Several genes that regulate achaete-scute gene expression have been characterized. For example, hairy (h) and extramacrochaete (emc) act as negative regulators of ac-sc since mutations in these genes result in the generation of ectopic SOPs. Proteins encoded by these genes, as well as AC-SC, contain basic helix-loop-helix domains that have been found in a number of proteins involved in transcriptional regulation. Hairy has been shown to be a direct transcriptional regulator of ac-sc, while Emc appears to down-regulate ac-sc indirectly by interacting with other factors. Pannier (Pnr), a zinc finger protein with homology to the vertebrate transcription factor GATA-1, also acts as a negative regulator of ac-sc. The u-shaped (ush) gene is involved in transregulation of ac-sc in the dorsal region of the notum. Ush, a zinc finger protein, heterodimerizes with Pnr as a cofactor and negatively regulates the transcriptional activity of Pnr. Two clustered genes isolated from the iroquois region, araucan (ara) and caupolican (caup), show similar spatial expression and function in the wing. iroquois (iro) has been recently identified as a candidate for prepattern genes, that is, these genes are expressed in a pattern which preceeds neurogeneis in the wing imaginal disc. Since the Ara protein has been shown to directly bind to an ac-sc enhancer element, it is suggested that the pattern of expression of iro genes determines the pattern of proneural gene expression and thus the pattern of neural development in the wing disc. Therefore, the iro genes fulfill the characteristics of prepattern genes that direct sensory organ formation in the notum. In addition to the eye, mirr is expressed in the wing disc in a similar, but not identical, pattern as seen with iro genes. The role of the mirr gene has been investigated in the formation of alula and sensory organs in the wing. This study suggests that mirr acts together with other iroquois genes in the prepatterning of sensory organs and alula development (Kehl, 1998).
mirr expression was examined in the imaginal discs by in situ mRNA hybridization and immunohistological detection of the lacZ reporter expression. In the wing disc, Mirror mRNA is expressed in several regions, including the notum and pleura. mirr expression is also detected in the alula region, an accessory basal structure of the wing. Since the alula is lost in mirr mutants, it is suggested that mirr is required for alula formation. The expression pattern of mirr is very similar to that of ara and caup (Gomez-Skarmeta, 1996). However, mirr is not expressed in the precursors for L3/L5 wing veins, tegula and dorsal radius while ara and caup are expressed in these regions. The tegula is the most proximal part of the anterior wing margin. lacZ expression in the wing disc is similar to the mRNA expression pattern, suggesting that the lacZ reporter reflects the pattern of mirr expression (Kehl, 1998).
An individual bristle on the notum can be easily identified by its specific position. mirror mutations caused specific loss of macrobristles only in the lateral domain of the notum. mirr Sai1 /TM3 Sb or mirr Sai1 /TM6 heterozygotes show a dominant bristle phenotype: deletion of presutural (PS) and/or posterior supraalar (pSA) bristles. In many cases (31%), both PS and pSA bristles are absent. Approximately 90% of mirr B1-12 /mirr B1-12 flies examined were missing one bristle, although occasionally two bristles were deleted. The deletion of bristles is specifically restricted to two of the seven macrobristles in the region; the pSA and anterior postalar bristles (aPA). The strongest phenotype observed is found in mirr Sai1 /mirr B1-12 , in which up to four lateral bristles were missing. This is consistent with the observation that Mirror mRNA level is greatly reduced in the notum of this mutant wing disc. These results indicate that the elimination of lateral macrobristles by mirr mutations are allele-specific and are mainly restricted to four bristles: the PS, pSA, aPA and pPA. This is consistent with the expression of mirr in this subset of sensory organ precursors (SOPs). It is concluded that like ara and caup, mirror expression establishes the prepattern of several macrobristles in the notum (Kehl, 1998).
Ara and Caup are expressed in SOPs, acting as positive transcriptional regulators of achaete in the wing disc epithelium (Gomez-Skarmeta, 1996). Mirr is also expressed in the SOPs in the notum. Mirr and Ac expression overlap only in a subset of bristle SOPs in the lateral heminotum, including the PS and PA bristles, which are affected by mirr mutations. In contrast, SOPs for the notopleural and anterior supraalar bristles are stained with anti-Achaete, while Mirr is either not expressed or is expressed at low levels in the notopleural (NP) and aSA bristles. This is consistent with the finding that these bristles form normally in mirr mutations. These results suggest that Mirr as well as Ara and Caup might control ac-sc expression, and the loss of a subset of bristles in different mirr alleles might result from the loss of the corresponding SOPs rather than the degeneration of bristles (Kehl, 1998).
The Drosophila eye is divided into dorsal and ventral
mirror image fields that are separated by a sharp boundary
known as the equator. Mirror, a homeodomain-containing putative
transcription factor with a dorsal-specific expression
pattern in the eye, induces the formation of the equator at
the boundary between mirror-expressing and non-expressing
cells. Evidence is provided that suggests
mirror regulates equator formation by two mechanisms: (1)
mirror defines the location of the equator by creating
a boundary of fringe expression at the mid-point of the eye. mirror creates this boundary by repressing
fringe expression in the dorsal half of the eye. Significantly,
a boundary of mirror expression cannot induce the
formation of an equator unless a boundary of fringe
expression is formed simultaneously. (2) mirror acts to
sharpen the equator by reducing the mixing of dorsal and
ventral cells at the equator. In support of this model, it has been shown that clones of cells lacking mirror function tend not
to mix with surrounding mirror-expressing cells. The
tendency of mirror-expressing and non-expressing cells to
avoid mixing with each other is not determined by their
differences in fringe expression. Thus mirror acts to
regulate equator formation by both physically separating
the dorsal cells from ventral cells, and restricting the
formation of a fng expression boundary to the border
where the dorsal and ventral cells meet (Yang, 1999).
The formation of an ectopic equator, associated with a fng+/fng- border is restricted to the
segments of clonal borders that are located within the anterior
one third of the eye, even when the borders extend more
posteriorly. A Drosophila eye typically consists
of 32-34 vertical columns of ommatidia. No
ommatidia of ventral polarity have ever been detected at a mirr mutant clonal border
beyond column 12, counted from the anterior edge. Since the
ectopic expression of fng-lacZ in mirr mutant discs is also
restricted to the dorsal anterior region of the eye, this data is
consistent with the hypothesis that ectopic fng expression in
mirr mutant clones is required to induce ectopic equator
formation at the equatorial borders of clones (Yang, 1999).
It was asked directly if the formation of the ectopic
equators at the equatorial borders of mirr dorsal clones is
dependent on ectopic fng expression within the clones. Ectopic expression
of fng within the mirr mutant clones is required to induce
ectopic equators at the equatorial borders of the clones. Thus
one way in which mirr regulates equator formation is by
repressing fng expression in the dorsal region of the eye.
Removal of fng in the dorsal region of the eye
causes an ectopic mini-equator to form at the polar
border of the clone. One to three ommatidia of ventral polarity are often
generated at the polar boundaries of fng dorsal clones. The ectopic
juxtaposition of the dorsal and ventral ommatidia at the polar
boundary of a fng dorsal clone has been called a mini-equator because of
its short length. Although the expression of fng transcript is
restricted to the ventral region of the eye during the early
stages of eye development, it is later transiently present in a
narrow band of cells associated with the furrow in the dorsal
region of the eye.
Thus the formation of the ectopic mini-equators may be in
part due to the transient fng+/fng- boundaries created at the
polar borders of fng dorsal clones as the furrow passes
through the clones (Yang, 1999).
The sharpness displayed by the path of the wild-type equator
is a poorly understood aspect of equator formation. Several
observations have suggested that mirr is involved in
controlling the sharpness of the equator. (1) A reduction in mirr expression
causes a reduction in the sharpness of the equator. One
role of mirr in sharpening the equator is to create a difference
in cell affinities between dorsal and ventral cells. In a
clonal analysis, it was noted that cells that reside inside a mirr
mutant dorsal clone tend to minimize interactions with the
surrounding mirr-expressing cells, resulting in a rounded clone
shape. In addition, the border where mirr-expressing and non-expressing
cells juxtapose appears to be significantly smoother
compared to the border where no difference in mirr exists
across the border. (2) mirr mutants that occasionally survive until adulthood
display a dramatic dorsal protrusion from the surface of their
eyes. Such a protrusion is suggestive of a group of cells
attempting to sort out from the epithelium due to differences
in cell affinities. (3) When mirr is
overexpressed in dorsal regions of the eye through
overexpression of wg, a visible indentation of the epithelium
is observed at the novel boundary formed between mirr -expressing
and non-expressing cells. This suggests that
increasing the differences in mirr expression between dorsal
and ventral cells causes them to further minimize contacts with
each other, forming a physical groove between them.
One important aspect of these findings is that the segregation
of dorsal and ventral cells appears to be a process that is
independent of the difference in their expression of fng. The
shapes of mirr::fng dorsal clones remains significantly rounder
than those of wild-type clones, thus the ectopic expression of
fng within mirr mutant cells is not likely to be the cause for
the reduction of cell-cell mixing between mirr-expressing and
non-expressing cells. In addition, the shapes of fng mutant
ventral clones are irregular and are not significantly
different from those of wild-type ventral clones, thus the
difference in fng expression between dorsal and ventral cells is
unlikely to be the cause for the sharpness of the wild-type
equator. Such a finding is in contrast to fngs role in D/V border
formation in the developing wing disc. In wing discs, removal
of fng function in a clone of cells in the dorsal half of the wing
disc, where fng is normally expressed, results in a very round
clone with a smooth clonal border. In addition, ectopically expressing fng
in a clone of cells in the ventral part of the dics where fng is
typically absent also results in round clones with a very smooth
border. It has been suggested that fng might have a role in
controlling cell adhesion in the developing wing disc. Although
the possibility that fng is also important in
regulating cell adhesion in the eye disc cannot be ruled out, the data strongly
suggests that additional components regulated by mirr must be
involved. One possible model is that mirr might be regulating
some adhesion molecules that are differentially expressed
between dorsal and ventral cells.
It is concluded that mirr regulates equator formation in the eye
by two independent yet complementary pathways.
mirr acts to sort the dorsal cells from ventral cells by reducing
cell-cell mixing at the boundary where the dorsal and ventral
cells juxtapose. In addition, it restricts the activation of Notch
signaling to the point where the dorsal and ventral cells meet
by repressing fng in the dorsal cells. These two functions of
mirr lead to a co-ordination of morphology and signaling in
the process of equator formation (Yang, 1999).
Recent studies in vertebrates and Drosophila have revealed that Fringe-mediated activation of the Notch pathway has a role in patterning cell layers during organogenesis. In these processes, a homeobox-containing transcription factor is responsible for spatially regulating fringe (fng) expression and thus directing activation of the Notch pathway along the fng expression border. This may be a general mechanism for patterning epithelial cell layers. At three stages in Drosophila oogenesis, mirror (mirr) and fng have complementary expression patterns in the follicle-cell epithelial layer, and at all three stages loss of mirr enlarges, and ectopic expression of mirr restricts, fng expression, with consequences for follicle-cell patterning. These morphological changes are similar to those caused by Notch mutations. Ectopic expression of mirr in the posterior follicle cells induces a stripe of rhomboid (rho) expression and represses pipe (pip), a gene with a role in the establishment of the dorsal-ventral axis. Ectopic Notch activation has a similar long-range effect on pip. These results suggest that Mirror and Notch induce secretion of diffusible morphogens; a TGF-beta (encoded by dpp) has been identified as one such molecule in the germarium. mirr expression in dorsal follicle cells is induced by the EGF-receptor (EGFR) pathway and mirr then represses pipe expression in all but the ventral follicle cells, connecting Egfr activation in the dorsal follicle cells to repression of pipe in the dorsal and lateral follicle cells. These results suggest
that the differentiation of ventral follicle cells is not a direct consequence of germline signaling, but depends on long-range signals from dorsal follicle cells, and provide a link between early and late events in Drosophila embryonic dorsal-ventral axis formation (Jordan, 2000).
In oogenesis the expression patterns of mirr and fng are complementary. The expression patterns define borders between cells with specific developmental roles: the encapsulation of 16-cell germline cysts that culminates in their separation from the germarium; the boundary between terminal and lateral follicle cells at stage 6, and the boundary between dorsal anterior and all other follicle cells at stages 8-10. In the germarium, mirr is expressed in the inner sheath cells and the anterior-most follicle cells, whereas fng is expressed in the follicle cells in the posterior part of the germarium. The follicle cells at the expression boundary encapsulate the 16-cell germline cysts and subsequently separate the newly formed egg chamber from the germarium. At stage 6, when the follicle cells in the termini of the egg chamber differentiate from the lateral follicle cells and establish the oocyte anterior-posterior (A-P) polarity, mirr expression is detected in the lateral region, complementary to fng expression in the termini. As the follicle cells migrate posteriorly at stages 8 and 9, mirr expression is detected in the most dorsal anterior follicle cells, whereas fng is expressed in all other follicle cells. At this point, signaling between the oocyte and the follicle cells establishes the dorsal-ventral axis of the follicle-cell layer and the future embryo. The complementary expression patterns of mirr and fng throughout oogenesis are likely to be a consequence of Mirr repression of fng expression. Follicle-cell clones made with a loss-of-function allele of mirr result in an expansion of the fng expression pattern into dorsal anterior follicle cells, and, conversely, overexpression of mirr results in the loss of fng expression (Jordan, 2000).
The role of Mirr has been investigated by examining egg chambers from females with altered Mirr function. In mirr-mutant females, defects in encapsulation of the 16-cell cyst and separation from the germarium are observed. At stage 6 mirr expression is excluded from the follicle cells at the termini of the egg chamber; ectopic expression of mirr throughout the follicle cells, beginning at this stage, reduces the size of the expression domain of the anterior (dpp and L53B) and posterior (pntP1) terminal markers.
Thus, mirr expression must be excluded from the termini for proper differentiation of those regions. Ectopic expression of Mirr also perturbs the oocyte anterior-posterior axis, consistent with the function of posterior terminal follicle cells in the establishment of this axis. Later in oogenesis, when dorsal and ventral follicle cells are differentiating, mirr is expressed in dorsal anterior follicle cells and reduction or loss of dorsal structures is evident in mirr loss-of-function egg chambers. Loss of mirr function results in expansion of the ventral expression of pip, a gene required for embryonic dorsal-ventral axis formation, to the lateral and dorsal follicle cells in stages 9 and 10. In contrast, ectopic expression of mirr in the ventral follicle cells at this stage causes dorsalization of the eggshell and embryo. Thus Mirr is required for proper dorsal-ventral axis formation and mirr expression must be restricted to the dorsal region for correct ventral patterning to occur. In summary, either loss of Mirr function or ectopic expression of Mirr disrupts follicle-cell differentiation at the three stages of oogenesis in which a Mirr-Fng expression border is observed (Jordan, 2000).
In a number of developmental systems, regulation of fng by a homeobox gene has a role in establishing a domain in which Notch is activated. Thus the phenotypes observed in mirr and Notch (N) mutants during oogenesis have been compared. In oogenesis, Notch activity is required in the germarium and for the formation of the termini at stage 6. A test was performed to see whether Notch function is also required for dorsal-ventral patterning of follicle cells by analysing the eggs laid by Nts females at the restrictive temperature. The strongest phenotype observed in eggs laid by Nts females is similar to that observed in eggs laid by mirr loss-of-function females: a complete loss of the dorsal appendages. In addition, the ventral pip expression domain is defective in Nts females and restricted due to expression of constitutively active Notch. Thus Notch, like Mirr, functions to restrict pipe expression to the ventral region and to organize dorsal structures; loss of either Mirr or Notch function affects follicle cells on both sides of the Mirr-Fng expression border (Jordan, 2000).
Activation of Notch at a fng expression border has been observed in wing and eye development. In the wing this border acts as an organizing center by producing a morphogen, Wingless, that acts on cells on both sides of the border. At stage 9 in oogenesis the mirr-fng expression border and a region of localized Notch activation are approximately 10 cell diameters from the ventral pip expression border. Nevertheless, reduction of mirr expression expands the pip domain laterally. If a Mirr-Fng border activates Notch locally to produce a morphogen that represses pip, a reduction of pip expression should be seen upon expansion of the mirr expression domain or ectopic activation of Notch. To examine this, mirr was expressed ectopically in anterior follicle cells. pip repression occurs 5-7 cell diameters beyond the mirr expression domain, showing that the effect of Mirr on pip is non-cell autonomous and supporting the idea that a Mirr-Fng border generates a pip-repressing agent. To further test the effect of ectopic Mirr expression, Mirr was expressed in the posterior follicle and the effect on pip and rho, which is normally expressed as two stripes on the dorsal region at stage 10, was tested. Such ectopic mirr expression induces a ring of rho expression and represses pip at a distance. Expression of constitutively active Notch in the posterior follicle cells also represses pip expression at a distance. These results suggest that Mirr and Notch induce secretion of a diffusible molecule that represses pip. Although it is not known what the Notch-dependent diffusible molecule is at stage 9, it was found that dpp is expressed in follicle cells in the mid-germarium near a stripe of cells showing localized Notch activity in a Notch-dependent manner. Furthermore, in follicle cell clones of MAD or MEDEA (downstream effectors of the Dpp pathway), encapsulation defects of 16-cell cysts are seen. This phenotype is similar to Notch- and mirr-mutant phenotypes in the germarium, suggesting that Dpp may be a morphogen induced by Notch activity in the germarium (Jordan, 2000).
Local activation of Notch in a number of developmental systems is achieved by spatially restricted expression of a homeodomain protein that either represses or induces fng expression, generating a border of fng expressing and non-expressing cells. It is less clear how the initial asymmetric expression of the homeobox protein is generated. Because the dorsal anterior expression of mirr is characteristic of a number of genes regulated by the Egfr pathway, mirr expression was analyzed in mutants that lack Gurken, one of the ligands for Egfr. In these egg chambers, the dorsal anterior pattern of mirr expression is reduced or lost, showing that activation of the Egfr pathway is necessary for mirr expression. However, the patterns of oogenesis in the germaria at stage 6 and in the centripetally migrating cells are unaltered, indicating that either another Egfr ligand or another pathway regulates mirr expression at these stages (Jordan, 2000).
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