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13th International Congress of Developmental Biology
July 5-10, 1997, Snowbird, Utah, USA
  Photographs and captions provided by Dave Capco.

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  More advice from representative of funding agencies to Christine Pauken, Lionel Jaffe and others.
  Pattern formation - views of Society members passing through time.
  Academic Press our friend - Publisher of the journal Developmental Biology.
  Attendees of the Bioethics Symposium.
  Herbert Jackle knowing he should give up cigarettes.
  Winifred Doane catching you somewhere at the meeting. To the immediate left in the foreground with the pony tail is this year's SDB poet known to espouse chicken embryos at 2:00 AM.
  The social at the International Congress.
  Cowboys in Utah.
  A hungry graduate student.
  Music at the social.
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Posted Thursday, September 11, 1997
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