Genes involved in tissue and organ development
Genes expressed in eye morphogenesis
Genes expressed in antennal morphogenesis
Bolwig's Organ, the Hofbauer-Buchner Eyelet and Ocelli
Structure of the eye
Development of the eye
Image: Specification of the eye disc primordium and establishment of dorsal/ventral asymmetry
Eye-antenna disc
Specification of the eye versus the antenna
5D imaging via light sheet microscopy reveals cell dynamics during the eye-antenna disc primordium formation in Drosophila
Transformation of eye to antenna by misexpression of a single gene
Genes expressed in antennal differentiation
Notch-dependent epithelial fold determines boundary formation between developmental fields in the Drosophila antenna
Identification of genomic enhancers through spatial integration of single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics
Avalanches during epithelial tissue growth; Uniform Growth and a Drosophila eye disc model
Eye development
The Drosophila Adult Ommatidium
Atonal and EGFR signalling orchestrate rok- and Drak-dependent adherens junction remodelling during ommatidia morphogenesis
Mapping gene regulatory networks in Drosophila eye development by large-scale transcriptome perturbations and motif inference
Stochastic spineless expression creates the retinal mosaic for colour vision
Binary cell fate decisions and fate transformation in the Drosophila larval eye
The spatiotemporal order of signaling events unveils the logic of development signaling
Single-base pair differences in a shared motif determine differential Rhodopsin expression
Polycomb group genes are required to maintain a binary fate choice in the Drosophila eye
Wingless mediated
apoptosis: How cone cells direct the death of peripheral ommatidia in
the developing Drosophila eye
Proteasome, but not autophagy, disruption results in severe eye and wing dysmorphia: a subunit- and regulator-dependent process in Drosophila
A population of G2-arrested cells are selected as sensory organ precursors for the interommatidial bristles of the Drosophila eye
The mir-279/996 cluster represses receptor tyrosine kinase signaling to determine cell fates in the Drosophila eye
The phosphoinositide phosphatase Sac1 regulates cell shape and microtubule stability in the developing Drosophila eye
Cellular homeostasis in the Drosophila retina requires the lipid phosphatase Sac1
Lipidome unsaturation affects the morphology and proteome of the Drosophila eye
Motif 1 Binding Protein suppresses wingless to promote eye fate in Drosophila
Buffered EGFR signaling regulated by spitz-to-argos expression ratio is a critical factor for patterning the Drosophila eye
Herzog is not required for mushroom body development or courtship learning & memory but is required for eye development in Drosophila melanogaster
Cell Cycle Regulation by NF-YC in Drosophila Eye Imaginal Disc: Implications for Synchronization in the Non-Proliferative Region
Peripodial adherens junctions regulate Ajuba-Yorkie signaling to preserve fly eye morphology
A deficiency screen of the 3rd chromosome for dominant modifiers of the Drosophila ER integral membrane protein, Jagunal
Medioapical contractile pulses coordinated between cells regulate Drosophila eye morphogenesis
The actomyosin machinery is required for Drosophila retinal lumen formation
Ire1 supports normal ER differentiation in developing Drosophila photoreceptors
Past1 modulates Drosophila eye development
Cell surface molecule, Klingon, mediates the refinement of synaptic specificity in the Drosophila visual system
Integrins are required for synchronous ommatidial rotation in the Drosophila eye linking planar cell polarity signalling to the extracellular matrix
Nonsynaptic Transmission Mediates Light Context-Dependent Odor Responses in Drosophila melanogaster
Exploring the molecular makeup of support cells in insect camera eyes
Drosophila Phosphatase of Regenerating Liver Is Critical for Photoreceptor Cell Polarity and Survival during Retinal Development
Blimp-1/PRDM1 and Hr3/RORβ specify the blue-sensitive photoreceptor subtype in Drosophila by repressing the hippo pathway
Orthogonal coupling of a 3D cytoskeletal scaffold coordinates cell morphogenesis and maintains tissue organization in the Drosophila pupal retina
Establishing the contribution of active histone methylation marks to the aging transcriptional landscape of Drosophila photoreceptors
Identification of genes regulating stimulus-dependent synaptic assembly in Drosophila using an automated synapse quantification system
Transcriptional Feedback Links Lipid Synthesis to Synaptic Vesicle Pools in Drosophila Photoreceptors