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  1997 International Congress of Developmental Biology
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13th International Congress of Developmental Biology
July 5-10, 1997, Snowbird, Utah, USA
  Photographs and captions provided by Dave Capco.

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  Klaus Kalthoff and Fritz Schwalm discussing the new model system in Developmental Biology.
  SDB Education Committee members (Scott Gilbert, Karen Crawford (with baby), and Laurie Iten).
  My friend and student, Joshua Johnson.
  Eric Wieschaus telling us that genes are important, but one must understand the mechanism of action. A series of genes may act in a temporal sequence much like a series of people may stand in line, but if one person in the line is kicked in the posterior the question remains who did the kicking? The person behind you or two people behind you? The mechanism may be addressed by measuring the length of legs.
  Christiane Nusslein-Volhard.
  Edward Lewis.
  Gary Schoenwolf (SDB Secretary and SDB Education Committee member) introducing the plenary session on Education.
  Tom Brady (Developmental Biologist and NSF Division Director) talking about the responsibility of scientists to educate the public at the Education Plenary Session.
  Ellen Shell, Director of the Program of Science Journalism, Boston University speaking on responsible journalism. At the Education Plenary Session.
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1997 International Congress of Developmental Biology

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Posted Thursday, September 11, 1997
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