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What's new in edition 92 Septemper 2021 Gene sites new with this edition |
Gene sites new with this edition Adenosine receptor found in neurons hoka Lamin C Myosuppressor Myosuppressor receptor 1 and Myosuppressor receptor 2 pH-sensitive chloride channel 2 refectory to sigma P Shroom Snakeskin stuxnet Synaptogamin 7 teiresias unextended |
What was new in recent past editions [edition 91] May 2021 [edition 90] January 2021 [edition 89] September 2020 [edition 88] May 2020 [edition 87] January 2020 [edition 86] September 2019 [edition 85] May 2019 [edition 84] January 2019 [edition 83] September 2018 [edition 82] May 2018 [edition 81] January 2018 [edition 80] September 2017 [edition 79] April 2017 [edition 78] January 2017 |
The Interactive Fly was first released July/August 1996, with updates provided at approximately one month intervals, through September 1997 (edition 13). Updating quarterly started with edition 14. With edition 40, the Interactive Fly began to schedule updates three times a year: fall, winter and spring.
Dendritic arbor morphology influences how neurons receive and integrate extracellular signals. This study shows that the ELAV/Hu family RNA-binding protein Found in neurons (Fne) is required for space-filling dendrite growth to generate highly branched arbors of Drosophila larval class IV dendritic arborization neurons. Dendrites of fne mutant neurons are shorter and more dynamic than in wild-type, leading to decreased arbor coverage. These defects result from both a decrease in stable microtubules and loss of dendrite-substrate interactions within the arbor. Identification of transcripts encoding cytoskeletal regulators and cell-cell and cell-ECM interacting proteins as Fne targets using TRIBE further supports these results. Analysis of one target, encoding the cell adhesion protein Basigin, indicates that the cytoskeletal defects contributing to branch instability in fne mutant neurons are due in part to decreased Basigin expression. The ability of Fne to coordinately regulate the cytoskeleton and dendrite-substrate interactions in neurons may shed light on the behavior of cancer cells ectopically expressing ELAV/Hu proteins (Alizzi, 2020).
In cells, organs and whole organisms, nutrient sensing is key to maintaining homeostasis and adapting to a fluctuating environment. In many animals, nutrient sensors are found within the enteroendocrine cells of the digestive system; however, less is known about nutrient sensing in their cellular siblings, the absorptive enterocytes. This study used a genetic screen in Drosophila melanogaster to identify Hodor (pH-sensitive chloride channel 2), an ionotropic receptor in enterocytes that sustains larval development, particularly in nutrient-scarce conditions. Experiments in Xenopus oocytes and flies indicate that Hodor is a pH-sensitive, zinc-gated chloride channel that mediates a previously unrecognized dietary preference for zinc. Hodor controls systemic growth from a subset of enterocytes-interstitial cells-by promoting food intake and insulin/IGF signalling. Although Hodor sustains gut luminal acidity and restrains microbial loads, its effect on systemic growth results from the modulation of Tor signalling and lysosomal homeostasis within interstitial cells. Hodor-like genes are insect-specific, and may represent targets for the control of disease vectors. Indeed, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing revealed that the single hodor orthologue in Anopheles gambiae is an essential gene. These findings highlight the need to consider the instructive contributions of metals-and, more generally, micronutrients-to energy homeostasis (Redhai, 2020).
Home page: The Interactive Fly © 2020 Thomas B. Brody, Ph.D.
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