Drosophila pr-set7 is about 40% identical in amino acid composition to that of human PR-Set7 (Nishioka, 2002b).

Drosophila and mammalian PR-Set7 specifically methylate lysine 20 of histone H4 exclusively within a nucleosomal context. Although histone proteins have long been recognized to be methylated at specific residues in vivo, the enzymes that catalyze the modification reaction and the functions of these modifications have only recently begun to be revealed (Zhang, 2001). Prior to this study, the function(s) of lysine methylated histone H4 was obscure, but was largely believed to be associated with transcriptionally active rather than repressed genes. However, this study has established that methylated H4-K20 is associated with silent chromatin. In support of the 'histone code hypothesis' (Strahl, 2000) methylation at H4-K20 inhibits acetylation of H4-K16 and vice versa. Consistent with the notion that an enzyme that alters the establishment of silent chromatin should have a tremendous impact on gene expression, these studies establish that the absence of methyl H4-K20 in vivo impairs the development and viability of a multicellular organism. Based upon the available evidence, the view is favored that a lack of, or diminishment of, H4-K20 methylation may alter patterns of gene expression, by perturbing a generally repressive, higher order chromatin structure that critically depends upon H4-K20 methylation (Nishioka, 2002b).

The enzymatic activity of PR-Set7 is contained within a single polypeptide of ~40 kDa that appears to exist as a homodimer, because the native protein elutes from a gel filtration column with an apparent mass of ~70 kDa. The results demonstrate that PR-Set7 is an H4-K20-specific HMT, since the enzyme does not methylate any other residue on histone H4 or on any other histone. In agreement with previous studies demonstrating that the SET domain can be a signature for lysine-HMTs, PR-Set7 contains a SET domain, and a single substitution of a conserved arginine to glycine within the SET domain abolishes its enzymatic activity. Interestingly, PR-Set7 is devoid of the Pre- and Post-SET domains, demonstrating that these domains, although important for the functions of other HMTs, are not absolutely required for HMT activity. PR-Set7 is highly specific for nucleosomes, since no activity could be demonstrated when histones were used as a substrate. This lack of activity on nonnucleosomal histones is not likely to be due to the absence of the Pre- and Post-SET domains, because an HMT has been isolated with specificity for H3-K4 that exclusively methylates free histones and lacks both of these domains (Nishioka, 2002b).

Enzymes that affect the formation of silent chromatin are expected to be present in all organisms capable of compacting their DNA. However, these studies indicate that both the homolog of PR-Set7 and methyl H4-K20 are absent from the yeast S. cerevisiae. An explanation for this apparently disparate finding may reside in the way that nucleosomes are packaged in yeast. Recent crystallographic studies have established that internucleosomal interactions are different in higher eukaryotes (frog) and yeast. In nucleosomes of higher eukaryotes, a patch of basic residues, amino acids 16-25, within the histone H4 tail has been reported to interact with a patch of acidic residues present on the surface of the H2A-H2B dimer in the neighboring nucleosome. Therefore, enzymes that can modify residues within these regions, including acetylation of H4-K16 and methylation of H4-K20, may likely alter or control higher order chromatin structure. Importantly, structural studies of yeast nucleosome revealed that the histone H4 tail does not interact with the patch of acidic residues in the neighboring nucleosome (White, 2001). These observations, combined with the fact that yeast exhibits more relaxed and less condensed chromatin, provide a plausible explanation to the finding that H4-K20 methylation is not detectable in yeast (Nishioka, 2002b).

These data show that methylated H4-K20 and acetylated H4-K16 are mutually restrictive modifications and that methyl H4-K20 is localized in transcriptionally silent chromatin. According to previous observations by chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis, acetylated H4-K16 is enriched in transcriptionally active chromatin (Johnson, 1998). The ATPase activity of Drosophila ISWI, a protein present in complexes, has been suggested to be involved in maintenance higher order chromatin structure. Taken together with the results obtained from structural studies of nucleosomes, these observations strongly suggest that methylated H4-K20 not only renders chromatin 'tightly closed' by inhibiting the acetylation of histone H4-K16 but may provide an appropriate substrate for ISWI to generate regularly spaced higher order chromatin structure. Moreover, and related to these observations, previous studies have established that the localization of ISWI on polytene chromosomes is predominantly associated with regions that are not highly transcribed and thus would be expected to overlap the pattern of methylated H4-K20. Although specific binding of human ISWI to methyl H4-K20-containing peptides or alterations of the ISWI ATPase activity by methylated H4-K20 have not been detected, it is tempting to speculate that ISWI is recruited to chromatin containing methylated H4-K20 (Nishioka, 2002b).

It is known that histone H4 is temporally hyperacetylated during (or shortly after) DNA replication and is deacetylated after nucleosome deposition, although some parts of the chromosomes remain hyperacetylated during mitosis. A hypothesis has been put forth that acetylation of histone H4 could provide a mechanism for propagating the appropriate chromatin structure, presumably transcription-competent chromatin, to newly synthesized DNA (Jeppesen, 1997). However, a counterregulatory machinery that maintains the integrity of transcriptionally silent chromatin has not been discovered. Particularly, none of the histone deacetylase activity targeting 'nucleosomal H4-K16' has been identified. The data presented here indicate that methylated H4-K20 and acetylated H4-K16 are mutually restrictive modifications, and it is suggested that these modifications are coordinately regulated during the cell cycle. In other words, it is speculated that during mitosis, PR-Set7 marks H4-K20 residues with methyl groups according to the map of nonacetylated H4-K16 on mitotic chromosomes, and then the methyl H4-K20 can counteract acetylation of H4-K16 during the next cell cycle. Thus, methylated H4-K20 could represent an epigenetic mark of silent chromatin that is propagated during cell division (Nishioka, 2002b).

Histone lysine methyltransferase Pr-set7/SETD8 promotes neural stem cell reactivation

The ability of neural stem cells (NSCs) to switch between quiescence and proliferation is crucial for brain development and homeostasis. Increasing evidence suggests that variants of histone lysine methyltransferases including KMT5A are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. However, the function of KMT5A/Pr-set7/SETD8 in the central nervous system is not well establisheD. This study shows that Drosophila Pr-Set7 is a novel regulator of NSC reactivationLoss of function of pr-set7 causes a delay in NSC reactivation and loss of H4K20 monomethylation in the brainThrough NSC-specific in vivo profiling, this study demonstrated that Pr-set7 binds to the promoter region of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (cdk1) and Wnt pathway transcriptional co-activator earthbound1/jerky (ebd1) . Further validation indicates that Pr-set7 is required for the expression of cdk1 and ebd1 in the brain. Similar to Pr-set7, Cdk1 and Ebd1 promote NSC reactivation. Finally, overexpression of Cdk1 and Ebd1 significantly suppressed NSC reactivation defects observed in pr-set7-depleted brains. Therefore, Pr-set7 promotes NSC reactivation by regulating Wnt signaling and cell cycle progression. These findings may contribute to the understanding of mammalian KMT5A/PR-SET7/SETD8 during brain development (Huang, 2021).

Cell-cycle regulation of non-enzymatic functions of the Drosophila methyltransferase PR-Set7

Tight cell-cycle regulation of the histone H4-K20 methyltransferase PR-Set7 is essential for the maintenance of genome integrity. In mammals, this mainly involves the interaction of PR-Set7 with the replication factor PCNA, which triggers the degradation of the enzyme by the CRL4CDT2 E3 ubiquitin ligase. PR-Set7 is also targeted by the SCFbeta-TRCP ligase, but the role of this additional regulatory pathway remains uncleaR. This study shows that Drosophila PR-Set7 undergoes a cell-cycle proteolytic regulation, independently of its interaction with PCNA. Instead, Slimb, the ortholog of beta-TRCP, is specifically required for the degradation of the nuclear pool of PR-Set7 prior to S phase. Consequently, inactivation of Slimb leads to nuclear accumulation of PR-Set7, which triggers aberrant chromatin compaction and G1/S arrest. Strikingly, these phenotypes result from non-enzymatic PR-Set7 functions that prevent proper histone H4 acetylation independently of H4K20 methylationAltogether, these results identify the Slimb-mediated PR-Set7 proteolysis as a new critical regulatory mechanism required for proper interphase chromatin organization at G1/S transition (Zouaz, 2018).

Methylation of histone H4 lysine 20 by PR-Set7 ensures the integrity of late replicating sequence domains in Drosophila

The methylation state of lysine 20 on histone H4 (H4K20) has been linked to chromatin compaction, transcription, DNA repair and DNA replication. Monomethylation of H4K20 (H4K20me1) is mediated by the cell cycle-regulated histone methyltransferase PR-Set7. PR-Set7 depletion in mammalian cells results in defective S phase progression and the accumulation of DNA damage, which has been partially attributed to defects in origin selection and activation. However, these studies were limited to only a handful of mammalian origins, and it remains unclear how PR-Set7 and H4K20 methylation impact the replication program on a genomic scale. This study employed genetic, cytological, and genomic approaches to better understand the role of PR-Set7 and H4K20 methylation in regulating DNA replication and genome stability in Drosophila cells. Deregulation of H4K20 methylation had no impact on origin activation throughout the genome. Instead, depletion of PR-Set7 and loss of H4K20me1 results in the accumulation of DNA damage and an ATR-dependent cell cycle arrest. Coincident with the ATR-dependent cell cycle arrest, increased DNA damage was found that is specifically limited to late replicating regions of the Drosophila genome, suggesting that PR-Set7-mediated monomethylation of H4K20 is critical for maintaining the genomic integrity of late replicating domains (Li, 2016).


cDNA clone length - 3323

Bases in 5' UTR - 289

Exons - 3

Bases in 3' UTR - 958


Amino Acids - 691

Structural Domains

Sequence analysis of Human PR-Set7 has shown that it contains an evolutionarily conserved SET domain, a motif that is shared by all other known lysine-directed HMTs. In contrast to other HMTs, except for Set9, PR-Set7 is devoid of the Pre- and Post-SET domains, which were thought to be required for enzymatic activity (Nishioka, 2002b).

pr-set7: Evolutionary Homologs | Regulation | Developmental Biology | Effects of Mutation | References

date revised: 15 January 2025

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