SDB will hold its 70th
meeting July 21-25, 2011 in Chicago, IL
at the Hyatt Regency. Check out the
final program. The pre-meeting
registration deadline is June 30 for
members and
non-members. The deadline for
hotel reservations at the Hyatt Regency with the
SDB group rate is June 28.
A limited number of rooms are still available.

SDB would like to thank all of the candidates who ran in our 2011 Elections held in May. Five SDB members will begin new terms on the SDB
Board of Directors...
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Eric Domyan is a 5th-year graduate student in Xin Sun’s lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He won the Best Student Poster Competition at SDB's 69th Annual Meeting...
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The current state of science publishing is very dynamic and also very exciting. The migration of print publications to the electronic environment, especially with respect to content development and information delivery, offers many opportunities for new initiatives.
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Saori Haigo (University of California, Berkeley) and
Aldine Amiel (Kewalo Marine Labarotory) are the
student and postdoc winners of the
Developmental Biology Cover Competition.
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Lilyan (Lil) C. Saunders, the first SDB Business
Manager (1967-1970) and wife of John W. Saunders (SDB
President 1967-1968), passed away April 24, 2011
after a long illness at the age of 91.
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SDB 70th Annual Meeting, July 21-25, 2011, Chicago,
USNCB Symposium on Frontiers in Biomechanics: Mechanisms of Development,
June 21, 2011, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, Farmington, PA
2nd Joint Meeting of the French and British Societies for Developmental Biology,
September 3-6, 2011, Nice, France
Mechanisms of Organ Repair and Regeneration,
September 13-16, 2011, greater Washington, DC area
7th International Conference on Neural Tube Defects,
November 6-9, 2011, Austin, TX
more meetings
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