SDB e-news

  FALL 2014

   Society for Developmental Biology

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SDB 73rd Annual Meeting Report

The Society for Developmental Biology 73rd Annual Meeting at the University of Washington in Seattle was a success.  To see the final meeting numbers, list of awardees, and photos click here for the meeting report.  Also check out SDB's Choose Development Fellows' videos and your colleagues' responses to "Why I Choose Development".

Mark your calendars! The SDB 74th Annual Meeting will be held July 9-13 in Snowbird, Utah.  Information on deadlines, the preliminary program, and applications for satellite symposium proposals is coming soon.

Message from SDB President Lee Niswander

It is my great pleasure to serve as the current President of the Society for Developmental Biology.  In this first note, I wanted to share my journey that has been closely intertwined with SDB ever since I was a graduate student.

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2014 SDB Board of Directors

SDB would like to thank all of the candidates who ran in our 2014 Elections held this Spring. Five SDB members began new terms on the SDB Board of Directors immediately following the 73rd Annual Meeting in Seattle, July 21, 2014.

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Richard Harland Awarded 2014 Conklin Medal

The 2014 Society for Developmental Biology Edwin G. Conklin Medal was awarded to Richard Harland of the University of California, Berkeley for his extraordinary and sustained research contributions to the field of developmental biology and mentoring of the next generation of scientists.

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Chris Wylie and Janet Heasman Receive 2014 SDB-Developmental Biology Lifetime Achievement Award

The 2014 Developmental Biology-Society for Developmental Biology Lifetime Achievement Award was given jointly to Janet Heasman and Chris Wylie for their outstanding and sustained research and mentoring contributions to the field of developmental biology.

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Larry Bock Awarded 2014 Hamburger Prize

The 2014 Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize was awarded to Larry Bock, founder of the USA Science & Engineering Festival (USASEF). This award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to education in developmental biology and related areas.

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Call for Nominations for 2015 SDB Awards

Nominations for the 2015 SDB Awards are now being accepted.

Deadline for receipt for all nominations is: December 15, 2014.

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