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PostdoctoralPostdoctoral / Senior Research Scientist Positions at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA Myogenic Stem Cell Function During Growth and Aging - Two positions are available to join multidisciplinary research that focuses on the biology of myogenic stem cell function in growing, adult and aging skeletal muscle. Available openings are for the following research areas: 1) Mechanisms underlying replenishment vs. differentiation of skeletal muscle satellite cells. We are also interested in the possible contribution of cellular sources other than satellite cells to the myogenic cell pool and in the regulation of adipogenesis in postnatal muscle. 2) GFR4 function during myogenesis. We are particularly interested in developing in vivo models to study the role of selective FGFs and their receptors within the context of growth and aging. Required background: Applicants should have a strong bench experience in molecular, cellular or developmental biology and established microscopic skills. Experience with aspects of gene expression control systems (viral-based transduction, SiRNA, genetic manipulations of mice, inducible systems) is preferred. Salary is based on background and experience. Send application (including cover letter, CV and names of three references) to: Zipora Yablonka-Reuveni, Ph.D., Research Professor, Dept. of Biological Structure, Box 357420, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. Tel: (206) 685-2708; Fax: (206) 543-1524; e-mail: [email protected]. http://www.biostr.washington.edu/reuvenilab/reuvenilab.html Posted Monday, June 6, 2005
Developmental Biology Postdoctoral Position at the University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT Postdoctoral position available for a PhD or MD to study early patterning events during chick and mouse embryogenesis, with a focus on the development of the ear and pituitary/forebrain. Experience with experimental embryology, cell biology and molecular biology is desirable. Related projects of interest to the candidate will be considered. Contact Gary Schoenwolf at [email protected]. Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Postdoctoral Positions at the Forsyth Institute, Harvard University, Boston, MA Post-doctoral positions will be available in the lab of Dr. Michael Levin at the Forsyth Institute, Harvard University, Boston. Please see the URL http://www.drmichaellevin.org/ for details on my lab, recent reprints, etc. The positions will be available after the Fall of 2005 and later, so we welcome applications from people who are in the finishing stages of their Ph.D. but may not be ready to move yet (plans can also be made for over a year in the future as well, since it is often the case that the best people make arrangements well in advance). We are looking for talented, versatile, highly motivated biologists with experience in molecular techniques and a background in developmental biology. We utilize the frog, chick, planarian, and axolotl systems to understand the roles of endogenous ion currents in patterning during embryonic morphogenesis and regeneration. Our work uses a convergence of molecular embryology, cell biology, biophysics, physiology, and mathematical modeling, and this is a great opportunity for someone to develop truly frontier science. Many exciting projects are available; two examples are 1) understanding the function of serotonin signaling in left-right asymmetry (long before neurons appear), and 2) characterizing the control of vertebrate regeneration by ion transporter proteins. If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]. Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Postdoctoral Positions in Developmental Neurobiology at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA We seek highly motivated individuals to lead studies of neural development and synaptic plasticity using zebrafish as a model system. Candidates should have Ph.D. in neuroscience or cell biology and experience with molecular biological or imaging methods. Prior experience in zebrafish is beneficial, but not required. The successful candidate will join a strong and diverse neurobiology community within the Institutes of Neuroscience and Molecular Medicine and Genetics. Potential projects include understanding the molecular mechanisms of synapse formation, synaptic plasticity, and regeneration as well as a forward genetic screen to identify mutations and novel genes affecting neural development and behavior. Two positions at the postdoctoral level are available, however exceptional candidates will be considered for research track faculty positions. Interested candidates should send 1) a CV, 2) statement of research interest and career goals to Dr. Lin Mei at [email protected], Program of Developmental Neurobiology, Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Medical College of Georgia, 1120 15th Street, Augusta, Georgia 30912. Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Pancreatic Development, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in pancreatic development are available in the laboratory of Dr. Steven Leach in the Developmental Biology Program of The Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins. Current research is focused on regulation of epithelial differentiation in developing pancreas, using both mouse and zebrafish model systems. Recent work has identified important interactions between the Notch and EGF pathways in the regulation of Ptf1 function and exocrine differentiation, both in developing pancreas and also in the context of pancreatic neoplasia (Esni et al, Development 2004; Lin et al, Developmental Biology 2004; Esni et al, Mechanisms of Development, 2004, Miyamoto et al, Cancer Cell 2003). Current studies are directed towards the following goals: 1) Identification and characterization of novel transcription factors regulating zebrafish pancreas development, using both traditional mutagenesis strategies as well as high-throughput small molecule screens; 2) Characterization of exocrine progenitor cells in adult and embryonic pancreas; 3) Identification of novel Ptf1 target genes using serial analysis of chromatin occupancy (SACO); 4) Optimization of transposon technology for large-scale mutagenesis of the zebrafish genome. Applicants should be fluent in English and have less than five years postdoctoral research experience. A background in either developmental/cell/molecular biology or in bioinformatics is preferred. A start date in early 2006 is anticipated. Please send a statement of interest along with CV, names and contact information for three references to: Steven Leach at [email protected] Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Fellowship, Development and Evolution at the University of Florida Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Postdoctoral or PhD position, Craniofacial Development,
King’s College London Completed applications should
include an application form, a current CV, a statement of research
interests and the names of two referees and should be received
Postdoctoral Position at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
The University of Virginia Biology Department is seeking a Research
Posted Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgetown
University, Washington, DC
Posted Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Postdoctoral Position at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Postdoctoral position is available to study the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of the pancreas and its relevance to research in diabetes. We use a variety of approaches, including genetic analysis of mutant mouse strains, development of tissue-specific and inducible transgenes, and in vitro explant cultures. Our focus is currently on understanding how pancreatic progenitor cells coordinate proliferation with differentiation and the mechanisms that regulate beta cell replication (see J Clin Invest. (2004) 114 (7):963-8). Candidates with experience in cell and molecular biology techniques are desirable. The position is ideal for someone who has recently obtained a Ph.D. and/or M.D. and seeks to pursue training in the field of diabetes research. Please send a C.V. with the names of three references to: Dr. Anil Bhushan, Assistant Professor, Larry Hillblom Islet Research Center, UCLA, 900A Weyburn Place North, Los Angeles, CA 90095. Email: [email protected] Posted Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Developmental Biology Postdoctoral Fellow Position at NIAMS, NIH, Bethesda, MD Postdoctoral fellow position available in Cartilage Biology and Orthopaedics Branch of NIAMS/NIH, to participate in cellular and molecular analysis of mesenchymal differentiation, in particular chondrogenesis and osteogenesis. Topics include: Wnt signaling, growth factors, extracellular matrix, limb development, and applications to adult human mesenchymal stem cells and skeletal tissue engineering and regeneration. Requirement: PhD level research in cell and molecular aspects of developmental biology. The CBOB is a highly interactive group consisting of developmental biologists, cell/molecular biologists, bioengineers, and clinicians, focused on skeletal biomedicine. Please send CV and names of references to: Dr. Rocky S. Tuan, Chief, Cartilage Biology and Orthopaedics Branch, National Institute of Arthritis, and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIH, Room 1523, Bldg 50, MSC 8022, Bethesda, MD 20892. Tel: 301-451-6854; Fax: 301-435-8017; E-mail: [email protected]. Available: Summer 2005 Posted Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Research Fellow in Cancer and Developmental Biology at the University of Aberdeen School of Medical Sciences, U.K.
Mechanisms of Wnt signalling in colorectal cancer and Xenopus development: You will study the molecular mechanisms of Tcf/Lef family transcription factors, which function downstream of Wnt signalling during embryonic development and in colorectal cancer cells. Despite being closely related, different Tcf/Lef factors have specific functions in regulating proliferation, survival, identity and differentiation in embryonic and in cancer cells. This difference in function is important during embryonic development and in cancer progression. You will investigate the structure and function of Tcf/Lef transcription factors in order to identify the molecular mechanisms responsible for their specific function. The ultimate aim is to validate these molecular targets for drug design to provide more sophisticated cancer therapies in the future. The project applies modern molecular biology techniques and will take advantage of state-of-the-art facilities in the purpose-built Institute of Medical Sciences. You should have a PhD and preferably have a background in molecular, cellular, developmental or cancer biology. The post is funded by The Association for International Cancer Research and is available in the first instance for 2 years. Salary: £19,460 - £23,643 per annum Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Stefan Hoppler, Tel 01224 550974, Email: [email protected] Application forms and further particulars are available from www.abdn.ac.uk/jobs, alternatively email [email protected] quoting reference number YBM115R or telephone 01224 272727 for an application pack. The closing date for the receipt of applications is Friday 15th April 2005. Promoting
Diversity and Equal Opportunities throughout the University
Postdoctoral research position at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Large-scale reverse genetics and gene trapping screen in zebrafish. The Developmental Genomics Section has a funded position to participate in an large-scale international effort to create a “library” of zebrafish gene knockouts using retroviral mapping technologies developed in the lab (Wu et al. Science, 300: 1749-51) in combination with zebrafish mutagenesis (Golling et al Nat. Gen, 31: 135-40). This will be in combination with an in vivo, tissue specific enhancer trap screen, using recently developed retroviral vectors. Experience in retroviral production, zebrafish genetics, or database development a plus, but not essential. Candidates should possess an MD and/or PhD and have less than five years of postdoctoral experience. Please send a letter, CV, and three letters of reference to: Dr. Shawn Burgess c/o Ms. Dana Jordan, NHGRI/NIH, 50 South Dr., Bldg. 50, Rm.5334, Bethesda, MD 20892-8004 (or [email protected]). The NIH is an Equal Opportunity Employer and applications by women and minorities are strongly encouraged. Posted Monday, March 28, 2005
Post-doctoral Fellowship at University of Wisconsin - Madison An NIH post-doctoral training grant position is available to study differentiation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells to pancreatic islets. Enthusiastic, motivated applicants should have a solid background in tissue culture, molecular biology, genetics, genomics and/or developmental biology. Experience in animal surgery is also desirable. The University of Wisconsin – Madison is an internationally recognized leader in stem cell biology. Our lab is part of the Wisconsin Stem Cell Research Program. See www.stemcells.wisc.edu for more information. NIH guidelines stipulate that the candidate must be a recent PhD who is a US citizen or resident alien. Please send a CV, summary of research experience, and three references, to Dr. Jon Odorico, Associate Professor of Surgery. Email: [email protected] or FAX 608-262-6280. Posted Monday, March 28, 2005
Post-doc or PhD position at the IBDM (Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille) Polarized propagation of a neuronal identity in the mouse spinal cord - A post-doc position is available at the Institute of Developmental Biology of Marseille, to join the CNRS-ATIP team of Fran¨oise Helmbacher. We use mouse genetics to study the long range signaling mechanisms that pattern the vertebrate nervous system during development. The current focus of the lab concerns an inductive event leading to the polarized propagation of a given motor neuron cell fate (Helmbacher, F., Dessaud, E., Arber, S., deLapeyriere, O., Henderson, C. E., Klein, R. and Maina, F. (2003). Neuron 39, 767-77). The proposed projects include: 1- the identification of the central factors involved in the propagation of PEA3 expression; 2- the elucidation of the mechanisms driving this signal to target cells in a polarized manner; and 3- in vivo analysis of the role played in this process by candidate genes that we have previously identified. Our research involves a combination of mouse genetics, experimental embryology, and high resolution imaging with time-lapse confocal microscopy. We are seeking for post-docs with a strong background in developmental, molecular and cellular biology. Previous experience with mouse genetics strongly appreciated. A post-doctoral position, funded by the CNRS, is available for 2 years. Contact: Fran¨oise Helmbacher [email protected]. Please include the names of scientists for references. Lab web-page: Posted Monday, March 28, 2005
Postdoctoral Position at the University of Kansas Medical Center PHYSIOLOGICAL GENOMICS OF PREGNANCY - An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available to study molecular mechanisms and signaling events involved in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy; including investigations on the prolactin gene family, intrauterine inflammatory cells, uterine vasculature, and the growth and differentiation of decidual and trophoblast cells (Endocrinology 144:313, 2003; Dev Biol 260:176-190, 2003; PNAS 101:16543-16548, 2004). Molecular dissection of signaling pathways will involve in vitro, gene targeting, and physiologic genomic approaches. Applicants should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree and experience in molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, or a related area, and a strong work ethic and commitment to become an independent scientist. Competitive salaries will be negotiable and are dependent upon experience. Application review begins immediately and will continue until the positions are filled. Please send curriculum vitae, a letter outlining research experience and career goals, and names and addresses of three references to: Dr. Michael J. Soares, Institute of Maternal-Fetal Biology, Division of Cancer & Developmental Biology, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS 66160; email: [email protected] The University of Kansas Medical Center is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Posted Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Postdoctoral Positions at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Postdoctoral positions are available for highly motivated individuals to study growth control mechanisms in development and cancer. Current projects focus on two tumor suppressor pathways: TSC1/TSC2 (Gao et al. 2001 Genes Dev. 15: 1383-1392; Gao et al. 2002 Nature Cell Biol. 4, 699-704; Zhang et al. 2003 Nature Cell Biol. 5, 578-581; Dong and Pan, Genes Dev. 18: 2479-2484) and Hpo/Sav/Wts (Wu et al. 2003 Cell 114, 445-456). Candidates should have a doctoral degree and a strong background in molecular biology, cell biology, and/or biochemistry. Experience with fly genetics is preferred but not required. Please send CV, statement of research experience, and three letters of references to: Duojia Pan, Ph.D., Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 725 N. Wolfe Street / 615 PCTB, Baltimore, MD 21205-2185. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: http://www.mbg.jhmi.edu/FacultyDetails.asp?PersonID=1008 Posted Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Postdoctoral Position at the University of Utah NIH grant-funded postdoctoral/research associate position available in FGF signaling in ear development. We take genetic approaches to the analysis of FGF signaling and its regulation during mouse otic induction and morphogenesis. Ongoing projects involve: Global and conditional loss-of-function studies of Fgf genes. - Negative feedback regulation of FGF signaling by dual-specificity phosphatases. - Mouse models of Pfeiffer, Apert and Muenke syndromes. - Comparative studies of otic development in chick and mouse (in collaboration with Dr. Gary Schoenwolf). Some recent publications: Development 130, 3379-3390 (2003), Dev. Dyn. 228, 267-272 (2003), Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 57, 225-259 (2003), Dev. Biol. 269, 264-275 (2004), Genes Dev. 19, 603-613 (2005). The successful applicant will have a Ph.D. and experience in molecular biology, development (any organism) and/or neuroscience. Compensation depends on experience and will typically follow the NIH guidelines. For more information on projects available currently or to apply, please contact: Dr. Suzanne L. Mansour, Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah, 15 N 2030 E RM 2100, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-5330. Phone: 801-585-6893. E-mail: [email protected]. Web site: http://www.genetics.utah.edu/faculty/smansour.html Posted Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Postdoctoral Researcher the Molecular Basis of Sex Determination at Iowa State University I seek a postdoctoral researcher to participate in an
ongoing study of the molecular basis of temperature-dependent and genotypic sex
determination in reptiles. This position synergizes with existing molecular,
field, and evolutionary studies of turtles in the laboratory of Nicole
Valenzuela, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Iowa State
University. Primary responsibilities for this position include: 1) cDNA library
construction and screening, 2) gene expression analysis, 3) sequence analysis,
4) analyzing data and writing manuscripts, and 5) assisting with undergraduate
projects related to the research. For additional information concerning this and
other research projects, please refer to the laboratory web site:
http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nvalenzu. Qualified applicants should have
a Ph.D. in evolution, genetics, molecular biology, developmental biology, or a
related field, and have expertise in one or more of the molecular techniques
mentioned above. Salary is $35,000 plus benefits, and funds are available for
two years pending satisfactory progress. The position can begin immediately.
Review of applications will continue until a candidate is selected. Posted Wednesday, March 3, 2005
Postdoctoral Positions in Mouse Development at the Jackson Laboratory Postdoctoral positions are available immediately to study
the genetics and molecular biology of the Notch signaling pathway and the Snail
superfamily of transcription factors. For representative publications, see Nature 394:374,
Nature Genet. 21:289; Genes Dev. 14:1343; Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:8184;
Development 129:1075; Genes Dev.
17:1207; Genes Dev. 18:2469. The Jackson Laboratory has superb resources
for the study of mouse biology, and is located in a Posted Wednesday, March 3, 2005
Postdoctoral Position in Developmental and Molecular Biology at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
A postdoctoral position is available to work in pancreas development. Our research is mainly focused in the identification of mechanisms that govern the differentiation of insulin-producing (b) cells, and the role that homeobox-containing genes play in such process [Nature 386, 399 (1997); Dev. Biol. 266, 178 (2004)]. Approaches to investigate these problems include the analysis of transgenic and knock-out mice, and the manipulation of embryonic pancreatic explants in vitro. The position is ideal for someone with a biological background and laboratory experience, which has recently obtained a Ph.D. and/or M.D. and seeks to pursue training in developmental biology. Candidates with a strong background in molecular biology or mouse embryology should send their C.V. and the names of three references to:
Dr. Beatriz Sosa-Pineda Department of Genetics St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 332 North Lauderdale Memphis, TN. 38105 USA e-mail: [email protected]
Posted Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Postdoctoral positions at Yale University Two NIH funded postdoctoral positions are available immediately to study the development of vertebrate left-right asymmetry. We have previously demonstrated that cilia at the mouse node generate and interpret initial embryonic asymmetry (Cell, 114:61-73, 2003). Currently, we are using a combination of cell biological and mouse genetic approaches to study how nodal cilia orient relative to the AP and DV axes, and how the initial asymmetric signal at the node is interpreted by the developing embryo. Opportunities exist to identify how the left-right asymmetric signals are generated by cilia, how localized asymmetric calcium signals at the node are propagated, and how asymmetric calcium signals lead to asymmetric gene expression and organogenesis. Experience in mouse development, calcium signaling and/or live cell imaging is encouraged. Eligibility: US citizens and resident aliens (green card holders); PhD, MD or equivalent. Please contact: Dr. Martina Brueckner, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, Fitkin 430, New Haven, CT 06520. Email: [email protected]. Phone 203 785-4765 Posted Monday, January 24, 2005
Postdoctoral Position in Embryonic Patterning A postdoctoral position is available to study how proteolysis regulates the activity of key developmental signaling molecules during embryonic patterning. Expertise in molecular and cellular biology and/or biochemistry is required. The candidate will have the opportunity to work on projects involving embryological and biochemical manipulation of Xenopus embryos as well as knock-in mouse models. Qualified candidates with a Ph.D and with less than 5 years of postdoctoral experience should send a current C.V. and contact information for three references to: Jan Christian, Ph.D., Professor , Dept. of Cell and Developmental Biology, L215 Oregon Health and Science University 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd., Portland, Oregon 97239-3098. Phone: 503-494-2492. E-mail:[email protected]. Web: http://www.ohsu.edu/pmcb/facultyresearch/christian.shtml Posted Monday, January 24, 2005
Postdoctoral Position in Neural Plasticity and Mental Retardation Applications are invited for a
postdoctoral fellow position funded by FRAXA (Fragile X Research Foundation)
within the Developmental Biology department at the IGBMC (Institut de Gˇnˇtique
et de Biologie Molˇculaire et Cellulaire) in Strasbourg, France.
Rho GTPase pathways control actin reorganization,
while Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP) regulates the synthesis of
specific proteins. We are interested in
understanding how the pathways depending on FMRP and Rho GTPases are integrated
using the fly model organism (Neuron 38, 887-98, 2003; Dev Biol,
274, 260-70, 2004). Available expertise and methodologies encompass: molecular
and cell biology, genetics, behaviour and imaging. The candidate should have
some experience in molecular biology, with a PhD and a strong interest in
neurobiology. Preference will be given to candidates having some experience with
genetic model organisms. Posted Monday, January 24, 2005
Postdoctoral position in the area of breast cancer and mammary development
A post-doctoral position is available for a recent graduate to start Winter/Spring 2005 to study the role of TGF-§ signaling in mammary branching morphogenesis and breast cancer. The project involves the use of transgenic mouse, 3-dimensional co-culture, and primary cell culture models. This position requires a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline, familiarity with animal models of cancer as well as standard molecular biology techniques. US citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. International students will be considered only with: 1- outstanding skills in verbal and written English, 2- direct experience with animal models and gene expression studies, 3- at least one first author paper in an established English language journal that is on PubMed. For information regarding the benefits and advantages of being a post-doctoral fellow at UAB see: http://www.postdocs.uab.edu/ Please send CV and contact information for three references to: Rosa Serra. Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology, University of Alabama, Birmingham. [email protected], Posted Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Please mention to recruiter you found job announcement here. Note: If you have a job opening you want posted, please send an e-mail to the Webmaster
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