Nifty Fifty
Marnie Halpern
The ‘Nifty
Fifty’ are a group of noted professionals who will fan out across the
Washington, DC area to speak about their work and careers at
various middle and high schools. SDB member Marnie Halpern is from the
Department of Embryology of the Carnegie Institute for Science (
in Baltimore and she studies neural development in zebrafish. She has
spearheaded the program “Women Serious About Science” with a public school
in Baltimore to introduce young girls, particularly underrepresented
minorities, to science.
Dr. Halpern will
be visiting elementary and middle school students at
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Ellicott City, Maryland on April 20.
To learn about Dr. Halpern’s
research go to:
Marnie Halpern (2nd from right) with Gaithersburg High School
(MD) students in 2010.