Registration and
abstract submission
are now open for the
joint SDB 75th Annual Meeting
Society of
Differentiation 19th
International Conference
August 4-8, 2016
in Boston, MA at the
Marriott Copley Place.
6th Boot Camp for
New Faculty will be held
August 3-4 at Harvard
Renew your membership today
for reduced registration
rates and eligibility for
short talk consideration, travel
awards, and Boot Camp! The abstract
submission deadline is
May 2
and the early-discounted
meeting registration
deadline is
May 27.
Student/Postdoc and Faculty
applications and
Paul D. Henion Graduate
Student Travel Award
applications are due
May 2.
travel award,
teaching/junior faculty travel
grant, and
SDB Boot Camp applications are
May 27.
To: Members of the SDB and ISD
From: Chris Wylie and Robb Krumlauf
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the upcoming joint
meeting of our two societies, to be held August 4-8,
2016 at the Marriott Copley Place in Boston, MA.
This joint meeting is a first for our societies, and
will broaden both the topics covered and the
audience attending the meeting. Boston is a major
center of academic, biomedical and biotech research
in the World. We believe it will attract a record
number of participants.
continue reading
The SDB Board of Directors elected the following recipients for the
2016 SDB Awards. The presentations and award
lectures will take place at the 75th SDB Annual
Meeting in Boston, MA.
Edwin G. Conklin Medal:
Kathryn V. Anderson,
Sloan Kettering Institute
Developmental Biology-SDB Lifetime Achievement Award:
David R. McClay, Duke University
Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize:
Ida Chow,
for Developmental Biology
Seven SDB regional meetings will be held throughout
the US this year (five this spring and two in the
fall). Regional
meetings are an excellent opportunity for students
and postdocs to present their research and give
short talks. See
upcoming events below for meeting dates and
The SDB Professional Development and Education
Committee has reinvented the
John Doctor
Education Prize (formally a best education
poster award) as a best education video
award. We challenge SDB members to produce
short videos on their approach to teaching
difficult-to-learn developmental biology topics
to an undergraduate, graduate, or lay public
audience. This year's developmental biology
topic theme is "Induction". See guidelines
Submission deadline is
June 6, 2016.
The SDB community mourns the loss of its former
president and Edwin G. Conklin Medalist, John W.
Saunders, Jr. who passed away
December 26, 2015 at the age of 96. Saunders'
groundbreaking work showed that the apical
ectodermal ridge (AER) was essential for outgrowth
of the vertebrate limb. He also discovered the
zone of polarizing activity, a region of mesenchyme
at the posterior edge of the limb bud which
determines anteroposterior axis polarity in the
limb. Read his In Memoriam in Developmental
SDB Executive Officer, Ida Chow, organized the panel
the Dover Intelligent Design Trial: Law, Politics,
and Education at the 2016 AAAS
meeting. Ten years after Judge John Jones III ruled
that teaching intelligent design in public school
science classes was unconstitutional, major players in the
case came together to share the
impact of the decision on science education in the
United States. Look out for perspective in
Developmental Biology later this year and watch NOVA special,
Judgment Day to learn more.
(l-r) Judge Jones III (Middle District
of Pennsylvania), Robert T. Pennock
(Michigan St. Univ.), Richard Katskee (Americans United for Separation
of Church and State), Jennifer Miller
(Dover Area H.S.), Kenneth R. Miller
(Brown Univ.) |
SDB is now accepting nominations for
President-elect, Junior Faculty Representative, and
Representatives for Mid-Atlantic, Northwest, and
West Coast regions. Go
here for nomination
details. Deadline is
March 21, 2015.
75th Annual Meeting, August 4-8,
2016, Boston, MA
2016 SDB Northwest Regional Meeting,
March 16-19, 2016, Friday Harbor Laboratories,
San Juan, WA
2016 Canadian
Developmental Biology Meeting,
March 17-20, 2016, Banff Centre, Banff, AB
2016 SDB Northeast Regional Meeting,
April 15-17, 2016, Marine Biological Laboratory,
Woods Hole, MA
2016 SDB Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting,
May 20-21, 2016, Howard University, Washington,
2016 SDB Southeast Regional
May 19-21, 2016, Whitney Laboratory, St.
Augustine, FL
more meetings
Did you know?
SDB members may apply for
non-SDB meeting grants
to fund member-organized conferences central to
developmental biology. Deadline: May 31, 2016.
SDB members may apply for
SDB Innovation Grant
to develop innovative tools and methods with
potential for broad impact on developmental
biology community. Deadline: May 31
SDB members may apply for
SDB Emerging Models
Grant to develop techniques, approaches,
community resources, collaborations, or new
lines of research to study developmental
mechanisms in non-traditional model systems.
Deadlines: May 31
- SDB members are eligible for travel awards
through the
- A
contribution to SDB, a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization, is tax deductible to the
extent allowed by law and it will help your
society achieve its mission goals.