PCP signalling, information compression and the cell-cycle oscillation during development and disease.

David Gubb, Insitut de Biologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire, 67084 Strasbourg, France

Title Page and Abstract

Chapter 1. Historical background, pattern duplications and information compression.

Chapter 2. Development and disease.

Chapter 3. Cytokinesis and epithelial growth.

Chapter 4. Planar polarity patterns in Drosophila.

Chapter 5. The Ft/Ds/ Fj cassette, trans-membrane coupling and soap-bubble packing.

Chapter 6. The directed self-assembly of bristles and hairs, surface contraction and mechanical coupling.

Chapter 7. Fibril alignment in liquid crystalline mesophases and extracellular matrices.

Chapter 8. Developmental constraints in Drosophila, mitotic domains and activation of the zygotic genome.

Chapter 9. Imaginal disc growth, cell lineage restrictions and polarised cell affinities.

Chapter 10. Ommatidial tessellation in the eye twin-field and the specification of fine-scale pattern.

Chapter 11. Ommatidial chirality in PCP mutants, the ft/ds/fj cassette and pre-cluster rotation.

Chapter 12. Thin-film diffusion gradients, polarised flux and active vesicle trafficking.

Chapter 13. Labile filopodial extensions: signal-transmission, stem-cell exit and oncogenesis.

Chapter 14. Morphogenetic "blind-spots" and the limitations of genetic analysis.

Chapter 15. Overlapping PCP functions and Pk family proteins.

Chapter 16. Intracellular mechanical coupling, signalling receptors and PCP functions at the cortical membrane interface.

Chapter 17. Cytokinesis, the cleavage plane and female germ-line assembly.

Chapter 18. Neuronal pathfinding, vesicle transport and adult-onset neurodegenerative disease.

Chapter 19. Developmental switches, splicing factors and single-base DNA alterations.

Chapter 20. Topological constraints during embryonic divisions, asymmetric partitioning and AMSs.

Chapter 21. Cell shape, Ap/Ba cellular compartments and morphogenetic field boundaries.

Chapter 22. Symmetry breaking mechanisms and the embryonic axial system: intra-cellular gradients and extra-cellular proteolytic cascades.

Chapter 23. Radial and planar axes, mapping distortions and cytoplasmic flux.

Chapter 24. The Hox-C regulatory hubs and downstream morphogenetic interactions.

Chapter 25. Nucleosome structure, polarised unwinding and rewinding, and transcriptional regulation.

Chapter 26. Extended TFBS footprint chains, non-linear binding kinetics, and "smeared" genetic enhancer and suppressor functions.

Chapter 27. Post-translational regulation of cytoskeletal remodelling, rosette cell clusters and mitotic domains during embryogenesis.

Chapter 28. Promoter architecture, TF expression patterns and extended regulatory domains.

Chapter 29. Promoter architecture, TF expression patterns and extended regulatory domains.

Chapter 30. Motor protein assemblies: cargo transport, cytoskeletal anchoring and non- Newtonian viscous drag.

Chapter 31. Conclusion

© 2024 David Gubb

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