Developmental Biology - Society for Developmental Biology
Lifetime Achievement Award
- The Society confers yearly the SDB
Lifetime Achievement Award to a senior developmental biologist in recognition
of her/his outstanding and sustained contributions in the field. The award is
given for the individual's excellence in research and for being a superb mentor
who has helped train the next generation of exceptional scientists. Typically,
the award is given during the third trimester of the recipient's career, to allow
sufficient time to assess the impact of his/her contributions. The recipient is
invited to attend the SDB Annual Meeting and receive the prizes at the Awards
In 2003, the award was renamed the Elsevier-Society for Developmental
Biology Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize the long time partnership between
Elsevier/Academic Press and SDB in dissemination and promotion of
developmental biology to all. -
- Now, the award is called
Developmental Biology - Society
for Developmental Biology Lifetime Achievement Award to denote specifically the
Society's close association with its official
journal, published by Elsevier.
- Past recipients:
- Viktor Hamburger (2000)
- Viktor Hamburger Virtual Exhibit
- The Viktor Hamburger Centenary Symposium
- In Memory of Viktor Hambuger
- Viktor Hamburger
- Anne McLaren (2001)
- Anne McLaren's Website at The Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Institute
- David Hogness (2002)
- David S.Hogness Website at Stanford University
- Shirley Tilghman (2003)
- Shirley Tilghman's Website at Princeton University
- Joseph Gall (2004)
- Joseph Gall's Website at Carnegie Institution of Washington