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  SPRING 2012

   Society for Developmental Biology

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2012 Developmental Biology Cover Winners

SDB would like to congratulate Mary Trask and Suresh Marada, the student and postdoc winners of the Developmental Biology Cover Competition, respectively.  Trask is a graduate student in Jesse Mager's lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Marada is a postdoc in Stacey Ogden's lab at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.  Their winning photos will each appear this summer on upcoming issues of Developmental Biology.


Student Winner:

Postdoc Winner:

Mary Trask

 University of Massachusetts

Suresh Marada

St. Jude Children's Research

An implanting E4.0 mouse embryo.

Collage image of a Drosophila salivary gland.